February 24.—"We are glad to learn
that Inverness has been constituted a bonding port for wines, spirits, and
timber directly imported, and for all other goods carried coastwise for
home consumption, with the exception of silks and tobacco. This concession
by the Treasury will be highly beneficial to the trade of this town and
neighbourhood." The same issue records the presentation of plate to Mr
Alexander Mactavish, solicitor, in recognition of his political services
to the Conservative party at the last county election.
March 2.—A new steam vessel, "The
Duchess of Sutherland," had been brought to the Moray Firth, to ply
between Inverness and London. She is described as a handsome,
well-equipped boat, and a fast sailer. "We congratulate the public," says
the editor, "on the commencement of this new source of communication,
which promises to be highly advantageous to the agricultural and
commercial interests of the North of Scotland."
Ibid.—The dignity of a baronet of
the United Kingdom was conferred on Colin Mackenzie, Esq. of Kilcoy, with
remainder to his second son, Evan Mackenzie.
March 9.—Mr Stewart Mackenzie of
Seaforth presented a petition to Parliament from proprietors and occupiers
of land in the counties of Ross and Cromarty, complaining of agricultural
distress. Among the remedies suggested by Seaforth was the removal of
taxes on agricultural seeds (clover, tares, and linseed), which were then
subject to duty. It was stated that the duty on clover seed alone amounted
to £5600 per annum.
March 16.—The question of the
election of a minister came again before a meeting in the East
Church—Provost Fraser in the chair. The vote on this occasion showed 64
parishioners for Rev. Mr Campbell and 48 for Rev. Mr Cook, giving the
former a majority of 16. The votes of other ten non-parishioners were
tendered for Mr Cook, but the Session held that the votes of non-residents
could not be received.
Ibid.—"Mr Mackintosh of Raigmore has
very handsomely consented to feu out a site for the new church on the west
bank of the river, immediately opposite to Fraser Street. The situation is
one of the most desirable in town, and will prove very convenient for the
inhabitants of both sides of the river."
March 23.—The Chancellor of the
Exchequer announced his intention to bring forward changes in the
Stamp Acts. Among others, the newspaper stamp duty was to be reduced from
4d, with twenty per cent. discount, to one penny without discount.
Ibid.—There was great delight at the
success of the first trip of the steamer Duchess of Sutherland from
Inverness to London. One tenant in the neighbourhood had shipped 61 sheep
for the London market, and realised fully 7s a head more than he could
have obtained for them in the North. Another had shipped ten stots, which
brought from £3 to £3 10s more than they would have realised here if they
had been kept till the end of April. "These favourable sales have stirred
up a desire among our Northern agriculturists to rear fat stock on an
extensive scale, and we have no doubt that the trade will go on
prosperously. One immediate effect will be a rise in the price of beef and
mutton in our local markets, but this will only be temporary, and will be
more than compensated by the increased spirit and advantage which the
trade will confer on the agriculture of the whole of the North of
March 30.—Rev. Mr Campbell, Glenlyon,
has accepted the appointment of minister to the East Church, Inverness.
Rev. John Kennedy, of Inverness, was ordained a fortnight before to the
pastoral charge of a Congregational Church in Aberdeen. The Directors of
the Sessional School at Nairn had acquired a site. Subscriptions for the
school are acknowledged in several issues.
April 6.—An Indian "Nawab" was
executed some time before for the murder of a brother of Mr James B.
Fraser, of Reelig, Inverness-shire. There is some account of the incident
in this number. A full statement of the case was written for "Blackwood"
by Lord Lawrence when he was shooting tenant of Reelig in 1877. It
appeared in the number of the magazine for January 1878. Lawrence was in
1836 Magistrate of an Indian district adjoining Mr Fraser’s, and helped to
bring the assassin to justice. [See
The Frasers of Reelig]
Ibid.—The Rev. Allan Mackenzie was
ordained and admitted as pastor of the parish of Kilmuir-Wester.
April 13.—A meeting was held to give
a fresh fillip to the Mechanics Institution, which had to some extent
languished. The Society had on hand a sum of £59, and the library
contained eighty volumes. It was now expected that the institution would
"enter on a new and more extended field of usefulness." A resolution
declared it to be highly expedient that a portion of the funds should be
applied to the purchase of books exclusively devoted to science and its
application to the arts. Lectures on scientific subjects had been
delivered and were to be continued.
April 27.—The right of shooting over
extensive districts in the county of Sutherland is advertised as to let.
The districts are seven in number—Achintoul, Gairnsary, Shiness, Bighouse,
Armadale, Strathnaver, and Aultnaharrow. The shooting carried with it
liberty of angling in rivers and lakes, and the advertisement added that
"the right to shoot Red Deer, under certain limitations, will be added to
each district."
May 3.—A singular complaint came
before the Synod of Ross. The minister of Kinlochluichart stated that on
the day appointed by last Assembly for humiliation and fasting, the
proprietor of Kilcoy passed by the church of Kinlochluichart attended by a
servant and loaded cart. This conduct the minister considered to be
aggravated by the fact that the proprietor in question was an
office-bearer in the Church of Scotland. The minister sent a complaint to
the Presbytery of Chanonry, where the delinquent resided, but that
Presbytery had taken no notice of it. Rev. Mr Sage, Resolis, on behalf of
the Presbytery, defended their resolution to take no action, but he did
not carry the Synod with him. On the contrary, Rev. Mr Carment submitted
the following motion, which was unanimously agreed to :—"That the Synod
sustain the petition and approve of the zeal of the Session of
Kinlochluichart in maintaining the discipline of the Church, and instruct
the Session of Knockbain, and, failing them, the Presbytery of Chanonry,
to proceed in the business according to the laws of the Church." The
editor, in commenting on the case, stated that "the public feeling here is
almost universally opposed to the step of the venerable Synod." A letter
in the next issue states that, when the incident occurred, the gentleman
had been returning from his hill property, where he bad been staying for
some days, and was not even aware that the day was a fast day.
Ibid.—The directors of the Inverness
Academy voted a sum of £15 for the purpose of improving the Museum by a
complete British herbarium and a local mineralogical collection. Mr George
Anderson was appointed curator. He already possessed a set of specimens
illustrative of the geology of a large district, and he hoped, with the
help of Mr William Stables, Cawdor Castle; the Rev. Mr Gordon, of Birnie,
and other friends, to make a complete set of British flora, all properly
named and arranged, and embracing about 2000 specimens.
May 11.—The steamers advertised for
the summer sailing on Loch-Ness bore the names "Helen Macgregor" and "Rob
Roy." Captain Turner was in command of the "Helen Macgregor," and Captain
Munro of the "Rob Roy."
May 18.—The workmen engaged in
repairing Dornoch Cathedral raised up a few days before a handsome stone
coffin, which was found buried in the choir. Some of the bones were
entire, and covered with fragments of leather, which led to the belief
that leather had been used as a winding sheet. The body of the coffin was
formed of one entire stone, and its lid of another. On the outside of the
latter was cut the figure of a knight and of a lion couchant. The remains
were supposed to be those of Richard Murray, brother of Bishop Gilbert
Murray, slain at Embo in a battle with the Danes in 1245.
May 23.—A correspondent gives a
lamentable account of destitution in the Island of Lewis. The weather
there (and elsewhere) had been very bad throughout the spring. Even in
April there was hail, frost, and snow, accompanied by cutting gales from
the north-east. It was computed that in the Lewis 700 head of stock,
including horses, had died, besides several thousand sheep. Scarcely any
lambs had survived. "The part which has suffered most is the parish of
Barvas, where almost 300 cattle died, exclusive of sheep. The island is
reduced to a state of dearth and desolation that is heart-rending to
contemplate." A fund was raised in Edinburgh to toward meal and potatoes.
Ibid.—The estate of Lakefield was
sold to Miss Fraser, Bruiach, at the upset price of £8000.
June 1.—The death of the Duke of
Gordon, prominent in his father’s lifetime as the Marquis of Huntly, is
announced. Born in February 1770, he was sixty-six years of age. "The Duke
of Gordon was in appearance and deportment the very beau ideal of a
British nobleman, and notwithstanding all recent political divisions and
bitterness, he continued ‘Cock of the North,’ and with Whig and Tory was
still the most popular peer in Scotland. He was generous, affable, and
high spirited. He possessed an inexhaustible fund of gaiety and good
humour, and was the life of all festive parties." The Duke was married to
Elizabeth, daughter of Alexander Brodie of Arnhall, but without issue.
Thus the title for a time became extinct. "The Earl of Aboyne (born June
28, 1761), though a very distant relative, succeeds to the ancient title
of Marquis of Huntly. The princely residence of Gordon Castle and landed
property of the value of £30,000 per annum, go to the Duchess-Dowager of
Richmond, his Grace’s eldest sister, and on her decease to her
descendants, in whose family it is entailed." The Duke died in London, but
his remains were conveyed to the North, and interred in Elgin Cathedral.
June 8.—The General Assembly of the
Church of Scotland censured one of its ministers because he had attended a
public dinner given at Glasgow to Daniel O’Connell.
June 15.—This issue contains a long
and interesting report of the funeral of the Duke of Gordon, which took
place on Friday, 10th June. The remains were conveyed with great
ceremonial from Gordon Castle to Elgin Cathedral. It was computed that at
least 8000 persons were present. The account closes with the statement
that the Duke had left to his widowed Duchess £80,000 in money on the
estate, and £5000 a year for life, with Huntly Lodge as a jointure house.
June 22.—At the Inverness
anniversary of the Northern Missionary Society, the collection amounted to
£30 16s 4d, and Subscriptions to £18 14s 8d—total, £49 11s.
June 29.—It is announced that the
principal part of the fortune of the late Sir William Fettes, including
the estate of Redcastle, and amounting in all to about £400,000, is to be
appropriated to the foundation of an educational establishment to be
called the Fettes Institution. A few other bequests, of comparatively
small amount, were left in the will.
July 6.—The establishment of a daily
mail to Inverness by the Highland road from Perth had long been desired,
but was only now granted. The service began on 5th July. An advertisement
informs the public that the mail coach "will leave the George and Star
Hotels, Perth, every evening at nine o’clock, and reach Inverness at
half-past ten o’clock a.m.; will also leave the Caledonian and Royal
Hotels, Inverness, every morning at nine o’clock, and arrive at Perth at
half-past ten o’clock p.m., thus performing the journey in 13½ hours." In
the case of the South-going mail, half-an-hour was allowed at Dalwhinnie
for dinner. In consequence of the change the "Courier" was now published
on Wednesday morning instead of Wednesday evening. The mail from Aberdeen
remained as before.
July 13.—There is an interesting
article on improved travelling in the Highlands. Since the new Post-office
arrangement, it is pointed out, a person might dine in Edinburgh one day
and breakfast in Inverness the next. The mail coach left Edinburgh at four
o’clock in the afternoon, and reached Inverness at half-past ten next
morning. This expedition seemed extraordinary. It "would have seemed
improbable twenty years ago, and sixty years since would have been
pronounced impossible." The writer recalls the experiences of travelling
from Edinburgh by post-chaise, which the older townsmen would remember.
The first day the party dined at Kinross and supped at Perth; the next day
they breakfasted at Inver, near Dunkeld; and so they proceeded by
Moulinearn, Blair, Dalwhinnie, &c., "husbanding the poor horses till, on
the fifth morning, if the vehicle held good, the party was safely
deposited in this town." The reminiscences of more recent times between
Perth and Inverness are also amusing. "The Caledonian coach was, we
believe, for some years a truly accommodating vehicle. The driver did not
hesitate to give his passengers ‘a blink of the afternoon’ to discuss a
bottle of port, or an extra tumbler of whisky punch, or to drive the
vehicle a few miles off the road to oblige a lady, or an inquisitive
tourist, who might happen to be a bit of an antiquary or a lover of the
picturesque. At length, however, the utilitarian principle came into
active operation; travelling began here, as elsewhere, to be systematised,
as time came to be considered of greater value; and accordingly for the
last ten years the Caledonian coach, twice a week in winter and thrice in
summer, wound its way by rock and stream, through the defiles of Badenoch
and the Grampians, and on ‘by the Tummel and Garry,’ with the usual
plodding regularity and expedition of a long or heavy coach in any other
part of the kingdom. During the summer and autumn months it was crowded
with tourists and their baggage, a motley catalogue of guns, fishing rods,
pointers, creels, and baskets. This useful vehicle, which in its day had
the honour of introducing among our mountains some very distinguished
individuals, including Southey, Sir Humphry Davy, and many other names
eminent in literature and science, was withdrawn last week to make room
for a daily mail coach, spick and span new, with new guards in new
liveries, and bones that find no difficulty, even at the ugly pass of
Slochmuich, in clearing nine miles an hour. For this we have to thank Lord
Lichfield and the General Post-office."
July 20.—A paragraph records the
unexpected death of the Rev. Donald Fraser, of Kirkhill, which occurred on
the 12th inst. On the morning of that day Mr Fraser attended a funeral at
Kiltarlity, and was returning home in a gig driven by a boy, when the
horse stumbled, and he was thrown from his seat. Mr Fraser did not seem to
be seriously hurt, but he grew worse during the afternoon, and expired the
same evening at eleven o’clock He bad burst a blood vessel. "The deceased
was a highly popular clergyman, of great talent, learning, and eloquence,
and of accomplished manners. There was scarcely a pulpit within the wide
circle of the Northern Counties in which his virtues were not eulogised
last Sunday, in language which came from the heart, and awakened kindred
emotion on the part of the congregation." The deceased was in the 54th
year of his age, and succeeded his father as minister of the parish of
Kirkhill in 1802.
Donald Fraser, D.D. (1826-1892), second son of merchant and ship-owner
John Fraser (1795-1852) by his first wife Lillias Fraser (1803-1835)
wrote: "Soon after this my father became Provost of the burgh... My mother
was Lillias Fraser, daughter of the Rev. Donald Fraser, M.A., Minister of
the Parish of Kirkhill near Inverness." - see
Chasing Ancestors]
Ibid.—The Sheep and Wool Market took
place the previous week. "Thursday and Friday were the appointed days, but
it was Saturday before the principal lots changed owners, or any idea of
the prices likely to prevail could be obtained." The market was thus
settling into the position which still exists, except that Thursday has
long been a mere nominal day. The market of 1836 was good both for sheep
and wool. On Cheviot wedders there was an advance over the previous year
of from 15 to 20 per cent., and on lambs of from 1s to 2s per head. On
ewes, Cheviot and black-faced, there was a slight fall. On the best clips
of Cheviot wool there was a rise of from 4s to 5s per stone. Prices are
quoted as follows :—Cheviot wedders, 24s to 31s 6d; ewes, 16s to 19s;
lambs, 9s to 14s; blackfaced wedders, 18s to 21s; ewes, 9s to 12s; lambs,
8s 6d to 11s. Wool—laid blackfaced, 10s to 22s per stone of 24 lbs.;
unlaid, 12s 6d to 14s. Unwashed cross-bred, 12s 6d to 14s; washed, 14s to
16s. Unwashed Cheviot, 17s to 18s; washed, 21s to 25s. The inns, we are
told, were crowded before all former example. Public ordinaries were held
in the Caledonian and Royal Hotels, and there was a talk of combining them
in the Northern Meeting Rooms. It was also suggested that there should be
a register of buyers and sellers, that they might be able more easily to
pick one another up.
July 27.—It is announced that Mr
Edward Ellice, junior, had withdrawn from the position of prospective
candidate for the Inverness Burghs, as it was his object to stand for the
Fife Burghs, and with every prospect of success. Mr Roderick Macleod of
Cadboll, then member for Sutherland, "a long-tried and consistent friend
of Liberal principles," offered himself as a candidate for the Inverness
August 10.—A young man, a sailor,
was found stabbed on the river bank, above the Stone Bridge, and died of
his wounds. Inquiries led to the arrest of a youth named Mackintosh,
nicknamed Sheely, who is described as a prowler. There had been a scuffle
in the Haugh, in which soldiers and sailors were concerned, and
Mackintosh was accused of having used a clasp-knife.
August 17.—A petition was presented
in the House of Commons by Sir George Sinclair for the institution of a
Gaelic Professorship in one, at least, of the Scottish Universities. It
was signed by 500 persons resident in London and its suburbs. Many years,
however, were to pass before a Celtic chair was founded, not by
Government, but through the efforts of Professor Blackie.
August 31.—Major Cumming Bruce of
Dunphail announces that he intends at next election to withdraw from the
representation of the Inverness Burghs. The candidate in the Conservative
interest was to be Mr Randoll Mackenzie, yr. of Scatwell, who had attained
his majority a year before. At the election of January 1835 the contest
was very close, Conservatives polling 344 and Liberals 340. The "Courier"
urges that at the next contest both parties should endeavour to lessen the
expenses. "The former struggle," it is said, "cost Major Cumming Bruce and
Mr Ellice about £1500 each—a sum which seems far too high considering the
number of the constituency. We know it is argued that the money so spent
circulates among the community and benefits part of them; but we question
whether any working man was ever made rich by such profusion, which
strikes at the purity of election, and has a strong tendency to in-duos
idleness and immorality."
Ibid.—Two public dinners are
reported at length. One was given at Inverness to Mr Charles Macdougall,
advocate, who had been appointed to a post in British Guiana. The other
was given at Elgin to Sir Andrew Leith Hay, M.P. for the Elgin District of
September 7.—"Died lately at
Braemoray, John Ross, aged fifty, a tenant on Lord Moray’s property in the
district, known as ‘Big John.’ He was the tallest and stoutest man in all
that country, being 6 feet 8 inches in height, and proportionately well
built and powerful."
Ibid.—At the County Registration
Court, Sheriff Tytler was called upon to decide the question whether
electors in Grantown should vote in the county of Inverness. The Liberal
party objected to these votes on the ground that the district was
insulated from the main body of the county, and ought to form part of the
combined counties of Nairn and Moray for the purposes of the Reform Act.
The decision depended mainly on the question whether a farm called Laggan
was in the county of Inverness or the county of Moray. After a long
hearing Sheriff Tytler held that the alleged disjunction of the Grantown
district from the bulk of Inverness-shire had not been sufficiently
September 21.—The price of the
"Courier," like the price of other newspapers had been until now
sevenpence per copy. With the reduction of the stamp duty it was now
reduced to 4d. In a note the editor says - "The stamp duty was formerly
4d, with twenty per cent. discount; it is now a penny without discount;
and if our readers will take the trouble of calculating the difference,
comparing the above with our former scale of charges, they will find that,
besides the abatement of duty, they have an advantage of better than six
per cent. The London weekly papers, and those of Liverpool, have fixed
their price at fivepence. In Scotland, however, fourpence-halfpenny is the
almost universal charge, and we cheerfully go along with our brethren in
this reduced price, trusting and confidently anticipating that by
increased sales and diminished risk and expenditure, we shall ultimately
find ourselves remunerated for the immediate loss." The size of the paper
consisted, as before, of four pages, six columns to the page, by-and-bye a
little widened and lengthened. Apparently fears had been expressed that
the reduction of newspapers to the price of 4½d would endanger their tone
and character! The editor gravely says—"We do not think there is any
inclination among the great body of the people for depraved sources of
intelligence or objects of excitement. They are desirous, as we hope they
will ever be, to possess information on all public questions, but the
national mind, like the national commerce, is in a sound and healthy
state. We do not fear any influx of worthless publications to injure the
morals of the people."
Ibid.—The remains of the youngest
daughter of the late Glengarry were interred on the previous Friday in the
family burying-ground at Invergarry, on the banks of Loch-Oich. The young
chief was the principal mourner, dressed in Highland costume, and other
relatives and friends were present. The coffin was brought by steamer from
Glasgow to one of the locks near the burying-ground. "The effect of the
scene, after the coffin was taken from the vessel, and conveyed by the
clansmen, amidst the wild music and the wilder hills and glens of the
country, was highly impressive, especially to the English ladies and
gentlemen, passengers in the vessel, who for the first time witnessed a
solemnity of the kind in the Highlands."
September 28.—There is a long report
of the trial of the young man Mackintosh, charged with having murdered a
sailor by stabbing him. He was found guilty, with a recommendation to
mercy, on account of his youth (twenty-one). Sentence of death was passed,
but was afterwards commuted to transportation for life.
Ibid.—"We are glad to learn that the
pontage charged to foot-passengers, strangers, passing the bridges of the
town, is to be done away with in future. A resolution to this effect was
passed at the Town Council yesterday."
Ibid.—On Friday, the 9th inst, the
Marquis of Huntly (until the death of the Duke of Gordon, Earl of Aboyne)
paid a visit to the Glengarry property which he bad recently purchased.
The tenantry presented him with an address. There was a dinner at
Invergarry Inn.
October 5.—Public dinners to Mr
George Traill and Sir George Sinclair, M.P., were given at Thurso, and are
reported. There was also a political meeting at Inverness to hear an
address from Mr Macleod of Cadboll, M.P.
Ibid.—At a meeting at Forres it was
agreed to form a company to introduce gas into the town. The old gaol at
Forres, "which was long ago condemned as unsafe," had just been taken down
to make room for a new structure.
October 12.—A fatal accident
occurred on Ben Nevis. Three young men had climbed the mountain and were
coming down. One of them, Samuel Macdonell, Fort-William, who had been
frequently on the Ben, began to slide along certain parts of the slope.
The grass, however, was slippery, and the young man, gathering momentum,
lost the power of stopping, and his foot striking a stone, he was thrown
headlong into a ravine and killed. The accident and its
accompaniments—such as the search for the body by torchlight—make an
impressive story.
October 19.—The county of Ross
solicited the Government to turn part of Fort-George into a penitentiary
for the use of the Northern Counties. "In the present state of the prisons
of the North of Scotland," the report ran, "confinement within them is
productive not of good but of unmixed evil to the community; while the
public is also subjected to a very heavy expense, which would be greatly
diminished by the conversion of such part of Fort-George into a
Penitentiary as would make the change a gainful one even in a pecuniary
sense, although that benefit be of much less importance than the moral
good which would result from it." The same meeting resolved to renew an
application for placing a mail curricle on the road from Dingwell to
October 25.—The steamer "Duchess of
Sutherland.," placed on the route between London and Inverness, was to
discontinue plying sites 14th November until February "How far its voyages
have hitherto remunerated the proprietors we cannot say, but the public
have been great gainers by the speculation." It is observed that
passengers could now take a trip from the Thames to Inverness with as much
ease as they could formerly sail to Margate.
November 2.—There is a long report
of a public dinner given to Lord Glenelg in the Northern Meeting Rooms. Mr
Macpherson-Grant of Ballindalloch was in the chair. The company numbered
about 250, and included many county gentlemen. Lord Glenelg delivered an
eloquent and powerful speech in defence of the policy of the Reform
November 2 and 9.—There was keen
excitement at the Inverness municipal election this year. Of eight members
elected to the Council six were Conservatives. Provost Fraser was defeated
in the First Ward. One of the representatives in the Second Ward, however,
declined to accept office, and Provost Fraser was elected without
opposition. In the meantime it occurred to some persons that the Provost
had no occasion to retire from the Council in the first instance, as by
statute he was empowered to serve for not less than three years, and he
had been re-elected to the chair only the year before. The dispute lasted
for several weeks. In the end Mr John Ferguson was elected Provost, and Mr
Fraser retired from the Council. The heat involved in course of the
controversy almost led to blows.
November 9.—Dr John Smith was
elected Provost of Nairn, Dr Tulloch Provost of Fortrose, and Mr William
Dickson Provost of Forres.
November 16.—A great Conservative
demonstration in Ross-shire is reported in this issue to the extent of
nine and a-half columns—a large proportion of a four-page newspaper. The
gathering took the form of a dinner which was held at Invergordon, in a
flax factory at one end of the village. The attendance numbered 247
persons. Mr Duncan Davidson of Tulloch was in the chair and the croupiers
were Colonel Munro of Teaninich and Mr John Hay Mackenzie of Cromartie. Mr
Wilson, of the Caledonian Hotel, Inverness, purveyed an entertainment
which must have taxed his resources, but for which he received great
credit. A ship-load of provisions was brought from Inverness. "When the
tables were laid out, the people were admitted to take a view of the
place; and when the whole was over the different soups that remained were
again warmed and distributed, with bread, among hundreds of poor persons.
The dinner embraced every variety and delicacy, including a plentiful
supply of game from hill and moor." The great topic of the speaking was
the defence of Church and State.
November 23.—The Rev. David
Campbell, late of Glenlyon, was inducted as pastor of the East Church. Mr
Robert Ross was elected Provost of Cromarty. Mr Hugh Innes Cameron was
re-elected Provost of Dingwall. The latter was also entertained to a
public dinner.
December 7.—A meeting of
Commissioners of Supply was held at Tain to discuss the state of the
Ross-shire jails. The great grievance was that civil debtors and Excise
prisoners were carried past the Dingwall prison and lodged in the prison
at Tain, which was quite unfit for their accommodation. Scottish prisons
generally were still utterly inadequate either for security or