M C C C C I.
BURGH.—John Wardlaw, of Torry, was Abbot of Dunfermline. There were about
45 monks in the Abbey, and at least 12 other officials connected with its
“domestic economy.” The population within the walls of the Abbey was about
60; the population of the Burgh, about 1200. It would appear that there
were smiths, weavers, plumbers, slaters, masons, wrights, tailors, shoe
and clog makers, bakers, fleshers, fishmongers, glovers, spurriers, &c.,
in the Burgh at this period.
1403.—ROYAL INTERMENT IN THE ABBEY.—Queen Annabella Drummond, consort of
King Robert III., died at Inverkeithing, and was interred in “haly
sepulture” in the Abbey of Dunfermline, but whether in the original
building or in the Choir is not known. This was the last of the Royal
Interments at Dunfermline, excepting the infant son of James VI. in 1602.
(Chalmers’s Gaz. Scot. pp. 584, 585; Chal. Hist. Dunf. vol. i. p. 137;
vol. ii. p. 242.)
Note.—Robert III., husband of Annabella, gave a gift of the whole revenue
belonging to St. Leonard’s Chapel and Hospital at Lanark, in 1393, to Sir
John Dalziel, upon condition that he and his heirs should cause say three
masses every week—“Pro salute Dominm Regis et Annabellæ Reginæ proliumque
eorum”—vbiz., three masses “for the salvation of our lord the King, and
Annabella the Queen, and their offspring. (Chambers’s Gaz. Scot. p. 689.)
1404.—JOHN, Lord Abbot, and Safe-Conduct Pass to England.—John de Torry,
Lord Abbot of Dunfermline, “Obtained a Safe-conduct Pass from Henry IV. of
England, with Sir Richard Comyn and six horsemen,” dated at Westminster,
20th March, 1404. (Chal. Hist. Dunf. vol. i. p. 189.)
1409.—DUNFERMLINE MONKS’ VESTMENTS.—The monks of Dunfermline represent to
the Abbot the great rise in the prices of vestments. John de Torry, Lord
Abbot, after a full consideration of the matter, agrees to allow each monk
in future 40s. of the current money of the realm annually. (Print. Regist.
Dunf. No. 399, p. 279; Dal. Mon. Antiq. p. 15; Chal. Hist. Dunf. vol. i.
p. 214, &c.)
JOHN OF TORRY (WARDLAW), Lord Abbot of Dunfermline, appears to have been
indisposed for several years about this period (1409-1413). It has also
been supposed that John Wardlaw of Torry, died in1409, and that a now
unknown Abbot was then elected, and was in office until 1413; but the
Registrum de Dunfermlyn makes no mention of this.
1414.—WILLIAM DE SANCTO ANDREA, Lord Abbot of Dunfermline.—It is not known
when William of St. Andrews was elected and consecrated Lord Abbot of
Dunfermline. His name for the first time appears in a Charter of date
1414. He was the 23rd Abbot of Dunfermline. (Print. Regist. Dunf. No. 401,
pp. 280, 281, 282; Chal. Hist. Dunf. col. i. p. 180.)
1419.—ROBERT STUART, Duke of Albany, Earl of Fife, and Regent of Scotland,
died in 1419, and was buried in the Abbey of Dunfermline. (Heron’s Hist.
Scot. vol. ii. p. 206; Chal. Hist. Dunf. vol. i. p. 133.)
SEISEN.—The earliest notice of Seisen, in connection with the Abbey, is to
be found in a Charter in the Register of Dunfermline of date 23rd March
1419. (Print. Regist. Dunf. No. 402, p. 281, 282; Dal. Mon. Antiq. p. 62.)
1423.—WILLIAM BROWN, the Learned and Eminent Theologian.—William Brown of
the Abbey of Dunfermline, “strenuously opposed the election of William
Drax to be Prior of Coldingham, but was unsuccessful.” (Carr’s Hist. of
Coldingham, p. 285; Chalmers’s Hist. Dunf. vol. i. p. 240.) Drax, a man of
questionable virtue, had raised a process against William Brown, Robert
Bowmaker, and Stephen Bryce, “monks of Dunfermling.”
took action at law against William Brown, Robert Bowmaker, and Stephen
Bryce, monks of Dunfermline, for opposing him in the Priorate of
Coldingham. (Carr’s Hist. of Coldingham, p. 285; and MS Deeds in the Advo.
Lib. Edin.)
1426.—DAVID I., “A sair Saint to the Crown.”—James I. visited Dunfermline
this year, just after his long captivity of 19 years in England. He
entered the Abbey, and, on the tomb of King David being pointed out to
him, remarked that “David wer ane soir sanct for the Croun.” Kames I. at
the time was low in his finances; and, no doubt, the lavish expenditure of
Crown money, &c., made by David I. on cathedrals, abbeys, and religious
houses, would come to his remembrance, and hence his often-quoted remark.
(Boece’s Chronicles, by Ballenden, lib. xii. Ch. 17.)
1427.—WILLIAM OF ST. ANDREWS, Lord Abbot of Dunfermline, died. (General
Allan’s MSS.)
LORD ABBOT OF DUNFERMLINE.—Andrew de Kircaldy was elected and consecrated
Abbot of Dunfermline on 13th September, 1427. (General Allan’s MSS.)
1428.—KING JAMES I. IN DUNFERMLINE.—Several Charters were granted by James
I., and dated from Dunfermline, in December, 1428. One of them under the
Great Seal, “whereby, with consent of the burgesses and merchants of
Edinburgh, and in augmentation of the fabric and reparation of the Port of
Leith,” certain tolls are authorized to be uplifted of all ships and boats
entering therein; dated Dunfermline, 31st December. 1428. (Marwick’s Edin.
Burgh Records, p. 323.)
1429.—MALPRACTICES IN THE PRIORY OF URQUHART.—There are several letters,
writs, &c., of admonition in the Register of Dunfermline, at this period,
from the Abbot of Dunfermline, regarding certain malpractices and
irregularities which had recently arisen in the Priory of Urquhart, which
was under the jurisdiction of Dunfermline Abbey. (Vide Regist. de Dunf.
pp. 282-284.)
1432.—ARCHERY.—Agreeably to the Act of Estates, Dunfermline established
“bow-butts” adjacent to the villa inferior (Nethertown), “for the practice
of archery,” and “set aside the Butt-acre for the purpose.” The Butts are
mentioned in Charter 443 of Registrum de Dunfermlyn. (See Annals of
Dunfermline, dates 1455 and 1526.)
1435.—THE BARONY OF ROSYTHE, four miles south of Dunfermline, was
purchased, about this period, by Sir David Stewart. (Chal. Hist. Dunf.
vol. i. p. 422.)
1436.—DUNFERMLINE, along with other Towns, declared to be incapable of
protecting Royalty.—After the murder of James I. at Perth this year, it
was declared that “neither Perth, Stirling, Scone, of Dumlermline, had the
power of protecting royalty against the designs of the nobility,” and
hence Edinburgh and its Castle were selected as the future place of
residence for the Royal Families of Scotland. It was in consequence of
this “declaration and act” that Edinburgh became the metropolis of
Scotland—1436-1437. (Chal. Gaz. Scot. art. “Stirling,” p. 957, &c.)
1437.—A CHARTER of this date is the first one in the Register of
Dunfermline in the Scotch language.
ANDREW, Lord Abbot of Dunfermline.—It is not known when Andrew was elected
and consecrated Lord Abbot of Dunfermline. He appears for the first time
in the Register of Dunfermline, in a Charter dated July, 1437. He was the
24th Abbot of Dunfermline.
THE LANDS OF CLUNY fell into the hands of the Abbot and Convent of
Dunfermline by the forfeiture of Murdac, Earl of Fife, and were given by
them to David Stewart of Rossyth.
this year prevailed all over Scotland, and was severely felt in
Dunfermline and its vicinity. Lindsay, in his Chronicle, alluding to it,
says—“Thair raise ane great dearthe of victuallis within the realm,
pairtly because the labouraris of the ground might no sow nor win the
cornes, throw the tumultis ans cumberis in the countrie, and pairtly,
quilk is most apparentlie to be true, was the verie wraith and ire of God,
to cause us to know our selffis, and throwe that scourg to provock us to
amendment of lyfe. Thair rand also at thys time ane terrible pest in the
ocuntrie, for all men that was affected thairwith dyed that same day he
tuik it bot ony remedie or help.” (Lind. Chron. Scot. vol. i. pp. 23, 24;
Chal. Hist. Dunf. vol. ii. p. 262, &c.)
1440.—THE PROTEST OF THE MONKS OF DUNFERMLINE and the Town of Perth.—The
Monks of Dunfermline, in an agreement between their Abbey and the Town of
Perth, protested that they did not relinquish special general emoluments,
offerings of wax, money, horses, and other mortuaries pertaining to
funerals. (Print. Regist. Dunf. Nos. 413-417, pp. 291-300; Dal. Mon. An.
p. 27.)
PERTH.—There are various Charters, &c., in the Register of Dunfermline
relative to Dunfermline Abbey possessions, privileges, &c., in Perth.
Three of these Charters, or Writs, were granted in the summer of 1440,
viz., on May 20th, 1440, on June 9th, 1440 and on June 14th, 1440, which
were confirmed by the Prior of St. Andrews (in the absence of the Bishop)
on September 1st, 1440. (Print. Regist. Dunf. pp. 291-299; Nos. of
Charter, 413, 414, 415; and Confirmation Charter, No. 416.)
A VICAR’S PENSION.—It is mentioned in a Writ or Charter of this date, in
the Register of Dunfermline, that the Pension given by them to their
vicars was 35 merks, with wine, bread, and wax. (Print. Regist. Dunf. Nos.
413, 414, &c., p. 291, 295; Dal. Mon. An. p. 35.)
Abbey.—“James Bruce, son of Sir Robert Bruce, of Clackmannan, whom King
David II. calls his beloved cousin, was consecrated Bishop of Dunkeld in
Dunfermline Abbey.” (Crawford’s Officers of State, p. 34; Chal. Hist. Dunf.
vol. i. p. 266.)
1442.—THE LORD ABBOT OF DUNFERMLINE takes the Precedence of other
Abbots.—“In a Writ, dated 8th February, 1442, the Abbot of Dunfermline
takes precedence of the other Abbots who are witnesses to it—viz.,
Aberborthick, Cambuskenneth, Inchcolm, and Culross, in the order of
signing.” (Vide Thompson’s Acts of Parliament, vol. ii. p. 58; Chal. Hist.
Dunf. vol. i. p. 190.) This precedence probably arose from Dunfermline
Abbey being the senior Abbacie.
1444.—“ANDREW OF KIRCALDY,” Lord Abbot of Dunfermline, died April, 1444.
(Gen. Allan’s MSS.)
1445.—RICHARD DE BOTHEUL, Lord Abbot of Dunfermline.—It is not known when
Richard de Botheul was elected and consecrated Lord Abbot of Dunfermline.
He is for the first time noticed in a Charter, dated January, 1445. (Wilk.
Concil.; Chal. Hist. Dunf. vol. i. p. 190. See also Annals, date 1472.)
1448.—THE ABBEY REPAIRING—The Body of a Child Found.—Boece, in his History
of Scotland, notes, that in “this yeare, while pulling down the royall
wallis at Dunfermling, the bodie of ane young child was found in ane heap
of leid, rompled up in Sandill, als fresch and vncurrupted, and als weill
in cullor as the fyrst hour it was buried. This was judged of thame that
had curiositie of old antiquities, to be that sone of Queine Margaret,
quha deceist in his infancie.” (Hect. Boece’s Hist. Scot. date 1448;
Lindsay’s Chron. Scot. vol. i. pp. 61, 61; Chamb; Gaz. Scot. art.
“Dunfermline,” &c.)
SACRIST OF DUNFERMLINE ABBEY.—William de Boyis, one of the monks of the
Abbey, held the office of Sacrist early in the year 1448. He afterwards
became Prior of the Priories of Pluscardine and Urquhart.
Regist. Dunf. No. 424, p. 309) Richard is mentioned and is designated as
Prior and Sub-Prior of Dunfermline Abbey.
PROVOST OF DUNFERMLINE.—A Charter in the Register of Dunfermline mentions
that name John Wright, Præpositus, or Provost of Dunfermline, in 1448.
(Print. Regist. Dunf. No. 424, p. 305.) This appears to be the earliest
notice of a Provost of Dunfermline on record. In the same Charter Thomas
Bra and Thomas Chepman are mentioned as being the Bailies; and John
Bothwell and John Cupir as Burgesses.
THE ABBEY OF DUNFERMLINE empowered to Repledge Lands, Inhabitants, &c.—In
a Writ of this date, in the Register of Dunfermline, the Abbot Richard
“empowers the Abbey to repledge any of the inhabitants on the lands of
Luscreviot and Dollar which belonged to it, detained by his courts, to the
courts of regality.” (Vide Print. Regist. Dunf. Nos. 427, 428, pp. 312,
Charter, “the Abbey of Dunfermline was a place to be held in the highest
veneration, in consequence of many of the bodies of his progenitors, Kings
of Scotland, being interred in it.” (Dal. Mon. Antiq. p. 51.)
1449, there is the following entry:--
“Istud est Rentale ad altare beate Margarete Regine situatum in Ecclesia
parochiali de Dunfermlyn ex parte australi ejusdem ecclesie factum xxx vvi°due
menis Junii anno domini 1449 et habitum ex vero conquestu domini Johannis
Willelmi tunc temporis capellani domini nostril Regis ex parte bone
memorie Cristiane de Broyis.” (Vide General Hutton’s Collection MS.
Charters, Advo. Library, Edin. p. 121.)
That is—
“The rental made at the altar of the blessed Margaret, the Queen, situated
in the parochial church of Dunfermline, on the south side of the same
church (27th June, 1449), and derived from the real property of Mr. John
Williams, at that time chaplain to our lord the lord the King, on the part
of Christian de Brosis of blessed memory.”
From this entry, it is evident that St. Margaret’s Altar was situated in
the Parochial Church (the Abbey) and in the south side of it; but whether
in the original building (the “Auld Kirk”) or in the Choir, is not known.
territories of the Abbey committing a crime could be repledged from the
supreme criminal judges of the kingdom, and be brought to trial at the
Abbot’s courts, by virtue of a Charter granted about this period. (Dal.
Mon. Antiq. p. 19.)
THE MONASTERY AND COURTS OF LAW.—It is mentioned in a Charter in the
Register of Dunfermline, of date 1449, that “the Monastery was exempted
from attendance at courts of law, which was a common burden on other
subjects. (Print. Regist, Dunf. No. 427, p. 312; Dal. Mon. Ant. p. 22.)
1450.—KIRKCALDY.—The privileges and immunities of Kirkcaldy were, on the
20th January, 1450, disponed by Richard, Abbot of Dunfermline, and the
Convent, to the Bailies and the Council of the Burgh of Kirkcaldy, by an
indenture made betwixt them. (Print. Regist. Dunf. No. 432, pp. 318, 319;
vide also pp. 269, 270.) Under date 1363 of Annals, it is shown that the
Burgh of Kirkcaldy was then given to the Abbey of Dunfermline by King
David II. Kirkcaldy had therefore been under the Abbey rule about 87
is the last of the great Regal Confirmation Charter made in favour of the
Abbey, in the Register of Dunfermline, by James II., dated 22nd March,
1450; and as it contains the last account of the Abbey possessions and
privileges to date 1450, a free translation may prove acceptable to the
“James, by the grace of God, King of Scots, to all honest men of the whole
kingdom, clergy and laity, greeting,--Though, indeed, we care bound to
give the utmost heed to the quiet and tranquility of all in our kingdom,
who belong to the order of regulars, when the pious majesty of royal
excellence requires it, or a feeling of glowing charity demands it, we
ought more especially and watchfully to provide, with our usual foresight,
for the stability and peace of our Monastery of Dunfermline, when we
reflect how much and with what special veneration that place deserves to
be regarded by us, in which not only the most sacred pledges of our most
renowned and most glorious progenitor, the blessed Margaret queen, rest in
venerable repose; but where also so many of the bodies of our ancestors,
Kings of Scotland, lie most honourably entombed. We are therefore moved,
and not without just cause, with a solicitude so to act, that the
tranquility, peace, and freedom of the said Monastery may be secured, and
that it may not be hereafter harassed by the disturbing influence of any
fluctuating affairs, but enjoy its possessions, as we earnestly desire, in
quiet and perpetual prosperity: And that this our desire may become
public, know ye that we have approved, ratified, and, by this our present
Charter, confirmed, all and every the grants, donations, incorporations,
annexations, exonerations, declarations, renovations, contracts, and all
and every the things underwritten, made and granted to the said Monastery
of Dunfermline, to the Abbot and Convent of the same, and to their
successors, viz.: The gifts of Kings Malcolm the First [III.?] and his
Queen, the blessed Margaret, which, being enumerated, are these—Parcy,
Blacklaw, Pitbauchly, Pitcorthy, Pitliver, Bolgy, the Shire of Kirkaldy,
Inveresk the Lesser: The gifts of King Duncan, the two villas called
Luscar: The gifts of King Edgar, the Shire of Gellald: The gifts of King
Ethelrede, Hailes: The gifts of King Alexander the First, Primrose; the
Shire of Gaitmilk, with the pertinents: The gifts of Queen Sibilla, Beath:
The gifts of the most excellent King David the First, Dunfermline on this
side the water on which the Monastery is situated; Kinghorn, lying nearest
to Dunfermline (Burntisland), with its appendages; Fod, the greater
Inveresk, with its mill and fishing; Carbarrin, and the Church of Inveresk;
Wemoth, with its right divisions; also, Fothris, near St. Andrews, with
its divisions; Pityhochir (Pettycur?) and the Shire of Newburn, with its
appendages; Balvaird and Balchristie, with their divisions; a mansion in
Berwick; another in Roxburgh; a third in Haddingtion; a fourth in
Edinburgh; a fifth in Linlithgow; a sixth in Stirling; and, in the same
town, two churches, and a carucate of land adjacent to the Church if
Stirling (now called Southfield); and all the tithes of our lordships in
fruits and animals, and in fishes and also in money; and the mansions of
Roger the presbyter; a net and a-half; and a mansion in the burgh of
Perth, and the church of the same place, and also the chapel of the
Castle, and a mansion belonging to the said church; the eighth part of all
the fines and profits of Fife and Fothrik; and that the Abbots and monks
of the said Monastery have a right, in the Forest of Clackmannan, to all
things necessary for their own, and their men’s fire and buildings; also
of the seals which shall be taken at Kinghorn after being tithed, let them
have every seventh; and in Berwick the tract of Ardstell, and all that
justly pertains to it; and no poind must be taken of the land or men of
the same Monastery, save for their own proper obligations; and that there
be justly restored to the said Abbey all their Cumirlauch, with all their
money, wheresoever they may be found; and that they may have all their own
men, with alltheir money, in whosesoever land they may be on when these
were granted; and that the said Abbot and Convent have, through the whole
Kingdom of Scotland, exemption from toll on everything which they may have
sold for their use; and that they have the Passage and Ship of
Inverkeithing, and a certain fishing at Perth, freely and quietly: The
gifts of King Malcolm the Second [IV.?]—Masterton, with its right
divisions; and twenty-three acres of land, and a certain meadow near
Dunfermline; and whatever whale which shall happen to be stranded or taken
in Scotland, let there remain with the said Monastery the whole head, save
the tongue, and the half of the blood of all the whales which are taken
between the Forth and Tay, for light before the altars of the Church of
Dunfermline; and that all the men of the said Abbey be free from working
at bridges and castles, and other works; and the Church of the Holy
Trinity of Dunkeld, with the whole lands belonging to it, and with its
proper pertinents; and one toft in Edinburgh, which Robert de Lundoniis
had; and an entire toft, with a croft, in the town of Clackmannan: The
donation of King William, the rent of 100 shilling out of the revenue of
the burgh of Edinburgh, which he gave on the day of his brother King
Malcolm’s burial, and twenty acres of land: The gifts of King Alexander
the Second—the Shire of Dollar, by its right divisions, in free forest;
and the lands of Gask, and the lands of Smetion, near Musselburgh; and the
lands of Beath-Waldefe, and of West Beath: From the donation of King
Robert the First—the Ferry-field near Inverkeithing, with its pertinent;
Coketam, with the new great custom, as well of the burghs of Dunfermline,
Kirkcaldy, Musselburgh, and the Queensferry, as of all their other lands
within the Kingdom of Scotland, beside five merks sterling to be received
yearly out of the revenues of the burgh on Inverkeithing, by the hands of
the bailies of the said burgh. And all the things above mentioned, which,
by our good ancestors, King Malcolm and blessed Queen Margaret, by King
Duncan, by King Edgar, by Ethelred his brother, by King Alexander, by King
Robert, have been given, granted, and confirmed, as in their authentic
documents are contained, to the Church and Monastery of the Holy Trinity,
and of the most blessed Queen Margaret, of Dunfermline, we, with like
fullness and entireness, concede and hereafter to serve God, and confirm
to them, to be held for ever entire and undiminished: And that they may
rejoice in having found the fruit of new favour in the eyes of our
majesty, we grant the lands of Ardlovy, with the pertinents lying within
the town of Kinross, which, when we were in our minority, we freely
conceded and granted to the venerable father in Christ, Richard, Abbot of
the foresaid Monastery, for founding a chaplainry in the said Church: And
by these presents, we concede and grant them anew to the same; and we have
incorporated andannexed them, as by the tenor of these presents we do
annex them, to the regality of the foresaid Monastery for ever, with
exception from compearing or making suit in service in our Sheriff Courts
of Fife and Clackmannon, on account of their lands of Luscrevyoth and
Dollar: Also the declaration, which we have prudently made, in favour of
the said Abbot and Monastery, concerning the receipt of the eighth penny
of our gains of Fife and Fothrik : Also, the renovation regarding the
repledging of the men of their regality, and of those inhabiting the said
lands of Luscrevyoth and Dollar, from the courts of all justiciars,
chamberlains, sheriffs, provosts, bailies, and officers whatsoever, which
concession, donation, incorporation, annexation, exoneration, declaration,
and revocation, as in their authentic letters, sealed with our seal, in
each and every point and article of them, we do indeed, by the special
munificence of our serene highness, and with our certain knowledge, for
ourselves and our successors for ever, renew, approve, ratify, and freely
confirm: And also to the said Monastery, the form and effect in which we
on another occasion conceded and gave them, we do likewise anew, by these
presents, concede and grant them: And, besides, we do providently wish
them, and the letters made to the said Monastery upon the donation of the
same, to continue in full force, as if they had been granted or made by us
upon the day of the date of these presents, notwithstanding whatsoever
revocation may have been made by us in time past: And we desire, and by
these presents command, that our foresaid donations and grants be
preserved unimpaired in all time to come, in the form and effect in which
we gave them to the said Abbey: Likewise, the contract entered into
between the said Abbot and Convent, and the Provost, bailies, and
community or our burgh of Perth, regarding the perpetual rebuilding,
upholding, repairing, and furnishing of the ornaments and vestments of the
choir of the church of the foresaid burgh; also the obligation of the said
Provost and their successors for ever, made and sealed with the common
seal of the said burgh (of Perth), and the resignation or renunciation
made by George, Lord of Lesly, of the lands of Balvaird, in the hands of
the said Abbot, as lord superior of the same, as is more fully contained
in the letters of resignation or renunciation executed thereupon, we do
for ourselves, our heirs and successors, approve, ratify, and for ever
confirm: The said Monastery, and Abbot, and Convent of the same, and their
successors, to hold and have all the aforesaids for ever as freely,
quietly, fully, entirely, honourably, well, and peacefully, with all and
every their liberties, commodities, privileges, and pertinents whatsoever,
as the charters, letters, muniments, and evidence executed, as the
aforesaid more fully bear and testify.—In testimony whereof, we have
commanded our great seal to be appended to the present Charter—Witnesses:
The Reverend Father in Christ, William, Bishop of Glasgow; William, Lord
Creichtoune, our Chancellor, and beloved kinsman; the Venerable Father in
Christ, Andrew, Abbot of Melros, our Confessor and Treasurer; our beloved
kinsmen, William, Lord Somerville, Patrick, Lord Glammis; Masters John
Arous, Archdeacon of Glasgow, and George of Schoriswode, Rector of Culter.—At
Edinburgh, the twenty-second day of the month of March, in the year of our
Lord one thousand four hundred and fifty, and of our reign the fifteenth.”
(vide Printed Regist. Dunf. No. 424, pp. 320-326; Chal. Hist. Dunf. Sup.
vol. i. pp. 577-580, &c.)
1451.—BUTTER, MILK, &C., may be Used in the Abbey “without Scruple of
Conscience” during Lent.—“In the year 1451, in the fourth year of his
Pontificate, Pope Nicholas V., at the request of James, Bishop of St.
Andrews, who was personally present at the Holy See, issued a Bull,
granting to the inhabitants of the diocese of St. Andrews (which included
Dunfermline Abbey), permission to make use of butter, and other products
of milk, without any scruple of conscience, during Lent when animal food
is forbidden, oil of olives not being produced in the country.” (Print.
Regist. Dunf. No. 433, p. 319, 320; Chal. Hist. Dunf. vol. i. p. 208;
Tytler’s Hist. Scot. vol. ii. p. 45; Lard. Cab. Lib. p. 193, for date of
Pontificate of Nicholas V.)
KING.—Richard, Abbot of Dunfermline, was sent, along with the Earl of
Crawford and Robert Liddale, on a pacific mission to the King of England,
when a pacific treaty for four years was effected. (Maitland’s Hist. Scot.
vol. p. 637.)
1455.—CROFT AND ALTAR OF ST. LAURENCE—Aqua de Ferm, &c., Dunfermline.—The
Croft and Altar of St. Laurence, and the Ferm Water, are now for the first
time mentioned in the Register of Dunfermline,viz.:--“Richard, Abbot of
Dunfermline, and the Convent thereof, grant in feu-ferm to their servitor,
Thomas, the Chamberlain the Croft of St. Laurence, near the lower gate of
the Abbey, in the lower nethertown of the burgh of Dunfermline, in the
road or street which runs from the said gate to the Water of Ferm,
commonly called the Tourburn, on the west side of the said road, lying
between the garden of Saint Laurence on the north, and the said water on
the south, together with that rood of land which lies on the west side of
the said garden, between the said garden and the said water, in which rood
the Butts for archery are situated, to be held of our Monastery and of the
Altar of St. Laurence, in our Monastery Church, in fee, payable to the
said Altar and its procurator, eight shillings yearly in name of feu-ferm
and the burgh-ferm, use and wont. Sealed with the common seal of the
Monastery, 1st May, 1455.” (Regist. de Dunf. No. 443, p. 335.)
held at Edinburgh, annexed to the Crown several lands, &c., belonging to
the Abbey of Dunfermline. (Murray’s Acts of Par. vol. i.)
1456.—WILLIAM DE BOYIS, the Sacrist of Dunfermline, Elected Prior of
Pluscardyn.—In consequence of what was ascertained by a Commission of
Inquiry regarding the irregularities prevailing in the Priory of
Pluscardyn, John de Benaly, the Prior, was dismissed, and William de Boyis,
“ane venerable and religious man,” a monk of Dunfermline, was elected in
his place. (Print. Regist. Dunf. No. 445, pp. 337, 338.)

Abbey of Pluscardyn
Thanks to Stan Bruce for this picture
History of the
Religious House of Pluscardyn
Covent of the Vale of Saint Andrew in Morayshire by Rev. S. R. MacPhail,
A.M., Liverpool (1881) (pdf)
RICHARD, Abbot of Dunfermline, the Abbot of Lindores, &c., represent (by
appointment) the Barons on the Administration of Justice, in the Sessions,
held at Edinburgh, 8th November. (Maitland’s Hist. Scot. vol. ii. p. 644.)
1457.—ST. RYNAN’S TEIND SHEAVES.—There is a short Charter regarding these
Teind Sheaves (in the Scottish language) in the Register of Dunfermline.
The following are extracts:--
“This appoyntment, made at Dunfermelyn ye xxv day of Julii, Anno MCCCC
LVII, betwixt a venerabill fader in crist, Rechart, be godds tholyng
Abbotte of Dunfermelyn and ye convente of yt ilke on ye to pairt, And a
vorshipfull clerk, master patrik sandiland parsoun of Caldore comits on ye
to pairt yt is to say yt ye said venerabill fadir and convent hafe set to
ye said Mastr patrik thyare tends chafe of ye croft of Sanct rynanis [St.
Ninian’s] chapel lyand vithin ye parsonage of thare kyrk of ye croft of
Strueling for all ye dais of his lyfe, ye said Mastr patrik payand
yarefore zierly one boll of bere and a boll aits at ye fest Sanct martyn,
&c. . . . . And be his present vryt ye saidvenerabill fader and convent
discharges him thereof for his lyffetyme. All things occurynge ye said
mathow o tyme bygane strekly by and fullely remyttyt forevermare langand
ye said Mastr patrik,” &c. (Print. Regist. Dunf. No. 451, p. 344; Dal.
Mon. Antiq. p. 32.)
1460.—RICHARD, ABBOT OF DUNFERMLINE, Chosen Ambassador to England, along
with Others—“With order to confirm and amend the breaches of the truce.”
(Maitland’s Hist. Scot. vol. i. p. 650.)
by the Abbey of Dunfermline since the year 1366, was this year (1462)
alienated from the jurisdiction of the Abbey.
WEAPON-SHAWING.—“Agreeably to the Act then recently passed in parliament,
Dunfermline (like other burhgs) provided its valiant men with guid axes
and large ledders to resist the schot of England.” (Acts Scot. Parl.)
Canon of the Cathedrals of Glasgow and Dunkeld, granted to Richard, Abbot
of Dunfermline and the Convent thereof, on account of favours received—ut
accipiantur et hospitentur in toto et integro hospicio meo intra burgem de
Strivelin pro perpetuo—as often and whenever the Abbot of his successors
choose to go thither, and to remain there as long as they please, holding
the said tenement,” &c. Also, the grant adds: “When they do go to
Strivelin, the Abbot shall be absolved and free from all claim, demand, or
payment,” &c. (Dal. Mon. Antiq. p. 58; and Regist. de Dunfermelyn.)
1466.—WALWOOD.—There was “a learned monk of the name of Walwood in the
Abbey at this period.” (Shaw’s Marayshire.) Before this year Waldoode or
Wallwood was a common name in Dunfermline, and several of the name
attained high positions in the Council of the burgh. (Burgh Records.)
THE COMMUNITY OF MUSSELBURGH have bequeathed to them, by the Abbot of
Dunfermline, Right to Customs, Stallages, &c.—An indenture was made this
year between “Richard, the Abbot of Dunfermline, on the side, and the
baillies and community of the burgh of Muskilburgh, on the other side, by
which indenture the customs, stallages, and revenues of the courts and the
whole burgh, are given up to the baillies and community of Muskilburgh in
fee-firm for ever, excepting the lands purchased or to be purchased by the
Abbot and Convent; and, for the correction of the baillies, as often as
they should fail in the execution of justice, the bailiies and community
were to pay annually four merks of the usual money of the King of
Scotland, at the two usual terms of the year, Pentecost and Martinmas, in
equal portions; and if they should fail to pay, in part or in full, then
the goods of the community, which not sufficing, all their special goods
and possessions were to be taken, seized, and distrained, until the
religious be compensated for the loss and expense, if any, which they may
have sustained. (Regist. Dunf. No. 460, p. 357.)
1472.—STIRLING: Land, Fruit, Teinds, and Parsonage Right to the Kirk of
Stirling, let by the Abbot of Dunfermline to Matthew Forster,--“Henry,
Abbot, settis to ferm and latis til Mathou Forster burgess of Stirling all
and hale ye parsonage of ye Kirk of Stirling with all and sundry tendis
&c. belang and ye forsaide parsonage to termis of xix years. . . . and
fourti acres of land callit ye Southfelde lyand within ye parochen of ye
forsaid Kirk for al ye terms of zers before [noticed] to ye forsaid Mathow
giffand zerli tyuety lib for ye teinds and freuits of ye said parsonage.
And viii lib of ye mail of the foresaid xl acres of land of ye Southfeld,”
&c. (Print. Regist Dunf., No. 476, p. 369.)
LORD ABBOTS OF DUNFERMLINE (Double Election).—Alexander Thomson, a monk of
the Convent, elected by the Abbey Chapter; Henry Creichton, Abbot of
Paisley, promoted to the Abbotship by King James IIII. An old account of
this illegal act of the King says:
“The abbacye of Dunfermeling vacand, the convent chesit ane of their awn
monkis, callit Alexandyr Thomsoun; and the King promovit Henry Creychtoun,
abbot Paislay, thairto, quha wes preferrit be the Paip, through the Kingis
supplications, to the said abbacye. And siclik, Mr. Robert Schaw, persoun
of Mynto, was promovit be the King to the abbacye of Paislay.—And sua than
first began sic maner of promotione of secularis to abbacies by the Kingis
supplicationis; and the godlie erectionis war frustrate and dekayde,
because that the Court of Rome addmittit the princes supplicationis, the
rather that thai gat greyt proffeit and sowmes of money thairby;
quhairfore the bischoppis durst not conferme them that wes chosen be the
convent; nor thay quha wer electet, durst not persew their awn right. And
sua the abbays cam to secular abussis, the abbots and pryouris being
promovit furth of the court quha levit court lyk, secularlye, and
voluptuouslye. And than ceissit akk religious and godlye myndis and deidis;
quhairwith the secularis and temporall men beand sklanderit with thair
evill example, fell frae all devoisioun and godliness to the warkis of
wikednes, quhairof daylie mekil evill did increase.” (Lesslie’s Hist.
Scot. 1830, p. 39.)
This “outrage on the Convent of Dunfermline” is supposed to have been the
first committed on the Church, and which culminated at the Reformation in
1560. Morton, in his Annals, in referring to this matter, says:
“The privilege of electing their own superiors, originally enjoyed by all
the monastic communities, had now fallen generally or rather universally
into disuse, and was become a mere form—the power itself being virtually
exercised by the King, who, when an abbey or priory became vacant, found
little difficulty in obtaining a mandate from the Pope directing the monks
to choose the individual whom he nominated or recommended. This began to
grow into use about the year 1472, when the King presented to the vacant
abbey s of Dunfermline and Paisley. It soon led to the more corrupt
practice of granting the superiority and revenues of religious houses to
bishops and secular priests, who, not having taken the monastic vows, were
not duly qualified to preside in a monastery. Out of this grew the still
greater abuse of committing charges of this nature to laymen and even to
infants. All these things were done with the sanction of Papal authority,
and the monasteries thus disposed of were said to be held in commendam or
in trust until it should be found convenient to appoint a regular
Superior,” &c.
HENRY CREICHTOUN was elected and consecrated Lord Abbot Dunfermline by a
Pope’s Bull, through the intercession of King James III. Alexander
Thomsoun, a monk of the Abbey, and elected Lord Abbot, was thus illegally
extruded from office. This King-and-Pope-Abbot was the 26th Abbot of
PITCONNOCHY.—The family of Halket of Pitfirrane become, by charter,
proprietors of the lands of Pitconnochie, two miles west of Dunfermline. (Chal.
Hist. Dunf. vol. i. p. 294.)
1473.—BURGH RECORDS OF DUNFERMLINE.—Dr. Chalmers, in his elaborate History
of Dunfermline, vol. i. p. 398, says that “The most ancient burgh records
extant commence as early as 28th July, 1473. It is a large, broad folio
volume, on strong paper, in a leathern envelope, to which the leaves are
attached. One of the outer boards has various designs embossed on it
relating to the Virgin Mary, one of which is a representation of the visit
to her of the three kings from the east, one of them being in the attitude
of kneeling, and presenting an offering, with the star above which guided
them. The deeds consist chiefly of instruments of possession in burgh
tenements or other adjoining property of the abbacy. They usually begin
with the word Memorandum, written in full or contracted. The Court House
or Tolbooth of the burgh is mentioned as the place of meeting, along with
the name of the provost or bailie presiding. Walwood is one of the
prevailing names in them, being several times mentioned in one deed of
1488. At the end of this volume there is a Burgh Roll de terra, or of
annual rents payable for land, somewhat similar to a cess roll.” (Chal.
Hist. Dunf. vol. i. p. 398, &c.) Between the oldest of these Records (1473
and 1687) there are five volumes, which will be noticed under their
several dates. From the Burgh Record of date 1473 the Rev. Dr. Ross, of
Bridge of Allan, composed a very excellent lecture in 1864, which he
delivered in the Music Hall, Dunfermline, titled “Burgh Life in
Dunfermline in the Olden Time.” The lecture was published the same year.
We shall be indebted to it for several interesting notes. The writer had
these old volumes placed before him in the Town-house of Dunfermline forth
years or so ago, and then made a variety of extracts from them. From this
rich mine of local history numerous selections will be found under their
proper dates, throwing light on “the age and body of these times.”
1475.—THE “NEW RAW” AND THE “NETHERTOWNE” are frequently mentioned in the
Burgh Records between this date and 1380.
1477.—PATRICK GRAHAM, First Archbishop of St. Andrews, a Prisoner in
Dunfermline.—This the first Archbishop of St. Andrews had been accused of
heresy, &c., through malice, by Scheve’s, who succeeded to the See. He was
long confined in prison at Inchcolm; afterwards, for greater safety, he
was taken to Dunfermline, and for some tome confined in the prison of the
monastery there; from thence he was taken to Lochleven Castle, where he
died of a broken heart in 1478. (Spottiswode Hist. Church Scot. p. 59;
Keith’s Scottish Bishops, pp. 30, 31; Chal. Hist. Dunf. vol. ii. pp. 263,
JOHN OROK, Town Clerk of Dunfermline; David Weir, Assistant. (Dunf. Burgh
COLZAR RAW, or Collier Row, is mentioned in the Burgh Records at this
period in connection with property belonging to a Henry Kyncaid.
1478.—ROBERT HENRYSON, Notary and “Schoolmaster of Dunfermling.”—This
eminent man is, for the first time, mentioned this year in connection with
the Abbey. He appears as one of the attesting witnesses on a charter
relating to the lands of Spittlefield, near Inverkeithing, dated 19th
March, 1477-78. He is styled “Robertus Henrison, Notarie.” (Vide MS.
Chartul. Ad. Lib. Edin. fol. 63, 64; An. Dunf. date 1449.)
THE NETHER-YET AND COMMON VENNEL.—The Nether-yet, or Port, is mentioned in
a minute in the Burgh Records, of date 22nd November, 1478, viz.:--“David
Litster, ane of the balzies of the burgh of Dunfermlin receivit
resignatioun fra Gilbert Robertson of the north end of a land liand at the
nether yet of Dunfermling, betwixt the causay gangand doun to ye
nethertoun on the west sid, and the common vennel gangand evin est to the
new raw, or north part, yan incontinent the said balzie deliverit
heritabil statand possession to Willie Gilbert ye sone of ye said Geilber
of ye said northt halfe yeard,” &c.
COLLIER-ROW PORT.—In the Burgh Records, of date July 28th, 1478, there is
a minute which refers to the resignation of a house lying “fra the yet
South, and a part of the yard extending downe as far as John Pinnock’s
zard, quhilk landis lies in the Colzar-raw,” &c. The zet, or yet, here
referred to is the Collier-row Port, sometimes called the Mill Port, and
was situated across the contracted part of the street, top of Bruce
Street. This is the second-named pPort on record in the burgh. (See
Annals, date 1327 and 1488.)
TOWN CLERK OF DUNFERMLINE.—David Bra was Common Clerk of the burgh this
year. He is one of the witnesses whose name is affixed to the foregoing.
(Vide Burgh Records, 28th July, 1478.) |