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The History of Blairgowrie


In National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland, Edinburgh, from the District:—

(For Letters and Numbers refer to Catalogue, 1892.)

A.F. 56. Axe of green mottled stone, 8 by inches, finely polished, found on the bank of the Ericht at Rattray. Deposited 1873.

A.B. 480. Portion of flint knife.—1879.

B.E. 139, 140. Whorl of lead, | in. diameter; of slate-stone, 1 in. diameter; from Kinclaven.—1880.

D.G. 43. Lance head, 2f in. long, from Blacklaw. —1832.

E.Q. 1, 2, 3, 4. Fragments of urn ; small lozenge-shaped piece of worked bone, perforated; burnt bones ; from sepulchral deposits at Murthly.—1870.

H.D. 61, 62-68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74. Rubbing stone of blue granitic stone, 28 by 24 by 12 in.; round balls of quartz, from 3 to 5 in. diameter; whetstones or polishers of greenish stone, 3 and 5 in. long; whetstone of greystone, 4 in. long; stone whorl, 1J in. diameter; circular disc of mica-schist, 2 in. diameter, perforated ; long handled comb, 4f in. long; from hut circle at South Persie.—1866.

E.A. 2. Cinerary urn of clay, 15J by 12 in., finely ornamented, from Glenballoch.—1881.

E.C. 5, 6. Incense cup, If in. high, within larger urn (6) 1878. (See page 78.)

H.D. 75, 76, 77. Fragment of bronze pin, 5 in. long, from hut circle; block of granite, 12 by 12 by 3| in. with shallow cup-shaped cavity; flat, circular disc of chlorite schist, 4t in. diameter, pierced in centre, from the “Grey Cairn,” Balnabroich.—1866.

I.B. 101. Slab of sandstone, 44 by 24 by 5 in. with figures of men and animals in relief, from Gelly-buin, Murthly.—1887.

M.A. 31. Brass cooking-pot, 8 in. high, lip broken, handle 7 in. long, and ornamented with double concentric circles and central dots, found at Blairgowrie.—1856.

O.B. Medal of George Drummond of Blair.—1882.


In possession of James Isles, J.P.. F.S.A., Scot.

Bronze pot from Blackloch. (See page 78.)

Bronze celt or axe, found at Ballied.

Iron door knocker, dated 1682, found at Meikleour.

Iron studs from door of Glasclune Castle.

Key found in debris at same place.

Coin tester of brass from old shop in Blair.

Tinder box, steel, and flint.

Three flint arrow heads from Marlee.

Shell found in coffin at Gourdie.

Hour-Glass from Parish Church of Letheudy.

A peer-inan found near Greenbank Works.

A stone, inscribed I.R., 1617, found at Ilosemount.

Stone cup from Roman camp at Delvine.

Stone seal, inscribed R.I., found at old weigh-house in High Street.

Piece of wood rafter from Donald Cargill’s house at Hatton.

Wood plough socket found at Rattray.

In possession of James M'Levy, Librarian,

Mechanics’ Institute.

Stone axe found near Roman camp at Meikleour.

Silver medal, ornamented and inscribed—“ Presented to Parochial School, Blairgowrie, by Robert Geekie, Esq., of Rosemount. Annual medal. Elizabeth Gray, 1st Class, Dux, 1869.”

Silver medal, plain and inscribed as above, but no date.


Formerly in use in Blairgowrie, Rattray, Clunie, and

Kinloch, from the collections of G. S. Duncan,

F.S.A., Scot., and John Reid, Ogilvie Arms Inn. (See Illustration.)


No. 1, 2. M.: 1 L. Minister: James Lyon (1720) and (1702)

3. M.: W. D. „ William Dow (1782)

4. M.: J. J. „ James Johnstone (1817)

5. A. O. G.: Mi nr. Archibald Ochiltree Greig: Minr.


6. M.: R. B. Minister: Robert Bowis (1708)

7. Parish of Rattray, 1849. William Herdman


8. M.: A.M. Minister: Alex. M'Culloch (1731) -A- O. Alex. Ogilvy, A.M. (1722)

10. Clunie Church, 1840. George Millar


11, 12. M.: I. G. Minister: James Gray (16U7)

13. 1751. Robert Anderson

14. L. B. „ Laurence Butter 1821.

A Wag-at-the-Wa’ Clock, dated 1710, said to have belonged to Lord Lynedoch, may be seen at the office of Robert Nelson, Solicitor, Wellmeadow.

A beautiful model of the Celestial Globe, used in teaching by Miss Murray in the Dames’ School, Meadow Bank Cottage, is now the property of Miss Robertson, James Street House.

William Dickson, Maybank, has a Curiously-Shaped Stone, which was found several years ago in the Moss of Coehrage! It resembles the shape of a pike, is 28 inches in length, tapering from 4J inches to 2| inches, from 2-inch to 2 inches thick, with regular markings on both sides, and weighs 10 lbs. Antiquarian authorities in Edinburgh are of opinion that it is a war-club used by the early Britons, which supposition is borne out by the fact that it is similar to war-clubs in use at the present time by some of the hill tribes in India.

William Grant, Chemist, and George Cunnison, Burgh Surveyor, have a copy of Feuing-Plan of Blairgowrie estate, dated 1854, which shows a curious illustration of the town at that period.

Blairgowrie Cottage Hospital.

To commemorate the Queen’s Jubilee, 1887, the erection of a Cottage Hospital was proposed, but through lack of interest the suggestion fell flat. It Mas, however, quietly worked up by the late John Panton, and, since his death, by Lieut.-Col. G. G. MacLaren, M.D., of Falcon House, with such success that about £2500 has been raised by subscription (Lieut.-General Sir J. C. Rattray, £1000; Sir William Laird of Gartsherrie, £500, &c.), and ere long the noble aim of the promoters will be accomplished.

Blairgowrik Whisky.

“Blairgowrie—The Royal Scotch Whisky ” has had a large consumption in and around London for the last 20 years, and was so named in remembrance of a very pleasant visit to Blairgowrie. It took the highest award at Rochefort Exhibition. The label is printed on a ground of Royal Stewart tartan. The whisky is bottled by the sole proprietors, Nicholls, Piper, & Co., Glasgow.

Another whisky known as “ Blairgowrie Blend ” (10 years old) is sold by J. L. Webster, v\ ine merchant.

“Change Here for Blairgowrie.”

As Blairgowrie is situated at the terminus of a branch line of the Caledonian Railway, travellers have generally to change carriages at Coupar Angus (4§ miles distant). At this station, John Robertson, porter, has been for over 40 years the most prominent figure, with his well-known cry, “ Change here for Blairgowrie.”

In “ Industry and Invention,” by Samuel Smiles, LL.D., appears the following:—

“From early morn till late at e’en,

John’s honest face is to be seen,

Bustling about the trains between,

Be’t sunshine or be’t showery;


"Change here for Blairgowrie"

And as each one stops at his door,
He greets it with the well-known roar
Of ‘Change here for Blairgowrie.’

“Even when the still and drowsy night
Has drawn the curtains of our sight,
John’s watchful eyes become more bright,
And takes another glow’r aye,
Thro’ yon blue dome of sparkling stars,
Where Venus bright and rudy Mars
hine down upon Blairgowrie.

“He kens each jinkin’ comet’s track,
And when it’s likely to come back,
When they have tails, and when they lack—
In heaven the waggish power aye;
When Jupiter’s belt buckle hings,
And the Pyx mark on Saturn’s rings,
He sees from near Blairgowrie.”

With the 19th century on the wane, and the 20th looming into view, may Blairgowrie go on and prosper. Some day in the near future we look for the Electric Light, Municipal Buildings, a New Town Hall, the Public Park utilised, and many other improvements carried out, which would tend to make this favourite resort still more popular, and not content to “ Rest and be Thankful.”

“Floreat Blairgowrie.”

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