In this issue is recorded the death
of the famous Jane, Duchess of Gordon, who raised the Gordon Highlanders.
She was in her sixty-sixth year—not so old as one is apt to imagine from
the traditions respecting her social activity and enterprise. Her latter
years were passed in disappointment, suffering from estrangement from her
husband. At the time of their marriage the Duke and Duchess (Jane Maxwell,
"the Flower of Galloway") were a singularly handsome couple. "The Duke was
in his twenty-fourth year, the bride in her twenty-first. Reynolds has
preserved some memorial of the youthful beauty of the Duchess, and a
lovelier profile was never drawn." For many years she was a brilliant
leader of society in London, attracting to her assemblies wits, orators,
and statesmen. She made great matches for most of her daughters. In 1794
the Duchess raised the Gordon Highlanders for her son, the Marquis of
Huntly, the two recruiting at every fair in the countryside. Tradition has
it that when other arguments failed, a kiss from the Duchess won the
recruit. In the closing years of her life the Duchess spent her summers at
Kinrara, in Badenoch, living first in the old farm-house and afterwards in
a villa built for her accommodation. Mr Alexander Macpherson, in his
interesting volume on Old Church and Social life in the Highlands, says —
"Mr Duncan Macpherson, Kingussie,
the venerable ‘Old Banker’—who died in February 1890, at the ripe old age
of ninety-one—-vividly described the intense interest excited in Badenoch
by the arrival of the remains of the Duchess in a hearse, drawn all the
way from London by six jet-black Belgian horses. At Dalwhinnie, the first
stage within the Highland territory—then belonging to the family—at which
the funeral cortege arrived, the body of the Duchess lay in state for two
days. For a similar period it lay at the inn then at Pitmain, within
half-a-mile of Kingussie, and was subsequently followed by an immense
concourse of Highland people to the final resting-place at her beloved
Kinrara. According to her own directions, her remains were interred in a
favourite sequestered spot within a short distance from Kinrara House, far
away from the noise of the great Babylon in which she died, and within
hearing of the plaintive song of our noble Highland river. The spot is
marked by a granite monument, erected by her husband."
An advertisement of the forest of Glenfeshie, under
date January 17, may attract attention. Scrope, in his ‘Days of
Deer-stalking," says that this forest "was let in 1752 to Mr Macpherson of
Invereshie, and continued to be rented by that family until 1812, when it
was purchased from the Duke of Gordon by Mr Macpherson of Invereshie and
Ballindalloch." For many years afterwards it continued to be pastured by
cattle and sheep.
The year 1812 was remarkable in the
history of the wars with Napoleon. In that year the Duke of Wellington
captured Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajos, and won the battle of Salamanca. In
the same year Napoleon undertook his disastrous campaign to Russia, and in
December all Europe was ringing with news of the destruction of the Grand
Army. We record little in our Northern Notes except such as relates to the
Highlands of Scotland. In October and November a General Election took
place, and we give the names of the members returned for constituencies in
the Northern Counties. Readers will be interested in paragraphs relating
to the appearance of the two Grants, father and son, the one re-elected
for the County, the other for the Inverness District of Burghs.
From the "Inverness Journal."
January 3—Announced that after
January 11 the coach will run only once a-week between Inverness and
January 10.—"The old mansion house
of Duncan, which was, for its standing, in excellent repair, and occupied
by the overseer of the Mains, took fire en the evening of Saturday last,
and was burnt to the ground. Every exertion to stop the progress of the
flames proved ineffectual, and it was with the greatest difficulty that
any part of the furniture was preserved."
Ibid.- "Died, on the 27th December,
at the advanced age of 96 years, David Fraser, late farmer of Barnyards,
near Beauly. He served as piper to Simon Lord Lovat, and fought at the
battles of Falkirk and Culloden. Notwithstanding his very great age, he
retained his faculties entire; he was never heard to complain of
indisposition, and it was only for a few days before his death he was
obliged, owing to debility, to confine himself to bed. The Hon. A. Fraser
of Lovat, desirous to show every mark of respect to the remains of an old
and faithful servant, ordered both his pipers to accompany the funeral, on
the 13th ult., playing a mournful dirge from Barnyards to the place of
interment at Kirkhill; he also generously sent, to the burying-ground, a
sufficient supply of good Highland whisky for the refreshment of those who
attended the funeral."
January 17. - Advertisement of the
forest of Glenfeshie in Badenoch, consisting of 13,706 acres, the property
of the Duke of Gordon. "It is adapted either for a summer grazing to black
cattle, or for shooting ground to a sportsman who might wish to preserve
the tract for deer, moor game, and ptarmigan, all of which abound in the
adjoining hills, and with which it would be abundantly stocked in a very
short time, if carefully kept for this purpose."
February 7. - Lieut.-General
Archibald Campbell, of the late Breadalbane Fencibles, was appointed
Lieut.-Governor of Fort-Augustus, in room of the late Colonel Brodie.
Ibid.—Died, at Garvamore, on the 9th
January, Mrs Janet Macdonald, relict of Alexander Macdonald, Esq. of
Tullochcrombie, and daughter of Macdonald of Keppoch. Mr Alexander
Mackenzie, in his History of the Macdonalds, mentions that Keppoch had two
daughters, one Katharine, married to John Macdonald of Killichonate. and
the other, Jessie, married to Alexander Macdonald of "Tullochcrom." A few
years after Culloden one of these ladies danced with General Wolfe at a
ball at Inverness.
February 14.—Notice of the
retirement of Sir James Mackintosh from the office of Recorder of Bombay.
February 21.—It is stated that 30 to
40 vessels, laden with kelp from the West Coast, enter annually the port
of London.
Ibid.—"Died, at Fort-Augustus, the
11th January last., Colonel George Brodie, late Lieut.Governor of that
Fort. In the long train of military services, in different climates, his
conduct was marked for strict honour, true courage, and warm friendship,
which procured him high respect and esteem from his brother officers. His
numerous acquaintances and friends will long remember his singular
open-ness, honesty, and generosity of heart, equalled by few and surpassed
by none. Such was the general regret for and respect shown to this worthy
man at Fort-Augustus that after the usual honours were paid to his memory,
when his remains were about to be removed to the family burying-place at
Dyke, the numerous attendants would not allow the coffin to be put into
the hearse, but insisted they should carry it for some miles, as the last
token of regard and esteem for their worthy Governor."
February 28.—The Hon. Colonel Fraser
of Lovat intimated his contract with the Parliamentary Commissioners of
Roads and Bridges for constructing the Lovat Bridge across the river
Beauly. He also gave directions for erecting stations on Loch-Nevis, in
Morar, for catching and curing herrings.
March 13.—The Easter Ross Farmers’
Club, established about a year previous, held their first ploughing match
about this time.
March 27.—"A poor woman in Burghead
lately purchased half-a-dozen fresh haddocks, being all that her purse
could afford, on opening one of which, to her astonishment, she found a
guinea in gold."
April 3.—Died, at Bridgend of
Dunbeath, in the County of Caithness, on the 20th of March. Capt. John
Sutherland. aged 69. He entered the army in 1759, and served with General
Wolfe at Louisburg. and the Siege of Quebec, and under General Murray at
Montreal. For nine years be was captain of the Forss Volunteers. He was
interred with military honours by his own Company in presence of a vast
concourse of people.
Ibid..—Died. at Flowerburn, on the
19th ult. Roderick Mackenzie of Flowerburn, in the 84th year of his age.
April 10.—A correspondent states
that the members of the Easter Ross Farmers’ Club and others in that
quarter raised a subscription for destroying crows in 1811, in consequence
of which 5722 were killed. A subscription of the same kind was entered
into in 1812.
Ibid.—The first Fiars' Court ever
held in Sutherland, assembled at Dornoch on 19th February, under the
presidency of Sheriff-Substitute Mackid, whose address on the occasion was
published in this issue. The Sheriff mentioned the singular fact that this
was the first Court of the kind held in the County, saying that many
reasons might be assigned for the Sheriffs having hitherto overlooked the
matter, but he would not trouble the jury with stating them. He dwelt,
however, with satisfaction on the fact that juries had rarely to be
summoned in Sutherland, as crime was scarcely known in the County except
in name.
Ibid.—died, on 27th March, at
Grantown, John Grant, in his 92nd year. He had lived under four lairds of
Grant, and possessed a remarkable fund of anecdotes and traditions of the
County. He conducted fleets of rafts from the fir woods to the sea at
Garmouth, and was at one time known as Admiral of the Spey, as he had
charge of all the Glenmore Company’s timber. "A few years since his
leading raft struck upon a rock near Rothes, as his sight was failing, and
went to pieces; he disappeared, but a young man, leading the succeeding
raft, seeing a. boat and a boy crossing near them, sprang into it, and
getting a view of John’s head above water, brought him out, and he soon
recovered. Upon his return home, worthy Sir James Grant took his promise
never to go upon the Spey any more, which he sacredly kept. Such as have
been at Castle Grant must have observed in the Great Hall a remarkable
Highlander’s full picture, with whiskers, and a large crooked sabre. This
was his father, Allister Moir Grant, attached to the family as the son
was, and much regarded by them. Sir James Grant dressed him lately in his
own Inverness-shire Lieutenancy uniform, of which he was very proud, and
he, for the last time, went in them to Castle Grant in September last, to
pay his duty to the family."
April 24.—"The most noble Jane
Duchess of Gordon died on Saturday the 11th curt., in the Pulteney Hotel,
London. Her Grace was the eldest daughter of Sir Wm. Maxwell of Monreith,
Bart., was born in 1746 and married to the present Duke of Gordon, October
23rd, 1767, by whom she had, now living, one son, the Marquis of Huntly,
and five daughters, namely, the Duchess of Richmond, Lady Madelina Palmer,
the Duchess of Manchester, the Marchioness of Cornwallis, and the Duchess
of Bedford. She had a second son, Alexander, who died about four years
ago. The remains of her Grace were removed from the Pulteney Hotel on
Friday last, in order to be conveyed to her beautiful seat of Kinrara. The
Marquis of Huntly accompanies the mournful procession to witness her
Grace’s interment"
May 1.—Foundation stone of the
bridge over the Beauly laid by Hon. Colonel Fraser of Lovat on the 27th
May 8.—There is a short memoir in
this issue of Major John Mackenzie Scott, who fell at the battle of
Albuera on. 16th May 1811. He was a native of Inverness, eldest son of
William Scott of Seabank, and entered the army at the age of 17, being
appointed ensign in the 78th by his relative, Lord Seaforth. Major Scott
had an active and distinguished career.
May 29.—On Monday, the 11th Inst.,
the remains of the Duchess of Gordon were interred at Kinrare, in
compliance with her own desire, expressed at different times during her
life, and more earnestly on her deathbed. Twenty-three days were occupied
in the journey from London to Pitmain, where the procession arrived on
Saturday the 9th. The most gratifying marks of civility were shown to the
attendants in all the places through which they passed. The Marquis of
Huntly, who had never left his mother during her last illness, left London
with the procession, but came by a different route to Scotland to meet and
join it on the borders of his father’s property at Dalnacardoch, in
Perthsbire. At an early hour on the 11th the body was moved from Pitmain
and consigned to the grave. There was a large attendance of gentlemen and
a great concourse of people from the district.
Ibid.—Memorial sketch of
Lieut.-Colonel William Campbell, who was mortally wounded in the moment of
victory at the head of the 78th Regiment in the attack on Fort Cornelis,
Island of Java. He was the third son of John Campbell of Ensay. He was
advanced some paces before the 78th and in the act of turning round to
cheer them on to the assault when he was struck down by grape shot.
June 5 and 12.—These two numbers
contain a biographical account of General Mackenzie Fraser, who was born
in 1758, and saw distinguished service with the 2nd Battalion 73rd
Highlanders and the 78th Highlanders. He also commanded the expedition to
Egypt in 1807, and a division under Sir John Moore in 1809, being present
at the battle of Corunna. He served in the Walcheren Expedition, was
invalided home, and died on 13th September 1809, at the age of 51. He was
M.P. for Cromarty from 1802, and for Ross-shire from 1806 until the date
of his death. General Mackenzie Fraser was born at Tore, in the County of
Ross. He was a younger son of Colin Mackenzie of Kilcoy, and was born
after his father’s death. His mother was Martha Fraser, eldest daughter of
Fraser of Inverallochy, in the County of Aberdeen. In 1803 he acquired the
estate of Inverallochy by the settlement of his mother, and added the name
of Fraser to his paternal surname. A fine portrait of General Mackenzie
Fraser appears in Major Davidson’s History of the 78th Regiments, recently
June 12.—The contractors for
constructing an iron budge across Bonar Ferry had succeeded in laying the
foundation of the water abutment, "contrary to the expectation of all
those who are acquainted with the obstacles which the depth and strength
of the current presented."
July 3.—On Wednesday, 30th June, the
Rev. Simon Fraser was ordained by the Presbytery of Inverness.
Ibid.—"On the 24th uIt., died, at
Struy, Strathglass, Mr James Rose, officer of Excise, who by a
conscientious discharge of every duty, public and private, rendered
himself the object of universal regard. His funeral was attended by
upwards of 2000 persons, among whom were many of the first rank, who
affectionately bore his remains on their shoulders from his house at Struy
to the place of interment at Kirkhill, a distance of at least twelve
miles." This was a real Highland funeral, and given to an Excise officer.
July 10.—William Raff, son of a
merchant in Forres, drowned while bathing in the river Findhorn. He was in
his 17th year.
Ibid. - Thomas Telford, the
engineer, then residing at Clachnaharry, sends an eulogium on John Leyden,
from the pen of General Malcolm—"My respected friend and schoolfellow," as
Telford calls him. The tribute originally appeared in the "Bombay
July 17.—Mr James Robertson
announces that, having purchased the grocery business so long carried on
by Mackintosh, Inglis, & Wilson, he has assumed as his partners Baillie
John Mackenzie, Mr Hugh Innes, and Mr John Ferguson, and that the business
will be conducted under the firm of Robertson, Innes, and Co. He mentions
at the same time that Mr Ferguson had been long associated with him in the
wine trade.
Ibid.—Died, lately, in the parish of
Knockando, County of Elgin, an eccentric character known as Red Jean, or
Jean Roy. She disliked her own sex, and always pretended to be a man,
wearing a kilt, jacket, and blue bonnet. She generally worked as a day
July 24.—On Tuesday, 21st curt., the
majority was celebrated of the Hon. William Mackenzie, Master of Seaforth.
August 7. - Account of a gallant
action by "our countryman, Lieut. Warrand," who commanded his Majesty’s
schooner Sealark, 10 guns. Being off Start Point on 21st July, Lieut.
Warrand learned that a large lugger was chasing and firing at two merchant
vessels. He immediately gave chase, and after a sharp action, captured the
lugger. The enemy proved to be the Ville de Caen, Captain Cocket, of 16
guns and 75 men, belonging to St Maloes. She had sailed from the Isle of
Bas the day before. The Sealark had seven men killed, and twenty-three
wounded, among the latter the gallant Lieutenant. The Frenchman had her
captain and fourteen men killed, and sixteen wounded. Lieut. Warrand was
promoted to the rank of Master and Commander in consideration of his
bravery and good conduct.
Ibid.—An English provincial paper
contained the following paragraph :—"A cast iron bridge on a new plan is
now reared for public inspection by Mr Hazeldine, in front of his foundry
at Plaskynaston, where it forms a new object of attraction and wonder to
the visitors of Llangollen Vale and the Aqueduct. This stupendous bridge
is constructed for the purpose of being erected at Boner Ferry, over the
Dornoch Firth, and will connect the counties of Ross and Sutherland. It is
a single arch of 150 feet in span, the main ribs are 3 feet wide by 21
feet thick, and the roadway is supported by them in lozenges. The design
is by T. Telford, Esq., and the abutments are building by Mr Simpson, of
Shrewsbury, and Mr Cargil, of the Caledonian Canal." The bridge was at
this date on its way to Bonar.
Ibid.—A fishery officer was placed
at Tobermory for the convenience of the boats engaged in the herring
Ibid—A show of live stock was held
at Bridgend of Alness on the 4th by the Wester Ross and Easter Ross Farmer
August 14.—The Morayshire Farmer
Club held a show (presumably at Elgin] to encourage the improvement of the
breeds of black cattle and draught horses. After the show a party of 60
dined at Pearey’s. The Duke of Gordon was present, but his son, the
Marquis of Huntly, occupied the chair, with Ballindalloch as croupier.
"His lordship gave an excellent turtle, dressed by his own cook in the
highest perfection, and some of the finest old cheese and Highland whisky
that had ever been tasted by the Club." The Duke of Gordon presented to
the Club a silver cup bearing an engraving of a plough, with the motto,
"God speed the plough." The prize at the show for the best bull was
awarded to Sir William Gordon Cumming, Bart. of Altyre.
August 28.—Gratification is
expressed at the prospect of an abundant harvest through the whole
country. "Neither blight, smut, mildew, or any other injurious visitation
has yet been witnessed."
Ibid.—"Died, on the 8th June last,
at his estate in Demerara, Alexander Macrae, Esq., a member of the Court
of Policy of that Colony, and chief of the respectable and ancient family
of his name in the Highlands of Scotland."
September 4.—"Sabbath last, the Rev.
John Macdonell, of Forres, baptised the infant son of the Rev. Dr Brichan,
of Dyke, by the name of Wellington."
Ibid.—Lieutenant and Adjutant James
Davidson, of the 27th Regiment, killed at the battle of Salamanca, was
second son of John Davidson, collector of the Land Tax of the County of
Caithness. Another son, Captain Sinclair Davidson, of the 79th Regiment,
fell while gallantly leading his company to victory at the battle of
Fuentes d’Honore. Both were officers of great promise.
September 18.—At the Circuit Court,
held on the 15th, Lord Hermand presiding, a man named Robert Ferguson, a
cartwright, was tried for the murder of Captain Charles Munro, of
the 42nd Regiment at a smithy in the parish of Resolis, Ross-shire.
Captain Munro entered the smithy about five o’clock in the afternoon on
the 2nd of June. Ferguson entered shortly afterwards, and began to swear
at the Captain, who pushed him out. Returning with an open knife, Ferguson
plunged it into the side of Captain Munro, who died the following evening,
remarking before he expired that "He wished he had fallen on the field of
battle." The accused was convicted, and sentenced to be executed at
Inverness on 30th October.
September 25.—"Died, on the 19th
ult., at Gibraltar, where he had resided for half a century as an eminent
merchant, John Smith, Esq., aged 75, and formerly of Inverness. His
remains were followed to the grave by all the chief civil and military
authorities of the garrison, who were equally anxious to pay him that
compliment which his long respectable life so justly entitled him to."
October 9.—Proclamation dissolving
Parliament and calling a new one, the writs made returnable on 24th
November. It is announced that Sir James Mackintosh, who was expected to
stand for the county of Nairn, could not come forward, as he had not been
infefted a sufficient length of time to allow of his being admitted to the
roll of Freeholders. Mr Innes of Lochalsh had declined to offer himself
again for the County of Ross.
October 16.—Mr J. P. Grant of
Rothiemurchus elected one of the representatives for East Grimsby.
Ibid.—Died, at the Manse of Urquhart,
Ross-shire, on the 1st October, in the 64th year of his age and 38th of
his ministry, the Rev. Charles Calder, minister of Urquhart, a man
eminently devoted to his divine Master’s service. A short memoir bears
testimony to the piety, talent, kindliness, and ministerial usefulness of
Mr Calder. "His correct classical task, refined by early, assiduous study,
gave a superior polish to his compositions, which were always
distinguished for elegance and ingenuity, and served to commend, to the
most fastidious ear, the weighty sentiments which he drew, pure and
genuine, from the sacred fountain of truth."
October 23.—The man Robert Ferguson,
convicted of murder, was respited for fourteen days, on account of the
election of a member for the Burghs on the 30th, and of a member for the
County on the Friday following.
lbid.—The ingathering of the crops,
which promised to be so plentiful, was greatly delayed by unfavourable
weather. Even in the "low country" the crop was far from being secured.
October 30.—Freedom of the burgh
conferred on Sir James Mackintosh. It is not stated that Sir James was
Ibid.—Colonel Rose of Kilravock
elected member of Parliament for the County of Nairn. Sir James Dunbar of
Boath, who proposed to come forward, waived his claims in favour of
Colonel Rose.
Ibid.—The Northern Meeting was held
the previous week, and largely attended "Owing to the unfavourable state
of the weather, the sports of the field afforded but little enjoyment;
this was, however, fully compensated by the social intercourse of the
festive board and the brilliancy of the ball-room. On the last night of
this gay scene, the Hon. Colonel A. Fraser of Lovat and his amiable lady
entertained a select, though very numerous, party of the ladies and
gentlemen who attended the Meeting at their beautiful residence called the
Barracks, in the immediate neighbourhood of this place, and from which
they reluctantly departed at an advanced hour of the following morning."
Ibid.—On Wednesday, 21st inst., the
anniversary of Trafalgar was celebrated at Forres. The Duke of Gordon was
in the chair, and the Marquis of Huntly croupier. Sir James Mackintosh was
also present. The Duke of Gordon presented a silver cup to the Club,
inscribed—"In memory of Lord Nelson’s victories of the Nile, Copenhagen,
and Trafalgar." The Rev. Mr Gordon, Banff, also presented a handsome
bronze medal, bearing a likeness of Lord Nelson.
November 6.—The election of a member
for the Inverness Burghs took place on the previous Friday, when Charles
Gant, yr. of Waternish, was unanimously chosen. On his election, Mr Grant
addressed his constituents in a speech which runs to three columns of the
paper. It was a powerful and eloquent address, rather more ornate than we
are accustomed to now-a-days, but animated and lofty in tone, and marked
by felicity of phrase. The member strongly defended a vote which he had
recently given in favour of Catholic emancipation, or rather in favour of
an inquiry to ascertain whether the Catholic claims could be safely
conceded. He also spoke in indignant terms of the recent assassination of
the Prime Minister, Mr Perceval. The closing sentences of this passage may
be quoted as a specimen of the address :—"Who," he asked, "can forget that
eloquence, not perhaps of the highest order, yet distinguished by traits
of greatness; not, perhaps, measured in its march nor nurtured in the
shady spaces of philosophy, yet keen, active, penatrating; admirably
fitted for combat, pliable in its movements, invincible in debate,
triumphant in reply—that eloquence which, without courting the flowers of
fancy, was yet sometimes elevated to a sublime height by the mere force of
inward sentiment, by the intense conviction of an inward and high-toned
principle? Well do I remember the indignant tones in which, but a few
nights before his death, he asserted the cause of the Constitution; when
in allusion to the disturbances which have disgraced England, in a speech
literally carried along by the acclamations of an admiring audience, he
reprobated the opinion of those who recommended delay in the use of
coercive measures, when he exclaimed, ‘Shall we await to see who is the
next victim of assassination?’ Gentlemen, his murderer was then in the
House of Commons. Those words were at that moment ringing in the ears of
him who was destined to make them prophetic." After his election, Mr Grant
gave a splendid entertainment to the leading inhabitants of the town and
neighbourhood, upwards of a hundred being present.
Ibid—On October 29th, Colonel
Francis William Grant of Grant was unanimously elected member for the
County of Elgin, and on the 30th, Patrick Milne of Crimmongate was elected
for the Elgin District of Burghs. On the 30th, Hugh Innes of Lochalsh was
elected for the Northern Burghs, and on the 28th, James Macdonald (no
designation given) was elected for the County of Sutherland. On the 2nd,
Robert Abercromby of Birkenbog was elected for the County of Banff.
November 13.—On the previous Friday,
Mr Charles Grant of Waternish (father of the burgh member) was unanimously
re-elected member for the County of Inverness. Mr Grant’s speech on the
occasion is reported at a length of two columns. Though not so eloquent as
his sons address, it is compact and well expressed. Mr Grant considered
that there was no alternative to the war with France. Any peace with
Napoleon would be a false and hollow peace, fatal to us. ‘We alone." said
Mr Grant, "stand erect amidst the wreck of nations. The rest of Europe has
been compelled to bend to a ruthless despot." The speaker also defended
the vote he had given in favour of an inquiry into the Catholic claims.
"Into this inquiry he was willing to go, though he confessed the temper
which the Catholic body, or at least those delegated by them, had of late
shown was not encouraging. They urged their claims in an imperious spirit,
which treated even previous inquiry as injurious to them." In his closing
speech. Mr Grant said "that during the ten years he has sat in Parliament,
he had not asked or received anything for himself or any one belonging to
him from any administration. The advantages he had acquired in life flowed
from that service to which he had been from his early years attached: his
highest honour from the office to which he had that day been nominated.
Feeling the employments of active life still easy to him, it had been a
gratification to him to renew the tender of his services to the county,
and he was still more gratified by the generous manner in which the
Freeholders had been pleased to accept them." After the election a dinner
was given, at which Colonel Fraser of Lovat presided.
Ibid.—The same issue contains a
report of the contested election for the County of Ross, which took place
at Tain on the 3rd inst. The candidates were the Hon. William Frederick
Mackenzie, eldest son of Lord Seaforth, and Sir Charles Ross of Balnagown.
The Hon. Wm. Mackenzie was elected by a majority of 17 votes. 29
freeholders having voted for the successful candidate, and 12 for his
Ibid.—The dignity of baronet was
conferred on Æneas Mackintosh of Mackintosh.
Ibid.—What was called the Nairnshire
Meeting, a county association of natives in London, dined on the 5th at
the City of London Tavern. The members present drank to the memory of the
late Mr Straith, the burgh schoolmaster, by whom most of them had been
Ibid.—"Died, at Bught, on the 4th
curt., Duncan Grant of Bught, in the 82nd year of his age. His funeral was
attended by every individual member of the six Incorporated Trades of
Inverness, who to show their attachment to the remains of their cashier
for the long period of 56 years, insisted on carrying his body to the
place of interment."
November 20.—Robert Ferguson, the
murderer of Captain Munro, was executed on the 13th. The place of
execution is not mentioned, though it is stated that there was a great
concourse of spectators. The prisoner addressed the multitude in Gaelic,
acknowledging the justice of his sentence. "He then made many suitable
reflections on his own situation, and stated that till some time after he
was confined in the prison of Inverness, he had not access to the
Scriptures; that, by the benevolence of well-disposed persons in
Inverness, he was soon taught to read, and that ever since the Word of God
had been his only comfort." Ferguson had been in prison for about five
months. He was attended to the scaffold by the Rev. T. Fraser and the Rev.
D. Martin, ministers of Inverness.
Ibid.—The bridge of Bonar is
officially declared "finished and complete," and open to travellers.
Ibid.—"On Tuesday last, Mr Charles
Grant, M.P. for the burgh, gave a ball and supper to a numerous assemblage
of beauty and fashion from this and the neighbouring counties."
Ibid.—Report of a dinner on the
election of Mr Canning for Liverpool. The chair on the occasion "was most
ably and respectably filled by John Gladstone, Esq," the father of William
Ewart Gladstone.
November 27.—"Died, at Ness-side,
having nearly attained his 88th year, Phineas Mackintosh of Drummond, many
years Provost of Inverness. The kindness and gentleness of his
disposition, the urbanity of his manners, and the goodness of his heart,
will endear and perpetuate his memory to his numerous acquaintances, while
his death must prove a source of sincere regret to all his friends and
December 4.—The weather is again
reported as extremely unfavourable, and the harvest not yet over "in the
internal parts of the country."
December 11.—"Duncan George Forbes,
Esq. of Culloden, has presented the Rev. John Macdonald, minister of the
Gaelic Chapel in Edinburgh, to the church and parish of Urquhart,
Presovtery of Dingwall, vacant by the death of the last incumbent." This
was the beginning of the ministry in Ferrintosh of Dr Macdonald, "the
Apostle of the North."
December 25.—The leading article in
this issue is headed—"Most Glorious News! Total Defeat of the French Army
in Russia." Previous issues contained long accounts of the disastrous
campaign of Napoleon in Russia.
Ibid.—"Married, at Edinburgh, on the
16th December, James Gooden, Esq., merchant, London, to Miss Chisholm,
daughter of the late Alexander Chisholm of Chisholm, Esq."