THIS Book of Glasgow is not intended to be in any
sense a Guide Book. The Printing and Publishing Committee in offering it
to the members of the British Medical Association have had before them the
desire to present simply an impression of the Second City of the Empire.
The articles dealing with the University and the
Medical Institutions give more extensive information than the term
impression usually implies. These may be regarded as continuing and
bringing up to date the story (of the Medical Institutions of Glasgow)
written for the Meeting of the Association in Glasgow in 1888.
The other articles have been written by a group of
distinguished journalists and literary authorities familiar with their
special subjects.
Committee lake this opportunity of thanking most heartily all the authors
of the articles. The Committee ore indebted for the loan of blocks and
photographs to the Art Galleries Committee of the Corporation of Glasgow,
Messrs. T. & R. Annan, the Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons, the
Directors of the Royal Technical College, the Caledonian Railway Company,
and the Editor of the British Medical Journal, It is to Mr. R, J.
MacLennan that their thanks are especially due for his unsparing energy
and helpful advice in compiling the Book.
They are also deeply indebted to their publishers for
their valuable help in the production of the Book.
Chairman of the Printing and Publishing Committee.
(Note: The chapters below are in pdf format)
University of Glasgow. By Professor Glaister
Glasgow of Old. By
George Eyre-Todd Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow.
By Dr. Oliphant Maister Peter Redivivus. By Dr. John Fergus
To-day. By William Power
The Clyde. By. Neil Munro
The Medical
Institutions of Glasgow. By Dr. John Fergus
Glasgow Royal Infirmary; A
Kirkyard Eclogue. By Dr. William Findlay
Glasgow's Municipal Servicer.
By James Willock
Traditions of the Trades House of Glasgow. By Harry Lumsden
Glasgow Medical Men and Literature. By W. Stewart
A. Sketch
of Art in Glasgow, 1600-1932. By T. C. F. Brotchie
Glasgow in Pre-Reformation Times. By John Edwards, LL.D.
Business Life
in Glasgow. By G. B. Primrose
Glasgow from the Artists' Point of View.
By R. J. MacLennan Glasgow—A Frontier Post. By George Blake
as a Golfing Centre. By W. Stewart
The Glasgow School of .Medicine. By
John Patrick The Arms of the City of Glasgow. By Professor Robert Mayne |