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The History of Blairgowrie
Chapter V

Original Inhabitants of Scotland — Druids and Druidical Remains — Standing Stones—Haer Cairns—Tumuli—Store Mount—Blairs—Buzzard Dykes—Bloody Inches—Steed Stalls—Homan Relics—Local Antiquarian Collections—Relics in Scottish Antiquarian Museum—French Bell—Hirchen Hill—Agreements and Charters—Interesting Map— Seals of Families—Pedigree of Drummonds of Blair—Copy of Two Letters by King James the Seventh—Notes from Rental Book of Coupar Abbey—Call}'—Murtoun—Blair—Old Parish Tokens.

IT has since the beginning of this century up to the present time been a vexed question among archaeologists—who were the first discoverers and occupiers of the kingdom ? Evidences have been found from time to time which antiquarians believe to- be the remains of several distinct races who inhabited those regions many thousand years ago. According to some, the Druids, a very learned and enlightened people from the borders of the Caspian Sea, traversed Europe nearly along the 45th parallel of north latitude, crossed the Channel, and were the first discoverers and occupiers of the country.

How long that nation peopled the land, or where their descendants migrated to, is mystery alike, but the monuments they have left behind attest their genius and power.

The unhewn stones found in Hindosta, and the East are attributed by the natives there to a fabulous being named Pandoo and his sons; and, with a similarity of character attesting their common origin, they are also to be found in many parts of Europe, on the shores of, and in the interior of, Britain. About a mile south-west of the town, near the Darraeh Wood, on the Essendy Road, are the remains of one of these Druidical monuments. It is in the form of a hexagon, and is supposed to be one of the earliest erected in this part of the country. Further examples are to be found at Glenballoch and Easter Rattray.

Many of these monoliths, as at Glenballoeh, show cup markings and grooves, which, according to the traditions of the Celts, are in honour of departed heroes. When in stones singly they represent only one distinguished hero, but when in great numbers, many heroes fallen in battle. The stone at Glenballoch shows thirteen of these cups, while one unearthed in 1897 at Aikenhead shows a large number of various sizes. The last has, unfortunately, been ruthlessly destroyed.

The parish contains few remains of antiquity possessing much interest. Among those deserving of notice are the “ Haer Cairns,” marking the scene of mortal conflict and last resting-place of the slain.

Most of these cairns have non been wholly removed to allow of agricultural improvements, and in process of excavation, stone coffins, formed of four flat slabs, have been discovered, containing, in many instances, human bones, urns, &c. Two Roman cinerary urns, containing burnt bones, were found in a field at Cottershade, but they were, unfortunately, broken and thrown away as being of no value. At the same place a stone cist containing human bones was uncovered, but the bones crumbled to dust on exposure to the air.

In a moor a few miles west are 8 tumuli or cairns, termed the "Westerly Cairns. There are also in the neighbourhood Kincairney, the head of the Cairns; Balcairn, the town of Cairns—(that is, the resting-place of the dead); Cairnmoor, the moor with the cairns ; Pitcairn, the cairn of graves; and Cairnbutts, the ridge of cairns. There is a cairn at Morganstone in which stone cists were found, and a cairn to the north of Netheraird, where a bronze celt was found ; there are also numerous cairns west of Middle Mause ami on the Muir of Gormok. Urns have been found in tumulus near Milton of Drumlochy ; two bronze swords were found near the Teuchat Knowe, west of Nether Aird, and urns were found at Meethillock, Gowtanbrae, Blairgowrie. A Roman spear was found in the Moss of Cochrage, and another near the bed of the river. Coins of the Emperor Hadrian were found in a cairn near Green-bauk, and also in a cairn near Dark Falls.

On an island in Stormont Loch (Loch Bog), there are traces of a building, to which, tradition states, the inhabitants of the surrounding district removed their effects for safety in times of dispeace—hence its name, Store Mount Loch.

There are also the “blairs” — Blairgowrie, Ardblair, Blairhill, Blairloch, Gormack (Gorblair); the “Buzzard Dykes” near Lornty Burn, and the “Cleaven Dykes” at Meikleour; the Roman camps at Meikleour and Delvine, and the Caledonian camp at Ivnockmahar; the “Bloody Inches” on the Tay, and the “Steed Stalls” at Gourdie —the tombs of the Roman cavalry; Craig Roman, a mile north-west of the town, where the Romans left off pursuing the Caledonian army.

In the moss of Cochrage the body of a Roman soldier, in full armour and in an upright position, was found, besides other Roman relics, human teeth and bones mixed with charcoal, doubtless the remains of Caledonians or Romans who were slain there.

From a mound near Greenbank, several years ago, a large quantity of human bones were found, together with several Hint arrow heads and flint knives.

An old Roman pot was found about six feet below the surface in the peat moss at Blackloch, near Clunie. It is supposed to have been one of the camp pots of the Roman army, and is made of a compound metal something like our brass or bell-metal. It stands upon three feet, is about 17 inches high, 10 inches in circumference, and is capable of holding about six Scotch pints. It is in the possession of Mr James Isles, St Ninians, who has numerous antiques from this and other districts. Mr G. S. Duncan, Dunmore Villa, has also an interesting collection.

The Antiquarian Museum in Edinburgh contains many relics from this neighbourhood, including—“Flint Knife,” 3½ inches in length, presented 10th March, 1890; “Donation of a Medal of George Drummond of Blair, Lord Provost of Edinburgh, with bust,” 8th May, 1882; “Old Brick from Clunie Castle,” 14th April, 1884.

The proceedings of the Scottish Antiquarian Society, 13th May, 1878, page 024, vol. XII., contains the following:—

“Notice of a small urn of the so-called ‘Incense Cup’ type, found within a large urn at Blairgowrie in March last, and presented to the Museum by (the late) Rev. "Wm. Fraser, M.A., minister of Blairgowrie.

“About a fortnight ago, that is, in the last week of March, there was found, on a detached field of my glebe in the Moor of Blairgowrie, and about a mile and a-half from the Parish Church, a circular goblet-shaped urn containing bones. It was about a foot in diameter and a foot deep. It lay on gravelly soil on a large stone, which seems to have been hollowed out, probably by the action of the water of the Ericht, which flows near by, and the bed of which contains many stones of similar size, on which the action of water is very marked. Over the urn (slanting) was a large flattish unhewn stone. The urn rested about two feet below the surface of tlie ground, and, unfortunately, it was much broken in being removed from its bed. The fragments have been almost all given away by the feuar in whose feu of the glebe it was found ; but it has been my good fortune to secure for the Museum the small vessel which was found along with the larger urn.

“The interior of the large urn was black as if from the burning of some substance in it, or from the substance within it having, in long process of time, imparted some of its blackness to the urn. The small vessel is not darker on the inside than on the outside, although it bears on the inside at the bottom the prints of the thumb-nail of the person who made it.”

A considerable number of stone weapons have been found in this neighbourhood.

About a hundred years ago a very ancient tumulus, locally known as “The Hirchen Hill,” stood at the side of the Kirkwynd to the north of the Parish Manse. The outbuildings close to the roadway have been built near to what was originally its western base, and part of the site is now used as a bleaching green.

Tradition has it that the Earls of Gowrie held baronial courts there for administering justice to vassals and retainers, and a ridge less than half-a-mile west still bears the name of "Gallow (Gallows) Bank,” where the unfortunate victims were strung. The ridge in its original state had a flat space on the top, which was surrounded with a rampart of earth, but the levelling and squaring of the fields have obliterated all traces of it.

There is a bell, preserved in the Mechanics’ Institute, which is supposed to have belonged to a French man-of-war. It is about 12 inches high, 11 inches wide at the mouth, heavy, of good tone, and bears the inscription :— “Messire Georges Francois de Cheverue Viconte de Mortain, 1724.” A companion bell was iu use many years ago at the Auction Mart when a sale was to begin, but it has unaccountably disappeared.

In the papers of the Monastery of St Marie, at Coupar Angus, dated 1st May, 1201, is an “Agreement between the Churches of Blair and Coupar.” On the 1st June, 1235, Alexander II. granted at Traquair “lands in Meikle and Little Blair to the Abbey of Scone, excepting a small portion in the feu of Meikle Blair, which he gave to the monks of Cupar (Coupar) in exchange for the Common Muir of Blair, of which they had the use.”

“Carta donationis regis Alexandri 2ndi monachis de Cupro de duabus carvatus (sic) terrae cum dimedio in feodo de Magna Blare in excambiun communis more de Blar quod visi fuerant, &c. Testibus:—Villielmo, Epis-copo Glasquensi Cancellaris; Patricio, Comite de Dunbar; Waitero filio Alani Senesealli, Justiciario Scotite. Apud Tresquere, primo die Juini auno regui domini regis xxi. (1235).”

By a Charter granted at Forfar, William the Lion gave to the Abbey of St Marie, at Coupar Angus, the marsh of Blair:—“ Carta regis Villielmi eisdem monachis facta de toto maresio meo in territorio de Blair, quod pertinebat ad dominium meum de Blar, die qua marescum illud iis dedi, et Comes Duncanus, et Heugo de Kaledone, et Rogerus de Mortuomari, et Mackbeth Judex de Goury, et Duncanus filius Douenaldi, et alii probi homines per pre-ceptum meum eii.s tradiderunt, &c. Testibus; Rogero, Episcopo St And rex; Comite Dauide, fratre meo; Dim-cano Justiciario; Comite Gillebryd; Phillipe de Walloun, Camerario meo; Roberto de Quinci; Malcolmo filio Comitis Duneani; Yillielmo de Cumyn ; Joliaun Hasting, &c.”

In 1309 King Robert I. confirmed a charter to the Abbey of Coupar, bestowing the lands of Muir of Blair upon it (at Dundee).

In the Chartulary of the Abbey of Scone is a letter, dated Clackmannan, 26th March, 1326. from King Robert I. to the Sheriff of Perth, commanding him to take charge of the Loch of Blair in view of his arrival in the district. There are also other letters on like matters, dated Clunie, 4th August, and Alyth, 5th and 6th August of the same year. There is also a letter, dated February, 1356, referring to the dispute as to ownership of the church lauds of Blair.

There is a Bull by Pope Gregory XI., of the year 1373, confirming church lands of Blair to Abbey of Scone, again confirmed in a Bull by Benedict XIII., dated 1390.

“At the fest of Whitsonday, the zere of God a thousand v. hundredth and viij. zeiris, the hale muir of Blair above the wood of Campy (Carsie) is set to Patrick Bell, in assedacioun for the term of v. zeris.”

“Campy (Carsie) Blayr, Whitsonday, 1517, the quarter of the muir of Blare is set to David Pullar.”

The family papers of Drummond Moray of Blair-Drummond contain a fac-simile copy of the “Bond of Manrent ” (page 40) between Chalmers of Drumlochie and Drummond of Newton, dated 1558.

In the original Feu-charter, of date 7th September, 1568, the family of MacCombie are referred to. This charter was given at Abbotshall, and was witnessed, among others, by George Drummond of Blayr; the sasine was given by George Drummond of Blayr in presence of witnesses.

An “instrument of Tollerance,” in favour of John Makcomas, for pasturing on the lands of Torridone (Corrydon), bearing date 11th November, 1577, was witnessed by George Drummond of Blair, &c. ; and an “Instrument of Renunciation,” of date 0th August, 1583, for the same, was given at Finnegand, and witnessed by George Drummond of Blair.

In the Register House, Edinburgh, is preserved the original Charter, granted on 0th July, 1634, by King Charles I. to George Drummond of Blair, erecting Blairgowrie into a Burgh of Barony. It is a very interesting document, nearly ten feet long and ten inches wide, closely written throughout in Dog Latin character.

A map of the Mid Provinces of Scotland, published by Gordon of Straloch in 1654, and reprinted by Messrs Shearer of Stirling, 1894, is very interesting to antiquarians and others—with the original spelling, ake. There is no Blairgowrie shown—only Blairgowrie K. (meaning kirk). Several of the places marked are Newtouu, Gor-mack, Rowchaille. Kochredge, Ereochy, Pitcharmik, Stron Calie, Bamilie, Dryomie, Rattray K., Bandoch, Coupar-grange.

In the Acts of the Parliaments, 1701, there is a grant to James Ramsay of a yearly fair at the Newtouu of Blairgowrie, on the Tuesday preceding Michaelmas.

In the Court records of Perthshire is the decreet-arbitral, of date 21st January, 1777, as to the division of lands of Common Muir of Blair, by Sheriff-Substitute Swinton, between Thomas Graham of Newtouu and the Blair Feuars.

On the 5th December, 1809, Mr Allan Macpherson, Superior of the town, granted a Charter to put the police and government of the Burgh of Barony under proper regulations. Its principal provision was the election of a Bailie and four Councillors, with Treasurer, Clerk, and other officers of Court, from among the burgesses of the town, with powers to manage the funds and common goods of the town and burgh; to suggest rules and statutes for the advantage of the burgh: orders and regulations for granting relief from the town’s funds to burgesses or their families ; to receive and admit all feuars, sub-feuars, long lessees, respectable householders, merchants, manufacturers, and tradesmen to be free burgesses upon payment of certain fees: ... to erect a Town and Court House, and to erect a Market Cross, &c.”

This Charter was further extended by another one, granted by Mr William Macpherson in 1829. A meeting of the burgesses, held 29th October, 1825, petitioned the Superior “ to alter the mode of election as granted in 1809,” which he accordingly did. “A new Bailie was to be elected every two years from among the four Councillors, one of whom was to retire and a new Councillor take his room,” &c., all as set forth fully in said Charter.

This Charter was again extended by Mr Allan Macpherson, by a Charter dated October, 1873, at the request of the Bailie and Council, to enlarge and confirm their authority. It enacted that “the number of Councillors be increased to twelve; that a Senior and two Junior Bailies be elected from among the said Councillors; that one-tliird of the whole Council Board retire annually, but be eligible for re-election,” &c.

In the family papers of Balthayock there are numerous charters bearing seals connected with the district:—

“S’ Johannis de Druimmt, 1407. Seal of John Drummond. Couche—three bars wavy; crest on a helmet—an eagle’s head and wings; supporters—two savages. This seal is very imperfect, which gives the shield the impression of being wavy, but there can be no doubt of the blazon.

“Lord Drummond of Cargill, bearing date, 1465. Eagle displayed, bearing on its breast a shield with four bars wavy. A label with three points—the inscription is imperfect.

“Seal of John Drummond, ‘de Cargil.’ Couche—three bars wavy; crest on a helmet—a goat’s head, the background ornamented with foliage.

“S’ Johannis Drummond ‘ de Cargil,’ 1191.”

“Sea), bearing date, 13th May, 1196, of William Chalmers of Drumlochie, appended to ‘ obligation by William Chaumer of Drumlochy to Thomas Blair of Balthyak ’— three pheons.” The seal, however, is very much damaged, and the inscription is illegible.

“Seal, bearing date, 1358, of William Chalmers of Drumlochie, appended to ‘Bond of Manrent’—Chalmers of Druinlochy to Drummond of Newton—(Blair Drummond Charters). Per fess, in chief a demi-lion rampant; three pheons in base; at the top and sides of the shield, a scroll ornament. ‘ S ’ Vilelmi Chalmer.’ ”

“Seal (official) of Bishop Rattray of Dunkeld. An apostolic person seated with hands uplifted, on his left three crossed crosses, or crosses of Jerusalem, with the inscription —‘ Sigillium Tliomte Rattray Episcopi Brechinensis.’ ”

The following pedigree of the Drummonds of Blair appears in Fraser’s “Drummond of Blair Drummond”;—

I. Sir Walter Drummond, Lord of Stobhall and Cargill,

Who lived iu the reigns of King James I. and King James II., and was killed by the latter. He succeeded 1428, died about 1445. Issue:—Sir Malcolm, Sir John, Walter.

II. Walter Drummond,

Who, in 1486, received from his grand-nephew John, first Lord Drummond, a Charter of the lands of Ledcrief, and was thereafter designed of Ledcrief. Living 1508. Issue:—John, James.

III. John Drummond, Second of Flaskhill and Ledcrief,

Who, with his brother James, was a bailie-depnte to his uncle Sir Malcolm Drummond of Cargill, in 1447. Issue:—George.

IV. George Drummond, Third of Flaskhill and Ledcrief.

He and his son William were killed by William Chalmer of Drumlochy and an armed party, near the Kirk of Blair, on Sunday, the 3rd June, 1554, as they were “playaud at the rowbowlis in the hie marcate gait,” near the said church. The marauders were afterwards compelled to make submission, and to give manrents, &c., to David, Lord Drummond. Issue :

V. George Drummond of Blair. Fourth of Flaskhill and Ledcrief,

Sold Ledcrief and bought Newton of Blair in the Stormont (15—), from Patrick, Bishop of Moray and Commendator of Scone. He was a Sheriff-Depute of the County of Perth to John, Duke of Athole, in 1506, and a Curator to John, fifth Earl, in 1581. He died 4th January, 1594.

William Drummond slain with his father, 3rd June, 1551.

Janet Drummond married George Rattray of Craighall.

VI. George Drummond, Second of Blair,

Who succeeded his father. He died lltli August, 1596. Issue :—4 sons, 4 daughters.

VII. John Drummond, Third of Blair,

Who succeeded. He married Agnes, daughter of Sir David Herring (Heron) of Letlinide and Glasclune. He died 2nd May, 1620.

George Drummond married Grizel, daughter of Daniel Cargill of Haltown (Hatton). Issue:—Daniel and Patrick.

VIII. George Drummond, Fourth of Blair.

He married, 17th August, 1633, Marjory, daughter of George Gramme, Bishop of Orkney, Laird of Gorthy.

Jean Drummond married, about 1630, Henry Drummond, son of Andrew Drummond, minister of Panbride, fourth son of George Drummond, first laird of Blair.

IX. George Drummond, Fifth of Blair,

Born ‘29th November, 1638. He sold the lands of Blair 1682, and in 1684 purchased the lands of what was afterwards called the barohy of Blair Drummond. He died 24th June, 1717.

The following is copy of “Precept by King James the Seventh to James, Earl of Perth, Chancellor, nnd the Lords of the Treasury in Scotland, to pay George Drummond of Blair the fifth part of the Royal duties uplifted by him on behalf of the King, and also the fifth part of all compositions,” 10th November, 1687.

“James R.

“Right trusty,” &c, “ wee greet you well. Having by our Commission, dated the 16th day of April, 1686, granted power unto George Drummond of Blair to pursue for and uplift all wards and non-entries simple or taxt, with the reliefes thereof, which are fallen due to us or our dearest royall brother (of ever blessed memory) of all yeares and termes bygone since the first day of August, 1674, by the decease in that time of any of our vassals holding their lands off us or our dearest royall brother aforesaid, as Kings, Princes, or Stewards of Scotland, in simple or taxt ward, with the availles, marriages, simple or taxt, of all lands holden of us in simple or taxt ward, or few cum maritagiis, fallen due as aforesaid, and in time coming, during our royal pleasure; by which Commission wee did allow unto the said George Drummond a fifth part of what he should recover, and compt ^ for by vertue thereof, for his paines in lifting the said casualities which fifth part wee did appoint to be allowed unto him in the first end thereof, together with his necessary charges in recovering the same. And by our new Commission to him, bearing date the 8th of this instant, wee have not only ratified the former Commission, but also impowered him to receive the non-entries of all lands holden of us in blench or few ferine, with the non-entries of all annual rents fallen due to us since the first day of August, 1674, and in time coming, during our royall pleasure, which formerly he received as having commission from our right trusty and right well beloved cousin and councellor, James, Earl of Perth, our chancellor, to whom wee did assigne the same untill he shall be paid of the summe of eight thousand pounds sterline, granting hereby unto the said George Drummond the same allowance for recovery thereof as is contained in the first commission. And considering the good and faithful service done to us by the said George Drummond in discovering and pursuing for the said casualities (whereof formerly small benefite did arise to us) and which by his industry is increased to more than wee could reasonably have expected, severalls, by his discovery and dilligence, being obleidged to present gifts of the said casualities, which otherwise would have lyen latent (as they have been heretofore) to be componed by you, the compositiones whereof he receives without any allowance from the parties; wee, to take off all scruples that may hereafter arise. as to our intention of allowing unto the said George Drummond a fifth part of the said composi- i tiones, have now thought fit to order and allow unto him a just fifth part of the same, as well as of what shall otherwise be received by him either from the vassals or other intromitters with the said casualities.

“Requiring you in the accompts that are to be fitted by the said George Drummond to allow unto him, in the first end thereof, the fifth part of the said compositiones received by him from time to time, as well as of what otherwayes shall be received by him of the said casualities together with his necessary charges aforesaid, the remainder being always allowed unto the said Earl of Perth, our chancellor, until he shall be paid of the said summe of eight thousand pounds sterline, free of all expenses conforme to the gift thereof granted by us unto him. For all which this shall be to yon, and all others respectively who may be therein any way concerned, a sufficient warrant. And so wee bid you heartily farewell.

“Given at our Court at Whitehall, the 10th day of November, 1687, and of our reigftie the 3rd year. By his Majesties Command, “Metfort.”

The following is copy of “Precept by King James the Seventh to James, Earl of Perth, and the Lords of the Treasury in Scotland, for payment of an annual salary of £100 to ... . and George Drummond of Blair, keepers of the Signet,” 17th July, 1688.

“James R.—Right trusty,” &c., “ wee greet you well. Whereas a good while agoe wee have taken into our consideration the paines and charges that......

Iaud George Drummond of Blair (keepers of our Signet there under our Secretaries of State) have been and still are at about their receiving the black box thrice every week, and as often sending the same; and wee being fully satisfied with their care and diligence in that matter, and being resolved to bestow a constant yearly allowance hereafter upon them for the same. It is now our will and pleasure, and wee doe hereby authorise and require you, out of the first and readiest of our rents, revenues, customes, and casualities whatsoever of that our ancient kiugdome, to pay or cause to be paid yearly to the said

......and George Drummond the sum me of one hundred pounds sterline money to be equally divided betwixt them, and to be paid at two termes every year, Whitsunday and Mertimes, by equal portions, whereof the first termes payment is to be at Mertimes next, ensuing the date of these presents, and so forth, to continue yearly and termely thereafter during our royall pleasure, which yearly allowance of one hundred pounds sterline wee doe hereby authorize aud require you to adde to the list of fees formerly granted by us to our servants there, and to be constantly paid at the same times and in the same manners as our said servants are usually paid of the respective allowances granted by us as aforesaid unto them. And in regard it is long since wee were graciously pleased to settle the foresaid yearly

Allowance of £100 sterline upon the said......

and George Drummond. It is now our further will and pleasure, and wee doe also hereby authorize and require you presently to pay or cause to be paid unto them the summe of fifty pounds money foresaid, as an halfe year's allowance from us unto them preceding the terme of Whitsunday last past in this present year of God. For all which these presents (together w ith their respective receipts for what shall be paid unto them from time to time) shall be to you, and all others respectively, who may be therein any way concerned, particularly to the Lords Auditors of your accompts for allowing the same as sufficient warrant. And so wee bid you heartily farewell.

“Given at our Court at Whitehall, the 17th day of July, 1688, and of our reigne the 4th year. By his Majesties Command, “Melfort.”

The following are Xotes from Rental Book of Coupar Abbey:—“Willelmum Blair de Bargillo ” (a cadet of the house of Ardblair), was one of four bailies of the Monastery at Coupar.

Of the family of Chalmers, which lately owned the lands of Glenericht, the predecessors were husbandmen on the Abbey estate. To Thomas de Camera was let, about 1444, the town of Calady (Cally); he is, in 1403, described as Thomas Cliamer. By the Abbot, in 1477, Robert Chawmyr obtained a life lease of the quarter of i| Murtoun, which was also to be enjoyed by his son William; and, on the 2nd October, 1510, John, “son of William Charwmer of Drumlochy,” had a lease of the land of Mydilbait.

At Pentecost, 1157, Thomas Soutar obtained from the Abbey a lease of a portion of the lands of Murton in which he and his three sons were afterwards liferented.

“Calady with Tiexd Sheaves.

“18. This town with tiend sheaves is let to Thomas de Camera.”

“41. Is let to the same Thomas for 40 merks, six kids, his surety being Donald Robertson of Drwmy.”

“Fishings op Drwmy and Calady.

“ 42. Are let to the same Thomas for same period for yearly rent of fourscore salmon.”

“Calady at Pentecost (1401).

“110. A fourth part of Calady is let to Finlay Make-den, and a quarter to Donald Makeden, a fourth part to Nagel Makeden, an eighth part to John Rede, and another eighth part to Donald Randale, for five years, for usual payment of 10 merks and 10 kids, with usual service.”


“372. At Pentecost, 1488, a half of the town of Calle is let for five years to Henry Neylson for 8 merks yearly, with 3 dozen salmon, and 40s to the fabric of the monastery; and he shall keep the wood from all others as forester, under penalty.”

“516. At Pentecost, 1508, Cally is let to the tenants dwelling therein, for five years.”


“105, 119. At Pentecost, in 1457 and 1464, Mwrtoun is let to Thomas Page, Thomas Sowtar, and John Thomson for five years, for yearly payment of 10 merks, three dozen capons, and 12 hens, with carriage corresponding and usual service.”

“262. Be it kend til al men be thir present letres ws Dauid be the permissioun of God Abbot of the Abbey of Coupar, and our conuont of that ilk ... til haf grantyt, &c., the qnartar of our landis of the Murtouu, with al pertynens, profitis, and eyementis, to Robert Chawmyr as he lachfally brukyt obefor for al the days of his lyfe; and to Wilzam his soun, eftyr his fadris disses, for al the days of his lyfe ; tha payand tharof yerly to ws twa pundis xs of vsual mone at ij vsual termes of the zere, a bol of hors corn, &c. ... In witness of the' quhilkis to this present wryt we haf put our common sele at our forsad Abbay, the tend day of Septembre, the zere of our Lord, Jm iiije seuynti and seuyn.”


“549. At the fest of Witsonday, the zere of God a thousand v. hundreth aud viij. zeris, the hale Blair abone the wod of Campsy is set to Patrick Bell, in assedacioun for the terme of v. zeris, with the pastour of xxx. sowmys in tlie mour of Monkquhell, and lie sal haf pastour to vj. ky and a hors in our forest of Campsy . . . and he sal superintend til our fischin of Campsy, and warne ws lawtefully quhen that he knawis any fait with the fissaris, with all odir dew seruice aucht and wont.”

“574. Precept of sasine by William, Abbot of the Monastery of Cupar, addressed to Master Antonio Dwly . . . for infefting John Chawmer as heir to his father, ' William Chawmer of Drumlochy, in the Mydilbait and lands thereof, lying in the Sheriffdom of Perth, for payment of 20 shillings Scots in name of yearly rent of few ferme. (Dated 2nd October, 1510.)”

“Campy Blayre.

“648. Whitsunday, 1517, ‘the quartar of the Blayre is set to Dauid Pullour. ”

“649. Whitsunday, 1513, ‘the thyrd onder the wod and the quartar bown the wod of Campsy is set to John of Crago with the forstar land for . . . fif zeris . . . he payand thairfor xviij. bollis of meil and bere, ij. bollis j of horse corn, xxij. cok and hen, and to hald wp the thyrd of the net of Campsy,’” &c.

“650. The quarter of Blare is set to Dauid Pullour.”

Old Parish Tokens.

There are only four examples of the old Communion tokens now to be found, viz.:—those in use 1723-1768— I Rev. James Lyon; 1769-1786—Rev. William Dow ; 1787- | i 1836—Rev. James Johnstone; and 1839-1852—Rev. A. O. Greig.

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