January 14.—There is a gossipy
article on the witch stones at Forres and the blasted heath near Inshoch,
supposed to be the legendary meeting-place of Macbeth and the witches. The
Cluny hills at Forres had been twice planted, and the plantation each time
destroyed by fire, and wise folks shook their beads, remembering the
curses denounced by the witches who were executed there. "Notwithstanding
these startling occurrences, a gentleman lately attempted to break one of
the Witch Stones to furnish materials for building, but the whole
neighbourhood rose en masse and insisted on the stone being replaced in
its ancient site, where it still remains, bound with iron bars or clamps.
A still stronger instance, however, of obduracy and hardihood remains to
be related. The lairds have actually resolved to divide, cultivate, and
plant the identical blasted heath! This has raised a strong outcry among
the peasants for more reasons than one. The moor has from time immemorial
been used as a common, and was familiarly held to be ‘no man’s land.’ The
lawyers are, therefore, they say, worse than the witches, for the latter
always secured to them a range of ‘good outshot pasture.’ But hopes are
still entertained that the weird sisters will protect their own wild
domain and assert their ancient supremacy. The repeated conflagrations at
Cluny and the late spontaneous fire in the Moss of Inshoch (which forms
part of the heath) are held to be indications of supernatural wrath not to
be mistaken. ‘The Moss wi’ the fire spurting up through it looked for all
the world like the cauldron itsel’, and a strange serpent was lately seen
flying in the air at the same place!’ Whether it be possible to find a
counterpoise to this supernatural machinery remains to be proved; but men
are changed as well as times. The lairds are resolved to cultivate the
blasted heath and the Forresians their favourite hill of Cluny, trusting
rather to closer observation and a better police than dreading the
influences of fast-decaying superstition."
January 21.—The foundation of a
handsome granite monument was laid on Old New-Year’s Day over the pave of
Rob Donn, the Reay bard, in the Church-yard of Durness, Sutherland.
The ceremony was carried out by Captain Mackay, Marybank, with Masonic
at Holbeck, near Leeds, lately, aged 106, Betty Jackson. She had resided
the whole of her long life in that village, where she had been parish
apprentice. When she was in her 23rd year she accompanied the pack-horses
which conveyed rations to General Ward’s [Wade’s] army, then at Tadcaster,
on its route to Scotland to oppose the rebels in 1745. She had not
suffered much from the infirmities of age; she possessed most of her
faculties entire, and retained an uncommon degree of sprightliness; as an
instance of which, about two years before her death, she sang a song with
a good deal of animation.
January 28.—The trial of Burke, the
Edinburgh murderer, had excited a panic regarding the doings of
resurrectionists, that is persons who lifted dead bodies from their graves
to sell them for dissection. A paragraph in this issue makes it clear that
the practice was carried on, and naturally excited dread and indignation.
At Gartenmore, Strathspey, a party were fired on by watchmen and one of
them was wounded and carried off by his comrades. The charge was of small
shot. "In almost every town and village of the North nightly watches are
appointed over the church-yards. At Forres, where a short time ago a
regular system of disinterment was carried on, a handsome little building
has been erected in the church-yard for the purpose of protection, which
is furnished with windows looking out in all directions, and is nightly
tenanted with guards." A story is told of an innkeeper who detected boxes
going through by coach, and being suspicious, had one of them examined. It
was found to contain a dead body.
lbid.—A correspondence was going on
at this time about a proposal to establish a steam ferry-boat between
Nairn and Cromarty. A letter in this issue characterises it as an absurd
project. Other correspondents took a different view.
lbid.—It is stated that arrangements
are in progress for the emigration of several hundred persons from Lord
Macdonald’s estates in Skye. Two respectable agents, Islesmen themselves,
had chartered vessels for the purpose, partly as a trading speculation
partly as an act of philanthropy. "The Island of Cape Breton, in the Gulf
of St Lawrence, is the point to which the views of the emigrants are
directed, and thither they are to be carried for the sum of two pounds
sterling! the agent finding them in fresh water during the voyage, but
every man providing his own stock of provisions, for which a certain
extent of stowage is to be allowed him. Highlanders, it is well known, can
exist on very little when necessity requires them to do so. If each grown
person, therefore, lays in one boll of oatmeal and another of potatoes,
there is no fear of him starving; and thus for somewhat less than four
pounds he will reach the promised land. A great many Islesmen who have, of
late years, gone out under exactly similar circumstances, are now
comfortably settled in Cape Breton and Prince Edward’s Island; and this
fact, communicated by those pioneers to their friends at home, has in the
present instance directed the tide of emigration to these quarters."
February 4.—The death is recorded in
Strathnairn of an old woman named Margaret Macdonald, who had served for
some time as a soldier. In her youth she loved a young man, Hugh Fraser,
who enlisted as a soldier for service in America; and in order to be near
him, Margaret, without his knowledge, dressed herself in male attire (not
the kilt), and also enlisted. She accompanied the regiment abroad, but her
sex was ultimately detected by the regimental tailor, when he was
measuring her for some clothing. The Colonel was so interested in the case
that he gave permission to Hugh and Margaret to be married. "Nearly all
the officers of the regiment were present at the ceremony, which took
place in Washington, and a blither bridal had not been seen for many a
day. As Hugh Fraser was as brave in the field as he had been true in love,
he was in the following summer promoted to the rank of sergeant. On the
expiration of his term of service, Hugh and Margaret returned to their
native glen, and lived long to enjoy the reward of their well-tried
affection. Margaret was the latest survivor, but her heart seemed ever to
be fixed on the days of yore, and to anticipate the period when she would
sleep by the side of the faithful husband for whom she had displayed such
devotedness and heroism."
February 11.—The bill to provide for
Catholic Emancipation was announced in the King’s Speech on the 5th inst.
February 18.—There is a long
memorial from the Town Council on a bill for building, enlarging, and
repairing gaols in Scotland. All the burghs were opposed to the burdens to
be laid on them by the proposed measure. The Inverness memorial says
:—"Every possible care seems to have been taken in the bill to relieve the
counties from expense so long as a farthing can be wrung from the burghs;
and every precaution employed to secure to these counties the whole power
and credit of the measure, even down to the very trappings of its name!"
Ibid.—There was a good deal of
discussion about a project to shorten the route to Dunkeld by a road from
Inverness direct to Spey-Bridge through the Monadh-liadh. There is a long
letter on the subject in this issue. The County of Inverness was also
engaged in promoting a Turnpike Bill.
February 25.—"The rather novel but
excellent practice of trial by jury before the Sheriff was exhibited this
day in our Court-house. Three cases were tried of comparatively little
importance, but the Court was crowded to excess from a little after ten
o’clock in the morning till twelve at night."
March 4.—There was excitement over
Catholic Emancipation. Strong hostility to the measure prevailed among the
clergy of Ross-shire, and petitions were signed in every parish.
"Ross-shire appears to be the only one of the seven Northern Counties that
has had recourse to petitions. A motion of an anti-Catholic nature was
made at a meeting of the Nairn Presbytery last week, but its consideration
was adjourned till a subsequent meeting, which in the present crisis was
equivalent to a negative."
Ibid.—At a meeting of Commissioners
of Supply in Tain it was carried by a large majority that Dingwall was a
more suitable site for the County Gaol than Tain. The vote (as given in
next issue) was 36 to 24.
March 11.—On the previous Friday a
number of boys and lads assembled on the Castlehill, which is described as
a "fine green eminence which overlooks the River Ness." There is no hint
of any remains of the old Castle existing. The object of the gathering was
to burn "a sort of effigy" expressive of hatred of Popery. The proceedings
afterwards developed into a disturbance, in which the windows of the
Catholic Chapel and the Police Office were broken.
March 18.—This number contains the
report of the Edinburgh meeting, at which Dr Chalmers delivered his famous
speech in favour of Catholic Emancipation. The excitement now prevailing
in the North of Scotland may be gathered from the following paragraph —"A
number of respectable gentlemen of the town and county of Nairn meditated
last week the drawing up of petitions in favour of the bill now before
Parliament, but owing to the present excited state of the public mind, and
from a consciousness that the bill will pass, the design has been
abandoned. A similar feeling, we may add, is pretty general in all the
Northern Counties among the educated classes. There can be no doubt, it is
said, but the Premier will conduct the measure to a successful issue, and
why should we, merely to declare our opinion publicly, run the risk of
creating a disturbance, and endangering the security of our lives and
property?’ In Inverness petitions were got up against the bill. One was by
the Six Incorporated Trades, and was signed by about 460 names of
"masters, journeymen, and apprentices." There were serious riots in the
town of Thurso.
March 25.—This number contains an
account of the duel between the Duke of Wellington and the Earl of
Winchilsea.—There are numerous notices of petitions against the
Emancipation Bill.
Ibid.—"The Session Lands of
Diriebught, near Inverness, consisting of about 22 acres, were this day
let on a 14 years’ lease to the Millburn Distillery Company for the sum of
£136. The former rent, on an old lease held by Mr Welsh of Miliburn, was
only £16 per annum."
April 1.—The Minister and Heritors
of the parish of Kirkhill allowed a decree of reduction of the sentence of
the Presbytery of Inverness, in the case of the schoolmaster, to pass by
default. The effect was to continue the parish schoolmaster in office,
though the Presbytery had endeavoured to remove him. The case at the time
caused great local interest.
April 8.—It is stated that universal
stagnation of trade prevails throughout the manufacturing districts. In
Glasgow, Manchester, Liverpool, and other towns thousands of operatives
were out of employment.
April 15.—In the previous Friday the
bill for Catholic Emancipation passed the House of Lords, and in due
course received the Royal assent.
April 22.—Mr Telford, engineer, in
reporting the observations made by him during his Highland tour the
previous summer, has the following note on Sutherland:—"In no part of the
Highlands is the progress of improvement so evident as from Bonar Bridge
along the coast of Sutherland to Helmsdale. Previous to the commencement
of the Dunrobin road the Bonar and Helmsdale bridges, in 1808, when I
travelled into that quarter, in surveying for the future roads, it was
with difficulty and not without danger that I could scramble along a
rugged, broken, sandy shore, or by narrow tracks on the edge of
precipices, frequently interrupted by rude and inconvenient ferries; and
having for lodgings only miserable huts scarcely protected from the
inclemency of the weather; while the adjacent country had scarcely the
marks of cultivation. Now a mail coach passes daily from Tain by
Bonar-Bridge, the Fleet Mound, Dunrobin, Helmsdale, and the Ord of
Caithness, to the extremity of the Island at Wick and Thurso, without
being interrupted by a single ferry. Along the coast of Sutherland there
are commodious inns; at Golspie, near Dunrobin Castle, there is one equal
to any to be found in England. Helmsdale has become an important fishing
station, where are two very decent inns, and a number of herring houses.
At Brora there is an extensive new village, and the same at Bonar-Bridge.
Along the whole of the road the lands are laid out in regular farms, with
proper dwellings and offices, some of them very extensive, the whole
presenting a picture which must afford pleasure to everyone who feels
gratified in observing the prosperity of his country. For the whole of
this, excepting the roads and bridges, the public is indebted to
the Stafford family and their active and intelligent agents."
Ibid.—."We understand that Mr Robert
Urquhart has been admitted as a procurator before the Sheriff and other
Courts in Morayshire, and has commenced business in Forres."
April 29.—There is a letter in this
issue signed "M.," evidently written by Hugh Miller. It
relates to Cromarty traditions which he afterwards published. It was
shortly before this time that Miller called at the "Courier" office, which
was then in High Street, and made the acquaintance of Mr Carruthers. His
Poems had not yet appeared.
May 13.—"We understand that the
London Smacks belonging to this place are to commence sailing once a-week
after the 1st of June. They are to sail from London every Thursday and
from Cromarty every Tuesday." This shows that the smacks still continued
to run weekly.
May 20.—There was at this time
considerable friction between the Parliamentary Commissioners of Highland
Roads and Bridges and the local Heritors. Meantime it is stated that the
toll-ban in the county, seven in number, had been let for a total rental
of £674, being an increase of more than £200 on the proceeds of the
previous year. The writer of the paragraph adds:—"The amount of toll
derived from the coaches on the Fort-George and Badenoch Roads, exclusive
of the mails, was last year £368, which, being added to the produce of the
toils, makes a total of no less than £1042. This will prove the best way
of adjusting the differences between the Heritors and Commissioners."
May 27.—It is stated that Sir Peter
Lawrie, one of the Aldermen of London, and Sir Richard Birnie, the head
Police Magistrate in England, were both natives of Scotland, and began
life in the employment of Mr Godsman, "son of that Captain Godsman whose
name is as familiar as a household word in Inverness, from the
circumstances of his having formed one of the most beautiful and romantic
walks in the vicinity of the town." It seems doubtful whether Captain
Godsman made the walk, but he certainly used it.
June 3.—In this issue is advertised
Hugh Miller’s first work, "Poems Written in the Leisure Hours of a
Journeyman Mason." The price is four shillings. The advertisement gives a
synopsis of the contents. A note in the same issue announces the
publication of the volume, and says that "the author resides at Cromarty,
and is unquestionably possessed of genius of no common order."
Ibid.—The Royal Burghs of Scotland
are congratulated on the withdrawal of the Gaol Bill, which had proved so
obnoxious to them. Another bill, however, was promised, and. was required.
The gaols could not be left as they were. "The Lord Advocate draws a
melancholy picture of the want of accommodation and comfort in many
Scottish gaols, and amongst the rest is that of our own Royal burgh,
though in one respect we are outdone by our countrymen of Dumfries, who
give their prisoners access to the open air by suspending them in an iron
cage attached to the wall."
June 10.—In this number there is a
review of Hugh Miller’s volume. The writer, who is evidently Mr Carruthers,
quotes a remark by Mackenzie that "there is a certain poetic ground on
which a man cannot tread without feelings that enlarge the heart, and that
many who are not able to reach the Parnassian heights, may yet approach so
near as to be bettered by the air of the climate." Miller’s volume is
considered as affording an excellent illustration of this maxim. At the
same time, the poems are commended as possessing "considerable power both
of thought and expression, and so much harmony in the versification, and
variety of imagery, as to afford another instance of the truth of an
observation made by Rousseau that genius, like flame, will burst through
all obstructions." Hugh Miller’s personality had evidently made a deeper
impression on the editor than the poems themselves, though appreciation of
their merits is not lacking. Mr Carruthers quotes a passage from the work,
and concludes by expressing satisfaction that the author gave unremitting
attention to his occupation as a mason, and confined his devotion to the
muses to his leisure hours.
June 17.—In this and two subsequent
issues there are anecdotes and reminiscences of the Rev. Mr Gordon, who
was minister of Alvie, in Badenoch, at the time of the ‘45. He is said to
have lived to the great age of 105 years, and his memory was long
cherished in Badenoch. He died in 1787. The Scottish Fasti says his death
occurred in the 101st year of his age and the 57th of his ministry. It was
Mr Gordon who was summoned before the Duke of Cumberland at Inverness to
answer for his conduct in relieving rebels after Culloden. The minister is
reported to have said—"May it please your Royal Highness, I am exceedingly
straitened between two contrary commands, both coming from very high
authority. My Heavenly King’s son commands me to feed the hungry, to
clothe the naked, to give meat and drink to my very enemies, and to
relieve to the utmost of my power indiscriminately all objects of disease
that come in my way. My earthly King’s son commands me to drive the
houseless wanderer from my door, to shut my bowels of compassion against
the cries of the needy, and to withhold from my fellow-mortals in distress
the relief which it is in my power to afford. Pray which of these commands
am I to obey?" It is one instance to the credit of the Duke that he
commended Mr Gordon, and told him to obey the commands of his Heavenly
King’s Son.
June 24.—The Sheep and Wool Fair was
held the previous week. Prices—Cheviot wedders, 18s to 24s; ewes, 12s 6d
to 14s; lambs, 7s to 8s 6d; blackfaced wedders, 14s to 18s; ewes, 9s to
10s 6d; lambs, 6s to 7s. Little business was done in wool, but Cheviot
wool brought last year’s prices, namely, 8s 6d and 9s per stone. The
project of postponing the market for a few weeks later, though not
formally brought forward, was discussed.
July 1 —Among gifts to the Museum of
the Northern Institution is the following: —"A lithographic sketch, from
George Mackenzie, Esq., writer, Dingwall, of the arms of Mr Thomas
Urquhart of Cromarty, taken from a carved slab formerly in the family
mansion-house of Cromarty, and now in the Kinbeachie Cottage, dated 1651.
The sketch of this curious piece of sculpture was executed some years ago
by Thomas Mackenzie, Esq of Kinbeachie the representative of the ancient
Ibid.—The Commissioners entrusted
with the administration of £50,000 to build churches and manses in the
Highlands report that they have built forty-two churches and forty-one
manses, all paid in full; and that they have a small surplus over which
they intend to apply in building a church and manse at Carnoch, in
Strathconon. This they represent as a specially remote and needy district.
With the buildings at Carnoch, the report says, the work of the
Commissioners "may be deemed final and complete."
July 15.—The opening up of the Ness
Islands is recorded. The appeal made to the public in the previous year
had been promptly responded to, several hundred pounds having been
subscribed. "The first and larger island has been laid out with
considerable taste, and cultivated with great care; it is adorned with a
profusion of flowering plants and evergreens, and with spacious,
neatly-formed walks winding on each side." A handsome suspension bridge
had been thrown across the eastern branch of the river, to make the
Islands accessible. "It is a light and graceful structure, and wants only
a companion on the other side to render it complete. Without another
bridge to connect the walks on the opposite side of the river, the
improvement will continue very defective and unfinished; and as the funds
are already exhausted, we think the Committee ought to make a second
appeal to the public, to endeavour to secure this desideratum."
Ibid.—"Instructions have been
received from the General Post-Office that from the date of Sunday next,
the South mail will in future, instead of arriving at three a.m. as at
present, reach Inverness by ten o’clock on the previous evening. This
acceleration has been accomplished by abridging the stoppages and bringing
the mail direct by Huntly, instead of the coast road by Banff. The mail at
the same time will be despatched for the South at twelve o’clock at night
instead of ten."
Ibid.—A summary is given of a new
Sheriff Court Small Debt Act. It rendered decrees and arrestments
operative in any county, and not merely in the county of the debtor’s
residence, as heretofore.
July 22.—The Committee of the
General Assembly issued their report on education in the Highlands. Since
May 1828 the Committee had established 19 additional schools, making the
number on the establishment 85. The progress was gratifying, but the
report says—"On a moderate computation, 170 additional schools are still
required in the Highlands and Islands, and upwards of 8000 of the young
betwixt eight and fifteen years of age are still unable to read and
lbid.—The French Duc de Chartres
visited Inverness the previous week. He made a pencil sketch of the house
in Inverness in which Prince Charles Edward resided previous to the battle
of Culloden, and which was afterwards occupied by the Duke of Cumberland.
The Duke visited Culloden battlefield, being shown over it by "honest John
Macdonald," who was accustomed to act as guide. The paragraph says that
the Duc de Chartres had the good taste and feeling to condemn a barbarous
practice which existed of opening the graves of the Highlanders for the
purpose of carrying off bones as relics.
July 29.—Hugh Miller’s Letters on
the Herring Fishery begin on this date, and are continued through several
August 5 and 12.—These two issues
contain accounts of the great floods of the 3rd and 4th August. The story
is told in full by Sir Thomas Dick Lauder in his book on the Moray Floods.
The only flood with which this could be compared at the time was one which
occurred in September 1766. The flood of 1829, however, was said to be
much greater than its precursor.
August 12.—The young Chief of
Glengarry attained his majority on the 29th inst. The occasion was
celebrated by a dinner in the Macdonnell Arms, Glengarry. Captain
Macdonell of Achad-leathann was in the chair.
Ibid.—"Died, on 25th July, in the
house of her son, Captain J. Macdonell of Killiechonate, Catharine, widow
of the late John Dhu of Aberarder, and the last surviving of the children
of the late Colonel Alexander Macdonell of Keppoch, who fell at the head
of his own regiment in the battle of Culloden. Mrs Macdonell was a perfect
model of a lady of the old school, and beloved by all for her benevolence
of heart, as well as engaging manners. At the advanced age of ninety she
retained the use of all her faculties, and was cheerful and active to the
last. Her funeral, on Monday, notwithstanding the unfavourableness of the
weather, was attended by upwards of 600 persons."
September 2.—A second storm swept
over the country on the 26th and 27th ult. It is described as "even more
violent than that of the 3rd and 4th ult.," but it was not so widespread
and disastrous. Still it seems to have been bad enough. The Valley of the
Ness suffered. "Thursday," says the report, "was without exception the
most awful day we ever witnessed. The rain fell in torrents, and the wind
was a perfect hurricane." A vessel in the harbour at Nairn was wrecked and
most of the pier disappeared.
September 16.—"The highly useful
project of supplying our good town with water is now nearly finished, and
bids fair to be completely successful. Last night the machinery was put to
the test in presence of a number of spectators. The water-wheel that
drives the force pump, by means of which the water is sent to the
reservoir, is of simple but powerful construction, made under the
direction of that ingenious mechanic, Mr Miller manager of the Company’s
works. It is made to rise and fall according to the state of the river,
and propels the water through pipes a distance of 1300 yards, at an
elevation of about 100 feet. Last night water was for the first time
forced up to the reservoir, and from thence down Castle Street and Bridge
Street, thus proving the practicability and success of the works."
September 30.—The Northern Meeting
and Inverness Races were held the previous week. "The attendance was more
respectable than numerous."
Ibid.—Dr Robertson of Aultnaskiah
was re-elected Provost of Inverness. The Common Good of the burgh realised
£963 14s. This included £520 for anchorage and shore dues, being a
decrease of £45 on the previous year. The Petty Customs and Toll of the
Old Bridge fetched £320.
October 7.—The County of Inverness
concurred in the proposal of the Convener, Sheriff Fraser-Tytler, that it
was expedient and of importance to have the members of Parliament for the
Northern Counties added to the Board of Parliamentary Commissioners for
Highland Roads and Bridges.—The same meeting considered a report of a
Committee on the state of the Inverness Gaol. The report recommended that
a new gaol should be built, the expense to be defrayed by an assessment of
threepence on every pound Scots of valued rent to be paid by the
proprietors, and three halfpence on every pound of rent payable by
tenants. Supposing the gaol to cost £10,000, the whole of that sun with
interest would in this way be paid in six years. The meeting continued the
Committee, with instructions to meet with the Inverness Magistrates with a
view to transmit a joint report to the Secretary of State. This joint
report was adopted in the end of October. It recommended that gaols should
be erected and maintained at the expense of each class of the community
according to ability, assessment to be levied on real rent in town and
Ibid—" A circumstance, happily now
of rare occurrence, took place on the 25th ult. A large smuggling lugger
was captured in Loch-Snizort, Isle of Skye, with eleven men and a valuable
cargo of gin, tea, tobacco, and snuff on board. The seizure was not made
till alter a long chase, and several guns were fired."
October 14.—There is quoted from
"The Caledonian Mercury" a cordial notice of "Poems by a Journeyman Mason"
The critic says that the pieces contained in the humble volume before us
bear the stamp and impress of no ordinary genius."
Ibid.—The death is announced of
Bailie John Simpson, in his 68th year. He had been more than forty years a
merchant in Inverness, and about half that time a magistrate. He was noted
for his freedom "from anything like guile or selfishness," and for
kindliness and warmth of heart.
Ibid.—Mr William Murray of Rosemount
was elected Provost of Tain. Sir Charles A. Ross of Balnagown was made a
burgess of the town.
October 21.—Three prisoners,
Irishmen, made their escape from the gaol of Tain by breaking through the
walls. A Committee of Commissioners of Supply, and Justices reported in
favour of erecting a new jail at Dingwall.
Ibid.—There is a contribution, two
columns long, entitled "Authentic Narrative of the Passage of John de
Groat from Holland, of his arrival at Duncansbay Head, in Caithness, and
his first reception from the natives, &c." It is written by a
correspondent at John O’Groat’s, who was in the habit of sending clever
poetical pieces, and whom the editor requested to try his hand at prose.
November 14.—At a meeting of the
Inverness Farmer Society there was a discussion on the annual cost of a
pair of farm horses, including the expense of a ploughman and wear and
tear of harness. One practical farmer, whose calculation is given, figured
out the cost at £66 19s 3d. The servants’ wages are put at £8, and meal
£6, making a total of £14.
Ibid.—" Died, at Aix-la-Chapelle,
Lieut.-Colonel Colquhoun Grant son of the late Duncan Grant of Lingieston,
of disease contracted at Arracaus. This distinguished officer, during the
Peninsular war, and subsequently in Belgium, was at the head of the
Intelligence Department of the army."
November 25.—There is a report of a
meeting of the Nairnshire Missionary Society—Mr James A. Grant, Viewfield,
in the chair. The contributions for the year amounted to more than £53.