[The following detailed account of
the Inauguration of the Kilmarnock Burns Monument and Kay Park (reprinted
from the Kilmarnock Standard
of August 16, 1879), will, the publishers believe, be a fitting appendix
to Mr. Adamson’s "Rambles," forming as it does a permanent and complete
record of events which make up a very interesting chapter of our local
Saturday, 9th
August, 1879, may without exaggeration be characterized as the most
memorable in the modern annals of Kilmarnock. The assembled crowds were
quite unprecedented, and perhaps never before did the ancient burgh
present a more brilliant or joyous appearance. And not without reason, for
on this day was consummated the long-cherished project by which Auld
Killie has sought to discharge in some adequate degree her obligation to
honour and perpetuate the memory of Burns; and on that day also was
formally handed over to the Corporation for behoof of the public the
extensive and beautifully- situated Kay Park, which is calculated to prove
such an inestimable boon to the community, as well as the magnificent
fountain by which it is adorned--the generous gift of Mrs. Crooks. The
Park, although not fully laid out, had been practically open to the public
for a considerable time, and the chief interest of the demonstration
naturally centred in the unveiling of the Statue, which for the first time
was submitted to the gaze of an admiring multitude.
The proposal, first
publicly broached at a meeting of the Burns club, for the erection of a
Monument to the memory of Burns, was at once recognized as proper and
practicable, and the Provost and Magistrates, when appealed to, gave the
scheme their sanction and prestige, and heartily co-operated in carrying
it out. The rapid progress of the movement demonstrated the tenacious hold
which Burns has over all hearts wherever the English language is spoken,
for not only in our own country and our own widely scattered colonies and
possessions, but throughout the United States of America, as is testified
by Halleck in his noble ode, the writings of the poet are livingly
cherished; and not merely by those imperfectly educated and having a
necessarily meager acquaintance with literature is Burns admired and
revered, but by the greatest and most learned minds in our own and other
lands. A fame so general, so wide-spread, and attained in so short a
period of time by one who, sprung from the peasant class, wrote chiefly in
a provincial dialect, is without a parallel in literary annals. It is not
possible that such a general appreciation could be a mere caprice of
fashion. It must rest on a solid substratum of sterling merit. Burns, a
short time before the close of his brief career, anticipating a fatal
termination of his illness, endeavoured to comfort his sorrowing wife by
assuring her that a hundred years after his death he would be more
esteemed than he was then. The centenary has not yet come, but his
anticipation has been amply verified. Kilmarnock has not been the first to
erect a monument to Burns--Ayr naturally, as the locality of his birth,
and Dumfries, as the custodier of his mortal remains, have taken
precedence in this matter--but we are certain that the tribute here
inaugurated is second to none in beauty and completeness, and in the
hearty enthusiasm with which the movement for its erection has been
carried out. The stream of donations which flowed in testified in the most
tangible way to the fitness of the proposal. Kilmarnock was known to be
the place honoured by the publication of the poet’s first volume. As a
Mcssgiel farmer he was here regularly on market days, and was familiar
with our townsmen, with whom he had formed friendship and held happy
intercourse. It was in Bailie Gregory’s house at the Cross that he first
heard a piano played, and he frequented the tavern kept by the Begbies,
who were relatives of his "Lass on Cessnock Banks." He was intimate with
Goudie, "terror of the Whigs;" as also with Robert Muir, whom he greatly
esteemed; with Parker, our first banker; and with the Samsons, our first
nurserymen, whom he delighted to meet at the social board. In his poem,
"The Inventory," enumerating his plough horses, he says--
"My hand ahin’ a guid brown filly,
Wha aft has borne me safe from Killie."
Many of his poems are on
subjects connected with Kilmarnock. Mackinlay, Robertson, Russel, Mutrie,
and Moodie he has not failed to petrify in his satire, and of all towns
this one seems to have most frequently engaged his thoughts. In his "Holy
Fair," he speaks of the wabster lads "black-guarding from Kilmarnock," no
doubt full of fun and frolic in their palmy days. We find traces of the
poet in his journeys betwixt Kilmarnock and Mossgiel, only eight miles
distant; for at a public house at Hurlford (on the Machline Road) the old
landlord long preserved a snuff-box which he cherished as a gift of "Rab
Mossgiel." It is therefore almost a work of supererogation to enlarge on
the close connection of Burns with Kilmarnock and its inhabitants in the
close of the eighteenth century, and the erection of a monument here to
his memory stands in need of no apology. At first only a statue was
intended, and many contended that its proper location was the Cross, or
some other central locality in town. But the money subscribed being
in excess of the cost of a statue, a monument in the Kay Park was resolved
on, and the scheme has been successfully brought to an issue far exceeding
the most sanguine hopes of the projectors.
The following brief sketch
of the movement was deposited in the cavity of the memorial stone:--On the
evening of January 26, 1877, at a public demonstration on the anniversary
of Robert Burns, held in the George Inn Hall, Provost Sturrock in the
chair, and Mr. Andrew Turnbull (president of the Burns Club) croupier, it
was proposed and unanimously agreed to, that a statue be erected in some
suitable place in Kilmarnock in honour of the poet. The following were
appointed a committee to carry out the proposal:--Provost Sturrock, Bailie
Craig, Bailie Muir, Bailie Wilson, Dean of Guild Andrews; Messrs John
Baird, John Gilmour, Thomas M’Culloch, George Humphrey, James Stirling,
John A. Mather, Alex. Walker, Wm. Mitchell, John G. Hamilton, James
Roberson, Hugh Shaw, David Phillips, Andrew Christie, James Arbuckle,
Ninian Anderson, Dr. M’Alister, Andrew Turnbull, James M’Kie, and James
Rose--Andw. Turnbull convener; Hugh Shaw, treasurer; James Rose and James
M’Kie, joint secretaries. At a meeting of the committee on February 23rd,
1877, the Convener, Treasurer, the Secretaries, with Messrs John Baird,
Ninian Anderson, Thomas M’Culloch, and James Arbuckle, were appointed a
sub-committee to carry out the details of the movement, and it was
intimated that the sum of £614 had already been subscribed. At a meeting
of the general committee on April 6th, 1877, a report from the
sub-committee, recommending open competition by sculptors was agreed to;
two premiums--one of £50 and one of £25--being offered for the best and
second best models. The amount of subscriptions at this date was £1282. On
June 7th, 1877, it was suggested at a meeting of the general
committee that, as the subscriptions had far exceeded expectations, an
ornamental building and a marble statue of the poet in it should be
erected. At a general meeting of the subscribers held in the Town Hall on
September 8th, 1877, the sub-committee recommended that a
marble statue to cost £800, and an ornamental building estimated at £1500,
should be erected in the Public Park--a site for the building having been
granted by the Kay Trustees. This was agreed, to, and the sub-committee
instructed to carry out the decision. At a meeting of sub-committee on
October 9th, 1877, Mr Robert Ingram, architect, on behalf of
Messrs J. & R. S. Ingram, submitted amended design of ornamental building,
which was accepted, and he was instructed to prepare drawings and
specifications of the same. On December 6th and 7th,
1877, the competing models, 21 in all, were publicly exhibited in the
George Inn Hall, and on December 14th the committee awarded the
commission for the statue to Mr. W. G. Stevenson, 2 Castle Terrace,
Edinburgh; the premium of £50 to Mr. D. W. Stevenson, 2 Castle Terrace,
Edinburgh; and the premium of £25 to Mr. Charles M’Bride, 7 Hope Street,
Edinburgh. On the Burns Anniversary, January 25th, 1878, a
Burns Concert was held in the Corn Exchange Hall, which was crowded to
overflowing. On March, 29th, 1878, the contract between the
sub-committee and Mr W. G. Stevenson, Edinburgh, for the marble statue was
duly signed. In the months of March, April, and May the sub-committee got
working plans and estimates for the erection of the ornamental building in
Kay Park. These, after modifications, were finally agreed to, and at
meeting of June 4th, 1878, Mr. Ingram, architect, intimated
that Mr. Andre Calderwood had signed contract for the erection of the
building, the entire cost of which was estimated at £1450. On the
afternoon of September 14th, 1878, the memorial stone was laid
with full Masonic honours, in the presence of a large concourse of people,
by Depute Provincial Grand Master for Ayrshire, R. W. Cochran-Patrick,
Esq. of Woodside.
The statue was removed from
the studio of the sculptor to Kilmarnock by rail on the 2nd
July, 1879, and next day was safely placed in position upon its pedestal,
where it remained covered until the unveiling ceremony brought its
beauties to the light. It is, we believe, the very finest statue of the
poet in existence, and the sculptor, we have no doubt, will secure from it
a great and lasting fame. The figure is at once dignified and highly
characteristic of the bard. In Mr. Stevenson’s design the poet is
represented in the act of composing. The figure is posed on the right leg,
the left being slightly advanced. The left hand grasps a note-book,
resting on a broken stump, near the foot of which a daisy nestles; and the
right holds a pencil ready to indite the thoughts that shape themselves
into musical verse. In the head, as well as the costume, the well-known
Nasmyth portrait has been closely followed. As now worked out, the figure
looks more massive than the sketch that had led on to expect. It is well
set on its legs; and, while the hands have been carefully modelled, the
contours generally are expressed through the clothes, the artist having
been specially successful in this respect with the treatment of the
knee-breeches and "rig-and-fur" stockings which encase the lower limbs.
Standing with its base about nine feet high, the statue is placed on a
pedestal four feet in height, within a sort of shrine, having an open and
pointed arch in front and at either side of the monumental building.
This structure, which was
erected from the design and under the superintendence of Messrs J. & R. S.
Ingram, architects, Kilmarnock and Glasgow (upon whom it reflects great
credit), is in the Scottish baronial style of architecture, and is
thoroughly national in character, besides being well suited to the nature
of the site. From the elevated position it occupies, it forms a prominent
and pleasing feature in the landscape from almost any point of view in the
surrounding neighborhood. The building in plan is of the T shape and
consists of two storeys and a tower. The total height from fround to apex
of terminal in top is 80 feet. In the basement are a retiring room and
conveniences for strangers. Immediately over is the ground or principal
floor, access to which is provided by two flight of stairs with stone
balustrades leading to a platform and balcony, with doors opening off same
to museum, the balcony and museum floor level being about 11 feet above
the ground level. Immediately in front is formed an alcove having the
pedestal and statue placed in centre of same. The side being open, an
uniterrupted view can be had of the statue from any point. The pedestal is
four feet three inches in height, and the statue proper measures about
eight feet three inches. Over the alcove arch are the Burns arms carefully
and neatly executed. Immediately behind the alcove is the museum for
relics connected with the poet. A stair leads from this apartment to
platforms over museum, and which are enclosed by stone balustrades,
forming promenades, the levels of said platforms being 26 feet above
ground level. In angle of tower is a circular staircase leading to
platform on top of tower, the staircase leading to platform on top of
tower, the staircase being carried above tower and forming an angle
turret. The level of platform on top of tower is 60 feet above ground
From the top of the tower
an extensive and interesting view is obtained of the town and neighborhoud.
To the west, when the weather is clear, can be seen the bold contour of
the Arran Hills, and a small patch of Firth of Clyde, brought into
prominence by the reflection of the sun’s rays. To the north, in the
immediate vicinity, stands Dean Castle, bounded by the moors of Fenwick
and Eaglesham--the old lurking places of the Covenanters. Eastward is
Galston moor, beyond which Loudoun Hill prominently intervenes, veiling
Drumclog. To the south east and south are seen in the far distance
Blackside-end Hill and the Cumnock range stretching away towards
Dalmellington. At a less distance to the southward may be distinguished
the position of the poet’s old farm at Mossgiel, that "auld biggin" where
the "restless rattons" were in nocturnal activity when he had that noble
vision in which the Muse of Coila consecrated himher poet with a prophetic
truth of which history affords no parallel. There at Mossgiel are the
fields where the daisy was uprooted, where the poor mouse was extruded,
and where in glory and in joy Burns followed the plough. As Rab now
forgetful of the honour of the connection. To the south-west the familiar
heights of Craigie and Dundonald present a pleasing prospect, and the
plain massive tower erected to the memory of Wallace at Burnweil, whence,
according to the legend, he witnessed the burning of the Barns of Ayr,
also forms a district feature of the landscape.
Mr. Andre Calderwood,
builder, was the contractor for the entire buildings, and under him the
following sub-contractors were employed to execute the following
respective parts:--Mr. James Rome, joiner work; Mr. Campbell, slater work;
Mr. Kier, plumber work; and Mr. William Robertson, the stone carving--Mr.
Robert Brown performing the duties of foreman mason. It should be added
that the principal stones were supplied by Messrs George Reid & Co. of
Boswell Quarry, Mauchline.
It must be regarded as
fortunate for both undertakings that the Public Park scheme and the
proposal for the erecton of the Monument happened to be simultaneously
carried out. By this concurrence of events and unequalled site was
obtained for our local tribute to the memory of the poet, and the Park was
provided with a feature of architectural adornment highly interesting in
itself and very useful to visitors on account of the fine view which the
summit of the building commands.
The want of a Public Park
had been long felt, and repeatedly had an agitation been raised with the
object of inducing the Council to take action in the matter, so that the
announcement of the munificent Kay bequest was hailed by all classes with
great satisfaction. Few, however, had any idea that so many years would
elapse ere the scheme could be carried into effect. The generous
founder--Mr. Alexander Kay, a native of Kilmarnock, who amassed a large
fortune as an insurance broker in Glasgow--died in January, 1866, and by a
deed of settlement and codicil executed by him of dates 5th
February and 1st November, 1864, it was found that he had
bequeathed the sum of £16,000 to his native town-- £6000 for the erection
and endowment of two schools, and £10,000 for a Public Park. The following
are the terms of the bequest for this latter purpose:--
"In the sixth place, as I consider
it to be one of the greatest benefit to the inhabitants of large towns,
and conducive both to their moral improvement and bodily health, that
suitable parks or grounds should be provided, and kept open for their
recreation and enjoyment; and as in towns which are rapidly increasing
such places are seldom thought of till to late to acquire suitable ground
for the purpose; and keeping in mind what has been recently done by Sir
David Baxter and his sister for the town of Dundee, and that it is my
wish, following such a good example, to confer a similar benefit on my
native town of Kilmarnock,--Therefore, I hereby direct my Trustees, after
payment of the whole of the foresaid legacies and duties to Government,
and necessary expenses, to set aside from the remainder of my said means
and estate a sum of Ten Thousand Pounds Sterling, to be applied,
first, in the purchase of ground to the extent of from twenty to thirty
acres as can be conveniently procured in the immediate neighbourhood of
Kilmarnock, as they, after consulting and advising with the Provost and
Magistrates of that town, and resident Sheriff, and other individuals as
they may consider proper to advise with , may find suitable, for being
laid out as a Public Park and place of recreation and healthful enjoyment,
to be kept in all time coming for the use of the inhabitants of
Kilmarnock, all classes of whom shall have at all times free access to it
under such regulations as may be necessary for preserving the grounds,
trees, walks, &c., in proper order and condition, and to prevent the same
being injured; and second, as it will be necessary after suitable ground
for the formation of a Park has been obtained, that it should be enclosed
and laid out and planted in a suitable manner, so as to be ornamental as
well as useful, and that after being so formed it shall be kept up and
maintained in a proper state, such proportion of the said sum as shall be
necessary for these purposes shall be applied in properly laying out and
forming the said Park, and such proportion thereof as shall be necessary
to yield an income for keeping it in proper order and condition shall be
invested in such security, heritable or personal , such as railway
preference stock or others as may be considered safe, and the interest or
yearly income be applied accordingly; and I further provide, and hereby
direct my said Trustees, so son as the said ground has been acquired, and
the plan and formation of the Park has been flxed on and arranged, to
grant and execute a Deed of Trust and Disposition of the said Park,
delivering over the same with the titles and the remainder of the sum or
the securities in which the same shall have been invested, in the
following parties or such of them as my said Trustees may select and
consider suitable and proper to be permanent Trustees and guardians to
hold the said Park in perpetuity in all time coming for the sole use and
benefit of the inhabitants of Kilmarnock, viz:--The Provost and Bailies of
said town of Kilmarnock; the Sheriff of the County of Ayr; the
Sheriff-Substitute of said County at Kilmarnock; the President of the
Merchant’s Society, Kilmarnock, for the time being; the Dean of Faculty of
Procurators or Writers in Kilmarnock; two of the Commissioners of Police
for Kilmarnock, to be elected by the Commissioners and their several
successors in these offices; and to such other persons heads of public
bodies, or others as my Trustees under these presents may consider
suitable and proper, the selection of whom I hereby leave to them, and
that under such regulations, conditions, and restrictions as my trustees
shall consider necessary and requisite for more fully and effectually
carrying out my wishes, and in particular providing and declaring that it
shall not be in the power of said permanent Trustees or their successors
in office to sell or dispose of the said Park or any part of the ground
thereof, nor to alienate or divert the same to any other object or purpose
whatever, nor shall the said Park be encroached on by buildings except to
the extent after explained, but shall be kept up in all time coming free
and open for the use, enjoyment, and recreation of the inhabitants of
Kilmarnock as before provided. But explaining that if after the said
ground has been so acquired, transferred to the permanent Trustees before
mentioned, and the Park laid out, it shall at any time appear to
three-fourths of said permanent Trustees that it would be of advantage to
set aside and lay out a stripe or portion of the ground on the margin of
the Park, or of part thereof, for the purpose of being feued for the
erection of villas or houses of a better class and description, the said
permanent Trustees shall have it in their power to grant feus of portions
of such stripe of ground so laid out for feuing, and my Trustees under the
presents shall insert a clause of clauses in the Deed to be executed by
them permitting steadings to be so feud, the price of ground, however, not
being payable in money, but converted into feu-duties, or ground rents, to
be applied in the better maintaining and upholding of the said Park in all
time coming, and which feu-duties or ground rents it shall not be in the
power of the said permanent Trustees to sell or dispose of, but the same
as well as the Park itself shall not be alienable, and it shall not be
competent to apply the same for any purpose except for the proper
maintenance of the said Park in all time coming, and providing also that
the stripe of ground which may be so feued shall not on the whole exceed
an eighth part of the said Park; and further, providing that in the event
of the feu-duties so obtained being in course of time found sufficient for
the yearly maintenance of said Park, the proportion of the said bequest
originally set aside for providing an income for keeping up the Park shall
be invested in the purchase of other ground and enlarging the said Park-or
for improving and ornamenting it."
In 1866 and 1867 the Trustees
visited the town and examined various sites, and Brabadoes Green was fixed
upon as the most suitable of several then suggested. The proprietor, the
Duke of Portland, was communicated with , but no reply was received until
March, 1877, when intimation was given that His Grace was willing to grant
a site on his lands for the Park. Meanwhile powers had been obtained under
the Kilmarnock Municipal Extension and Improvement Act, 1871, whereby the
Corporation were authorized to levy a small assessment for the maintenance
of the Park, and relieve the Kay Trustees of their obligation to hand it
over with due provision for its maintenance from the funds of the trust.
Action was now taken for the purchase of a site on a larger scale than had
previously been contemplated, the fund having accumulated to about
£13,000. The Trustees, accompanied by the Magistrates of the town, visited
various sites proposed for the Park, and the ground beyond Braehead House,
belonging to the Duke of Portland, was finally decided upon as the most
suitable. The land, extending to about 40 ¾ acres, was valued at the
instance of the Trustees by Mr. Hugh Kirkwood, who estimated it at £8991
16s. 10d. Negotiations were entered into with the agents of the Duke, and
the price was ultimately fixed at £9000, His Grace subsequently agreeing
to form at his own cost a way of access to the Park from London Road, and
another from Holehouse Road at Parkhead farm. The price paid for the land
was on all hands felt to be excessive, and objections were raised to the
site itself as too much subject to the smoke nuisance. The decision of the
Trustees was nevertheless adhered to, and since the ground has been opened
up there is a singular unanimity of opinion as to its suitability and
beauty. The funds not being sufficient to purchase the whole of the
ground, and at the same time provide for its maintenance, the question was
submitted to the Council whether , in order to secure the whole of it,
they would be willing to assist in the maintenance of the Park if
necessary under the powers contained in the Improvement Act, 1871. Some
discussion arose on this point, but ultimately the Corporation agreed to
come under the required obligation, on the understanding that the laying
out of a portion of the ground would be deferred so that the balance
available for maintenance might be as large as possible. By this agreement
the Town Council undertake to pay over to the permanent trustees for the
maintenance of the Park a sum not exceeding £100 per annum, as may be
required--it not being obligatory to impose an assessment if the money be
forthcoming from the common good or other funds available for such
purpose--and in lieu of the Merchant’s Society and two Commissioners of
Police named in the will (these being now defunct bodies) the Corporation
are authorized to nominate three Councillors as permanent trustees along
with the Provost and Magistrates, the Sheriff of the County, the
Sheriff-Substitute in Kilmarnock and the Dean of Faculty in Kilmarnock. By
this arrangement, it will be seen, ten of the thirteen permanent trustees
fall to be members of Town Council, thus giving the Corporation the
practical control of the management. Entry was obtained to the ground at
WhitSunday, 1878, and the laying out was actively proceeded with under the
experienced direction of Mr. M’Lelland, landscape gardener. In the course
of the summer the Clerk’s Holm portion was thrown open to the public, and
the remainder is now so far completed as to admit of the formal transfer
of the Park to the hands of the permanent trustees.
The Park, as our readers are aware,
lies to the north-east of the town, and closely contiguous to it. The
principal entrance for foot passengers diverges from the London Road along
the base of the slope on which Braehead House is situated. This house is
the one erected by Mr. Paterson, a lineal descendant of the Paterson who
was factor for the last Lord Kilmarnock, and it was latterly possessed by
William Hamilton, grandson of the Gavin Hamilton to whom Burns dedicated
his poems. The rising ground is wooded with well-grown trees, in
which a colony of rooks is established, and their hoarse cawings, as they
flutter about, make the place quite a rus in urbe. On the left,
towards the water, are the nursery grounds of Thomas Samson, the subject
of Burn’s humorous elegy and epitaph, and in their midst is the Kilmarnock
Bowling Green, surrounded with noble trees. By a finely-made gravelled
walk the visitor proceeds, and passing under one of the arches of the G. &
S.-W. Railway bridge enters the spacious Park. There are various walks
through it leading in different directions. One conducts along the water
side to the northern entrance of the Park at the Townhead bridge, and
another, in a winding direction, leads up to the height on which stands
the Monument. This ridge, known in former years as the Belvidere, and
which may be termed the backbone of the ground, extends from the railway
to "Willie Mair’s Brae" on the north. On the western side, which extends
to the water’s edge, is the Clerk’s Holm--a fine expanse of land forming a
magnificent natural amphitheatre. It is covered with a thick velvety
carpet of grass, which no plough has touched for a century. Here, about 60
years ago, the Fastern’s Eve sports were often held, and it was well
suited for the object, for the high ground encircling it afforded a fine
view of the games. At the upper end of the Holm a spur comes down from the
high side to the edge of a precipice overlooking a picturesque waterfall
and affording a fine stand for witnessing the river when in flood dashing
along in its rocky channel. Beyond this spur of the ridge, we enter a wood
luxuriant with fine old trees, beneath whose leafy shade conveniently
graduated walks wind romantically along the steep bank of the stream to
the bridge at Townhead. This portion of the Park, which seems specially
prepared by nature for the purpose to which it is now applied, is in
beautiful contrast to the open grassy fields on the eastern side of the
ridge, gently sloping towards the New Cemetery. The proximity of the
Cemetery, with its tasteful floral decorations, is by no means a drawback,
but rather an advantage to the Park, forming as it were a continuation of
it and a prolongation of its pleasant walks. From the rising ground the
view is most extensive and exhilarating, and when the visitor ascends to
the top of the Monument, as we have already indicated, his eye is
delighted with a yet wider and more entrancing prospect. Altogether
Kilmarnock has every reason to be proud of her Park, no less than of the
stately Monument to our national bard which crowns its summit.
A prominent and very pleasing object
in the Park is the splendid Fountain presented by Mrs Crooks, Wallacebank.
This lady (since deceased) was a daughter of the late Provost Strang, and
the widow of Bailie James Crooks, who also rendered excellent service to
the town. She always took a deep interest in the welfare of the community,
and the munificent gift which has added so much to the beauty of the Park
will be a lasting memorial of her generosity. The Fountain was supplied,
through Messrs Thomas Stewart & Sons, by the Coalbrookdale Iron Company.
It is a very imposing, gracefully proportioned, and artistically executed
structure, and at once attracts the admiring gaze of the visitor to the
Park. Its total height is 22 feet 9 inches. The ground basin is 30 feet 6
inches in diameter, and made of concrete, having a handsome iron rim with
eight ornamental trusses on which are placed four drinking urns or
fountains and four shields arranged at equals distances. The first shield
has the following inscription:--"Presented to the Inhabitants of her
native town, Kilmarnock, 1879, by Mrs Margaret Strang Crooks." On the
second shield is the coat of arms of the Corporation of Kilmarnock, with
the mottos "Gold Berry" and "Confido." The third shield contains the Stang
coat of arms, a bunch of grapes are the Crook’s coat of arms, leopard
rampant, with the motto Nihil sine do. The workmanship of the
shields is well worthy of attention for its exquisite beauty of finish.
Inside the basin of water, thirty feet wide, sport five mermaids, five
feet high, holding shells to their mouths and throwing jets of water. The
centre column of the fountain is fixed on masonry supporting a cast-iron
octagonal plinth on which rest four dolphins, each throwing two jets of
water, surrounded with rockwork, bulrushes, &c. >From this rises the
octagonal pillar carrying lower iron basin, 10 feet 6 inches diameter,
from the centre of which another pillar springs, surrounded by rockwork
rushed, water-lily leaves, and reeds, on which rest four herons, giving a
very light and graceful appearance. This again carries another octagonal
stalk, supporting the second basin, 5 feet 9 inches diameter, from the
centre of which rise rockwork leaves, &c., and four small dolphins. The
whole is surmounted by a finial figure of a boy and serpent. The total
number of jets when Fountain is in full play is 51. |