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Annals of Dunfermline
A.D. 1601 - 1701 - Part 3

1625.—GRAMMAR SCHOOL BUILT.—The Grammar School of the burgh, which had been erected soon after the destruction of the

Abbey, by GED, was enveloped in the flames of the great fire of 25th May, 1624, and reduced to a ruin.  In 1625, a new school was erected on the same site.  The school of 1625 stood until 1817, in the S.E. corner of the play-ground of the present school.  It was a small building, devoid of architectural adornment—about 40 feet in length, 25 in breadth, and 16 in height.  The preceding view of it was taken by the writer from a much larger one in possession of Mr. Ramsay, London, a son of the teacher who held the school early in the present century.

  The view is taken from the south-west, apparently on the street, opposite Queen Ann Street manse gate. The school consisted of two storeys, three windows on the ground apartment, and three large ones above, facing the street, where the business of the school was conducted, the entrance into which was by an outside stair built to the east gable.  Above the door there was a large stone, having cut into it the Latin words—

FAVE   MIHI   MI   DEUS   1625

That is—“Favour me, O my God.”  Above were the town’s arms—a tower with rampant lion supporters, and 1625, the date of erection.  On the triangular stones, on the east and west, above the upper windows there were inscriptions; the stone above the middle window was embellished with a large thistle.  On the stone above the west window were the Latin words,--

VIVAT          PVER

This is, “Often teach and chastise, that the boy may live.”  And on the stone above the east window were, also in Latin, the words,--

IT        DEUS        TUUS

That is, “Learn and suffer.  Thus thy God shall bless thee.”  The first inscription is a general supplication for Divine aid; the second gives advice to the teacher to give proper instruction and due chastisement; the third gives advice to the scholars to learn with diligence and submit to punishment and thus shall they receive the blessing of God.

  This school of 1625 was long felt to be too small for the increasing population of the burgh; it was removed in 1817, whilst the present more handsome edifice was being erected.  Mr. Archibald Haxton, a most excellent teacher and disciplinarian, was the last of the many teachers who, during 191 years, had done service in it.  The writer was a pupil for a short period before its removal.  (See Annals, date 1816-17.)

  PROVOST OF DUNFERMLINE.—Thomas Wardlaw, of Logie.

  1626.—MARKET CROSS.—The first notice of a Market Cross in Dunfermline is to be found under date 1499; but, although not mentioned, there would be one as early as 1395, if not much earlier, for

the tron and customes are noticed under date 1383.  The original Market Cross was probably a tall stone pillar, erected on the top of a few pyramidal steps (similar to the Cross re-erected in 1869).  In 1620 the original Cross appears to have become so “dilapidated” that it became dangerous, and was removed.  Then a new one, resembling the Crosses of Edinburgh, Aberdeen, &c., was erected in the “Hie-Gate,” opposite the foot of “Croce Wynde.”  This new Cross of 1620 was a elegant structure. The above representation of it is taken, in its then “rude and dilapidated state,” from an old drawing of date 1747, by “J.S.”

  This Structure appears to have been about 10 feet in diameter, as ascertained by the “wheel-redii” of stones formed in the causeway in the place where it stood.  The small house was octagonal, 12 feet in diameter and about 10 feet in height.  From the centre arose the “pillar-stone” supporting a unicorn.  The whole height of the Cross, including the pillar, would be about 20 feet.  Round the inside of the small building, at the height of a few feet, there was a stone pavement, which was reached by a few steps.  This stone pavement was the place whereon the town’s officers stood to read public proclamations, &c.; and on the “proclaiming the advent of a new Sovereign” the Provost, Magistrates, &c., ascended to this paved place and made the proclamation.  On “the King’s birth0days the Magistrates and Council stood all round the pavement and drank the King’s health, and the often threw their glasses into the air!”  The door faced the east.  Round the top of the octagon house there were carved stones.  Only one, so far as the writer knows, exists—viz., the stone above the door-way—having on it the burgh arms.  It is in the possession of writer.  The stone is well authenticated, having come through two hands only when he received it as a gift.  The following is a sketch of the stone.

  In order to preserve this stone, the writer intends to have it sunk into some on e of the steps in front of the recently re-erected Cross.  (See the several notices of the Cross in the Annals between 1620 and 1868.)

  THE CROSS WYND “FIRE-STANE” INSCRIPTIONS.—This house, already alluded to, occupies the north-west angle of the Cross Wynd, and stood “contiguous to the Cross Wynd Port.”  The previous house, which stood on the same site, was destroyed by the great fire, May 25, 1624.

  The present building appears to have been erected or completed in 1626, as indicated by an old stone which was once on the west wall of the house.  Oh the east wall of this house, in the Cross Wynd, and about ten feet above the pavement of the street, there is to be seen a dilapidated stone, about four feet square, having on it several references from Scripture regarding the great fire.  Perhaps no other town in Scotland possesses so full and so interesting a memorial of an incident of other days.  Many of the letters on this unique stone are so “time-worn” that it is impossible now to make them out.  In a dew years, none of those left will be readable.  The proprietor should adopt measures to preserve them.  The following engraving represents the present appearance of the stone, with the exception of the restoration of some of the worn-out words and letters on it:--

Of which the following is a free translation:--“Seeing that in so brief a space, on the 25th May, 1624, so much desolation was caused by a fire and the fury of the flaming blast, then O consider the dreadful blazing pyres which the breath of Jehovah, as if with a torrent of brimstone, will for ever keep in flames.”  (Isaiah xxx. 33.)  The initial letters, “M.R.D.,” and consequently, as was customary at this period, prefixed his initials with an “M.”

  In the centre of the stone is a shield, having cut on it in the centre, in alto relievo, a Tree, and Three Arrows or Darts, “on the wing”—two on the right-hand side of it, and one on the left side.  Whether the tree is an emblem of “the Tree of Life,” and the darts, “the fiery dats of the wicked one,” does not appear clear, but it is likely they will have a scriptural solution.

  “Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it.”  (Psalm cxxvii. I.) 

  Under the shield the Latin words may be thus rendered:--“Since new tabernacles to dwell in have, by a bountiful Providence, as you see, been bestowed upon us, O seek the city which has sure foundations, whose Builder and Maker is God.”  (Heb. xi. 10.)

  The last admonition may be rendered: “I beseech you, behold (in this dire calamity) the goodness and the severity of God.”  (Rom. xi. 22.) 

  These inscriptions are in bas-relief (cut into the stone); the Shield, the Tree, and the Arrows are in alto.

  It was once supposed that the centre of the Shield was occupied by a Quiver full of Arrows, which along with the three in flight, was thought to have some connection with the 127th Psalm.

  About 25 or 30 years ago, during the process of some alterations being made on this house, three triangular stones were removed from it west wall.  No 1 Stone had cut on it a circle floriated, with bar across the centre.  Above the bar were two arrows; below it, on arrow, with all heads pointing downwards, the initials “I.D..” mutilated, were in the lower corner angles (John Dury?).  No 2 Stone had on it 1626, and the Latin words—


VIZ., Bear and Forbear, showing by the date, “1626” that the house would be finished in this year.  No. 3 Stone has on it—


VIZ., Mr. W.D. built [this house] anew from the foundation.

  These stones, along with many other “Dunfermline sculptured stones,” were long in the possession of the late Mr. Joseph Paton, Wooer’s Alley, Dunfermline.  They are now to be seen at the west end of the Nave of the Abbey Church.

  Note.—In the year 1858, while the writer was collecting materials fro an account of “The Great Fire” for the Dunfermline Journal, he caused search to be made for all date and motto stones referring to 1624-1628 on houses in Dunfermline, directing particular attention to The “Cross Wynd Stane.”  The inscriptions were then copied for him.  Since no notice is taken of this interesting Stone in any “History,” it would seem that the writer was the first who brought it before the public.

  THE ANCIENT “PRÆTORIA,” OR TOLBOOTH OF THE BURGH.—This building was probably burnt in 1624.  The Burgh Records do not inform us as to whether or not the Town-house of this period was burnt; but that will be no surprise to those who know that these Records do not allude to the fire at all!  It is very probable, however, that the “Prætoria” was burnt, for a house next to it, on the south, and which was connected with the prison, was destroyed.  This house belonged to John Anderson, and it was rebuilt two years after the first.  In 1769, part of Anderson’s premises were removed to make way for the new Town-house then erecting.  The “lintel-stane” was used in the new building.  This “stane” was found in the lower part of the west wall, or gable, of the last Town-house, in 1876, when it was being removed.  The following is a copy of the letters and date on this stone:--

I   A      1626

The date belongs to “the re-building period of the burgh.””

  “AULD KIRK” REPAIRS.—Erection of Lafts, Buchts, &c.—This year, it was found that the south-west end of the Church was much out of repair, as also the roof of the aisle there.  The faults were repaired, and the date, “1626” left in a small circular stone in the centre of the aisle-roof.  At the same time, the Scholars’ and Sailors’ Lafts appear to have been erected, and several family buchts, in other parts of the kirk.  (See Dunf. Parish Rec. &c.)

  PROVOST OF DUNFERMLINE—Thomas Wardlaw, of Logie.  (Burgh Records.)

  SLANDERS OF DUNFERMLINE TO BE PUNISHED.—On the 7th of May , this year, the Town Council of Dunfermline passed an Act for punishing of those who “cursed and slandered the town,” wishing it to be burned again.  (See Annals Dunf. date 1651.)

  1627.—WITCHES AND WARLOCKS!—An old MS. extract in the writer’s possession, notifies that “the wast o’ fife, specially Dunfermlin and torryburn, began to be infested be witches and warlocks.”  (See An Dunf. date 1643.)

  PENNY WEDDINGS.—According to an old note, Penny Weddings began to be very “uproris in Dunfermling: (about 1627 and 1628), and “Sandie Dempster, the wading fiddler,” took an active part at them with “playin’ and kickin’ up and dancing.”  (See also Annals Dunf. date 1648.)

  PROVOST OF DUNFERMLINE.—Thomas Wardlaw, of Logie.  (Burgh Rec.)

  1628.—DUNFERMLINE REBUILT.—It would appear, from several

MS. notes, that “Dunfermline had, by the year 1628, in a great measure recovered itself from the great disaster of 1624;” and that “many of the new erection s were a great improvement on those destroyed.”  Also, it is noted, that “many of the newly-built houses were decorated with motto and date stanes,” A few years ago, on the south side of East High Street, “a fire-motto-date stane” was discovered, of which the above is a representation.  The date on this stone (1628) refers to the fourth year after the great fire of May 25th, 1624, when the greater part of the town had been rebuilt.

  1629.—BURNTISLAND, and the Communion Expenses.—“1629 24th May, Dumfarling.  This day sent a discharge to Dumfarmling for the landwart of the elements celebrat in our kirk the 5 and 12 of Appryll this year.”  (Burntisland Kirk Session Records.)

  THE WRIGHTS’ LAFT in the Church of Dunfermline.—The incorporation of Wrights erected, in 1629, a seat between the two eastmost pillars, south side of the kirk.   This seat had a fine old oak carved front, with arms, and the motto—


This oak front was long in the possession of the late Mr. Paton, and was sold at his sage in November, 1874.

  PROVOST OF DUNFERMLINE.—Thomas Wardlaw, of Logie.  (See Burgh Records.)

  1630.—WILLIAM SCHAW and the Mason Craft.—William (son of William Schaw, Master of Works to James VI.) and himself Master of Works to Charles I., granated a charter to the general lodge, recognizing Sir William Sinclair of Roslin as patron and protector from age to age of their craft.  This charter is attested by names of deacons and master of the lodges of several of the Royal burghs in 1630.  Among the signatures appears that of Robert Alisone, one of the Masters of the Lodge of Dunfermline.  (Chal. Hist. Dunf. vol. ii. p. 156.)

  JOHN HENRYSONE, Notrious Assruit, who appears to have been the writer of these charters, was, most likely, the son of John Henrysone, public notary and schoolmaster of Dunfermline. (See Annals Dunf. date 1573.)  John Burne, one of the Masters of the Dunfermline lodge, subscribes his name to this charter—the pen being led by John Henrysone, viz.,--“I, Jon Burne, ane of the Mr.s of Dunfermline, wt my hand at ye pen, led be ye notar vnder subscrywand for me at my command, because I can not writ myself.—J. Henrysone, notorious assruit.”  (Vide Lyon’s Hist. Lodge, Edin. p. 61; also An. Dunf. date 1598.)

  PROVOST OF DUNFERMLINE.—Thomas Wardlaw was re-elected Provost.  (Burgh Records.)

  1631.—HENRY WARDLAW, of Pitreavie (eldest son of Queen Anne’s Chamberlain), was created a Nova Scotia Baronet by King Charles I. in 1631.  (Chal. Hist. Dunf. vol. i. p. 304.  See also Annals, Appen. S.)

  PROVOST OF DUNFERMLINE.—Thomas Wardlaw, of Logie.  (See Burgh Records.) 

  1633.—KING CHARLES I. IN DUNFERMLINE—Creation of Earl and Five Knights.—King Charles I. during his sojourn in Scotland this year, on July 4th and 5th, visited Dunfermline, when he, “with great solemnitie,” created Sir Robert Kerr Earl of Ancrum, Lord Kerr of Nisbet, &c., which was proclaimed by the heralds at the open windows of “the great chamber” of the Palace.  Afterwards, the King dubbed five of his favourites.  The King left Dunfermline of 5th July.  (Balf. An. Scot. vol. i.; Chal. Hist. Dunf. vol. i. p. 271.)  It has been supposed that Alexander Clark, of Pittencrieff, was one of this list of knights.

  LORD KINLOSS CREATED EARL OF ELGIN.—Thomas Bruce, third Lord Kinloss, was this year created Earl of Elgin by King Charles I.  (Chal. Hist. Dunf. vol. i. p. 289.)

  KING CHARLES I. and the Lordship of Dunfermline, Revocations, &c.—The following extract is from one of the Acts of the Scottish Parliament, held at Edinburgh, 28th Janyary (cap. 9):--“Item: His Majesty, with consent of the saids Estaits, revokes, cansils, annuls, retracts, and rescinds all and sundrie infeftments, grants, dispositions, confirmations, and other rights whatsoever, made by his Majestie induring his minority, and lessage to whatsoever person, or persones in fee, frank, tenement or otherwise, of the landes, kirks, teinds, patronages, offices, and others pertaining to the Lordship of Dunfermling; to the which his Majestie succeded as only sone and heire to his Majesties umquhile, dearest mother Queene Anna, who was heritably infeft in the said lordship of Dunfermling, and siclyke gifts: revokes all gifts, alienations, dispositions, and other rightes whatsoever, made by his Majestie, or his said dearest mother, unlawfully and against the lawes of the kingdome, of the said lordship, or any landes, teinds, offices, kirks, patronages, and others pertaining to the said lordship at any time preceeding the date hereof: the same being so found and verified before the ordinary judge, “ &c.  (Vide Act termed the “King’s General Revocation,” Parliament of Charles I., Edinburgh, June 28, 1633, cap 9; Murray’s Laws and Acts of Par. vol. i. p. 533.)

  JAMES HALKET OF PITFIRRANE KNIGHTED.—James Halket, of Pitfirrane, was knighted this year by Charles I., at Dalkeith, on 24th June.  (Chal. Hist. Dunf. vol. i. p. 295.)

  PROVOST OF DUNFERMLINE—Thomas Wardlaw, of Logie.  (See Burgh Records.)

  1634.—KING CHARLES I.  “Disappoints and Affronts the Earl Rothes and Lord Lindasy.”—“Earl Rothes, Sheriff of Fife, and Lord Lindsay, bailie of the regality of St. Andrews, understanden that it was the intention of the of the King to pass through Dunfermline, collected their friends there, to the number of nearly 2000, on horseback, and in their best style of equipage, to testify their loyalty to  him,” &c.  The King, however, affronted them much by intentionally changing his route.  But conduct of this nature was not uncommon to Charles.  (Aitk. Hist. Scot. vol. iii. p. 403.)

  AULD KIRK PULPIT—An Elegant New one Erected.—An new pulpit, of oak, was erected in the Auld Kirk this year.  It was very neatly carved with devices.  An iron rod projected from the side near the Pulpit Book-board, and ended in an ornamental iron cup, which held an hour-glass (a common appendage of these times).  On the back of the pulpit were the words—


The pulpit was fixed to the middle north pillar in the Kirk.  The two projecting iron rods that secured the sounding-board are still to be seen.  The pulpit is now a Abbotsford; it was presented by the heritors to Sir Walter Scott in 1822.  (See An. Dunf. date 1822.)

  AULD KIRK SEATING.—A great many new seats and cradles were added to the Kirk during 1634, and the “Musicians’ Isle” was then repaired.  (Kirk Ses. Rec.)

  1635.—THE WEATHER.—According to an old MS., the “Janyar of 1635 set in with grate severitie, with sleet and snaw-storms, whilk continuity mair or les until Febuer,” and it seems that the streets were in some places “breast high in snaw.”  (MS. by “D. W.”)

  POPULATION OF THE BURGH IN 1635.—The burgh having recovered from the disastrous fire of 1624, a census appears to have been taken in 1635, when it was estimated that there were about 1850 souls in the town and suburbs.  (MS. by “J.S.”)

  FEVER.—A “malignant fever” raged for some months in the town and different parts of the parish, “whilk carryet of not a few.”  (MS. Advoc. Lib. 1635.)

  ASPECT OF THE STREETS IN 1635.—“Wooden fronts above the first stone storey, many of them projecting; outside stairs, extending to near the middle of the street; no pavements, and only part of the ‘Hie-gate’ causeway’d.”  (MS.)

  1636.—THE PARISH OF ROSYTH was united to the parish of Inverkeithing early this year.  (Inverkeithing Par Rec.)

  SCULPTURED STONE, 1636.—This stone is to be seen on the west wall of a house, “in the open” of the first close east of Randolph Street (Bardner’s Close, now call “Brown’s Close).  A now nearly

worn-out tradition informs us, that there formerly stood on the same site the own-mansion of Lord Callender; that his mansion was destroyed by the great fire of 25th May, 1624; that the locality lay long heaped up with debris, and that on the site being sold in 1634, the present house was built.  It will be observed that the stone is triangular, the top angle terminating in a human face, under which is the 1636, and below the date there is a plain shield, which is divided perpendicularly by a bar into equal halves; on the right-hand half there are three fleur-de-lis—two above, and one below a cheveron.  On the left-hand side are three five-pointed stars, with a stag’s head and horns below them.  On each side of the lower part (the outside) of the Shield are initial letters—viz., “I. R.: M. B.”—the whole being enclosed within a waved ornamental border, formed out of the two sides of the triangular stone.  It is now not known to whom these initials and armorial bearings refer; but seeing he, the proprietor and builder of 1636, had a Shield of Arms, he must have been a man of position.  By referring to the “heart-shaped stone” which is over the arch, at the north end of the same close) the initials “I. R.” will be seen on it.  Perhaps this stone of 1607 and that of 1637 may have been set up by the same person.

  1637.—THE HERITABLE OFFICES of the Lordship, &c., of Dunfermline conferred on the Earl of Dunfermline.—Charles, the second Earl of Dunfermline, obtained a Charter under the Great Seal from King Charles I., for himself, and as Lord of the Lordship and Regality, conferring upon him the offices of “Bailiary and Justiciary of our Lordship and Regality, on both side of the river and water of Forth excepting what belonged to the bailiary of Musselburgh.”  24th April, 1633.  (Chal. Hist. Dunf. vol. i. p. 257.)

  ASSISTANT MINISTERS OF DUNFERMLINE.—At this period, and for some short time afterwards, there were two assistant ministers In the Kirk of Dunfermline—viz., Johne Stanehouse and Samuel Row.  (Par. Rec.)

  1638.—THE NATIONAL COVENANT Signed at Dunfermline.—During the months of March and April, 1638, the National Covenant, as drawn up by Alexander Henderson and Johnstone of Warriston, was subscribed this year at Dunfermline by the nobility, gentlemen, burgesses and community.  Among the signatures are those of the Earl of Dunfermline; Sir Robert Halkett, of Pitferrane; James Durie, of Craigluscar; Robert Ged (senior and junior), of Baldridge; Henry Wardlaw, of Pitreavie; William Wardlaw, of Balmule; and also the then two assistant ministers of Dunfermline, Johne Stanehouse, Mr. Samuel Row, &c.; and upwards of 200 other signatures.

  We have had in our possession for several weeks (May, 1878) this National Covenant document, kindly lent to us by the Kirk Session of Queen Ann Street Congregation, in whose custody it has been since 1740.  The document consists of a large sheet of parchment 37 ¼ inches by 34 3/4 , on which is written, in beautiful calligraphy, 74 lines of preliminary and explanatory remarks.  Five of these preliminary lines are as follow:--

  “The Confession of Faith Subscribed at Dunfermline First by the king’s Majestie and his Household, in the zeire of GOD 1580, Thairefter by persons of all ranks In the zeire of GOD 1581 by ordinance of the Lords of Secret Counsall and Acts of generall Assemblies, Subscribed again be all Sortes of persons In the zeire of GOD 1590 by a new Ordinance of Counsall at the desire of the Gererall Assemblie with ane general band for mentainence of the trew religion and the King’s person, And now subscribed in the zeire of GOD 1638 by we Noblemen, Barronnes, Gentlemen, Burgesses, and Community under subscribed be and Togidder with our resolution and promise For the cause eftir specified, To the Mentainence of the trew Religion and the King’s Majestie, According to the Confession foirsaid, and actes of parliament, the tenor quhairof follows.”

  The “tenor” consists of 69 closely-written lines, each 35 1/8 inches in length, and which, wre they printed along with the signatures below them, would occupy about 40 pages quarto (same size as our pages).  We must therefore refer the reader to the original document for further particulars regarding the tenor and the large number of signatures appended to it (about 250 in number).

  The “Confession of Faith” was, it is said, first in the possession of the Earl of Dunfermline, or his factor, William Walker, Provost of the burgh.  Afterwards it came into the possession of his descendant, William Walker, of Rhodes, Clerk of the Regality, who presented it to the Rev. Ralph Erskine shortly after he became junior minister of the parish, who is understood to have presented it to the Session of his newly-formed Secession Church, Queen Ann Street, about 1740.  It is also said that it became the property—after the Rev. Ralph Erskine’s death, in 1752—of his son, who gifted it to the Rev. Mr. Fisher, Glasgow, who bequeathed it a second time to the Queen Ann Street Congregation.  (See Chal. Hist. Dunf. vol. i. p. 273.) 

  The document, now time-worn, is enclosed within an oak frame 47 1/4 inches by 44, and is surrounded by a “gilded flat strip border,” and glazed.  This is an interesting document, and ought to be photographed for sale.

  PRESBYTERY OF DUNFERMLINE, &C.—In the year 1638 the Synod of Fife was divided into four Presbyteries—viz., St. Andrews. Cupar, Kirkcaldy, and Dunfermline, which still continue.  (Chal. Hist. Dunf. vol. i. p. 575.)

  MR. SAMUEL ROW was this year appointed an assistant to Mr. Harry Makgill.  (Parish Records.)  Mr. Row was an Irishman, and assisted Mr. Makgill for some considerable length of time.

  PROVOST OF DUNFERMLINE—James Reid.  (Burgh Records, 1638.)  The Provost was an elder, and was the representative of the Dunfermline Presbytery in “the famous General Assembly” held at Glasgow in 1638.

  THE OFFICE OF READER of Dunfermline Church abolished.  (Burgh Records, &c.)  For the duties of the office of “Reader,” see Chal. Hist. Dunf. vol. i. pp. 541, 542, &c.)

  REPAIRING OF ROSYTH CASTLE.—On the stone-bars of windows in the Castle are the following initials and date:--

T.   *   S.-------M.   *   N.   1639

  TWENTY-FIVE DUNFERMLINE MEN to be Selected for the Wars.—“4th May, 1639.—The whilk day the proveist, baillies, and counseill, having receavit instructions from the Committee of Warre anent the levying of twentie fyve men furth of said burghe for going to the Southe in this present expeditione, and for furnishing of thame during the space aftirspect, Have for fulfilling thairof appointit the said Twentie fyve men to be leavit and chosen out of the inhabitants of the said burghe for marching and going to the border at the Southe as for suplie to the armie prsntlie thairat in this prsnt expeditione upon twentie four hours’ advertisement.  And ordains the saids twnetie fyve men to be funishit and enterteined upon the town’s charges during the space tne days after thair removal furth fyve men, the counseill have electit Mr. Harie Mackgill, minister, James Reid, provost, Peter Law, baillie, Mr. Patrick Auchinleck, John bennet, Robert Steinsone, wha are ordainit to report thair nominatione and choising of the said twentie fyve men to the nixt counsall day.”  (Burhg Records.)

  1639.—MARGARET MOWTRAY ORDERED TO BE PLACED IN THE JUGGS AT THE TRON for deprecating “ane horrible Judgement.”—“4th May, 1639: Thisday the proveist, baillies, and counsall convicts Margaret Mowtray in ane outlaw of aught punds for calumniating of the armie that went to Bruntiland, and for deprecating ane horrible judgement to befall thaim.  Or othirwayes to stand on the trone, inclosit in Jogis fra this prsnt moment till aught hours at nicht.”  (Burgh Records, May, 1639.)

  A LEVY OF FOUR HUNDRED POUNDS ON THE BURGH.—“The proveist, baillies, and counsall, considering how the common guid of the burghe is far within and will not extend to the Sommes of money already disbursit be thame to the Souldiers alreadie sent further in this expeditione to the northe, and of the leavie that is going to the Southe, Have thairfore for suplie thairof appointit and ordainit ane taxt and stent of four hundredth punds to be payit be ye inhabitants of ye said burghe, accordinglie as they sall be stentit to the Stent Masters appoyntit for that effect, and ordains the taxt roll yrof to be prsntlie drawn up.”  (Burgh Records, May, 1639. 

  TOWN COUNCIL ACT Relative to Unmannerly Councillors.—“6 May, 1639, the Provost Presiding:  The whilk day, for the represing of the unmannerly and indecent formes used be sum of the counselloris of this burghe, wha, aftir they are set and inclosed in the counsel hous to use and exerces thair office anent the deciding and concluding of all matters belonging to their place and functions, with thair garrulity and much loquacity, trouble and molest the said counsel unrequirit, that it seemeth rather ane barbaric court then ane counsel, not befeting men of such ane grave office, It is Statutc and Ordainit, whatsoever counselor of the said burghe sall speak, reason, or give his voice and voit in Counsell frae this tyme forth coming sall pay at that same time xiis. For ilk failzure, toties quoties.”  (Burgh Records, May, 1639.)

  PROVOST OF DUNFERMLINE.—James Reid, re-elected Provost.  (Burgh Records.)

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