The inhabitants of mountainous
countries depend chiefly on pasturage, and pursue it as a source of
livelihood and enrichment, disposing of their surplus stock to supply the
wants of a denser population, engaged in manufactures and commerce. From
the Highlands have been derived, from time immemorial, abundant supplies
of black cattle and sheep, which are either sold in the fairs of the
country or are driven southwards to England. Graziers and butchers
frequently purchase in the Highlands; but the droves are generally taken
to the south and the low country, where purchasers meet them. Falkirk,
near the borders of the Highlands, has long been celebrated as the great
cattle market, which is held nine or ten times a year.
Farmers may convey their own
‘beasts’ to these markets, and great proprietors may occasionally send
their shepherds with them but the Highland Drover is a person whose
special employment it is to do so, and he may be intrusted with various
lots, amounting to a numerous drove. The drovers are an important class,
and are men of the greatest integrity: large sums of money coming into
their custody, and peculiar qualifications are necessary for their duties,
of which a good knowledge of the value of cattle is an essential.
The trade, although of considerable
difficulty and hardship, suits the spirit of a Celt. He drives his native
herds, of which he is for a time the owner, with something of the pride of
his ancestors, when carrying off the fat oxen of the Sassenaich, and his
solicitude is to carry his charge safely and in good condition to their
ultimate destination. The drover moves on by easy stages, crossing the
country by certain tractways, less circuitous than the public roads, soft
for the feet of the cattle, and affording them a mouthful of grass as they
pass along.
In the Highlands, the hardy drover
rests on the heath among the wearied animals, whose heat in cold weather
serves to keep him in warmth; even when he reaches the plains, he cares
not to avail himself of the shelter of a lodging, although his cattle he
places within inclosure. Often do these trusty fellows travel from the
northern Highlands to the south of England, as far as Barnet and
Smithfield, with their horned stock, not losing one from their numerous
droves, during the long and wearisome journey. It is surprising that in
the darkness of night no animal gets astray; but the acuteness of hearing
possessed by those engaged in droving, enables them to detect, although
unseen, those that may have left the herd to snatch a browse of the
tempting herbage by the way—they will immediately spring in pursuit and
drive the stragglers back.
The importance of this class of
Highlanders, and the responsibility of their occupation, obtained for them
an exemption from the operation of the Disarming Act, passed in 1725, and
renewed with more stringent clauses in
1748, when the national dress itself was
proscribed. They were allowed to carry their usual arms for personal
The young men engaged in droving,
hold themselves of some consequence, for as they must speak English, and
are acquainted with so many parts of Scotland and England, and are,
moreover, occasionally men of a little substance, they are held in much
respect. Their manners, also, become a little more polished than those who
have never passed the Garbh--criochan, or Highland boundary. The author of
a "Journey through Scotland in 1726," says, "At the fair of Crief, they
were mighty civil, dressed in their slashed short waistcoats, trousing,"
Many stories have the drovers to
tell of their travels to their neighbours during the winter evenings, and
many adventures do they truly meet; numerous strange and laughable
anecdotes being current respecting them, their unacquaintance with
southern manners leading them at times into ludicrous positions. In the
"Chronicles of the Canongate," Sir Walter Scott has given an interesting
tale of two drovers, in which their ‘difficult trade’ is very truly
described :—
The Highlanders, in particular, are
masters of this difficult trade of driving, which seems to suit them as
well as the trade of war. It affords exercise for all their habits of
patient endurance and active exertion. They are required to know perfectly
the drove-roads, which lie over the wildest tracts of the country, and to
avoid as much as possible the highways, which distress the feet of the
bullocks, and the turnpikes, which annoy the spirit of the drover; whereas
on the broad green or grey track which leads across the pathless moor the
herd not only move at ease and without taxation, but, if they mind their
business, may pick up a mouthful of food by the way. At night the drovers
usually sleep along with their cattle, let the weather be what it will;
and many of these hardy men do not once rest under a roof during a journey
on foot from Lochaber to Lincolnshire. They are paid very highly, for the
trust reposed is of the last importance, as it depends on their prudence,
vigilance, and honesty whether the cattle reach the final market in good
order, and afford a profit to the grazier. But as they maintain themselves
at their own expense, they are especially economical in that particular.
At the period we speak of; a Highland drover was victualled for his long
and toilsome journey with a few handfuls of oatmeal and two or three
Onions, renewed from time to time, and a ram’s horn filled with whisky,
which he used regularly but sparingly every night and morning.
His dirk, or skene-dhu (i.e.
black-knife), so worn as to be concealed beneath the arm, or by the folds
of the plaid, was his only weapon, excepting the cudgel with which he
directed the movements of the cattle. A Highlander was never so happy as
on these occasions. There was a variety in the whole journey which
exercised the Celt’s natural curiosity and love of motion; there were the
constant change of place and scene, the petty adventures incidental to the
traffic, and the intercourse with the various farmers, graziers, and
traders, intermingled with occasional merry-making, not the less
acceptable to Donald that they were void of expense; and there was the
consciousness of superior skill, for the Highlander, a child amongst
flocks, is a prince amongst herds, and his natural habits induce him to
disdain the shepherd’s slothful life, so that he feels himself nowhere
more at home than when following a gallant drove of his Country cattle in
the character of their guardian.
The print from Landseer’s painting
of Drovers setting out with their Herds, justly celebrated as a work of
art, is a striking representation of the animated scene.
The print represents drovers in
their progress stopping to refresh themselves with a little bruithiste, or
brose, being a simple mixture of oatmeal and water, which with, perchance,
a few onions and a little butter, is their wonted fare. Those of a former
day, dispensed with the pot, and were content with cold water, and it is a
very probable etymology for Bannockburn, that it was so called from the
circumstance of the Highlanders attending the ‘tryst’ of Falkirk or
Eaglais—breac, as it is known to them, stopping on the banks of the
stream, from which they laved the water for their humble meal.
As they travelled at their own
expense, they were the more careful to avoid any luxurious seductions; but
a supply of whiskey in a ram’s horn, used sparingly night and morning, was
an indispensable necessary.