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The Scot in New France (1535-1880)

43rd. Typifies commerce—" Horn, Corn, Fish and Yarn —" Reel of Tullochgorum."
CC Robert Gibb’s contract, "Johnny Grey’s Breeks." (Some good hit made here no doubt sixty-six years ago.)
" the Beggar’s Benison. Air—" The Rogue’s March."
51st. May Great Britain never resign the right of search while she has a sailor or a soldier to defend "it." (This toast would cause a smile at the present day.) *


"The annual match between the married men and bachelors of the Quebec Curling Club was played on the 1st of March, for "beef and greens," when the following was the result of the game:

Married men, 17; Bachelors, 31.

The following gentlemen were players:

Married men—Messrs. R. H. Gairdner, William Patton, L. T. McPherson, William Phillips and John Dyde. Bachelors—Messrs. James Gillespie, John P. Anderson, George Gillespie, James Burns and Thomas Hamilton.

The dinner of " beef and greens" with some other good things, took place on Saturday last, at the Globe. Several guests were invited to partake of the hospitality of the Club, and the evening was spent in a very pleasant manner." t

The portly President of the Society, Andrew Paterson, and his Board of Officers are all too well remembered for us to do more than inscribe here their names, in order to show how the Scotch element stood in Quebec forty-five years ago. What could we tell you which you do not already know, about those dear friends and relatives of so many present here this evening? To our youthful eyes in 1838, none, however, appeared so imposing as Captain Rayside when he marched from the Barracks, the Queen’s Stores Champlain Street, his corps of Volunteer Seamen, the QUEEN’S PETS, habited in pea jackets, and trailing formidable cutlasses, whilst the Volunteer Band rejoiced in a swarthy Ethiopian in charge of the big drum.

* Antiquarian for Oct., 1880, p. 67.

t Quebec Gazette, 12 March, 1838.

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