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The Scot in New France (1535-1880)

baronial name in that of Grant; a warlike LaCorne espouses a proud Lennox of the ducal house of Richmond, Gordon and Aubigny, whilst a successful French Canadian politician, the Hon. Joseph Cauchon Lieutenant-Governor of Manitoba, carried off to the Prairie Province his devoted and accomplished Irish wife, Miss Mary Nowlan of Edgehill Sillery, alas! no more. A family, high in the Church and on the Bench, the Taschereau, contract six unfrench alliances, the first with Sir Randolph Routh; the Hon. M. de Sales de Laterrięre, marries the daughter of Sir Henry Bulmer of London. The daughter of a late Premier of Ontario Hon. J. Sandfield McDonald becomes the spouse of a late Member for Montmorency, Jean Langlois, Esq., whilst the daughter of a late Premier of Quebec, Hon. P. J. O. Chauveau, is united to a British Officer, Lt. Glendonwyn, and a rising young Irish barrister Chs. Fitzpatrick, finds a bride in the family of a late Lieutenant-Governor of Quebec, the Hon. R. E. Caron, The Laugevins join hands with the Armstrongs, Philips, McLeans, Furniss, &c., and the De Gaspes, with the Allisons, Frasers, Stuarts, Powers, Alleyns, etc.,

It would take us much beyond the limits prescribed, to pursue in detail this curious study, of the doings of that irrepressible Divinity, yclept Hymen; we shall close by calling attention to the names on this list of no less than, eleven sages of our Bench, viz. : Hon. Justice Bedard, Bossé, Casault, Fiset Mondelet, McCord, Power, Polette, Stuart, Tessier, Vanfelson, all united, as appears on reference to the above, to mates of descent other than that of their ermined Lords. Future searchers of history and Church Registers, will doubtless yet add considerably to the ethnological labours of such arduous and successful toilers as the Abbčs Ferland, Tanguay and Langevin.


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