January 4 and 11.—The two numbers
contain notes on Northern towns, the observations of a summer ramble in
1825. There is nothing calling for quotation in the notes, but they may be
worth looking at by anyone in search of comparisons. We are told that
Fortrose is famed for its "Knights of the Awl," or shoemakers, and
Rosemartie for its weavers.
January 18.—A code of legal
provisions for improving the condition of slaves was introduced into
Ibid—There had been ten days of
intense frost, and abundant skating in London. In Inverness it is noted
that "we have neither professor nor amateur in the exhilarating sports of
skating or curling." The Highland road from Perth to Inverness was open,
while the coaches on the other roads were greatly delayed.
lbid.—Upwnrds of 150 Chisholms and
other natives of Strathglass had their usual match at shinty. The match
was betwixt the Braes and the Strath. "The Braesmen supported the
character for superior activity and expertness which they are said to
possess, and though less numerous, carried the day."
January 25.—Intimation of the
suspension of the London booksellers, Hurst. Robinson, & Co., which
involved the downfall of Constable and the insolvency of Sir Walter Scott.
February 1.—Among the articles
presented to the Northern Institution was a cast of the gold rod found at
the Leys in 1824, given by Mr Naughton.
February 15.—Excitement aroused in
Scotland by the proposal of the Chancellor of the Exchequer to abolish one
pound notes.
February 22.—A meeting of heritors
and tenants of houses was held to consider a local Police Bill proposed
for the burgh of Inverness. There was a large attendance and a long
discussion. In the end the Magistrates withdrew the bill.
March 1.—There is a description of
the monument erected to the late Charles Grant, M.P. in St George’s
Church, Bloomsbury. The monument was erected by the East India Company as
a tribute of respect to the memory of Mr Grant. It is described as one of
the largest monuments in any church in London.
March 15.—"We have considerable
satisfaction in observing that the project of a constant and daily
conveyance by the Highland Road from Inverness to the South, which we have
so long and so frequently advocated, is no longer a matter of doubt or
difficulty with those who are best qualified to appreciate its possibility
and its profits. Two coaches, belonging to separate concerns, are now
running between Perth and Inverness three times a-week; and in a short
time we find that one of these at least will run on that road every day."
March 29.—"During the last week
Scotland has had her full share of attention in both Houses. Besides the
appointment of the most impartial Committee, given in our last paper, to
inquire concerning the circulation of small notes, on Tuesday week a
Committee was appointed, on the motion of the Lord Advocate, to inquire
into the state of the Scottish prisons, which his lordship characterised
as truly disgraceful."
Ibid.—"A new Masonic Lodge was
yesterday consecrated at Dingwall, called the Fingal Lodge. In the absence
of Sir G. S. Mackenzie Bart., Provincial Grand Master for Ross-shire, who
could not attend on account of indisposition, the Lodge was consecrated by
Colin Mackenzie, Esq. of Kilcoy, Deputy Provincial Grand Master, with true
Masonic solemnity, assisted by deputations from St John’s Kilwinning Lodge
of Inverness and St Duthus Lodge of Tain, headed by their respective
Masters, who acted as Provincial Grand Wardens."
Ibid.—The death occurred at Brora on
the 18th inst. of Alexander Urquhart, tidesman of the Customs, who is said
to have been 111 years old. He was, it was stated born at Tain in 1715. He
possessed to the last a faithful memory of certain interesting particulars
of the rising of 1745, and had seen many of the leading characters in it,
particularly John Roy Stuart. "Honest Sandy," as he is called, was never a
soldier, hut he was a sportsman and as deadly a shot as ever took the
heather. "Employed in the capacity of gamekeeper to the late Earl of
Sutherland, he had frequent occasion to be on the moors with those
noblemen and gentlemen who usually resorted to the North to enjoy the
sporting seasons. With Baron Norton, Sir John Gordon of Embo, and the late
General Wemyss, he was a particular favourite. Many of his anecdotes and
repartees on this and other occasions are still remembered, to be laughed
at right heartily; for although he was a plain, unassuming sort of man,
his mode of conversation was tinctured with a venial kind of bluntness and
sarcastic humour peculiar to himself that rendered the aptness of his
remarks irresistible and no persons how dignified soever in rank, was
exempted from his satire." Urquhart was an expert angler, and would talk
with enthusiasm of books, rods, and flies, but he had a great contempt for
what was then the modern improvement of gut and sea-weed casting lines. By
the interest of Lord Ankerville, he was appointed, about 1780, tide-waiter
of the Customs at Inverness, from which he was soon afterwards transferred
to Brora. He was superannuated in 1812, with an allowance of £23 a year.
"He was a man of very temperate habits - was never known to have been,
even once, intoxicated. He would most willingly take one glass of spirits,
but no persuasion would induce him to go beyond that, as he always
considered one dram his gauge, as he called it, and above that was
hurtful. He never complained of iIl health till within the last twelve
months of his life. His dress was jnvariably the same: full round-breasted
coat, a vest of old-fashioned cut, and a small, flat blue bonnet. A lady
once made a present to him of a fine hat, but he considered it such an
invasion on the ancient rights of the bonnet that it was laid aside and
never used."
April 12.—A correspondent writes to
express surprise that there is "neither a stick nor a stone" to mark the
site of Culloden Battlefield. Many years elapsed before this want was
April 26.—On the previous Sunday the
Rev. Principal Baird preached in the English (High) Church in support of
the scheme for improving the means of religions instruction in the
Highlands. The collection in that church amounted to £47 1s, and in other
churches to £12 19s— total, £60. Principal Baird was in Inverness for
several days, and was presented with the freedom of the burgh - "an
honour," says the paragraph, "conferred, we understand, on no individual
since it was bestowed on Prince Leopold.
Ibid.—The anniversary of the
Northern Missionary Society was held at Dingwall. The collection and
contributions amounted to £46 2s 3d.
April 26 and May 3.—The former issue
records the death of Sir Hector Mackenzie, Bart. of Gairloch,
Lord-Lieutenant of the County of Ross, who expired at Conon House on 22nd
April. In the next issue a tribute is paid to his memory. "Hospitality,
generous, open, manly friendship, mild unaffected, and what may be termed
honest dignity of deportment, accompanied by hearty kindness,
distinguished him in a remarkable manner. He took great delight in
forwarding the views of others, and was always ready to obey the dictates
of benevolence. In public affairs, where he differed from others, he did
so in a manner that could not possibly offend." Sir Hector was sixty-eight
years of age.
May 3.—At the Inverness County
meeting a petition was adopted to the House of Commons praying that the
County should not be taxed with the burden of alimenting prisoners, which
the Convention of Royal Burghs proposed as an alternative for the better
regulation of the Scottish gaols and the due maintenance of the prisoners
confined in them. The same meeting adopted resolutions in favour of
erecting tolls in the county in aid of assessment. It was stated that the
burden of assessment was at that time upwards of 9 per cent. on the net
rental of the county.
May 10.—Mr Adam Davidson, writer,
was duly admitted procurator in the Sheriff Court of Nairn on Friday, 5th
May 17.—The Inverness Auxiliary of
the Inverness Bible Society held its fourteenth annual meeting on the 10th
inst. The total amount of funds accounted for by the treasurer was £281
18s 9d. This, however, included a balance of £77 19s 3d brought forward
from last year, a legacy of £20, and a sum of £30 11s 3d, realised from
the sale of Scriptures.
Ibid.—A circular from the Excise
Office set forth that in consequence of the extent and audacity with which
a band of smugglers who had established themselves in Glen-Naughty and
other glens in that quarter of Aberdeenshire were carrying on their
operations and resisting the Revenue officers, the Earls of Aboyne and
Fife, Sir Alexander Leith, and other proprietors, had instructed their
agents, bailiffs, and ground officers to render every assistance to the
officers of revenue in destroying their smuggling utensils, and burning
the huts or bothies in which they carried on their operations; also to
dismiss any tenant who was concerned in illicit distillation, and to take
measures for preventing itinerant smugglers from cutting or providing a
stock of peat. These measures were recommended to the consideration of
land-owners in the Highlands.
May 24.—At a special county meeting held on the 19th
inst. resolutions in favour of imposing tolls were reaffirmed by a
majority of 41 to 14.
May 31.—At the General Assembly on
22nd May, a petition was presented from parties in the counties of Ross
and Cromarty praying the Assembly to take measures to enforce the regular
celebration of the Sacrament in the different parishes in these counties,
and to prevent the clergymen doing so during the periods of seed time and
harvest. The memorial stated that it had not been the practice to
celebrate the Communion regularly in various parishes in the counties of
Ross and Cromarty; that in one parish it had been omitted for seven years;
and that in many it was unusual to celebrate.
June 7.—Parliament was dissolved on
the previous Thursday, 1st June. An editorial article says "A large
portion of his Majesty’s Ministers and of his Majesty’s Opposition think
so much alike upon most subjects of general interest that a desire for the
triumph of any particular principles as between these parties will now
hardly suffice to render either very strenuous in their exertions to
secure seats for their adherents. Accordingly we find very few places in
which contests are expected, and even in some instances burghs are almost
advertising for members to represent them."
Ibid.—A daily coach between
Inverness and Perth began to run on the 6th inst. It was called the
Caledonian Coach, and started from the Caledonian Hotel at five in the
morning. "The enterprising spirit," we are told, "of a few private
individuals has accomplished what has hitherto been deemed by many to be
altogether impracticable, and accordingly we have now an opportunity of
journeying from this town to the Metropolis of Scotland, a distance of 160
miles, in the short space of 24 hours, including four hours’ rest at
June 21.—The election for the burgh
of Hedon, in Yorkshire, took place on the 12th inst., the successful
candidates being Colonel Baillie and Mr Villiers. "Colonel Baillie," says
the paragraph, "is a gentleman of some property in the County of
Inverness, and a director of the East India Company." The Inverness
property was the estate of Leys.
June 28.—The Inverness Sheep and
Wool Market was held the previous week. There was great apprehension that
prices would be very low, "lower than they were for the last thirty
years," but this fear was not realised. The price of wool was as good as
it was in 1822 and 1824, and much better than it was in 1823. The prices
of sheep were nearly as in 1820, which was an excellent market, and higher
than from 1821 to 1824. The market, however, was very stiff as sellers did
not care to submit to a substantial reduction from the rates of 1825. "A
good deal of interest was excited on the second day by the decision of a
sweepstake of £10 for tips, between Mr Sellar of Morvich and Mr Laidlaw,
Knockfin. The tups were the best in the respective stocks of these
gentlemen and were shown fleeced and unfleeced. The judgment was in favour
of Mr Sellar, who very liberally extended the greater part of his winning
in a ‘go' of claret."
Ibid.—The Hon. Colonel F. W. Grant
of Grant was unanimously re-elected M.P. for the County of Moray at Elgin
on Monday last. Colonel Grant gave a splendid entertainment in the
afternoon to a numerous body of gentlemen, freeholders, &c., in the County
Hall of Elgin.
July 5.—"Inverness District of
Burghs. The election of the Member of Parliament for this District of
Burghs took place at Fortrose on Monday last, the 3rd curt., when Robert
Grant, Esq. of Lincoln’s Inn, London, was unanimously elected." This is
the full report of the election for the burghs in the file of the above
date. Robert Grant, was a younger brother of the Member for the County.
Ibid.—Sir J. W. Mackenzie of
Scatwell was re-elected Member for Ross-shire. Sir Hugh lnnes of Lochalsh,
Bart., was for the fourth time elected member for the Northern Burghs
without opposition.—The Hon. Alexander Duff, brother of the Earl of Fife,
was chosen member for the Elgin Burghs.
July 12.—There is a full report of
the proceedings at the election of a member for the County of Inverness,
the first contested election that had occurred for a long time. Opposition
to the Right Hon. Charles Grant, Vice-President of the Board of Trade had
been threatened for some time. Colonel Baillie of Leys, Macleod of
Macleod, and Lord Macdonald of the Isles had all announced their intention
of coming forward. The first two, however, retired, and the contest lay
between Mr Grant and Lord Macdonald. At noon on the 7th inst. the
free-holders assembled in the Court-house in Bridge Street, but the public
interest being intense they adjourned to the High Church. Colonel F. W.
Grant, M.P., was appointed Chairman. The church was crowded. "The front
seats of the gallery were graced with the presence of several high-born
and elegantly dressed ladies"; the large pew "technically called the
Latron" was occupied by the Chairman, the candidates, and a few friends;
and Glengarry took possession of the precentor’s box. The applications of
new claimants to be placed on the Voters’ Roll occupied a large part off
the proceedings. Every case was argued by Counsel. "Their contentions
lasted from about two o’clock on Friday afternoon until nine on Saturday
morning"; and by this time the ladies in the gallery had gone home, and
many of the freeholders were asleep. The latter, however, wakened up when
the next stage began. Sir Ewen Cameron of Fassfern, who was in his 87th
year moved the election of the Right Hon. C. Grant as Member for the
County. Mr A. N. Macleod of Harris seconded the motion. Macleod of
Macleod, after explaining how he had seen it his duty to retire from his
own candidature, nominated Lord Macdonald, which proposal was seconded by
Mackintosh of Mackintosh. Both candidates then spoke. The poll showed 49
votes for Mr Grant and 10 for Lord Macdonald; the latter being further
supported by 14 whose votes were tendered but rejected. Mr Grant was
supported by the great majority of Highland Chiefs and gentry, whose
confidence in himself he spoke of with natural pride. He afterwards
entertained a company of 140 to dinner. Lord Macdonald also entertained a
considerable party, and the rivals exchanged deputations and drank one
another’s health.
Ibid.—A. general meeting of the
Inverness Gas and Water Company was held in the Town Hall. Provost
Robertson of Aultnaskiach was elected Chairman, and the following
directors were appointed :—Mr Maclean, land surveyor; Dr Nicol; Mr
Macandrew, solicitor; Mr Smith of Dalmore; Mr Grey, merchant; Dr Alexr.
Macdonald; Mr Maclead of Parkhill; Mr Edwards, solicitor; Mr Simon Fraser,
merchant; and Convener Williamson. The buildings for the gasometer were
reported as being nearly completed, and a considerable quantity of gas
piping had arrived.
July 19.—There is an article on the
distress prevailing throughout the country. "It appears from the
newspapers of the Midland and Northern Counties of England, as well as
those from the South and West of Scotland, that the number of persons out
of work is daily increasing; and neither poor rates nor charitable
contributions will long suffice to support the immense numbers now
dependent on them." The effect of the Corn Laws was warmly discussed.
July 26.—Lord Francis Leveson Gower
was elected Member for the County of Sutherland.
August 16.—"The number of
distinguished and fashionable personages who have this year visited the
Highlands of Scotland has been beyond all precedent....Every shooting-box
in the Highlands, far and near, is now filled with sportsmen of all ranks
and conditions, from the highest-sounding aristocratic titles down to the
pleasure-hunting Cockney." In most of the cases mentioned, however, it in
evident that the Highland proprietors were entertaining guests.
September 6.—"Ministers have done
themselves infinite honour by resolving on their own responsibility to
open the ports for the immediate admission of foreign oats, oatmeal, rye,
pease, and beans, on payment of the following duties: —Oats, per quarter,
2s; oatmeal, per boll, 2s 2d; rye, pease, and beans, per quarter, 3s 6d.
This measure, which secures the subsistence of the poor, at a period of
apprehended scarcity, is founded on information laid before his Majesty,
by which it appears that the home average price of oats, pease, &c.,
exceeded that at which, by Act of Parliament, the importation of foreign
wheat was allowed; that the crops of oats, pease, and beans of the present
year had failed to a considerable extent; and that a deficiency in the
potato crop was apprehended in many parts of the United Kingdom. These
considerations, joined with the actual distress of the times, have induced
Ministers wisely to adopt this measure for the relief of the people.
September 20.—The Rev. Charles Bayne
sometime minister at Fort-William, was on Wednesday, 13th inst. admitted
to the pastoral charge of the Parish of Fodderty, vacant by the death of
the Rev. Mr Mackenzie.
September 27.—The Northern Meeting
was held on the previous week, and included races at Dunancroy. Note is
taken of the fact that the dinners, which were held as usual on each of
the three days, were attended by gentlemen only. "We believe that this
year was the only one, since the Meeting was instituted in 1788, at which
the ladies did not appear at the dinner." No reason is assigned for their
absence. A service of silver plate was presented to Mr Fraser of Culduthel
for his long and valuable services as secretary of the Meeting.
Ibid.—Dr Robertson of Aultnaskiach
was re-elected Provost of Inverness.
October 11.—" We understand that
George Cumming, Esq., London, late representative in Parliament for this
District of Burghs, has, in the most liberal manner, on retiring from that
distinguished situation, presented the town of Nairn with an elegant
eight-day clock, of the most superior machinery. This recent mark of the
worthy member’s attachment has been duly appreciated by a community whose
interests had uniformly received his most assiduous attention."
October 18.—It is stated that the
Right. Hon. William Dundas, Lord Register of Scotland, has been elected
Provost of Tain.
October 25.—The Right Hon. Charles
Grant, Member for the County of Inverness, and his brother, Robert Grant,
Member for the District of Burghs, were presented on the 21st inst. with
the freedom of the town of Forres.
November 1.—At a meeting of the
Northern Institution, it was announced that Mr John Anderson, W.S. author
of the History of the Frasers, and one of the secretaries of the Society
of Antiquaries, was the winner of the gold medal presented by Sir George
Mackenzie of Coul, for an essay on the State of Society and Knowledge in
the Highlands in 1745, and the Progress made to the Present Day. Sir
George was present, and presented the medal to Mr Anderson, delivering at
the same time an address which is spoken of in high terms.
November 29.—On Friday the 24th
inst. a disastrous snow-storm occurred, the effects of which were long
remembered. About seven in the morning a furious gale burst out,
accompanied by thick falling snow and occasional showers of sleet. "The
Martinmas Market, which held here that day, was the means of leading many
persons from home, and the town was more crowded than could have been
expected from the state of the weather. During the whole of that day and
the following night the storm continued unabated, and even in town it
became a matter of peril to pass from one house or street to another. As
little or no business could be done in the streets, many people resorted
in groups to the shelter afforded by the closes in town, and others to the
public houses, and it is to be feared that to the necessarily prolonged
visits of the people to these places of entertainment, several of the
accidents of that night must be ascribed. The loss of lives of people
venturing home from the town to their places of abode in the country is
variously estimated: there is a certainty however, that no fewer than 11
or 12 perished in the vicinity of Inverness. A man and a woman were found
dead next morning near Castle Stewart, and two other persons died on the
road from this town to Nairn. A woman of the name of Grant, although
accompanied by a sister, who could offer her little help expired at the
bridge of Moniack, within a short distance of her own home. Two young men
who left town for Strathdearn in the evening were found in a state of
exhaustion by the wayside, and died shortly thereafter while under the
hands of some kind friends who were administering to their relief. Two men
(Alexander Fraser, a labourer, and Peter Cameron, a weaver) were found
dead, the former near Cuidrash and the latter near Ardedrean, in the hill
between Urquhart and the Aird; a woman and her son, a boy of fifteen years
of age, were likewise found dead at Duntemple near the Church of Boleskine,
and within 2(k) yards of their own door. Thus there is the certainty of
eleven persons at least having perished that evening. A tailor of the name
of Fraser, from Garnabeg, in Urquhart, left Abriachan on Friday for his
own house, and has not since been heard of. Two of the shepherds on the
farm of Borlum, near Fort-Augustus have likewise been missing since Friday
and it is feared that these last must be added to this melancholy list of
deaths. Many were found on the roads in an exhausted and powerless
condition; but by the kind ministrations of passers by and neighbours,
they have providentially recovered." The coaches between Aberdeen and
Inverness were delayed many hours by the storm; one gave up the attempt to
make its way. To the North the roads were clearer, although the mails had
to be carried across the Ord of Caithness on horseback. The storm, having
begun on Friday morning, abated somewhat on Suturday; Sunday was
comparatively clear, but still intensely cold and boisterous; "even Monday
and Tuesday were days on which no person who could stay in the house would
be seen out."
December 6.—A continuation of the
account of the storm states that the loss of lives from the borders of
Aberdeenshire and Perthshire was ascertained to be at least twenty-six,
and there were a few people still missing. Besides that, more than twenty
vessels had been wrecked, among these sixteen in the Moray Firth. There
was great loss among sheep. Many trees had also been blown down.
Ibid.—The gas light was now ready
for use in town, and had been partially tried, giving universal
satisfaction. Arrangements were made by which the town was to have about
seventy public gas lamps, besides twenty of the old stamp maintained in
the suburbs and remote lanes.