A General Election occurred in the summer of 1818, when
Mr Charles Grant, senior, retired from the representation of the County,
and the younger Charles, afterwards Lord Glenelg, succeeded him as County
member. The latter, since November 1811, had represented the Inverness
District of Burghs, and was now succeeded by Mr George Cumming. The
highland Lady, daughter of Sir J. P. Grant of Rothiemurchus, has an
interesting passage in her Reminiscences regarding the two Grants. Writing
under date 1814 she says : —"There was a party at Belleville during some
days when, for the first time to my recollection, I saw him whom by
courtesy for many years we continued to call young Charles Grant. Writing
that ones familiar name is pleasant to me, recalling so much that was
enjoyable, although some little that awakens regret. He was no ordinary
man, and to be so thoroughly estranged from one who had been quite a son
of the house, a dear elder brother, is cause for grief in a world where
few of us ever suit sufficiently for intimacy. There was no fault on
either part, it was merely that our paths through life lay differently.
His father had been with us most summers; he was our county member, so had
to come to look after political interests. He was now intending to
introduce his son to the electors against the time when he should himself,
from age or weariness, disincline to continue in Parliament. The north
country owed him much; we got canals, roads, bridges, cadetships, and
writerships in almost undue proportion. My father, his firm friend and
most useful supporter, seldom applied in vain for anything in the old
Director’s power to give. We had reason to be grateful for all his many
kindnesses, but he was never to any of us the delightful companion that we
found his son.
"Young Charles was at this time
deeply in love with Emilia Cumming [of Altyre]. She was a lovely-looking
woman—not a regular beauty, but more attractive than many handsome
persons. Old Charles Grant had reasons for forbidding a marriage between
them, and they were good ones, acquiesced in by his son, who yet had not
the resolution to avoid her society. Year after year he dangled about her
till her youth and her beauty went, and he found absence no longer a
difficulty. Neither of them married.
"Mrs Macpherson [of Belleville] who
had known him from a child, was really absurdly attached to him. She was
anxious we should make an agreeable impression on each other. I do not
remember that he spoke ten words to me, nor looked a second time at the
childish girl quite overpraised to him. On my part half a look was enough;
I thought him hideous, tall, thin, yellow, grave, with sandy hair, small
light eyes, and a shy, awkward manner, though nearly as old as my father
and already of some note among clever men. These were the dear friends of
other days! We have often laughed over our introduction."
The action which was raised at the
instance of Mr James Lyon for the reduction of the election of the Town
Council and Magistrates of Inverness came to a close in December 1818. The
burgh was for a time disfranchised. The late James Suter says, under this
year’s date —"The late Magistrates were appointed by the Court of Session
interim managers for two years, at the termination of which they were
re-appointed." This is substantially, but not strictly, accurate.
According to the set or constitution of the burgh framed in 1676 it was
provided that "all persons to be chosen Councillors or Magistrates in time
coming, within this burgh, shall be actual residenters within the samen
and liberties thereof, and actual trafficking merchants or maltment
allenarly." The objection taken by Mr Lyon was that one Councillor (an
ex-Provost) and two Bailies were neither trafficking merchants nor maltmen.
The Magistrates contended that this supposed requisite had been abrogated
by usage and had fallen into desuetude. The Court of Session resolved to
have the following issue tried by jury —"Whether it has been an usage or
practice in the Burgh of Inverness, for a period of forty years or
upwards, to elect Magistrates or Councillors without regard to the fact
whether the said persons were or were not at the period of such election
actual trafficking merchants or maltment within the burgh." When the issue
had been specified, the question arose as to where the trial should take
place. The Provost and Magistrates wished to have it at Inverness. Mr Lyon
contended that a fair trial could not be obtained before an Inverness
jury, and moved to have it in Edinburgh. The point was decided in his
favour, and the Magistrates then abandoned the defence and allowed
judgment to be given against them, "rather than submit to the
inconvenience, disadvantages, and expense" that a trial in Edinburgh would
involve. The Court of Session, however, disposed to countenance authority,
and considering the error a mere technicality, supported the Magistrates
and Town Council as far as they could. They retained all the qualified
Magistrates as managers of the town’s affairs, and allowed them to select
other two in room of the men whose qualifications were found inadequate.
The same year the question which had
arisen in Aberdeen was decided. The state of affairs in that city had no
parallel in Inverness. Behind the question of technicality there were
grievances of the most substantial kind. "Aberdeen," says Mr Spencer
Walpole, "was one of the worst examples of an unreformed corporation. The
burgh was corrupt; the revenues were insufficient to pay the interest of
its debt; the Magistrates were themselves of opinion that some change
should be effected in the manner of electing the Council, and that an
effectual control should be given to the citizens over the expenditure of
the town’s office-bearers. An opportunity for reforming Aberdeen occurred
in 1817. By the constitution of the burgh forty persons were appointed to
take part in the annual election of the Magistrates. In the absence of one
of the forty, a person possessing the qualification of the absentee was
required to be elected as proxy for him. In 1817 a proxy was elected who
could not prove that he was a burgess. The Government, on being made
acquainted with the facts, ‘reduced’ or voided the election. Instead,
however, of declaring a poll election, and authorising the burgesses to
elect their own Magistrates, the Government authorised the Magistrates to
proceed to a fresh election. The Magistrates at Aberdeen, in their
judgment, had innocently fallen into a trivial error." At this time,
indeed, the Government, alarmed by agitation, set their face against
anything in the nature of reform.
From the "Inverness Courier."
1818 (Continued).
May 14.—It is stated that within the
last few years the exportation of wood from the port of Inverness had
become a business of considerable importance, and the Magistrates now
appointed two competent persons as sworn measurers. The two were Evander
Campbell and Hector Douglas.
Ibid—"At a Justice of Peace Court
held here on Tuesday last, for the conviction of persons for trespasses
against the Excise laws, sixteen offenders were fined £20 and nine £25 for
illegal distillation, and two from Strathglass to the extent of £60 each.
Several persons were fined smaller sums for malting, &c. The Justices
expressed their determination to put a stop to a traffic so extremely
injurious to the best interests of the country."
Ibid.—"The news of the birth of a
son and heir to the ancient and popular family of Seaforth has been
received by the Clan Mackenzie and throughout the North with lively
demonstrations of joy. From this quarter we could descry the bonfires
playing on the hills of Ross-shire in honour of the welcome stranger."
May 21.—"Upwards of 1500 head of
cattle passed through this town last week, and about 500 were driven to
the west, by Fort-Augustus. They were purchased at the Ross-shire Trysts
at nearly double the price which the same description of cattle brought
last season."
Ibid.—.The County of Banff, at their
general meeting on 30th April, resolved on making an application for a
mail coach with the full complement of four horses, to the North of
Aberdeen, in place of the present mail diligence.
May 28.—"The Highland Society of
Scotland have, in a very patriotic manner, offered a premium of 50 guineas
for the best essay on the means of attaining so desirable an object as the
introduction of railways for the purposes of general carriage."
Ibid.—It is stated that 30 Chelsea
pensioners, afflicted with blindness, were residing in Inverness and
neighbourhood. Fourteen had been selected to go to London to undergo an
operation in the hope that they might recover their sight.
Ibid.—"Loch-Ness is now enlivened by
a number of small vessels passing to and from Fort-Augustus, where the
operations of the Canal are in the greatest activity. During the last week
eight sloops were on the lake at one time."
June 4.—"The advantages of the
Caledonian Canal to the district through which it passes begin already to
be manifest. English coals, which formerly were carried over-land from
this town to Fort-Augustus, and sold there at 4s 6d per barrel, have been
sold this summer in that neighbourhood, when brought by the Canal, at 2s
Ibid.—A paragraph from an Aberdeen
paper states that on the 23rd ult., the dead body of a man named Robert
Gooden or Goodwin, a soap-boiler, and a native of the parish of Forres,
had been found in the Clyde. The "Courier" adds—"We observe from the
description and name of the person alluded to that he was the same
individual who, on the 12th March 1801, while employed in his usual
occupation of candle-making in Inverness, left his tallow kettle to boil
over, by which the house was set on fire, and before the accident was
discovered, the fire had communicated to a quantity of gunpowder (not less
than 8½ barrels), which exploded: 14 persons lost their lives, and the
shock and destruction thus occasioned will ever be remembered in Inverness
by all who experienced the sad effects of it."
Ibid.—"On Saturday the General
Assembly took into consideration a reference from the Presbyteries of
Strathbogie and Aberlour, referring to the Assembly the conduct of Mr John
Macdonald, minister of Urquhart, in preaching in other parishes than his
own within the bounds of the above Presbyteries. Mr Cruickshanks, a member
of the Presbytery of Strathbogie, was heard in support of the reference,
and Mr Macdonald in explanation. After long reasoning, a motion was made
and carried prohibiting the practice referred to." A somewhat fuller
report of the case is given in the next issue.
June 11.—"We are glad to observe
that the Magistrates have employed workmen to make a covered drain to
convey the water which runs down Church Street, from the old Grammar
School lane across the street and through the opposite lane to the river.
Independently of the comfort that will be derived from having the dirty
water conveyed under ground, instead of on the surface of the street, this
will really be a considerable improvement, by doing away with the
disagreeable hollow in the street at that place, which was very dangerous
and annoying for carriages and carts."
lbid.—The annual meeting of the
Northern Missionary Society was held at Inverness. Appropriate sermons
were preached by the Rev. John Macdonald of Urquhart and the Rev. Angus
Mackintosh, of Tain. The amount of collections, subscriptions, and
donations was £88 13s 4d, including £10 from the parish of Killearnan,
sent by the Rev. John Kennedy.
June 18.—On Wednesday, 10th curt.,
Parliament was dissolved by the Prince Regent in person, who went in state
to the House of Peers.
Ibid.—There is a glowing report of
the Inverness Sheep and Wool Market, which had "answered every expectation
formed of it." It is stated that blackfaced wool, which sold last year at
10s and 19s per double stone, brought this year from 40s to 45s. Cheviot
wool, which brought last year 20s to 21s, sold this year from 40s to 42s
per single stone. Wedders, which sold last year at 15s and 16s, sold this
year at from 20s to 30s. Lambs brought last year 5s, this year from 8s to
10s. "Thus the prices are fully a hundred per cent. above those of last
year, and about 150 per cent. above those of 1816. We learn that one
gentleman has refused £5 per stone for a parcel of merino wool."
Ibid.—There is a report of a duel in
Ross-shire between two gentlemen, designated as Messrs H.M. and D.R. They
met at an early hour, and fired at the same time without effect. Their
friends suggested a reconciliation, but one of the parties insisted on
another exchange of shots. On this occasion the pistol of one (the less
aggressive) missed fire, and he declined to avail himself of the advantage
of firing again. "Such honourable conduct disarming hostility, a
reconciliation was effected, and the parties left the field good friends."
Ibid—The same issue contains the
address of Mr Charles Grant, senior, who was retiring from the
representation of the county of Inverness, and the address of his son, Mr
Charles Grant, junior, who was leaving the Burghs to succeed as member for
the County. The father, who had sat through a period of sixteen years,
full, as he said, "of momentous events" observed that he could not
"contemplate the cessation of the public connection which had so long
subsisted without feelings of affectionate regret." His wishes had been
ardent both for the great interests of the country, and for the particular
welfare of the county to which he was bound by so many ties. "But of any
services that I have rendered to either, it will perhaps be safer for me
to rest in the opinion which your kindness may have led you to form than
to offer any sentiment of my own; for I indeed sincerely lament that I
have not done more." His son, in soliciting election, expresses the desire
to be useful both to the county of Inverness and to the country at large.
He does not think it necessary to say much, because with many of the
freeholders he enjoyed the happiness of private friendship, and to all of
them his public principles and conduct were sufficiently known.
Ibid.—"Died, on the 12th inst., in
the 60th year of his age, Robert Nicholson, Esq., late Adjutant of the
Inverness Recruiting District, having faithfully served his King and
country in different quarters of the globe for the long period of 43
Ibid.—An advertisment states that
the Marquis of Stafford has agreed to erect a distillery on the river
Brora for the accommodation of the Sutherland tenants. They desire to
engage "with some person of skill and capital inclined to embark in such
an undertaking."
Ibid.—"The non-commissioned officers
and privates of the 93rd Regiment of Sutherland Highlanders, while serving
their country in the South of Africa, contributed in the course of 18
months no less than £1000 in aid of missionary societies; and at the same
time they subscribed £78 to the Gaelic School Society. So distinguished an
instance of liberality on the part of these men, in connection with their
exemplary moral conduct and their bravery in the field, completely
justifies that illustrious statesman Lord Chatham in the encomiums which
he bestowed on these hardy mountaineers."
June 25.—"We see with much pleasure
that a new line of road to the town from Telford Street, by the Stone
Bridge, has just been marked out. The present entrance in that direction
passes through all the filth of the Green of Muirtown, which is by far the
most disagreeable and irregular access to the town; the new entrance will
pass directly from the line of elegant buildings in Telford Street,
through the field on the north of the hovels on the Green, by Well’s
Foundry, to the fine embankment lately formed on the west side of the
river. The ground to be occupied by the new road, which is to be forty
feet broad, has, we understand, been liberally given for the purpose by
the proprietor, Mr Duff of Muirtown, without any remuneration; and we have
no doubt that his public spirit will be rewarded by the enhanced value of
his fine property adjoining, which affords most eligible sites for
building. Few individuals in this quarter have done more for the
improvement of the neighbourhood of Inverness than this gentleman."
July 2.—"The Court of Session has
ordered a proof to be taken before a jury in the question now pending
regarding the last election of Magistrates for Inverness. The point at
issue is this—The set of the burgh, according to the letter, requires that
the Town Council should consist of 21 members, viz., 18 burgesses, who are
actually trafficking merchants or maltmen and 3 deacons of crafts. The
complainer, James Lyon, asserts that at the last election three gentlemen
were appointed, viz., Provost Gilzean, Bailie Alexander Mackenzie, banker;
and Bailie Farquhar Macdonald, who, though resident burgesses and guild
brethren, yet are neither trafficking merchants nor maltmen; and prays for
this reason that the whole election be declared null and void. The Town
Council defends the nomination of the persons objected to on various
grounds, but principally on that of confirmed usage. The Court sustains
the argument of the Magistrates that in such a case a certain extent of
practice may sanction a deviation from written law, and orders the present
proof to ascertain how far the Magistrates can on this plea support their
election." The case was not expected to be submitted to the jury until the
following November.
Ibid.—Mr J. P. Grant of
Rothiemurchus lost his seat for Grimsby.
Ibid.—"Died here on the 16th June,
aged 89 years, Alexander Macbean, who for a number of years acted as
janitor of the Inverness Academy. Many of our young countrymen now
situated in distant regions will read this notice with affectionate
regret; the name of this once lively friend of their ‘smiling boyhood’
will call back to memory the sportful scenes of early years, and 'touch a
chord in their hearts that will vibrate with the sounds of other times.’"
July 9 —There was a contest for the
representation of the County of Ross, the candidates being Mr Thomas
Mackenzie, yr. of Applecross, and Mr Alexander Fraser of Inchcoulter. The
free-holders met at Tain. The first trial of strength was for the election
of Chairman, when Sir Hector Mackenzie, Bart. of Gairloch, was appointed
by a majority of 6 votes, in preference to Mr Hugh lnnes of Lochalsh (28
to 22). The election of Mr Mackenzie, yr. of Applecross. was moved by Mr
Mackenzie of Kilcoy, and seconded by Mr Macleod of Geanies, Sheriff of the
County. The election of Mr Fraser of Inchcoulter was moved by Colonel
Munro of Culcairn, and seconded by Mr Mackenzie of Mount-gerald. The vote
resulted—For Applecross, 29; for Inchcoulter, 23; majority for
Apple-cross, 6. The Highland Lady describes the new member as a man of
ability and "the catch of the North Country from the extent of his
property." He never, however, enjoyed robust health. "Immediately after
his election, Mr Mackenzie ordered a dinner to the prisoners in the
jails of Tain, Dingwall, and Fortrose. He also sent a donation to the poor
of each of these burghs."
July 16.—On the previous Tuesday Mr
Charles Grant. yr., was unanimously elected M.P. for the county of
Inverness. His father presided at the meeting. The election of the new
member was moved by Colonel Macdonell of Glengarry, and seconded by Mr
Baillie of Dochfour. Mr Charles Grant, yr., now became Secretary for
Ibid.—At the same meeting of
freeholders, Macleod of Macleod proposed that Mr Charles Grant, senior, be
requested to sit for his portrait, to be hung up in the Court-room as a
permanent mark of the esteem which the county entertained for him on
account of his Parliamentary conduct and private worth and virtues. This
proposal met with cordial approbation. At the same time an address, signed
by the freeholders, was presented: to the late member.
Ibid.—Mr George Cumming, London, one
of the Altyre family, was elected M.P. for the Inverness District of
Burghs. The returning burgh was Nairn. The name of Sir Wm. Gordon Cumming
was first mentioned for the vacancy, but he gave way to his relative.—Mr
Hugh Innes of Lochalsh was re-elected member for the Northern Burghs.—Mr
Macleod, yr. of Cadboll, was elected for the counties of Cromarty and
Nairn.—Colonel Francis William Grant of Grant was elected for
Morayshire.—Mr Robert Grant (another son of Mr Charles Grant of Waternish)
was elected for the Elgin District of Burghs.—Mr Grant of Ballindalloch
was elected for the County of Sutherland —The Earl of Fife was elected for
the County of Banff.
July 23.—Mr George Sinclair, yr. of
Ulbster, was elected M.P. for Caithness.—Captain G. H. Dundas, R.N., was,
after a contest, elected for Orkney and Shetland.
Ibid.—"The site of the stronghold.
of the once powerful Earls of Ross at Dingwall has been levelled this
season, and is now under crop. There remaineth but a single fragment of
the building to mark where a castle had been." This fragment, we believe,
still remains.
August 6.—It is stated that the
summer was the warmest since that of 1779. A very early harvest was
Ibid.—A correspondent complains that
horses were driven like sheep or cows to be watered at the river. "It is a
common thing to see half-a-dozen of them at a time galloping through one
of those very narrow lanes which run from Church Street to the river, and
that, too when the lane is full of people passing and repassing."
August 20—"The new walk on the bank
of the Ness, called the Ladies’ Walk, from its having been formed last
year at the expense of some respectable ladies, has lately been much
improved; and the injuries done to it by the high floods during the last
winter are now completely repaired. The money presently laid out on this
pleasant promenade is supplied by the amount of a bet on the issue of the
late Parliamentary election for this District of Burghs, which the winner
generously appropriated for the purpose; and some small subscriptions from
a few individuals."
August 27.—A paragraph draws
attention to the hardships to which Highland reapers were exposed by going
South before there was employment for them. This season, however, the
harvest was so early that little harm could be done by an early arrival.
September 3.—The annual report of
the Caledonian Canal (dated October 1817) mentions that the quarry at
Redcastle had been worked from March to July in order to procure stones
for the hollow quoins, segment stones. and pavement for the lower recesses
of the lock at Fort-Augustus. "The vessels which carry materials, &c.,
from Clachnaharry to Fort-Augustus have now navigated Loch-Ness two years
without any accident or even the slightest injury.
Ibid.—The Inverness Town Council
made some modification on the table of shore dues. "It is said that the
value of these dues, which sold at the roup last year for £685. will be
reduced about £60 by the change."
Ibid.—The nineteenth anniversary of the Northern
Missionary Society was held at Tain on 26th August, when the Rev. John
Macdonald of Urquhart preached in English, and the Rev. John Kennedy,
Killearnan, preached in Gaelic. "The collections, donations, and
subscriptions on this occasion amounted to £88 18s 3½d, in which sum is
included £10 per the Rev. Mr Macdonald, from the Ferrintosh Penny-a-Week
Society, and £6 8s, per the Rev. Mr Forbes, from a similar Association in
the parish of Tarbet; by this accession to their funds, the Society were
enabled to vote for the London Missionary Society. £100; the Edinburgh
Missionary Society £100; the Hibernian Society, £50; the Moravian Society,
£50; and to the Society for the Conversion of the Jews, £50; total—£350."
lbid.—"In the little port of Helmsdale, where six years
ago there was not a hut nor a fishing boat, several curing-houses are
erected on the most approved plan, and the number of boats amounts to 140.
Upwards of 15,000 barrels of herrings have been cured here this season,
besides a quantity which has been smoked."
September 17.—An advertisement in this issue calls a
meeting for the purpose of taking steps to erect bridges connecting the
Islands with "the much-frequented walks on both sides of the river." A
paragraph states that excellent paths had already been formed on both
banks of the river, but the Islands remained isolated. [By the way, the
spot is called "Island," not "Islands"; possibly the central channel had
not then been formed.]
Ibid.—"The workmen employed in digging out gravel from
the summit of the Hill above the Haugh Brewery found last week the
skeletons of three grown persons in coffins, the bones perfectly entire. A
body was found in a similar situation last year near the same place.
Report will have it that the brow of the hill was used in former times as
a burying-place for the unfortunate persons who were executed in this
quarter, and there is some colour of truth in the supposition from its
vicinity to the old place of execution in the Gallow Muir. Some old
inhabitants of the town, on the other hand, say that when the Duke of
Cumberland’s army visited Inverness in April 1746, after the battle of
Culloden, many deaths occurred amongst his men, and that some of them were
interred in this ground."
September 24.—The previous day a meeting took place in
the Athenæum to consider the proposed erection of chain bridges to connect
the Island with the river banks. Mr Fraser, yr. of Torbreck, presided. The
meeting resolved to proceed with the scheme, and upwards of £100 was at
once subscribed. A week afterwards the subscriptions amounted to £200.
lbid.—Mr James Robertson, M.D., was re-elected Provost.
There were two ex-Provosts in the Council, namely, James Grant and Thomas
Ibid.—A proposal was made to start a mail diligence to
Thurso. The Magistrates and Council agreed to allow it to pass either of
the bridges toll free, and the same privilege was granted at Bonar-Bridge
and Helmsdale. The counties of Ross and Sutherland had each subscribed
£200 to assist the movement. The diligence was expected to start in the
following spring.

Ibid.—At the Circuit Court, held on the 18th inst.
there were nine cases, six of which were for assaulting and deforcing
Revenue officers. The persons convicted were sentenced to various terms of
October 1.—At the Michaelmas Head Court the Constables
for the current year were sworn in. Provost Robertson addressed them on
the occasion. "He stated that they were chosen from among their townsmen
as Constables in consequence of being heads of families and men of
respectable character; and he requested that they should continue to
exhibit that propriety of behaviour and moderation in the exercise of
their public duties which had hitherto distinguished them. He especially
recommended to them a rigid enforcement, in so far as depended on them, of
the public duties of the Sabbath, and a vigilant superintendence of
public-houses; also a constant co-operation with the Society for the
suppression of begging. He next stated that it was the firm determination
of the Magistrates to put a stop to the pernicious and dangerous practice
of allowing horses to go to the water without some persons to lead them,
and requested the Constables, for the safety of their own families as well
as for the good of the community, to be vigilant in detecting and bringing
to punishment any who might henceforth offend in this particular. He also
generally recommended to them the care of the public walks, the banks of
the river, and other matters of police regulation. He concluded the
address with an earnest exhortation to them, and to heads of families in
general, to impress on the minds of their inmates and of all under their
guidance the necessity of keeping regular hours."
Ibid.—The revenue of the town from Petty Customs and
pontages amounted this year to £308; from shore dues and anchorage, £575;
from all sources, £990. In 1817 the total was £1096, but in 1816 only
October 8.—"On Tuesday evening a meeting of the
Corporation of Wrights and Coopers was held for the purpose of forwarding
the cause of Burgh Reform in this town; several resolutions in favour of
that object being proposed, were rejected without a division. This
Corporation is the most numerous and respectable of the six Trades; it
contains above 30 out of the 75 burgesses which form the whole of the
Trades’ Burgesses of this town."
October 15.—The Right Hon. Charles Grant, M.P. for the
county of Inverness, and Chief Secretary for Ireland, was present with his
father, and with the Lord-Lieutenant and other distinguished guests, at a
banquet given at Dublin on the 3rd inst. by the new Lord Mayor, Alderman
M'Kenny. The health of the Chief Secretary was drunk amid loud applause,
and Mr Grant replied. An incident is noticed in the report. ‘When Mr Grant
concluded and took his seat, the band instantly played ‘Crop-pies lie
down.’ The Lord Mayor directed a look of astonishment and rebuke towards
the orchestra, and the tune was discontinued."
Ibid.—The Magistrates and Town Council voted £70 to
assist in the construction of the new line of road "marked out in the
direction of Telford Street from the river side to avoid passing through
the Green of Muirtown."
Ibid.—Many ingenious efforts were made about this time
to discover "perpetual motion," and claimants to the discovery frequently
appeared. Among the rest, Mr Lewis Bayne, officer of Excise, Inverness,
believed that he had constructed a perpetually moving timepiece. "The
machine is kept in motion by means of magnetic attraction; but in the
construction of it Mr Bayne makes use of but one magnet [another inventor
required two]. It is only about six months since this very ingenious
timepiece was shown to us, but there are several inhabitants of this place
who have seen it going these two years past."
October 29.—The Northern Meeting began on the 21st. The
Marquis and Marchioness of Huntly were present. Hon. Mrs Stewart Mackenzie
of Seaforth and Hon. Mrs Fraser of Lovat sent in abundant supplies of
venison, muirfowl, and ptarmigan.
Ibid.—At a meeting of the Forres Trafalgar Club a sum
of forty guineas, to purchase a marble bust of Lord Nelson to be placed in
the monument on Cluny Hill, was announced as the donation of the Rev. Hugh
Fraser, Georgetown, South Carolina. The Rev. John Macdonell proposed that
a Committee should be appointed to procure busts both of Lord Nelson and
the Marquis of Huntly. This was agreed to with acclamation. The company
consisted of fifty-five gentlemen, some of whom had come from a great
distance. Among them were many naval and military officers who had
distinguished themselves in the service of their country.
November 5.—The woollen factory at Inverness belonging
to Messrs Mackenzie, Gordon, & Co. is advertised for sale. The houses were
in the Haugh, the store room at the Shore, and the carding and waulk mills
on the bank of the river.
Ibid.—"It is calculated that the black cattle, wool,
sheep, and herrings sold and sent from the Highland district of Scotland
north of the Spey to the other quarters of the Kingdom within the last six
months amount in value to at least £500,000; a greater sum than was
perhaps ever before received in one year from the whole produce of this
district. We are happy in being able to state that these great branches of
our provincial exports have been at no period in more flourishing
circumstances than at present. The only extensive manufactories in this
quarter, namely, those of hemp-bagging, begin to participate likewise in
the rapidly returning prosperity of the country."
Ibid.—An article appears in the same number on the
subject of burgh reform. The writer is in favour of reform, but points out
that the affairs of the town of Inverness are well administered. "The
revenue of this town," he says, "is £1559, of which every shilling is
honestly expended for the public good, and, in as far as we can judge, as
discreetly as honestly. In this town more money is devoted to the support
of schools than in any other town of the Kingdom with double the revenue;
and it is a singular and an honourable fact that not a single glass of
wine is from year’s end to year’s end paid for from the public funds for
the entertainment of public men" This, it may be remarked, forms a
striking contrast to the state of affairs in the burgh of Pittenweem. The
revenue of that burgh was £300, and it was represented in Parliament by
the Lord Advocate. In a note to a Parliamentary return, it is stated, on
the authority of the Provost and Town-Clerk, "that the balance of its
income is mostly expended in the annual election dinner of the Magistrates
and in celebrating the King’s birthday.
November 12.—A smart shock of earthquake was felt in
Inverness and neighbourhood on 10th inst. It occurred at 20 minutes past
midnight, and was felt along the banks of Loch-Ness.
November 19.—A Society was formed in Inverness to
co-operate with a Society in Edinburgh for the support of Gaelic schools
in the Highlands. It was stated that 70 schools had already been erected.
The object of the Society was to teach Gaelic in the districts where that
language prevailed, and in certain cases English and writing.
Ibid.—A correspondent of the "Times" gave a very
unpleasant account of the gaol in Inverness; "a corner building at the
junction of the two main streets," namely, Bridge Street and Church
Street. "The outer door of the prison opens into the main street, and
immediately on entering you perceive a flight of steps on either hand;
that on the left leads to the court-room, where prisoners are tried; the
deal boards with which the court is fitted up have never been painted, and
the dirt on them and on the walls gave to both rather a miserable
appearance." At the top of the opposite flight of steps a door opened into
a stone gallery facing the cells. This gallery was the appointed place for
airing and recreation, "and as often as the prisoners avail themselves of
it," says the writer, "they are exposed like wild beasts in a cage to
every passenger below." At the time of his visit there was only one
criminal prisoner, who had been tried for an attempt to assassinate, and
sentenced to confinement on account of derangement. This poor man’s cell
is described as horribly loathsome. He had been in it for six years.
"There were no other prisoners at the time I am speaking of, except seven
debtors; one of these was by himself in a room sufficiently commodious,
but very dirty; the other six were in a room much smaller, but still more
dirty; they all looked very sickly." The "Courier" devotes an article to
this communication, which it describes as exaggerated. It says that the
prison certainly ought not to be in the centre of the town, but that in
many respects its construction was better than, that of most Scottish
prisons. "The grated gallery or arcade which extends along the whole front
of the prison, whatever it may appear to chance visitors, affords the
prisoners the liveliest amusement. It overlooks the busiest part of the
town, and gives them an opportunity of seeing and hearing all that is
going forward. There may be some solid objection to this too familiar
intercourse with the street, but the charge of exposing them like wild
beasts in a cage must be laughed at by every one who knows anything about
the real condition of the persons said to be exhibited." As for the poor
criminal, the writer says, he had since his commitment become furiously
mad, and annoyed the whole town by his "nocturnal bellowings." He was,
however, confined under a warrant of the Justiciary Court till bail could
be found and the town was meantime obliged to submit to the infliction. If
six debtors were found in one room, it must have been from their own
choice and in the day-time only.
November 26.—This number contains an account of the
death of Queen Charlotte, which occurred on the 17th November. The
Magistrates of Inverness directed that the pulpit of "the English Church"
should be draped with black cloth as a mark of respect for her late
Ibid.—The prevalence of strong southerly winds favoured
the passage of vessels coming North. "The smack George, from London,
arrived at Cromarty on Saturday, 21st inst., after a passage of 84 hours,
having left Gravesend on Wednesday, 18th. The Lizard, from Leith, arrived
also at Crornarty on Monday last, the 23rd, after a passage of only 33
December 3.—"We understand a new complaint has been
instituted in the Court of Session by Mr James Lyon, ironmonger, aided by
Deacon Alexander Petrie, of the Shoemakers, and Deacon Donald Macbean, of
the Tailors, against the last election of the Magistrates and Town Council
of Inverness."
December 10.—A Committee of the House of Commons were
at this time considering the condition of the burgh gaols in Scotland, and
nearly two columns are devoted to a statement furnished by Provost
Robertson. The Provost says frankly that the gaol was not sufficient for
the accommodation of either the civil or criminal prisoners confined
therein; but so far as the accommodation went it was perfectly adequate to
the secure custody of its inmates, The gaol was built about 30 years
before, chiefly at the expense of the burgh, with a contribution of £1000
from the Government, made out of the confiscated estates, and some
assistance "comparatively trifling" from the counties of Inverness, Ross,
Nairn, and Cromarty. The gaol had since been kept in repair solely at the
expense of the burgh. The Steeple had been erected at the expense of the
burgh, aided by individual subscriptions.
Ibid.—The action of James Lyon v. the Magistrates and
Town Council of Inverness was originally fixed to be tried before a jury
in the town of Inverness, but was afterwards changed to Edinburgh, and the
14th December fixed for the proceedings. The Magistrates, however,
considered it inexpedient to go to Edinburgh, and the disfranchisement of
the burgh was now anticipated.
December 24.—The dignity of a baronet of the United
Kingdom was conferred on Hugh lnnes of Lochalsh, in the county of Ross and
of Coxton, in the county of Moray.