March 10.—A meeting of gentlemen
desirous to form an institution for the promotion of science and
literature, and for the establishment of a museum, was held on the 4th
inst., Provost Robertson in the chair. About twenty gentlemen attended. Mr
George Anderson explained the views of the projectors, and the meeting
formed itself into an Association, to be called "The Northern Institution
for the Promotion of Science and Literature." Mr George Anderson was
appointed interim secretary, and he received a vote of thanks for bringing
forward the scheme.
March 17.—" Within the last
twelvemonth a number of valuable estates in the County of Ross have
changed proprietors. The wide districts of Strathconon, Ardross, Muirtown
and Milncraig now yield their annual returns to some gentlemen of the Law
in Edinburgh—the owners. Last week the estate of Redcastle and the Ferry
of Kessock, in the same county was purchased by Sir William Fettes for the
large sum of £135,000. In 1785 the property was bought for £26,000. The
whole of the Island of Lewis (with the exception of Stornoway) was also
last week brought to judicial sale before Lord Medwyn, and after being set
up at £136,000 was purchased by Mr Mackenzie of Seaforth for £160,000. The
Joint Stock Property Company of Edinburgh were said to be the opposing
bidders. This state of affairs is not unlikely to create a change in the
political state of the County of Ross."
Ibid.—A meeting of the Celtic
Society was held in Edinburgh, Mr Macdonald of Staffa presiding. One of
the objects of the Society was to distribute a hundred guineas in prizes
to the leading scholars at 25 of the most extensive Highland schooIs.
Among the qualifications entitling candidates to compete, it was resolved
that "after the present year" they should "habitually wear the Highland
dress." A general rule was laid down that wherever two candidates seemed
to be possessed of equal merit, as to the special subject of competition,
the prize should be given to the better proficient in the Gaelic language.
Ibid.—Died, at the Manse of
Kingussie, on the 4th inst., after a severe and lingering illness, which
he bore with the greatest patience and resignation, the Rev. John
Robertson, minister of that parish, in the 68th year of his age and the
38th of his ministry. "In Mr Robertson the Church of Scotland has been
deprived of a distinguished ornament, and his family and parish have
sustained an incalculable loss. There was in his character a happy union
of great intellect, fervent and rational piety, and zeal tempered by
judgment and controlled by discriminating prudence. As a preacher his
talents were of no common order."
Ibid.—Died, at Langwell, in the
parish of Loch-broom, on the 13th ult., Thomas Mackenzie, Esq., aged 82.
"He was the last in that part of the country of the well-educated,
well-bred, and intelligent class of farmers called ‘the old school.’ He
was the sixth in succession of the same family on the same farm. His body
was conveyed over a distance of eleven miles to the place of interment, on
the shoulders of above five hundred Highlanders, who spontaneously
assembled to render to his memory that last melancholy tribute: and he was
laid in the grave amidst a multitude of weeping relatives and friends, by
six sons, all grown up and able men."
March 24.—The first general meeting
of the Northern Institution was held on the 23rd inst., Sir George
Mackenzie, Bart. of Coul, in the chair. Mr George Anderson presented to
the meeting a great variety of donations forwarded by several
contributors. These included a complete series of the coal deposits of
Brora. Mr Naughton presented thirty-two varieties of Ancient Scottish and
English coins, and a two-edged Andrea Ferrara, found some years ago in the
neighbourhood of the town. Specimens of vitrified matter gathered from the
vitrified forts in the counties of Inverness and Ross were given by Mr
Anderson. The office-bearers were elected as follows:—President, the Duke
of Gordon; non-resident vice-presidents — Sir George Mackenzie of Coul,
Sir Thomas Dick Lauder, Professor William Fraser-Tytler; resident
vice-presidents: Provost Robertson, Captain Fraser of Balnain, and Mr
Grant of Bught; treasurer, Mr Reach, solicitor; general secretary, Mr
George Anderson; Latin secretary, Mr Scott, Royal Academy; Gaelic
secretary, Rev. Duncan Mackenzie; inspector of ancient manuscripts, Mr
Ales. Mackenzie of Woodside; curator of the Museum, Mr Naughton, jeweller;
members of Council—Dr Nicol, Mr Suter, junior; Rev. Mr Clark, Rev. Mr
Fyvie, Rev. Mr Fraser, of Kirkhill; and Mr Macbean, solicitor. There were
also corresponding members, and a number of distinguished non-resident
honorary members. Sir George Mackenzie offered a gold medal for the "best
account of the State of Society and of Knowledge in the Highlands of
Scotland, particularly in the Northern Counties, at the period of the
Rebellion of 1745, and of their progress up to the establishment of this
Institution." The meeting resolved to circulate queries throughout the
Northern Counties for the purpose of collecting accurate and detailed
information regarding the remains of Celtic and Danish antiquities, and
any ancient MSS., traditions, &c., deserving preservation; also to frame
an address to be circulated at home and abroad for the purpose of
soliciting contributions for the Museum.
Ibid.—The Morayshire Farmer Society
announces that the Highland Society has offered a prize of ten sovereigns
for the best field of turnips in the County of Moray, not under ten Scots
acres in extent, to be eaten off the land by sheep in winter and spring.
This offer was made "with the view of introducing that great and
long-wished desideratum in Morayshire farming— eating turnip off the land
by sheep—and to excite the attention of the storemasters (?flockmasters)
in Inverness, Ross, and Sutherlandshires, to a warm and dry situation,
where they could depend on finding abundance of winter food to fatten
their stock for the early markets, or to increase the fleece and carcase."
March 31.—"In framing the conditions
of the leases on an extensive estate in this county, among many beneficial
regulations to be observed by the tenant, the proprietor has introduced
one clause to the following effect:— ‘That any tenant convicted of illegal
distillation or of any offence therewith connected, either by himself or
by any person or persons on his farm, shall thereby forfeit his lease, and
subject himself to immediate removal from his farm.’ Another clause set
forth that ‘each tenant possessing a house and offices of the value of
£100 and upwards, shall be bound to have the same regularly insured
against fire, in some established insurance office, at his own expense.’"
April 14.—.On the 9th inst., while
workmen were engaged trenching ground about half-a-mile distant from the
Druid Temple at Leys, they came upon a stone coffin about three feet long,
two feet broad, and two feet deep. The interior of the coffin was filled
with a mixture apparently composed of sand and burnt bones or ashes,
rolled quite smooth on the top; and imbedded in it were two small urns.
April 21.—The Public Records of
Scotland were lately printed by his Majesty’s command under the direction
of the Deputy-Clerk Register. A copy, consisting of fourteen large folio
volumes, was presented to the Northern Institution.
Ibid.—The same number contains an
extract from the Report of the Parliamentary Commissioners, containing a
high tribute to the services of the late Mr Mitchell their principal Road
Inspector, who had died the previous year, at the age of forty-five. The
minute states that for eighteen years Mr Mitchell had superintended the
formation of all the Parliamentary Roads and Bridges; which with military
roads had latterly been upheld under his most vigilant inspection to the
extent of 1183 miles. "Mr Mitchell’s personal exertions in an office of
the most laborious description always surpassed what was expected of him,
and the desire of the Commissioners to limit the extent of his journeys
may be traced in their restriction of his travelling allowances to 7000
miles per annum; but his zeal outran all personal considerations, and the
whole of his journeys, as ascertained by the daily account of his
occupations, were not charged against the Commissioners; in fact, he
travelled little less than 10,000 miles annually, without regard to the
weather, the most violent storms usually calling him out to administer
prompt remedy to the casualties then most likely to occur." The Minute
continues—"When intelligence of Mr Mitchell’s dangerous illness reached
London, great uneasiness was felt at the difficulty of supplying a
temporary substitute, the roads being likely to suffer from any relaxation
of attention to them. In this difficulty Mr Telford, not without
inconvenience to himself, was prevailed on to despatch to Inverness one of
his assistants, Mr Joseph Mitchell, who was familiar with the progress of
Highland road-making from his earliest youth, and had also been trained to
masonry before he had an opportunity to acquire skill in surveying and
other accomplishments under Mr Telford. Mr Joseph Mitchell now continues
to fill his late fathers office to the entire satisfaction of his
employers, and of all those with whom he has occasion to transact
lbid.—A Select Committee on the
Salmon Fisheries of Scotland prepared a Report recommending the extension
of close time and other important changes. The Committee recorded their
opinion that the Salmon Fisheries of the United Kingdom had for many years
rapidly decreased, and there was reason to apprehend that this decrease
would proceed still more rapidly unless effectual measures were taken for
their preservation.
April 28.—"The Rev. Mackintosh
Mackay, who has for some time past been engaged upon the publication of
the Gaelic Dictionary, has been presented to the parish of Laggan, which
becomes vacant through the translation of Rev. Mr Shepherd."
May 4.—Report of meeting of Northern
Institution. Among articles presented were a collection of Prince Charles
Edward’s Proclamations and Papers; beautiful etchings of the inscriptions
on stones in the North of Scotland, by Mr D. C. Petty, Kent; and by Dr
Nicol a leaden heart formed in the manner described in the Pirate for a
charm. "In this specimen the resemblance to a human heart and the great
blood vessels proceeding from it are very striking."
May 12.—An important alteration is
announced in the running of the mail coach between Edinburgh and London.
"The whole distance will be performed within forty-six hours including
stoppages." This was connected with an acceleration of the mails to and
from the North.
May 19.—"The Catholic Relief Bill
passed the House of Commons Tuesday week by a majority of 21, and was
borne in triumph to the Lords by Sir John Newport and a throng of members
on Wednesday night. It was then read in the House for a first time. The
second reading, when a great stand will be made upon it, is appointed for
Tuesday." The bill was then thrown out by a majority of 48.
Ibid.—At a meeting of the Inverness
Auxiliary of the Bible Society, it was stated that out of 31,396 families
in the Highlands and Islands, whose circumstances had been examined, there
were 11,944 families still without copies of the Bible. The sums remitted
by the Auxiliary to the parent Society had been, up to date, £1630.
June 9.—The Inverness Society for
the suppression of begging had a struggle for existence, subscriptions
being apt to fall behind. At this time an effort was made to increase the
contributions, as the Society was considered highly beneficial. The number
of poor on the Society’s list at the end of the first year (1816) was 168.
The number at present was 123. The funds had decreased from nearly £500 to
£200 per annum.
Ibid.—At a meeting of the Northern
Missionary Society, held at Inverness, the collection "at the gate"
amounted to £50, and subscriptions and donations, £32 13s 1½d; total, £82
13s 1½d.
June 16.—On the 9th inst. the
foundation-stone of a new jail and court-house at Tain was laid with
Masonic honours by Mr Donald Macleod of Geathes, Sheriff of the County,
and Right Worshipful Master of St Duthus Lodge. Provost Murray and the
Town Council assisted at the ceremony, and the Rev. Dr Mackintosh offered
June 16 and 22.—At the Wool Market
reported in these issues the attendance was large and prices high, but
business, especially in wool, was stiff. "The buyers and sellers of wool
continued to its close so far asunder in their ideas of prices, that
although there was a great extent of conditional business transacted, yet
very few sales were finally settled. It is therefore not very easy to give
precise information. Some Inverness-shire Cheviot of superior quality is
said to have been sold at 18s, while a lot of Sutherland Cheviot fetched
22s. The average prices of Cheviot may be stated from 19s 6d to 22s, and
of blackfaced at 20s and 21s; but in almost every case there was a
reference of 1s or more in favour of the sellers. The following are the
other market prices —Cheviot wedders, 29s to 32s; ewes, 15s to 19s; lambs,
9s to 10s; black-faced wedders, 22s to 26s; ewes, 11s to 13s; lambs, from
6s to 9s." [In consequence of the change in the mail service, the date of
publishing the "Courier" was changed from Thursday to Wednesday.]
June 29.—Field-Marshal Macdonald
Duke of Tarentum, arrived at Inverness on Sunday, the 26th, and put up at
the Caledonian Hotel. He was accompanied by an aide-de-camp, and by Mr
Macdonald of Staffa. Previous to his arrival, he visited the Battlefield
of Culloden. There "he expressed his surprise at the imbecility which
dictated the choice of that spot for the position of the Pretender’s army.
No spot could be worse chosen for the position of an irregular body of men
acting on the defensive against regular troops; and the wonder was
increased, the General observed, when the neighbouring high grounds behind
the water of Nairn afforded as fine a position as could be wished to
obtain the objects and suit the circumstances of the Jacobite forces."
Marshal Macdonald is described as thin in person and rather above the
middle size; his hair quite grey, his eyes dark, his countenance rather
round and sedate, and not indicative of the mental qualities he was
reported to possess. He was plainly dressed in black, and like Napoleon
took snuff in large quantities. He spoke little English, and that little
imperfectly. "The fatigues of a soldier’s life and the anxieties of
political struggles appear to have brought on premature age, for he walked
rather feebly, and with a manner that indicated an infirm state of
health." Marshal Macdonald left on the Monday by the steamer Comet, for
the West Coast, intending to visit South Uist the birthplace of his
July 6 and 13.—Marshal Macdonald
travelled by the comet to Fort-William, going thence to Arisaig, where a
sloop of war was in waiting to carry him to Skye and the Uists. The
Marshal breakfasted and dined with the passengers on board the steamboat.
Loyal toasts were exchanged, and the health of the distinguished visitor
pledged. In Skye Marshal Macdonald was entertained at Armadale Castle,
where two hundred of the tenantry gave him a welcome. Lord Macdonald was
not at home but his representative in the island did the honours. Marshal
Macdonald passed the night in the Castle.
July 27.—Mr Davidson, yr. of Tulloch
who is described as a "most patriotic and beloved Highlander," brought
home his young wife, daughter of Lord Macdonald of the Isles, to Tulloch
Castle on the 25th inst. They were met by the tenantry, in Highland dress,
on the north bank of the Conon, who unyoked the horses and drew the
carriage to the Castle. A dinner was given at Dingwall, and the
countryside blazed with bonfires.
August 3.—This number contains a
full account of the tour of Marshal Macdonald through the Western Islands.
In South Uist, his father’s native island, he was welcomed by an
assemblage of six hundred persons at Houghbeg. There he met with some of
his own relatives, and distributed two hundred sovereigns in donations. He
dined at Nunton, and slept in the room which had been occupied by Flora
Ibid.—There is a review of Mr John Anderson’s History
of the Frasers, just published.
August 10.—The Commissioners appointed to establish new
churches in the Highlands and Islands give in their first report.
September 14.—A report of the Commissioners of Revenue
states that illicit distillation has greatly diminished, but express
disappointment at the extent to which it is still carried on. This they
attribute to the mistaken opinion still entertained by Magistrates in
certain districts that they are at liberty to mitigate penalties according
to their own discretion.
September 28.—The Northern Meeting was held the
previous week. The horse racing excited lively interest. Two gold cups
were given, each value a hundred guineas, besides minor prizes. The
Ross-shire gentry, headed by Mr Davidson, yr. of Tulloch, seem to have
taken the most active part in the races.
October 5.—Alexander Mackenzie elected Provost of
Fortrose; Major Charles Lennox Cumming Bruce of Roseisle and Kinnaird,
elected Provost of Nairn; and James Augustus Grant of View-field elected
Provost of Forres.
Ibid.—The Provost and Town Council of Forres conferred
the freedom of the burgh on Sir James Maqgrigor, M.D., Director-General of
the Medical Department of the Army. On the same occasion Sir James was
entertained to dinner by the local authorities. He was married to a Forres
lady, daughter of the late Provost Grant, and sister of distinguished
officers. The death of Lady Macgrigor’s mother is noticed below.
October 12.—A meeting of Magistrates and inhabitants
was held for the purpose of promoting a Police and Improvement Bill for
the Burgh of Inverness.
October 19.—The Synod of Sutherland and Caithness
having resolved to aid the Society for Educating the Poor in the Highlands
the Society appointed the Rev. Mr Fraser, of Kirkhill, and the Rev. Mr
Sage, of Resolis as a deputation to preach and receive contributions. The
amount collected in the Synod was £124 16s 11d.
Ibid.—"Died, at Forres, on the 11th inst., aged 82, Mrs
Jean Grant, relict of the late Duncan Grant, Esq., Provost of Forres. This
much-respected lady having been deprived of her valuable husband while
their numerous family were young, had great merit and satisfaction in
their progress in life. It is remarkable that at one period of the late
war she had not, out of six sons in the service of their country, one in
Europe; but three of them having accidentally returned to the parental
roof just previous to her decease, they had the melancholy satisfaction of
solacing her latter moments and of attending her remains to the grave."
October 26.—Very painful feelings were excited by the
loss of the steamer Comet, plying between Inverness and Glasgow. On the
morning of Friday, the 21st inst., she was run down between Gourock and
the Clough Lighthouse by the steamer Ayr, outward bound. In rounding the
point the vessels came in contact with such force and violence that the
Comet went down almost instantaneously. Only ten persons were saved out of
80 who were believed to be on board. One of the saddest cases was that of
Captain Wemyss Sutherland and his young wife, who were married at Muirtown,
Inverness, in the beginning of September. Mrs Sutherland was the eldest
daughter of Mr Duff of Muirtown.
Ibid.—"A bet between Mr Fraser of Culduthel and Mr
Shepherd, of Inverness, was this day decided in favour of the latter
gentleman. Culduthel wagered that Mr S.’s bay mare would not trot a
distance of eight miles in half-an-hour, and this distance was trotted in
twenty six minutes and a-half with great ease by Mr Shepherd on the Aird
Road, from near Bogroy to the Canal Bridge of Muirtown."
Ibid.—At the Michielmas Head Court for Ross-shire, Sir
Wm. Fettes proposed the establishment of a steamboat at Kessock, which was
agreed to. At the same Court strong complaint was made that many
clergymen insisted on dispensing the Communion at times "when the labours
of seed-time and harvest were being earned on," thus in some instances
causing serious loss. Special mention is made of a case in which the
minister, in the end of the August preceding, insisted on having the
Communion in spite of the remonstrances of his heritors. The meeting
adopted a series of resolutions on the subject, concluding as
follows:—"That this meeting feel that great inconvenience to the community
and injury to our holy religion and to morality is occasioned by the
immense assemblages usually convened on these occasions, in consequence of
that solemn rite being too unfrequently dispensed in the several parishes;
therefore, that the very reverend the Synod of Ross be further requested
to enjoin their members to dispense, in their respective parishes, this
sacred ordinance at least annually—specially avoiding the periods of
seed-time and harvest, agreeably to the spirit and in conformity with the
injunctions of the Directory for the public worship of God in our Church,
which particularly require "that the Communion be frequently administered,
and at such periods as may be moast convenient for the comfort and
edification of the people."
November 16.—The condition of the Scottish gaols was at
this time the subject of official inquiry. A Committee of the County of
Inverness, of which Mr Grant of Rothiemurchus was convener, considered the
subject and issued a report. It appears that in 1818 no fewer than 38 of
the Royal Burghs of Scotland returned their gaols as insufficient in point
of security and accommodation. The following is one of the paragraphs in
the Report :—"For neither the religious nor moral instruction, nor medical
care of the prisoners, is there any provision whatsoever in any of the
ordinary gaols of Scotland. There is no chapel nor assembly of the
prisoners, on any occasion, for religious worship, in any one of them; no
chaplain nor regular attendance of any clergyman; no surgeon or medical
visitor, nor any provision for a gratuitous supply of medicine and advice.
Lastly, so far from any attempt being made to encourage or promote habits
of industry, the construction of the gaols and their crowded state, render
it impossible for those who might be the most industriously inclined to
betake themselves to any useful employment." Another paragraph
says—"Anything like well-aired places of confinement, either for debtors,
for persons committed for trial, or for convicts; any fire-places in the
cells or apartments of criminals; any means of taking air or exercise by
any prisoner; any attention to cleanliness— these things are almost
entirely unknown." The burden of maintaining prisoners and prisons fell on
the burghs, and most of the burghs were little better than insolvent. The
gross income of the burgh of Inverness is stated at £1559 12s 4d, but
after deducting sums applied to particular purposes, only £425 1s 6d was
left at the command of the burgh for the administration of the law, "so
that the most rigid and parsimonious economy will hardly keep the towns
debt from increasing." The Report states that the gaol in the Burgh of
Inverness was not sufficient for the accommodation of either the civil or
criminal prisoners confined therein; but so far as the accommodation went
the gaol was perfectly adequate for the secure custody of its inmates. The
question for consideration was whether the cost of maintaining the gaols
should be extended to the counties, or whether it should be borne by the
national exchequer.
December 7.—"At Nagpore, on the 29th June last,
Alexander Fraser Maclachlan, assistant surgeon on the Madras
Establishment, eldest son of the Rev. James Maclachlan, Moy." Mr
Maclachlan was M.D. of Edinburgh, and had a distinguished University
December 14.—A meeting of Commissioners of Supply and
Freeholders of the County of Inverness was called to discuss the question
of the Corn Laws. A long series of resolutions was proposed in favour of
maintaining these laws. An amendment was proposed declaring that it was
premature to enter on such a discussion, and that the interests of the
County of Inverness were more pastoral than agricultural. The most
animated speech against the resolutions was made by Mr Grant of Corrimony.
On a division, the amendment was adopted by 32 votes to 7. The "Courier"
in an article commending the decision of the meeting, says "Probably ten
times as much corn is brought into this county as can be sent from it; and
a large part of the population are, from utter want of bread, compelled to
subsist for months every year on potatoes, shell fish, or sea weed; and
yet this is the county in which it is attempted to take a lead in getting
up petitions crying out for dear corn."
December 21.—"We have frequently adverted to the
salutary effects produced by the Distillery Laws, which came into
operation about this time twelve months. From North to South we are
gratified with the certain and pleasing intelligence that the pernicious
traffic of the smuggler, with all its baneful effects, is going down fast
before the operations of the large distiller. Thus has a judicious and
well-directed legislative measure, affording encouragement and protection
to the lawful trader, effected in one short year more than a host of
Excisemen were able to accomplish in the Highlands for the last
half-century, and more than they would do for fifty years to come. The
revenue at the same time has been much benefited. We learn from
unquestionable authority that the duties on malt and spirits alone, in the
Inverness District, amounted to £1300 for the last six weeks, giving an
increase of £870 on the duties of the corresponding six weeks of the
former year. These duties were paid from the Inverness, Fortrose Millburn,
and Brackla Distilleries; and we learn further that from an extension of
the works just mentioned, and the establishment of new distilleries at
Inverness and at Dores, on Loch-Ness, it is probable that the duties for
the ensuing six weeks will nearly double those of the last. This is
exclusive of licences of all kinds. In Ross-shire, Sutherland, and
Caithness the effects of the new Distillery Laws are equally
December 28.—"The University of Edinburgh has conferred
the degree of D.D. on the Rev. Alexander Rose, one of the ministers of
Inverness. This degree, we have occasion to know, was bestowed quite
spontaneously on the part of the University; and the honour is the more
marked inasmuch as it is the first of this kind which has been conferred
by that distinguished body for a considerable period."
lbid.—There is a notice of the "Sutherlandshire
Magazine," which was to be published about the middle of January.