The peace and
prosperity of the Scotland of the early middle ages were rudely
broken in upon by the War of Independence, at the beginning of the
fourteenth century. Not only were trade and industry interrupted and
the most fertile parts of the country laid waste, but the
readjustment of Scotland's international relations, resulting from
the war, prevented her recovery, and checked her development. For
more than two centuries she remained at enmity with England, while
her alliance was sought and gained by England's other opponent,
France. This change in her circumstances had a disastrous effect
upon Scottish economic development. Her southern district was in
constant danger from English raids or Scottish reprisals, and this,
owing to the care of the great monastic establishments, had been one
of the most prosperous parts of the kingdom. Her trade with England
was interrupted, and her population had to keep themselves in
readiness for military service. The frequent minorities of her
kings, and the feuds of the nobles with each other and with their
sovereign also combined to hinder Scottish economic progress in the
fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. Friendship with France did,
however, bring some commercial advantages, for the Scots merchants
obtained considerable trading privileges there, especially in the
province of Normandy, which they chiefly frequented.
Not until the middle of the sixteenth
century did any substantial change occur in these relationships. In
1560 the Scottish Estates met in Convention adopted Protestantism as
the national religion. Of this momentous decision Professor Hume
Brown says: "Had Scotland remained a Roman Catholic country, the
Union of the Crowns could hardly in the nature of the case have
taken effect, and the Union of the Parliaments would have been
excluded alike by the laws of God and man." This adoption by
Scotland of the Reformed Religion was the first step towards a
breach with France. A further step in the same direction was the
Union of the crowns of England and Scotland in 1603, in the person
of James
Scotland was now bound to England by the
ties of common sovereignty and a common religion, while her ancient
friendship and her commercial interests still attached her to
France. Her principal trade also was with the Dutch, England's great
commercial rivals of the seventeenth century.
It was not however in
this direction only that the economic interests of the two countries
did not harmonize. Scotland's economic development was far more
backward than that of England. She was, says Professor Hume Brown,
backward in "breaking away from the traditions of mediaevalism." "In
Scotland the hard and fast regulations which had bound the mediaeval
merchant were as rigidly enforced as ever, whereas in England the
door was virtually thrown open to all and sundry who might desire to
put their capital to profitable uses." Industry in Scotland was
still controlled by the Craft Gilds, and organisation and method
were alike mediaeval. Manufactures were little developed, and the
chief exports were raw materials* The countries, therefore, required
different commercial regulations.. This was one reason why the Union
of 1603 could not be complete; it was neither parliamentary nor
commercial, the crowns alone were united. The chief reason for the
backwardness of development in Scotland was the lack of capital. Her
soil was poor; also her situation, remote from the ordinary course
of European trade, was a drawback to her. During the latter part of
the seventeenth century a change came about. The Scots found
themselves favourably placed for the new trade with the West.
Companies were founded to promote industry, partly with the help of
English capital. Scotland's economic history in the seventeenth
century is that of her development into a modern state, which,
though she could not be a successful rival to England, could and did
force her greater neighbour to grant to her commercial equality.
During the seventeenth century the relationship established in 1603
became more and more unsatisfactory, and this was greatly due to the
conflicting economic interests-of the two countries. The English
suffered from the Union in four particular directions. These were,
firstly, the French trade; where the English merchants were jealous
of the Scottish privileges in France during the first years of the
century, while during the latter part they objected to the Scots
maintaining their trade connection with a country with whom England
was at enmity. Secondly, the Dutch trade was a source of grievance,
for the English always feared that the Dutch merchants through their
connection with Scotland, might obtain some share in English
carrying trade, particularly in that to the Plantations. For,
thirdly, after the Restoration the Scots gradually established an
illegal trade with America, which was an offence against the English
commercial system as embodied in the Navigation Acts. Fourthly,
difficulties arose because of the different regulations as to import
and export, which made the smuggling of certain commodities across
the Borders a profitable occupation.
Scotland also
suffered from the Union, especially in her foreign trade. Partly
because of her connection with England she gradually lost her
privileges in France. Her trade to France, and also to Holland, was
interrupted and sometimes stopped by English wars with these
countries, from which the Scots derived no benefit. She felt these
checks to her trade especially towards the end of the century, when
her industries developed, and when, as a crowning grievance, she was
allowed no legal share in the English Plantation trade.
The century between
the Unions of 1603 and 1707, treated chronologically, falls into
three periods. James was anxious for an incorporating union, but
neither nation was as yet ready to make the necessary concessions.
During the first period, therefore, the reign of James I and part of
that of Charles I, trade between the two countries was not free.
James's subjects in England, Scotland, and Ireland, were, however,
allowed to trade as natives, not as aliens, with any of the three
countries. On the whole, however, there was little increase of
intercourse between the countries. The most important feature of the
period was that, although Scotland did succeed in retaining her
privileges in France, the connection between these two countries
gradually became less close.
Scotland suffered
very much during the Civil Wars, and consequently the establishment
of a complete Union under the Commonwealth in 1654 found her in an
exhausted and poverty stricken state. Owing to this fact and also to
the short duration of the Union it is difficult to estimate its
possible results, had conditions been different. As matters stood
the Union in this second period was unsatisfactory to both parties.
England found the maintenance of an army, garrisons, and the civil
government in Scotland a very heavy drain on her resources, while
Scottish trade was hampered by the enforcement of English
regulations as to import and export and navigation, and also by the
wars of the Commonwealth with Holland.
As a result neither
nation after the Restoration wished to continue this close
relationship, and accordingly England and Scotland again became, but
for their common king, separate countries. This third period is by
far the most interesting. In it the English commercial system was
further developed, and more strictly enforced, and France also
developed a strong protective system. Scotland, by the actions of
the English Parliament, and by the loss of her privileges in France,
was shut out from the advantages of both. At the same time the Scots
became more anxious to develop industry and trade. They found
themselves, however, greatly hampered by want of markets. Heavy
duties hindered their trade with England, and by successive
Navigation Acts they were excluded from any lawful share in the
Plantation trade. They were partly shut out from the French trade by
Colbert's protective measures, and their old privileges there were
lost. For this they blamed their connection with England.
But on the other hand
they still had some French trade, and they continued this connection
during William's wars with France, in spite of the indignation and
remonstrances of the English government and merchants. The English
manufacturers joined in the complaints because the Scots supplied
France and other continental countries, with English wool. The
export of wool from England was prohibited, but the Scots carried it
over the border, .and, the export of wool from Scotland being
generally .allowed, they took it abroad to be used in the cloth
manufactories of England's commercial rivals. In spite of the
Navigation Acts the Scots built up a considerable trade with the
Plantations. To this the English most strongly objected, not only
because Scotland supplied herself, and might in time supply other
countries, with Plantation products, instead of getting them from
England, l3ut also because they feared that Dutch ships might trade
with the Plantations under cover of the Scots connection. Towards
the end of the century it became more and more obvious to the
thinking men of both countries that the relationship in its present
state could not continue, and the episode of the Scots East India
Company served to intensify this feeling. The Scots were determined
to secure for themselves some market. The extensive privileges
obtained by a Scots company from the Scots Parliament alarmed alike
those interested in the East India and in the Plantation trades,
while the results of the Darien expedition threatened to involve
England in political difficulties with Spain. In both countries
popular feeling ran very high, and it was now felt on all sides that
some change must be made. Owing to the development of Scottish
industry it was no longer necessary that the commercial regulations
for the two countries should differ. In fact, Scotland had also
built up a protective system very much on the lines of those of
England and France, and partly in retaliation for her treatment by
those countries. At this time the question became complicated by
political considerations—England had settled the succession on the
Hanover line, and feared that the Scots might refuse to co-operate
with them and might recall the Stewarts, and that thus French
influence would again become predominant in Scotland. In order,
therefore, to consolidate and secure her commercial system, and to
ensure the succession of the same sovereign in both kingdoms,
England was willing to admit Scotland to commercial equality, while
Scotland, anxious to secure markets for her manufactures, consented
to merge her Parliament with that of England. Thus over a century of
misunderstanding and dispute was brought to an end, and, very
largely for commercial reasons on both sides, that Union was
accomplished which has done so much to promote the prosperity and
success of both kingdoms.