and Tulliallan or Perthshire on
Forth, its History and Antiquities with elucidation on Scottish Life and
Character from the Burgh and Kirk-Session Records of that District by David
Beveridge (1885) in two volumes
The Old Castle of Tulliallan
The object of the following
work is twofold—to give a monograph or special history of a particular
district, and at the same time, by using the civil and ecclesiastical
records of that district as a basis, to present a view of the social and
domestic usages of Scotland in bygone times. It may be regarded as an
endeavour to combine a survey of the annals and local antiquities of a
detached region of Perthshire with a contribution, though a modest one, in
historical studies and folk-lore, to the general fund of archseological
Culross, The Royal Burgh in Fife Scotland
Culross is an exceptionally beautiful, historical village in Scotland. It
served as a port city on the Firth of Forth and is believed to have been
founded by Saint Serf during the 6th century. A legend states that when the
British princess (and future saint) Teneu, daughter of the king of Lothian,
became pregnant before marriage, her family threw her from a cliff. She
survived the fall unharmed, and was soon met by an unmanned boat. She knew
she had no home to go to, so she got into the boat; it sailed her across the
Firth of Forth to land at Culross where she was cared for by Saint Serf; he
became foster-father of her son, Saint Kentigern or Mungo. During the 20th
century, it became recognised that Culross contained many unique historical
buildings and the National Trust for Scotland has been working on their
preservation and restoration since the 1930s. Notable buildings in the burgh
include Culross Town House, formerly used as a courthouse and prison, the
16th century Culross Palace, 17th century Study, and the remains of the
Cistercian house of Culross Abbey, founded 1217. The tower, transepts and
choir of the Abbey Church remain in use as the parish church, while the
ruined claustral buildings are cared for by Historic Environment Scotland.
Just outside the town is the 18th-century Dunimarle Castle, built by the
Erskine family to supersede a medieval castle. Thomas Cochrane, 10th Earl of
Dundonald spent much of his early life in Culross, where his family had an
estate. There is now a bust in his honour outside the Culross Town House. He
was the first Vice Admiral of Chile. The war memorial was erected in 1921 to
a design by Sir Robert Lorimer. Several motion pictures have used Culross as
a filming location, including Kidnapped (1971), The Little Vampire (2000), A
Dying Breed (2007), The 39 Steps (2008), and Captain America: The First
Avenger (2011). In September 2013, the Starz television series, Outlander,
started filming in Culross for its premiere in August 2014. If you are
coming to Scotland, come and see this wonderful place full of cobblestones
and tiny, ancient houses.
The district of which the
history and description form the subject of the following pages, is one
which, though situated at no great distance from either the eastern or
western capital of Scotland, is yet from various circumstances comparatively
unknown. It is somewhat difficult of access to the majority of tourists; it
contains no extraordinary or sensational wonders of natural scenery; and no
very prominent or decisive event in Scottish annals has transpired within
its bounds. Still it exhibits many features that are both remarkably
interesting and attractive; and it is connected, by implication at all
events, with several of the most important epochs in the history of our
country. It presents, moreover, a special claim for consideration in the
circumstance of its being for the most part virgin soil, such as has
scarcely yet been exploit6 by literary investigators or pioneers; and may
therefore, to carry out the metaphor, be expected to produce to the first
labourers in the field a tolerably abundant harvest.
As regards the special
department of inquiry on which I have adventured myself—the elucidation of
old times and manners by means of the municipal and ecclesiastical
records—it is a subject which of late years has attracted great and
ever-increasing attention. The age has become keenly alive to the importance
of having those records examined and published, in view of the light which
they may be expected to shed both on historical questions, strictly so
termed, and the modes of life and domestic surroundings of our ancestors.
These last, it is now generally admitted, are as deserving of study as the
narrative of public events and commotions, the prowess of military leaders,
the succession of monarchs, or the struggle of political factions. Another
ever-growing desire of the mind of the day is to penetrate behind the scenes
of public history, to understand the machinery of the stage and the
promptings of the actors who there played their part, so that the conduct
and merits of the drama enacted may be more thoroughly realised and
comprehended. The urgency of this demand is shown by the eagerness with
which autobiographies of great or distinguished individuals are sought for
and welcomed by the reading public. Nor has the Legislature been slow to
respond to this aspiration in the extensive provision which it has made for
the calendaring and publication of the State papers; and more recently, in
the commission issued for the investigation of the documents contained in
charter-chests and private collections.
In reference specially to the
investigations of our Scottish municipal and ecclesiastical records, several
labourers have already appeared. Among these, Dr Marwick has done excellent
service in the analysis of the burgh records of the Scottish capital; Dr
Laing has been equally successful with those of the pleasant town of
Newburgh, on the banks of the Tay, and also with the ecclesiastical archives
of the place, as bearing mainly on the history of the venerable Abbey of
Lindores, in its immediate vicinity; Dr Ebenezer Henderson has made the
kirk-session and town-council minutes of Dunfermline yield a vast amount of
interesting information; and Dr Boss has produced a very entertaining little
volume from the materials furnished by the session-books of the parish of
Dalgety. But the chief place is to be accorded to Dr Robert Chambers, who,
in his ‘ Domestic Annals of Scotland,’ by presenting to the reader a series
of extracts from the civil and ecclesiastical records of past times,
accompanied by a running commentary, has exhibited in an interesting and
satisfactory manner, as Thomas Carlyle did a few years previously in ‘Oliver
Cromwell’s Letters and Speeches,’ the principle of leaving historical
documents to tell their own tale, and thus enabling the reader to form his
own independent conclusions.
It is quite true that the
burgh and kirk-sesssion records themselves, taken in detail, do not furnish
a very entertaining or even profitable department of reading. There is often
but “ a halfpenny-worth of bread to this intolerable deal of sack”—or, to
speak more correctly, a modicum of good grain hidden in a mound of chaff.
That is to say, the materials of useful information are frequently
encumbered with prolix and tedious phraseology, or buried in a mass of
tedious and uninteresting details. Yet copious stores of valuable matter
exist there, and many of the entries themselves have a special interest and
piquancy. By the exercise of some industry, along with a judicious selection
and blending, it seems possible to produce a narrative which, even in those
days of high pressure and impatience of aught savouring of the heavy or
prolix, might be capable of attracting the notice and commanding the
attention of ordinary readers. Such a task I have set myself to; and though
I am far from confident of having accomplished it creditably, I am yet
conscious of having expended all my energies and done my best towards
effecting so desirable a consummation.
It may be proper to state,
that whilst the following work has been written from a Presbyterian point of
view, and with a strong desire to render justice to a system of
ecclesiastical polity which has too often been both misapprehended and
maligned in its own as well as in other lands, I have endeavoured throughout
to act with the utmost impartiality and fair-play. I have in no way spared
the Presbyterians, or tried to screen their failings, when their conduct has
seemed in any respect indefensible; and as I have not hesitated to
contemplate the humorous as well as the serious aspects of the various
incidents and circumstances presented to the notice of the reader, I may
possibly have exposed myself occasionally to the charge of lukewarmness or
indifference in religious matters—an animadversion for which I should be
sorry indeed to think that I had furnished any cause. It is a trite remark
that when any one attempts to do impartial justice to all parties, he often
only succeeds in drawing on himself general censure and condemnation.
Culross, Fife
Like many others of a similar
kind, this undertaking took its rise from small beginnings. Having been
almost accidentally induced, through the occurrence of a suitable
opportunity, to investigate the earliest volume of the kirk-session records
of Culross, I made a few extracts from it, and was led on gradually to
extend my researches through the remaining ones, and afterwards through the
minutes of the town council of Culross and the kirk-session records of
Tulliallan. It was suggested to me that, with the aid of supplementary
information, there could be formed out of these a consecutive narrative or
treatise which might pass muster as a local history of the parishes of
Culross and Tulliallan. The incitement being thus given, I proceeded to
gather fresh materials, and contrived ultimately to bring the results of my
researches into a regular and connected form. Every possible source of
information has been tried, and every endeavour made to render the work as a
whole both interesting and useful.
In conclusion, I have only to
express my thanks to my relative, Mr Erakine Beveridge, of St Leonard’s
Hill, Dunfermline, who very kindly took, specially for this work, the
photographic views from which the chief part of the illustrations, including
the frontispieces of the two volumes, have been derived; to Mr John J.
Dalgleish, of West Grange, Culross, who has contributed a valuable and
interesting paper on the birds of Culross and Tulliallan, which will be
found in the Appendix; to Mr T. Etherington Cooke, of West Arthurlie,
Barrhead, who allowed me to use, for the purposes of illustration, some of
the beautiful photographs taken by him of Culross and its neighbourhood; to
Major Johnston, Culross Abbey, and the Rev. John M'Gregor, Culross, for
similar favours; to the Rev. William Bruce of St Serfs-next-Culross, for
liberty of access to the large and excellent library at Dunimarle; to the
Rev. George Stephen, of the First Charge, Culross, and Mr J. K. Penney,
registrar there, for access to the kirk-session books, and to the collection
of papers in the possession of the latter, formerly belonging to the
corporation of the girdlesmiths; to Mr Andrew Stephen, town-clerk of Culross,
for similar favours in reference to the burgh records; to the Rev. John
Smeaton, minister of Tulliallan, and Mr Buchanan, registrar there, for
access to the session-books of that parish; and generally to the subscribers
to this work, respecting which I can only express the hope that its perusal
may not be altogether unattended with satisfaction, and that any favourable
expectations entertained may not be deemed to be altogether unfulfilled.
Durham House, Torrtburn, June
A walk through Culross in the company of Scotland's Online
Tourist Guide
Chapter I. Topography and
Natural History of the two Parishes.
Chapter II. Early History.
The Romans—Introduction of Christianity—Early Christian
missionaries—Interest attaching to Culross as the residence of St Serf and
birthplace of St Mungo—History of these saints —The Culdees.
Chapter III. History of Culross from the Seventeenth Century to the Reformation.
The history of Culross a blank for some centuries—Battle of Culross between
the Scots and Danes—Foundation of the monastery by the Earl of Fife—Notices
of its abbots—Its final suppression—End of the old regime and commencement
of a new era,
Chapter IV. The Burgh Records
of Culross from 1588 to 1600.
The town rises into prosperity under the industrial enterprise of Sir George
Bruce—Notice of him and his family—Charter erecting Culross into a royal
burgh—First volume of the town-council minutes—Acts and ordinances of the
burgh— Sanitary and religious regulations—Profits and duties of the
salt-pans within the burgh granted to Sir George Bruce— Notice of John
Colville of Comrie and his relations the Lords of Culross—Reference to
Bessie Bar—Litigation regarding her house—Criminal prosecutions in Culross—Regulations
for the suppression of mendicancy—Bessie Bar’s Well—Act regarding night
musicians and revellers,
Chapter V. General History of
Culross from 1600 to 1629.
King James visits Culross—His adventure at the Castlehill Moat —Ministry of
Mr Robert Colville—Establishment of Episcopacy—Sir George Bruce and Mr
Row—Lord Edward Bruce’s duel with Sir Edward Sackville—Taylor the “Water
Poet” visits Culross—His account of Sir George’s works—Destruction of the
Moat by a storm—Death of the first Lord Colville of Culross,
Chapter VI. The Kirk-Session
Records of Culross from 1629 to 1640.
Ecclesiastical condition of the country at commencement of this period—Death
of Mr Robert Colville—Election of Mr Duncan aa his successor—Cases of
ecclesiastical discipline—Elders and heritors in Culross church—Cases of
discipline in connection with pilgrimages to holy wells—Commotions in
consequence of the attempted introduction of the Service-book— Overthrow of
Episcopacy and re-establishment of Presbytery,
Chapter VII. The Kirk-Session
Records from 1640 to 1646.
Progress of events after the restoration of Presbytery—Suppression of Tale
and other festivals—Prosecutions for Sabbath desecration, and for sorcery
and witchcraft—Subscription of the Solemn League and Covenant—Curious case
of charming —Culroes visited by the plague,
Chapter VIII. The
Kirk-Session Records from 1646 to 1650.
Farther prosecutions—The “ searchers”—Notice of the Preston family—Seating
of the church—Further instances of ecclesiastical vigilance—Troubles
occasioned by the Engagers and Malignants—Renewed subscription of the Solemn
League and Covenant—Ordinances against penny-weddings and resorting to holy
wells—Establishment at Culross of a collegiate or double charge—Increased
stringency of Acts for Sabbath observance—Curious session case against some
revellers at a wedding—Other strange cases—Cromwell's invasion of Scotland,
Chapter IX. The Kirk-Session
Records from 1650 to 1657.
Palmy days of Presbytery—Zeal of Mr Duncan in enforcing discipline—Specimens
of Culross viragoes—State of matters in Scotland after battle of
Dunbar—Continued strictness in enforcing Sabbath observance—Petition of
people of Kincardine for disjunction from Culross and annexation to
Tulliallan parish — Reports of the searchers — Regulations regarding
children and scholars—Strange surgical cases—Death of Mr Duncan—Curious
objections to appointment of certain elders —Mr Matthew Fleming appointed to
the vacant charge,
Chapter X. The Burgh Records
of Culross from 1657 to 1659
Condition of the town at the conclusion of the great Civil War —Severe
exactions under Cromwell—Requisitions from the garrisons of Castle Campbell
and Inchgarvie—The fleshers and boatmen called to account—Orders regarding
innkeepers and members of council — A post established for Culroes— Skirmish
near the town—Enactments regarding the pier and fleshmarket—Magisterial
orders for enforcing cleanliness—Case of window-breaking—Prosecution of a
witch—Claim of the laird of Blairhall to a right of thirlage over Culroes—The
brewaters and innkeepers called to account—Action for non-fulfilment of
domestic service—Mischievous trick played on a bailie’s son—Establishment of
a guildry—The east port demolished,
Chapter XI. The Burgh Records
from 1659 to 1665.
Schemes of General Monk for restoring Charles II.—Cases of assault and
robbery—Restoration of Charles II. and events immediately following
thereon—The streets of the burgh causewayed—A burgh militia established—Case
of some refractory Valleyfield colliers — Gift by Sir William Bruce to
Culross—Arbitrary measures of Government—Baby Sands’ Well—Opposition of
Culross to erection of Valleyfield into a burgh of barony—Threatened
approach of the plague—War with Holland—Proportion of taxes contributed by
Culross and other burghs to general revenue of Scotland,
Chapter XII. The Burgh
Records from 1666 to 1679.
Strange offence committed by a town councillor—Prices of grain in 1666—Claim
of jurisdiction over Culross by Lord Colville of Ochiltree—Expectations of
invasion—Enactment of sumptuary laws—Effects of the tyrannical Government of
the day as experienced at Culross—Oath imposed on all holding office
—Statistics of the prices of foreign liquon—Bessie Bar’s Well and the “
middings ”—Prosecutions for witchcraft—Search for Covenanters in Culross—Capture
of Adam Stobow by Captain Creichton—Sir Alexander Bruce of Broomhall,
Chapter XIII. The Burgh
Records from 1679 to the Revolution.
The Duke of Monmouth in Culross—Miserable condition of Scotland through
ecclesiastical misrule and military lawlessness —The Test Act—Persecution of
Lady Colville of Ochiltree —Charges for horse-hire in 1684—The irrepressible
“middens”—Nomination of burgh magistrates by the Crown— Statute-labour roads
— Feuing of Culross Moor—Birth of prince, afterwards known as the “ Old
Pretender ”—Wretched condition of Culross at the Revolution,
Chapter XIV. The Kirk-Session
Records from 1676 to 1684.
Ecclesiastical condition of Scotland at the Restoration—Similarity in those
times of the Episcopalian and Presbyterian services—Deposition of Mr
Edmonston—Leighton’s Episcopate in Dunblane—Alexander Bruce, second Earl of
Kincardine— Reconstitution of the kirk-session in 1676—James Ramsay, Bishop
of Dunblane and minister of Culross—Various session ordinances—Right of
property claimed by the kirk-session in St Mungo’s chapel and
burying-ground—Thanksgiving for the failure of the Ryehouse Plot,
XV. The Burgh Records from the Revolution to 1698.
Change of Administration following the Revolution—the Erskine
family—Inventory of books and documents in possession of the burgh—Question
as to the disappearance of the greater part of them—Enlistment of sailors
for the fleet—Culross visited by Commissioners from the Convention of Royal
Burghs—Hospitality extended to them—Interregnum in the municipal government
— Culross without a magistracy for four years,
Chapter XVI. The Kirk-Session
Records from 1693 to 1704.
Deposition of Mr Wright and Mr Young—Fraser of Brea appointed to the First
Charge—Notice of him—Curious prosecution for “ charming ”—Ministrations by
deposed Episcopal clergymen — Dispute with Lord Kincardine regarding the
gravedigger—Distress and scarcity throughout the country— Fraser of Brea
resigns his charge—Mr Mair appointed to the Second Charge—Case of mill-going
on Sunday—Mr Fraser’s death—Vacancy for some years in the First Charge—Cases
of Sabbath desecration—A “Forbes Mackenzie” Act—Act for restraining excesses
at marriages—Communion occasions and tent-preachings—Notice of "Camock
Fair,” .
Chapter XVII. The Burgh
Records from 1698 to 1715.
Interest taken by the magistrates in ecclesiastical affairs—A censor of
morals appointed—Agreement with the Valley field tacksmen for supplying
coals to the burgh—Horse-races on Culross Moor—The “ Black ” and “ White ”
Colonels—Deadlock in municipal affairs—Appointment of temporary
managers—Order for celebrating the Queen’s birthday—Illumination of houses
enjoined—Hospitality offered to refugee German Protestants—Ordinance against
“late wakes”—Against revealing council secrets—The Johnston family of
Sands—Price of butcher-meat in 1710—Prosecutions for using lime in the
bleaching of cloth—Flag presented by Lady Maiy Cochrane—Visit of the Duke of
Atholl to Culross—Commotion in anticipation of Queen Anne’s death—Accession
of George I.
Chapter XVIII. The
Kirk-Session Records from 1705 to 1715.
First appearance of the Black Colonel as an elder in Culross— Breaches of
the Act for restraining jovialities at weddings— Ordination of Mr James
Cuthbert to the First Charge—Election of deacons—Frequency of congregational
fasts—Queen Anne’s Act restoring the rights of patrons allowed to remain
inoperative for a time—Connection of the celebrated Thomas Boston with
Culross—His marriage—Singular dream of his wife—Extent of sermonising in old
times—Battling in regard to the church-seats—The grandfather of Sir John
Moore appointed to the Second Charge of Culross,
Chapter XIX. The Burgh
Records from 1715 to 1735.
The Jacobite rebellion of 1715—Precautionary measures taken at
Culross—Notice of General Preston—Obligations of the Valley field family to
him—Lord Bruce’s hospital—Proceedings of the town council — A meal-mob —
Lawsuit with Colonel Erskine regarding the town moor — Gift of Sir George
Preston—Tablet erected in town-house to commemorate his
generosity—Regulations for supply of post-horses— Grand fracas with the
Black Colonel on account of the burning of sea-ware—Court held at the “ Bore
Stone ”—Act of the General Convention of Royal Burghs against importation of
brandy and smuggling—Panic regarding mad dogs—Claim of jurisdiction over
Culross preferred by Mr Colville of Ochiltree—Profitless expenditure in
searching for coal—End of the burgh records.
Chapter XX. The Kirk-Session
Records from 1715 to 1776.
Mr Alan Logan translated from Torrybum to the First Charge —Case of
consulting a “ dumbie ” for discovery of a thief— Mr Geddes ordained to the
Second Charge—Case of libel arising out of an allegation of “ charming
”—Stipulation with the town surgeon regarding the cure of a lame
leg—Interposition by the kirk-session in favour of the girdlesmiths
—Litigious disposition of the Black Colonel—Curious certificate granted by
the session—Collision between the session and the heritors—Death of Mr
Logan, and appointment of Webster to the First Charge—Disturbance in the
Abbey churchyard by a drunken fellow—Mr Webster translated to the Tolbooth
Church, Edinburgh—Notice of him—Curious case regarding the sons of Blaw of
Castlehill—Notice of the Blaw family — Execution of John Blaw for murder—Mr
Henry Hardie ordained to the First Charge after a long vacancy—Lint
distributed by the session—Regulations regarding clandestine marriages and
proclamations of banns— Fast-days ordered on account of the Rebellion of
1745— Death of Mr Geddes—Mr Cochrane successfully asserts his right to the
patronage of the Second Charge—Mr Stoddart (Mr Geddes’s successor) resigns,
and is succeeded by Mr Holland — Death of Mr Hardie, and appointment of Dr
Erskine to the First Charge—Notice of Dr Erskine—His translation to the New
Greyfriars Church, Edinburgh—Promotion of Mr Rolland to the First Charge,
and ordination of Mr Moodie to the Second—Mr Moodie is transferred to Ric-carton,
and succeeded by Mr M'Leish—Prevalence of infanticide—Multitude of
clandestine marriages—Decay of morality —Death of Mr M'Leish, and
appointment of Mr M‘Alpine to the Second Charge,
Chapter XXI. The Girdles and Ordersmiths of Culross.
Chapter XXII. The
Kirk-Session Records of Tulliallan.
Chapter XXIII. General
History of Culross and Tulliallan from the Middle of the Last Centuary to
the Present Day.
Chapter XXIV. Monuments of
Culross and Tulliallan - The Monastery and its Surroundings.
Chapter XXV. Monuments of
Culross and Tulliallan - Continued.
he West Kirk—The Monks* Well—The mansion of Culross Abbey—St Mungo’s Kirk or
Chapel—Objects of interest in neighbourhood of the latter—The Colonel’s
“Close”—The town-house—The “ Study,” and other buildings at the Cross —The
Ailie Rocks and the Blue Boulder—The Castlehill Moat—The Standard Stone and
the Pulpit—The Danish camps—The old church and castle of TulHallan,
Chapter XXVII. An Entymological and Concluding Chapter,
Appendix. The Birds of
Culross and Tulliallan.
The Ancestry Of The
Younger Family of Alloa and Leckie,
Gargunnock, Stirling
[Extracts from 'The Scottish Antiquary (1888) and Croft's Peerage]. A
family with connections to Culross.
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