Dear Friends,
Yesterday I arrived in Midyat in Eastern Turkey with my colleague Bassam
Ishak and a team from the International Center For Religion and
Diplomacy in Washington DC to conduct back to back conferences with
Kurdish, Syriac Christian and Arab Bedouin tribal leaders. This is
focused on the Syrian conflict.
Utilizing our unique Faith-Based Reconciliation process the first
conference will focus on creating a social contract for the Al-Hassake
region of Syria so that the major communities can work out the
principles for living together. The second conference will focus on
political power sharing and regional security.
The FBR process is designed to create softened hearts so as to enable
the participants to engage in constructive joint problem solving.
We are already encountering challenges with the invited participant
leaders. Some are being pressured to not come. One Kurdish political
party within Syria is actively trying to undermine the conference. No
one ever said this was going to be easy. Right now Syria is the roughest
neighborhood in the world. As such, I am glad that our prayer & fasting
team is already here on site to pray into these challenges in real time.
Please keep us in your prayer: Bassam Ishak ( Syria) Chander & Kanta
Khanna (India) Dana Moldovan (Romania) Ninos Barsoum (Syria) and me.
Yours, |