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The Scot in New France (1535-1880)

Shakespeare, Smythe, White, Kane, Worseley, Serocold, Glendonwyn.

So far, it has been our task to sketch the career of Scotch-men in Canada, placed in subordinate positions; we will now, with your leave, view them in those exalted offices to which their sovereign may call them. We shall therefore point out a few only of our rulers of Scotch nationality; the first was General James Murray, fourth son of Lord Elibank, and first British Governor of Quebec by the departure of the Marquis of Townshend.

General Murray, by his cool bravery, had won the respect of all parties. If the check his impetuous valor at the battle of Ste. Foye, subjected him to, for a time earned for him the epithet of "rash," * it never cast a slur, either on his courage in action, or his wisdom as an able and humane administrator. Murray seems to have made the same mistake as Montcalm had done; rushing out with inferior forces to meet the enemy, not trusting to the fortifications of Quebec. Though he was much outnumbered on the 28th April, 1760, it must not be forgotten that he occupied a good position on the Ste. Foye and St. Louis heights, with an excellent park of artillery, in all twenty-two gulls, while the French had but two. Here again, Fraser’s Highlanders previously decimated by famine and scurvy, but unsubdued, shed liberally their life-blood. For the French it was a brilliant, but bootless victory, and one which merely allowed them, on leaving the country, to shake hands as equals with their brave opponents.

Murray held his own in the city, despite the pursuit of a valiant foe flushed with victory. Relief came early in May following; and with Lord Amherst, on the 8th September 1760, he completed the subjugation of Canada by the capitulation of Montreal.

See Appendix Letter E.

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