But true benevolence, especially when it is
rooted in Christian faith, always manifests its life by growth; and
Mr Darling had only been a few years in Edinburgh when he
gave a new illustration of this law by the institution of what has
long been known as the Millerhill Home Mission, which owed its
origin to him alone, and was indebted to him mainly for its further
beneficent and steady development. The district known by this name
stands at a nearly equal distance between Musselburgh and Dalkeith,
and contains four villages with about fifty houses in each—
Millerhill, Old Craighall, Adam's Row, and Monkton Hall. His heart
yearned for a sphere which lay conveniently to his hand, and he
found it in this group of villages not far from each other, and
which could be reached from Edinburgh by railway in half an hour,
and at almost any hour in the day. Standing as outposts on the
remote borders of their respective parishes, they were
inconveniently far from any place of worship. Very few of the
inhabitants frequented any church, and pastoral visitation or
oversight among them was almost unknown. Mr Darling began in 1871,
by taking on lease a little cottage in the midst of them, in Old
His first step in this new evangelism was to open
a Sabbath school in this village, having connected with it a meeting
for adults at the dismission of the school. This was to break ground
on a hitherto neglected and uncultivated soil. He was encouraged in
this earliest effort by the late Sir Archibald Hope of Pinkie, who
kindly granted him the free use of the village day-school on Sabbath
evenings. The next step in advance was the bringing of a Bible-woman
on the scene. This gave to the mission a living connection with
every house in the four villages, for the humble Bible-woman was
welcomed into homes where even the minister or the regular
missionary would not always have been so readily received. Her
labours were at once very abundant and wisely varied. The Scriptures
were read in every house, and wherever it was convenient prayer was
offered. To how many was this a new experience! Nor was the temporal
good of those villagers forgotten, or even cast into the shade.
Classes were formed for teaching the girls sewing and knitting, and
every other likely expedient was used to produce habits of industry,
cleanliness, and thrift in the homes. By-and-by the Penny Savings
Bank cropped up as an important factor in the moral and social
elevation of the people. Mothers' meetings were also formed, and
presided over by the Bible-woman, in all the four villages.
When Mr Moody was in Edinburgh in 1873-74, a
great religious interest was awakened among those villagers, and a
wave of revival spread over the whole of the district. Evangelistic
meetings extending over a period of five weeks were held in the
parish church and schoolroom of Newton, and earnest students in
whose hearts the holy fire had been kindled came down from Edinburgh
to address the crowding multitudes, Mr Darling's own family gladly
and efficiently assisting in the service of song. Inquirers began to
present themselves on the second week of the meetings, and the
stream of interest flowed on and deepened to the end. At length it
became necessary to secure the labours of an evangelist, who should
assist in reaping and gathering in the waving harvest.
All this increase of agency necessarily involved
an increased expenditure and pecuniary responsibility, and during
the earlier years of the mission these were entirely and cheerfully
borne by Mr Darling. But the time came when this burden must be
shared, and at length a society, under the name of the "Millerhill
Home Mission," was instituted, Mr Darling continuing to give and
work with undiminished liberality and energy.
While he was quite as active as in his younger
days in the cause of total abstinence, and was blessed with much
success in reclaiming both men and women from intemperance, he still
continued to attach special importance to the formation and
fostering of Bands of Hope for the young, knowing how much the
character of the future generation depended on the moral training of
the children of the present, and how much easier it always was to
prevent evil than to recover from its bondage. He had a strong
belief, moreover, in the power of children to influence children,
and to help and cheer each other in the right way.
One of the sunny memories which he delighted to
recall, even in his advanced years, was a joint meeting of the Bands
of Hope of Musselburgh with those of Millerhill and the other
three villages The juvenile gathering was at Musselburgh. It was a
beautiful and sunny afternoon in the month of July, and after a
united meeting on the grounds of Pinkie (kindly granted for the
occasion by Sir Archibald and Lady Hope), with suitable
entertainment and hymn-singing, there was a short convoy given by
the Musselburgh children to their visitors from the four villages.
The Musselburgh Band of Hope walked along the eastern side of the
Esk between the two bridges and the Millerhill Band on the western
side. Trees in all the exuberant bloom and beauty of midsummer lined
the banks of the stream on either side, yet not so much as to
conceal from each other "the little travellers Zionward" with their
tiny waving banners. While moving with equal pace, they sang with
mingled pathos and hope the touching hymn, "Shall we gather at the
At the end of eighteen years (1889) Mr Darling
withdrew from his loved work in Millerhill. He felt that his service
was no longer needed, for the ministers on whom the spiritual
oversight and religious instruction of the region had all along
rested were now ready to have it transferred to their hands. But he
could distinctly trace, within the circle containing those four
villages, many signs of a general elevation in the moral tone of the
community. And he could tell of multitudes recovered from a vicious
life, and of many brought into the kingdom of God. All this he knew.
But how much remains to be revealed in a future world?
The following testimonies are interesting and
From Principal Cairns.
"Another recollection which I can recall is still
earlier; the event must fall soon after I came to Edinburgh. Mr
Darling had for some time kept up with his family a meeting on the
Lord's Day evening at the mining village of Millerhill, east of
Portobello. He applied to me one evening to take this meeting. I was
very busy with preparations, if I remember rightly, for my college
work, and sought to escape. But he was so unaffectedly in earnest,
that I had to comply; and I well remember the happy evening that was
spent with himself, and one or more members of his family who took
me out, and brought me home, and the impression of self-denial and
zeal which this labour made upon me."
From a Railway Surfaceman, formerly of
"About twelve years ago, a friend of mine invited
me to a temperance meeting at Old Craighall. I went. Your father was
in the chair. At the close he asked me to join. I promised I would
at the following meeting. My brother-in-law went with me, and I
joined, and all this time I was a stranger to God and His mercy. One
Sabbath afternoon, about a month after this, I saw your father
coming to the meeting. He said to me, 'Man, Andrew, will you come
with me to-night and hear a grand preacher telling us all about the
Lord Jesus Christ?' This I refused, but he was not very easily
shaken off, for the next Sabbath he came to my house, and told me
that I must go. I went, and that night was the beginning of
days to me. Shortly after, the Lord saved me in the schoolroom at
Old Craighall. After your father heard of what had happened, he came
to me and said many comforting words to me, and told me if I should
get into any difficulty when reading the Scriptures, just to go up
to the cottage, where I would find an old Christian friend who would
pray with me and help me. Of course I did all this, and I have to
thank the Lord and your dear father that I am what I am.
"He was always ready to help in any good work.
One very stormy night, I remember, Mr Dunn, the evangelist, and a
few of us were singing in the Rows, and inviting the people to the
meeting. Snow was falling fast, and we were just about to give up
singing when your father's voice was heard singing among the rest.
He had just come from Edinburgh, and it was very dark; it was in the
month of November. After we sang 'Hold the Fort,' which he asked to
be sung, he saw the people going away to the meeting, and he ran
away to get a brush to brush the snow from
their clothes, so that they would be comfortable in their seats.
"The Sabbath school which he so ably conducted is still to my
knowledge bearing fruit. He could always command silence when it was
needful. I can bear testimony to the children loving him with warm
"I can safely say that Mr James Darling was the
means of more good in Old Craighall and district than ever he was
aware of."