Rob Roy," while
Whangarei, Maungaturoto, Matakohe, Paparoa, Maungawai, Rahae, Omaha, and
other districts sent their contingents. Telegrams of congratulations camc
from Dunedin and elsewhere. In all some 1,500 people had met to join in
the celebrations. Pipers, kilts, tartans, and heather were there in
abundance. It was a Highland gathering, and these things were essential.
The first part of the pragramme consisted of a short
religious service in front of the old church. The audience, being
cosmopolitan, the Old Hundredth Psalm was sung in English. Then followed a
prayer and an appropriate sermon. Who can enter into the feelings of the
original settlers upon this memorable occasion? Most of the adults had
crossed the Jordan. How unlike were the services to those they remembered
at St. Ann’s, at Melbourne, and on their arrival at Waipu. Then it was the
expressive language of Eden; now they had a doubtful substitute in the
Saxon tongue. Then the message was delivered with fire and pathos; now it
was tame and commonplace. Ah, well, said they, sotto voce, "daoine ur,
rathad ur" (new men, new ways).
After the services the party adjourned to the Waipu
Park, where large marquees had been erected, and there they partook of a
splendid luncheon provided by the ladies of Waipu. The oldest settlers
present were Mrs. Duncan McKenzie (84), widow of the late Captain
McKenzie, but now better known as the "Prince," to distinguish him from
his brother Murdo who was known as the "Captain"; and Mr. Hector McKenzie
(88), both of whom arrived in the "Highland Lass."
The luncheon over, the next part of the ceremony was
the laying of the foundation stone of the monument to the old pioneers in
Culloden Road facing the church. This is a fine column of red Aberdeen
granite, cut hexagonally, about 50 feet high, and surmounted by the Lion
Rampant of Scotland. On each of the six faces, near the base, is a model
in Muntz metal of each of the six ships that left Cape Breton with the
migrants. Underneath each model is her name, with the date of her
departure and arrival, and also her Captain’s name. On one of the basement
panels are the surnames of all the clans who took part in the migration.
These are :—Anderson, Buchanan, Campbell, Cameron, Dingwall, Finlayson,
Ferguson, Fraser, Gillanders, Gillies, Haswell, Kerr, Kempt, Matheson,
Morrison, Munro, McKenzie, McKay, McGregor, Mclnnes, McAuley, McRae,
McLeod, McDonald, McLean, McLennan, McNab, Mclssac, McPhee, McBeth,
McMillan, McQuarrie, Nicholson, Ross, Stewart, Sutherland, Urquhart,
Elmsley. (The monument was finally completed in 1914.)
An important event was the taking of photographs in
separate groups of all the surviving pioneers of each ship. These
photographs appeared in the "Auckland Illustrated Press," and they form a
valuable souvenir for future generations.
In the evening the marquee was converted into a concert
hall, when the hearts of the people were cheered with pipe music, Highland
dances, Gaelic songs, Scottish songs, speeches, and bon—bons. Mr. A. McKay
presided, and Mr. Kenneth Campbell welcomed the visitors. Captain John
McKenzie, a son of the pioneer, Captain Duncan McKenzie, read
congratulatory telegrams from the Right Hon. the Premier (Richard John
Seddon, P.C.), Sir John Logan Campbell (of Auckland), and Mr. Andrew Craig
(of Dunedin), Messrs. Norman and Samuel McLeod, Mr. D. H. McKay, and the
Rev. R. F. McNicol Speeches were made by Mr. F. Mander, M. H. R. Mr. R.
Thompson, and the Rev. W. Gray Dixon, M.A., Minister of St. David’s,
On Sunday, February 15, the Rev. Mr. Gray Dixon
preached a most eloquent sermon to a crowded congregation in the old
church from the words of the Prophet Isaiah, chapter lxiii, 9-11, where
the Prophet refers to Moses and his people being led out of Egypt. The
preacher traced the career of Norman McLeod and the movement of the
people, first to the West and then to the East. The national
characteristics of the people, the venerative qualities of the Celt, their
love of home and country, their gifts of imagination, their love of
freedom, their attachment to each other, their patriotism and
cosmopolitanism, and, above all, their reverence to God and His Church on