One article of the Treaty of Peace
in 1551 provided that there should be no marriages between natives of the
Borders of England and those of Scotland; that no Borderer should pass
from his own country to the other without a safe conduct; that no Scottish
Borderer should ever sleep a night in Carlisle, and that there should be
no trade between them. The object was to prevent quarrels which might lead
to war. But the long hostilities had completely impoverished the south of
Scotland, and stripped it of cattle, and the starving Borderers had more
temptation than before to pillage their richer neighbours. While the
treaty for the division of the Debateable Land was pending, Wharton writes
that "the Lord Maxwell and Lord Johnstone, with 400 horsemen and a power
of Scotland for 2000 men, came to the Debateable Land, but returned
without doing harm, save that the Frenchmen burned a thatched cote house."
He would not require a bond from the Warden of Scotland lest he should
seem to acknowledge the Scotch authority over that district. John Maxwell
was now Warden of the Scottish Borders. He is better known as Lord Herries,
a title he obtained by his marriage with a cousin, the heiress of
Terregles, and he resigned the office three
years later on account of "diver’s feuds" with some of the most notable
families in these parts. The Book of Complaints, a MS. preserved in the
Cathedral Library at Carlisle, contains the names of 400 offenders, who at
different times made plundering forays into England. They probably
extended over thirty or forty years, and included "Richie Grahame, younger
of Netherby," many Bells, Grahames, several Johnstones, Gordons, Elliots,
and other Border names; the young Laird of Graitney, Gordon of Graitney
Hill, Edward Irving of Graitney Hill, David Johnstone of Robgill, &c.,
&c., who were specially reported to the Warden and Bishop of Carlisle; and
were liable to be hung with little ceremony if captured. On the East
Borders many of the chiefs, even those who had taken an oath to the King
of England, were compensated for their losses after the war with the
honour of knighthood, as the Lairds of Cessford, Fernihurst, Grenehead,
Buccleuch, and others; but this dignity was conferred very
sparingly in Dumfriesshire, though some of the chiefs had left that county
rather than surrender to the English, and had lent their swords to resist
the invaders of East Lothian and Edinburgh.

In 1455 a Royal Statute had
commanded that 200 spearmen and as many archers should be maintained upon
the East and Middle Marches of Scotland for their defence, and 100
spearmen and 100 archers upon the West Borders; also that "they who are
near the Border are ordained to have good households and armed men as
offers, and to be ready at their principal place, and to pass with
the Wardens when and where they shall be charged;" but at the first
Parliament, which met at Edinburgh after the peace of 1551, it was
proposed that an annual tax should be levied instead for the
purpose of keeping up a larger standing army. This was opposed by about
200 of the smaller Border chiefs, who assembled together in Edinburgh, and
sent the Lairds of Calder and Wemyss to protest against any taxation, for
they "would defend the realm as their forefathers had done," but had no
money. They were soon put to the proof, for in 1557 an English army
crossed the Borders of Scotland so suddenly that Lord Maxwell and other
Scotch commissioners were still at Carlisle trying to arrange that peace
should continue with England, in spite of a war which had just broken out
between the English Queen Mary, on behalf of her husband Philip’s
dominions, and their French ally. Bothwell, afterwards husband to the
Scottish Queen, was Lord of Liddesdale, and though on this occasion he was
thrice defeated by the Armstrongs, he is said to have had more success
against the English regular troops. As a Border chief he was courageous
and humane. The principal leader among the Armstrongs, Sandie or Sander,
who had acted as guide to the invaders in the last war, declared to the
English Warden in 1550 that he "must become a Scotsman," if he was not
protected against Lord Maxwell; but in 1557 Christopher Armstrong signed a
bond of man-rent to "John Lord Maxwell, and Sir John Maxwell of Terregles
(i.e., Lord Herries), Knt., his tutor and governor," in return for
the gift "of the males of all and haill the lands which are contained in a
bond made by the late John Armstrong, my father, to the late Robert, Lord
Maxwell, gudsire (grand-father) to the said John, now Lord Maxwell." This
John Armstrong was the chief summoned to pay homage to James V. in 1529,
and who on appearing with 24 followers to meet the King during his passage
to Dumfriesshire was taken and hung, a treacherous act, which disaffected
all the Armstrongs towards the House of Stuart. An English Cumberland MS.
of the 16th century says that they were very troublesome to England, but
tolerated because at any time they could produce three hundred or four
hundred men to oppose the Scots. Christopher’s son Willie lived to equal
his grandfather’s fame, as a thief. James VI. made an expedition into
Dumfriesshire in 1587 on purpose to capture him, but failed; and in 1596,
when he was taken by the English and shut up in Carlisle Castle, Sir
Walter Scot of Buccleuch led a party armed with ladders and other
appliances from Sark or Morton, ten miles distant, scaled the walls of the
fortress, and rescued him. The same year, some difficulty having arisen
between the King and his Edinburgh subjects, there was a report that he
meant to let loose Kinmont Willie (as Armstrong was called) and his
followers upon the city. Immediately the shops were emptied and the wares
placed in the strongest house in the town, while the owners armed and
stood ready to defend them, for ten years, previously Buccleuch and Lord
Home had led such a party into Stirling, and before they left it not even
an iron grating remained upon any of the windows.
Peace was concluded between
England and Scotland in 1559, and the young Queen, now a widow, returned
from France two years later in the midst of the distractions caused by the
Reformers and their opponents. A Reformation was, indeed, needed in
Scotland, where the King’s illegitimate son had been made Archbishop of
St. Andrews when a few months old, and the revenues of abbeys and churches
were bestowed on court favourites and sold to laymen as a provision for
their younger sons. John Johnstone, Laird of Newbie (1565-76), bought the
living of Dornock, and seems to have inherited the living of
Kirkpatrick-Fleming. He bequeathed the last to his second son Robert, who
was a married layman and adhered to Romanism; and in March 1595 there is a
decreet in the Register of the Privy Council against James Johnstone of
Dunskellie (the laird), Robert Johnstone, [He was uncle to the laird.]
Laird of Newbie, and Charles Murray of Cockpool, for having their children
baptised by a Jesuit priest. The towns of Dumfries and Sanquhar welcomed
the Reformation, and Lord Herries had early ranged himself on that side,
even joining Murray in opposing the Queen’s unfortunate marriage with
Darnley in 1565, on the ground that it was prejudicial to the Protestant
interests. But his devotion to Queen Mary, who gave him the title of
Herries on the baptism of her son James, made him revert to the support of
the Roman party When it became a question of Mary and her enemies as much
as of religion; and the Border families long adhered to Romanism.
Among the records of
Criminal Trials for 1572 at Dumfries, June 26th, appears that of "John
Johnstone, commonly called Sir John Johnstone, commendator (i.e.,
Abbot) of Saulsyde," convicted of celebrating mass "after the Papistical
manner." Symon Johnstone and John Johnstone of Kellobank were his
securities. The same Abbot had been found guilty of fire-raising two years
earlier, and laying waste the house and lands of Robert Johnstone of
On the 20th of August,
1563, Queen Mary visited Dumfries for the first time, and passed a night
under Lord Herrie’s roof. She came again with her second husband, Henry
Darnley, in 1565, from Edinburgh, halting a night at Lanark and Crawford
on their road. Two years later she was consigned a prisoner to Lochleven
Castle suspected, probably unjustly, of having been accessory to her
husband’s murder. As to the charge of having married Bothwell, Lord of
Liddesdale, one of his murderers, she is believed to have been influenced
in so doing by fear. Her infant son was placed on the throne, with her
half-brother James, Earl of Murray, as Regent, [Four illegitimate brothers
accompanied Mary from France, all of whom were hostile to her.] who had
throughout been her secret enemy. On September 8th, 1567, an Act was
passed by the Parliament summoning certain chiefs in Dumfriesshire to
appear at Edinburgh, and consult on a mode of pacifying the Borders, which
were much agitated in favour of the deposed Queen. "Forasmuch as on our
Sovereign Lord’s coronation," it ran, "and acceptation of the
office of Regent of the realm by his dearest relation, James, Earl of
Murray, &c., &c., he charges and ordains Patrick, Bishop of Wigton,
William Gordon, Alexander Gordon, John Gordon, Maxwell, Lord Carlyle,
Thomas Kirkpatrick, Charles Murray of Cockpool, and John Johnstone of that
Ilk to appear in person at Edinburgh," &c. But the Queen’s escape the next
year set the whole Borders in a flame, and her army of nearly 600 men was
chiefly collected from Galloway, Annandale, Nithsdale, and Liddesdale.
Many of the Dumfriesshire chiefs signed a bond to support her cause, among
them Hay, Lord Yester, Maxwell, Herries, Edward Maxwell, Abbot of
Dundrennan, Crichton, and the Lairds of Ros, Seaton, Somerville, Johnstone, and Lochinvar; while Drumlanrig, Lord Home, Glencairne, Lindsay, the
Earl of Morton, and many more, took the part of the Regent. The rival
forces met at Langside, two miles from Glasgow, where the Queen’s troops
sustained a decisive defeat, May 13th, and escaping on horseback, through
Crawford, Sanquhar, and Dumfries, to Dundrennan in Galloway,
she adopted the fatal resolution of crossing over to England to ask for
protection from Queen Elizabeth.
Three weeks later the
Regent Murray followed up his victory by an armed progress through
Dumfriesshire to restore order, and take an oath of allegiance from the
chiefs. At Crawford, in Lanarkshire, the castle surrendered, for its owner
Sir James Hamilton (Johnstone’s uncle) had been captured at Langside.
Sanquhar also surrendered and was spared, as Lord Crichton promised to
repair to Edinburgh within a given time. Gordon of Lochinvar was more
obdurate, and two of his castles were burnt down; and on the 18th of June,
the Regent marched to Dumfries, and taking possession of a large house
belonging to Lord Maxwell, stayed there all the next day, expecting the
owner to do homage to him. Maxwell had been there the preceding morning,
with the Laird of Johnstone, Maxwell of Cowhill, and Lochinvar, and a
thousand of their men, and they had cleared the town of provisions; but he
never presented himself to the Regent, and it was supposed that his
colleagues restrained him from doing so. Several of the Maxwells, Irvings,
Grahames, and Bells, came and offered their homage, and John Johnstone,
the Laird of Newbie, gave a pledge for the fidelity of all the Johnstones,
consequently the Regent abstained from burning the two castles of the
Laird of Johnstone—Lochwood Tower and Lochouse Tower—which he occupied on
his return. [Holinshed’s History of Scotland. State Papers.] On June 20th,
he marched to Hoddom Castle belonging to Lord Herries, near which he
encountered a band of 1000 outlaws, a few of whom he captured. Hoddom
yielded the next day, when the Laird of Drumlanrig was placed in it and
reappointed Warden of the Marches, a post he had held since 1553. "Great
hunger," writes Holinshed, "began to pinch in the army. A pint of wine was
sold at seven shillings Scots, and no bread to be had for any money."
Annan capitulated on being invested with 1000 men, and the Regent had an
interview there with Lord Scrope, the English Warden of the Marches.
Lochmaben was also taken from the Maxwells, and near Lochwood the army
seized on a large quantity of cattle. On the 24th June it arrived at
Peebles, and the following day at Edinburgh; but bands of outlaws still
continued to harass the country under pretence of fighting for the Queen.
In the Register of the Privy Council for October, 1569, a list is given of
these depredators, whom their chiefs were bound over to arrest or keep in
check. Under the head of Will Bell of Gretno we read "the which day John
Johnstone of Gretno (or Graitney) obliges himself that Will Bell of Gretno
shall be punished for disobedience of the laws." John Johnstone of
Graitney also pledges himself for the good conduct of the Irvings,
and the Laird of Johnstone and John Johnstone of Newbie pledged themselves
for the good conduct of the gang of Fairholm.
On hearing of Queen Mary’s
flight to England through the assistance of Lord Herries, the Regent
immediately caused him to be proclaimed an outlaw. Herries wrote from
Dumfries, September, 1568, to the English Privy Council to intercede on
behalf of his unhappy sovereign, and a month later went to London to try
and obtain a personal interview with Elizabeth. Failing in this he visited
France to plead for Queen Mary with her brother-in-law, Henry III., and
encouraged by the assassination of the Regent Murray in 1569, tried to
organise another military movement in her favour on his return. To put
this down, and to avert an incursion of the Borderers into England, Queen
Elizabeth sent an army under Lord Scrope to ravage the Border estates of
those Lairds and Noblemen particularly attached to Mary’s cause, and her
orders were barbarously carried out.
Scrope reported from
Carlisle, April 21st, 1570, that he had encamped at Ecclefechan, and sent
Musgrave to burn Hoddom Maynes (i.e., Newbie Mains), Trailtrow,
Ryuthwell, Calpole, Blackshaw, Sherrington, Bankend, Lochar, and Old
Cockpool; that at the last place, in an encounter with Lord Maxwell, he
had taken 100 prisoners, including the Alderman of Dumfries and 16
Burgesses, but had afterwards been driven back by Lords Maxwell and
Carlyle, and by Charteris, Grierson, Kirkpatrick, and Carruthers. At
Cummertrees he had another battle with them, when he captured several
Lairds; Maxwell, Carlyle, Johnstone, and other chiefs only escaping "by
the strength of the Laird of Cockpool’s house, and a great wood and
morass." He had been ordered to spare Douglas of Drumlanrig’s tenants, but
they opposed him as fiercely as the rest. Another of Scrope’s lieutenants,
Lord Sussex, wrote to the Secretary, Cecil, that he had thrown down the
Castle at Annan, and had not left a stone house standing in that town,
which was an "ill neighbour to Carlisle." The insurgents are
described by Buchanan as Highlanders and Borderers, the Laird of
Fairniherst, the Johnstones and Armstrongs, the Grants and the Clan
Chattan, besides the Maxwells; but Drumlanrig and his son-in-law, Jardine
of Applegirth, remained attached to the young King. He accuses the
Borderers of "misorder and cruelty, not only usit in war, but detestable
to all barbarous and wild Tartars, in slaying of prisoners, and contrary
to all humanity and justice, keeping no promise to miserable captives."
After the whole of Scotland had been agitated for more than two years, and
pestilene had broken out, the insurrection was finally suppressed, and the
English retired from Dumfriesshire.
As before stated, the
Lairds of Teviotdale signed a bond at Kelso, under the auspices of Scot of
Buccleuch, in 1169, to support the infant King James VI. against the
Queen’s adherents in Dumfriesshire. Consequently they escaped the English
ravages. James Gledstanes of Cocklaw was one of those who signed it; and
Gladstane of Gladstane, took part in the skirmish called the Raid of
Redswire in 1575 under a Scot. Though the headquarters of this family were
in Lanarkshire and Peebles, they are early found in Dumfriesshire, and
Herbert de Gledstanes of that county signed the Ragman’s roll in 1296. In
1455 Herbert de Gledstanes of that Ilk and Homer de Gledstanes were
deputy-sheriffs of Dumfriesshire under Lord Maxwell, the Warden of the
borders, and from the uncommon name of Homer being found at that time in
the Maxwell family there may have been some family connection
between the Maxwells and Gledstanes. In 1517 and in 1543 Herbert
Gledstanes was one of the bailies of the town of Dumfries. In 1579 William
Gledstanes, son of this Herbert, was a bailie, and the records of Dumfries
show that he had two brothers also burgesses of the same town, viz., John
and James Gledstanes, the first of whom was returned heir to their father
in 1564. Herbert, probably another brother, is mentioned in connection
with Dumfries in 1572, but was a bailile of Kirkcudbright at that date.
The familiar name of Catherine Gledstanes is also found in the burgh books
of that period, as the wife of Adam Paterson and Walter Gledstanes of
Craggis appears in the Dumfries burgh books of 1575. James Gledstanes left
an only daughter, who married Robert Mackynell, but his brother left sons,
and a Herbert Gledstanes appears again among the bailies of Dumfries in
1622. Sir James Gledstanes is mentioned in 1578. He was probably in Holy
Orders, as the term Sir was generally applied to priests.
The old bard, Scot of
Satchells, describes the establishment of his chief, Scot of Buccleuch, at
Branxholm in the early part of the 17th century. Possibly he enlarged as
much on facts as Sir Walter Scott has done on his description—
No baron was better served in
The barons of Buckleugh they kept
their call,
Four and twenty gentlemen in their
All being of his name and kin;
Each two had a servant to wait upon
But he explains in prose
that although 23 of these gentlemen bore the name of Scot, the other was
Walter Gledstanes, a near cousin of my lord’s.
As late as 1619, there is
an action brought against James Johnstone, brother’s son to the Laird of
Westraw (ancestor to Sir Frederick Johnstone), for having robbed his
master, in which he is described as household man and servitor to Irving
of Wisbie. It was thought no degradation for the younger sons of a laird’s
family to act as serving men in another house. The mercantile class in
Scotland was chiefly drawn from that source, for the prejudice against
entering into trade which we still find among the landed gentry in Germany
and some other countries never seems to have existed here. The will of
John Johnstone, merchant, brother to the late James Johnstone, Laird of
Westraw, is proved on June 4, 1576, and several of the Johnstones of
Newbie and of that Ilk, of the Maxwells, Kirkpatricks, and other
Dumfriesshire families were merchants. A relationship with a provincial
chief was extremely useful in early days, as it ensured a safe conduct
through any district in which his authority was respected; and the
merchant living in a town, probably a seaport, and with more education
than his country cousin, was a very useful relative for a laird to
possess. The Gladstones therefore followed the prevalent custom when their
junior branches migrated into towns and set up in business, as they grew
too numerous for the hereditary land to support.
The names of all the men in
the burgh of Annan, on September 9, 1591, are given in a bond of man-rent
with Lord Maxwell. When the Annandale Peerage claims were last heard, an
advocate pleaded that Johnstone was at that date the commonest name in
Annandale among all classes. But in this list of nearly 100 names only two
Johnstones appear, and both of them connected with the Newbie family, and
in all the deeds I have collected at that period whatever Johnstones are
named were related in a left-handed way or otherwise to the chiefs of the
house. These men of Annan were Littles, Tods, Wilkins, Hairs, Irvings,
Veilds, Halidays, Louche (probably Losh, still a Cumberland name, or Loch,
for in 1603 Robert Loch was a bailie of Annan, and collector of His
Majesty’s revenues), Wilsons, Raes, Vauche (Welsh?), Menzies, Rigs,
Blacks, Richardsons, Potts, Galloways, Carliles, Millars, Bournans, Gasks,
Hutchins, Palmers, Bells, Whites, Tyndings, Robesons, Grahams, Smyths,
Warriors, Corbets, Mikes, Hegis, and two John Johnstones. David Millar was
notary public. |