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The Scot in New France (1535-1880)

Mr. A. Robertson its Secretary, contain the autographs of many well remembered citizens of Quebec. The first, that of the Manager of the Montreal Bank, Alexander Simpson, who describes himself as "Farmer," of Thornhill,—Thornhill the country seat of our friend, Archibald Campbell, Esquire, P. S. C., eldest son of Col. Chs. Campbell, * of the 99th Regiment.

Mr. Simpson, as Manager of the Bank, had succeeded Mr. Sutherland, for many years Postmaster General of Lower Canada.

This roll of Scotch worthies reminds us each year of the recurrence of the annual dinner in November and of sundry "beef and greens" and "haggis" entertainments given by jolly curlers, the promoters of the "roaring game."

History has even handed down a glowing account of the St. Andrew’s dinner, in the stormy days of 1837, given at Schluep’s in St. Louis Street the Globe Hotel, since, the St. Louis Hotel. It was presided over by that eminent patriot and jurist, the late Andrew Stuart, the father of the present Mr. Justice Andrew Stuart; the Hon. Francis Ward Primrose, for years a leading member of our Bar, was the Vice-President, when the bard and seer of the society, our well remembered old friend, the late Archibald Campbell, usually styled "Her Majesty’s Notary," in a clear and mellow voice, poured forth the stirring words of the patriotic lines he had himself composed.


As sung by Archibald Campbell, Esq., at St. Andrew’s Dinner, 1837.

Air: "Sots wha Hae,"

Men of Scotia’s blood or land,
No longer let us idly stand,
Our "origin" while traitors brand
As "foreign" here.

By gallant hearts those rights were gain’d,
By gallant hearts shall be maintain’d,
E’en tho’ our dearest blood be drain’d
Those rights to keep.

* See Appendix Letter J.

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