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The Scot in New France (1535-1880)

without a church, and having to trust to the good will of the Government for the use, on Sundays, of a room in the Jesuits Barracks, as a place of worship.*

Signatures to Memorial addressed to George Ill, asking for land in Quebec, to build a Presbyterian Church:

Alex. Sparks, Minister; John McLeod, Wm. Anderson, Jas. Thompson, Jnr., Hugh Munro, Hugh McQuarters, Jr., Fred. Grant, Geo. Geddes, W. Norris, Jno. Greenshields, Archd. Donaldson, John McClure, Chas. G. Stewart, Sanford Hoyt, Hugh McQuarters, James Sinclair, Robert Haddan, Sr., Alex. Gibney, Sr., John Urquhart, Robert Hadden Jr., Jas Gibney, William Morrin, Alex. Hadden, Thos. Ewing, Jno. Eifland, William Brown, John Glass, John Barlie, Geo. Morrison, James Tulloch, Geo. McGregor, Jno. Goudie, Samuel Brown, Wm. Holmes, G. Sinclair, Isaac Johnstone, James Ward, Walter Carruthers, Peter Leitch, Jno. Purss, Wm. Petrie, Henry Baldwin, Ann Watt, John Ross, Daniel Forbes, J. Brydon, Wm. McKenzie, William Jaffray, Jno. Frazer, Thos. Saul, J. Hendry, James Somerville, J. Ross, Jr., John Thompson, J. A. Thompson, Ann Ross, George Smith, Wm. Hall, James Mitchell, Wm. Reed, Wm. Thompson, Sr., Geo. King, Alexander Harper, D. Monroe, Alex. Thompson, Robert Marshall, J. Blackwood, James Orkney, William White, M. Lymburner, J. Neilson, Thomas White, Francis Flunter, Daniel Fraser, John Taylor, W. Rouburgh, A. Ferguson, Adam Reid, John McCord, Robert Eglison, James Irvine, J. G. Hanna, Robt. Cairns, John Munro, J. McNider, William A. Thompson, Alexander Munn, Adam Lymburner, Wm. McWhirter, Alexander Rea, Jno. Lynd, John McDonald, James Elmslie, Peter Stuart, John Auld, Charles Smith, William Grant. Bridget Young, Ebenezer Baird, J. A. Todd, Jno. Shaw, Lawrence Kidd, John Mure, Charles Hunter, James McCallum,

* Quebec Past and Present, p. 404.

See Appendix Letter H.

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