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History of the Parish of Banchory-Devenick


See pp. 17 and 30.

Since the chapter on the lands of Banchory was printed off, Mr. David Stewart, the present proprietor, has been unanimously elected Lord Provost of the city of Aberdeen. At the election of Councillors, which took place on Tuesday, 5th November, 1889, he was returned for the Ferryhill Ward, and it is worthy of note that he polled the largest number of votes of any of the seventeen candidates in the five contested wards. At the Council meeting which took place on the following Friday he was formally installed in office.

This is the second occasion on which the estate of Banchory has provided the city with its chief magistrate—Mr. Robert Cruickshank having, as already noticed, held the appointment for four successive years, beginning in 1693.

Translation of Charter by King Alexander II., cottveyi?ig the lands of Banchory-Devenick to the Abbot and Convent of Arbroath (A.D. 1244)—Sec p. 3.

Alexander, by the Grace of God, king of the Scots, to all upright men of his whole land, safety. Those now living and those to be may know that we have given up forever, to the Abbot and Convent of Arbroath, our land of Banchory-Devenick, to be held and had by the same monks from us and our successors forever within its legal boundaries. By returning an annuity of 100 - (etc.), and by performing the forinsecal service which pertains to the same lands. We also give up to the aforesaid Abbot and Convent the aforesaid land, that they may hold it for all time to come. The attesting witnesses are:—William, Abbot of Cupar; Malcolm, Count of Fyfe ; William of Brechin ; Robert of Montealtus; Gilbert of Haya ; Eustacius of Balliol. At Inverleith, 5th of April, in the 30th year of our king.

Translation of Charter of Banchory-Devenick lands gra?ited to Lord Alan Hostiarius (A.D. 1256)—See page 3.

To all the faithful of Christ, seeing or hearing of the present charter, Walter, by the Grace of God, Abbot of Aberbrothock, and convent of same place, eternal salvation in our Lord. Know all of you, that we have given (etc.) to Lord Alan Hostiarius, Justiciary, our land of Banchory-Devenick, within its legal boundaries and with all its just pertinents. To be held and to be had by the same Alan, and his heirs, or assignees, in return for his homage and service (etc.), as we hold the same land from our lord, the king, for confirming his claim more peacefully, more freely, and more honourably. He and his heirs (etc.) paying to our successors 3 marks of silver, and giving to our lord, the king, such forinsecal service as pertains in all things to the said land. In proof of which circumstance we have caused to be appended the authentic seal of our Chapter, our Chapter being witness. In the year of Grace 1256, on 20th April, at Aberbrothock.

Translation of Charter of Banchory-Devenick to William of Melgdrum (A.D. 1333)—See pp. 4, 5.

In the year of Grace 1333, on the day of Venus, next after the feast of St. Martin in the winter, at the monastery of Aberbrothock, it was thus agreed among the religious men :—Dompnus Galfridus, by the grace of God Abbot of the said monastery and convent of the same, on the one part, and William of Melgdrum, son of the late John of Melgdrum, on the other part; that the Abbot and Convent of said monastery, with unanimous consent, agreed to give over, to be held in feu, to the said William and his heirs, in return for his homage and service, their whole land of Banchory-Devenick, with pertinents. To be held and to be had by the said William and his heirs from the same Abbot and convent and their successors to be held in feu forever, with all liberties (etc.). And the said William, during the whole period of his life, shall pay to the same religious men yearly for the same land 6 marks stg. (etc.). But the heirs of the said William shall pay yearly to the Abbot and convent of the aforesaid monastery for the time being, for the afore-mentioned land, 40/- stg. (etc.). And over and above, both the same William and his heirs shall be held bound to pay to our lord, the king, 100/- yearly for the said land. And shall make payment in the neighbouring court of Aberdeen for the same, and shall render the other services and burdens which are incumbent, or in future may be incumbent, on the said land. But the said William or his heirs shall in nowise sell, impignorate, assign, or give over to be held in feu, or alienate the said land in any way whatever without the special licence of the said religious men ; that, if they do so, they shall lose all claim to the said land ipso facto. In proof of which circumstance a copy of the present writing remains in the custody of the said William and his heirs, and to it has been appended the common seal of the Chapter of said religious men. But the other copy remains in the custody of the same religious men, consigned under the seal of the said William.

Translation of the Charter of William of Meigdrum (A.D. 1346)—See p. 5.

To all who may see or hear of this indentatum writing, Galfridus, by Divine permission Abbot of Aberbrothock and convent of the same place, wishes eternal salvation in our Lord. Since our predecessors, weighing the advantage to the monastery by feu and tailzie, infcfted a noble man, the late Lord Alan Hostiarius, for himself and his heirs begotten of his body, in the whole of our land of Banchory-Devenick, with the pertinents, under the vice-countship of Aberdeen into a free barony, so that the late Lord Alan and his heirs should pay from it yearly to our lord, the king, 100/- stg., and the Abbot and convent of Aberbrothock such other valuation as is contained in his infeftment. And the said late Alan, to our prejudice and contrary to the tenor of his infeftment, has conceded and alienated to other persons the said land with its pertinents without consent of the Abbot and convent aforesaid, contrary to his rights; the said injury and grievance being brought upon our convent to its prejudice having been conceived and understood by our predecessors and by us; the said land, with its pertinents, as it belongs to us by the whole remedies of right, we hold confiscated so far as concerns it with its pertinents, so we rightfully reclaim it by escheat. Which land indeed, with its pertinents, being reclaimed by our good advice, weighing well that we cannot immediately remove the holders, and at the same time the masters, from the same land at present, and weighing with competent deliberation and solemn attention the advantage of our monastery, considering also the faithful service, advice, and assistance of our beloved and faithful William of Meigdrum, son of the late John of Meigdrum, master of the same often-paid and to be paid to us and our said monaster)’, by the unanimous consent of our whole chapter we have given, granted, and by the present writing confirmed, to the aforesaid William of Meigdrum in return for his homage and service our whole land of Banchory-Devenick, with its pertinents. To be held and had by the same William and his heirs begotten and lawfully to be begotten of his body. Thus freely (etc.). Then also the said William and his heirs rendering to our foresaid lord, the king, the service due and usual for such land, and also paying yearly to our lord, the king 100/- stg.; and to us and our successors in name of confirming his right 20/- stg. (etc.), and over and above paying to our successors homage and service. But the said William and his heirs shall in noways sell the said land. In proof of all which we have caused the common seal of our chapter to be publicly affixed to one copy of the present duplicate writing to remain in the possessions of the said William and his heirs, but the other copy, with the seal of the said William, remains consigned to us and our monastery. Done and given in the same Chapter, on the 17th day of the month of October, in the year of grace 1346, the said Chapter being witness.

Description of Lands in Mr. Thomson's Deed of Entail—See p. 23.

“All and whole the Lands and Barony of Banchory, comprehending the Towns Lands and Mains of Banchory, Manour place of Banchory. The Town and Lands of Little Banchory-Devenick, with the houses, biggings, yards, parts, pendicles, and pertinents of the same, as also all and whole The Towns and Lands of Tollohill, Tillyhouscs, Broadgreens, over and neither Brandsmyres, and Bridges of Brandsmyres: The Town and Lands of Hilldowntree, Pyketillam, with the houses and pertinents of the said Town and Lands of Stonedykes, upper and neither half thereof, with these parts and portions of the saids Lands, formerly called Banchory, Haughhead, and Berryhillock, comprehending also the crofts called Braesideand Bowbutts, together with the Mill of Banchory, adjacent to the said Lands of Hilldowntree, with two other mills, built upon the said Lands by the deceast Robert Cruickshank of Banchory, sometime Provost of Aberdeen, called the old and new Mills of Banchory, [In the Macfarlane MSS., written in 1725, it is stated that “the laird of Banchory has the only milne which is on the whole water of the Dee.”] with the mill Lands, multures, Suchen Sequels, and knaveships of the same, and privileges and pertinents thereof, to which the said Robert Cruickshank, or his Predecessors, or Successors had right, all lying within the Parish of Banchory-Devenick, Diocie of Aberdeen, and Sheriffdom of Kincardine, together with the whole houses, biggings, yards, mosses, muirs, Meadows, Lofts, Crofts, Parts, pendiclcs, and pertinents of the said haill Lands, Mills, Mill Lands, and others above specified, together also with the whole Salmon Fishings upon the water of Dee belonging to the said haill lands, and with the fishing from the mouth of the Burn of I^eggart, to the tenements sometime possest by James Brands, afterwards by Alexander Donald, and now by John Calder, conform to use and wont, with the Liberty of Drawing Netts and labouring the same in manner used and wont. Together with the Teinds, included of the saids whole lands and others above written, and with the privilege of a Dam called the Banchory Dam, competent to the said deceast Robert Cruickshank, or his authors, and with all other privileges whatsomever used.....As also All and Whole the said East Division of the Town and Lands of Balquharn, with the houses, Biggings, Yards, Lofts, Crofts, Mosses, Muirs, Meadows, and whole privileges and pertinents thereof, with the Multures, and Teinds of the same, lying to the East of the King’s Highway, being part of the Barony of Portlcthen within the Parish of Banchory-Devenick, or Nether Banchory, and Sheriffdom of Kincardine ”.....


See pp. 38-41.

Additional Particulars Concerning the Old Fabric.

“The present kirk is apparently very’ old, and is erected on a small mount or rising ground on the south bank of the river. There is a clear spring well close by. On the east end is a weather cock, probably for the satisfaction of the seafaring part of the Congregation. The east gable to the height of the side walls is of the same thickness, but is then bevelled off with a well wrought water table of freestone. The length of the building, outside measure, is 69 feet by 2 7 feet 7 inches. About 20 years since [1819], the pews were renewed and repaired. A few of the old seats yet remain, much altered. The pulpit, fixed to the south wall, has cut in front I G. The Baptismal Basin attached to it is of 1712 pewter, and inscribed ‘ For the Church of Bachrie.’ The pulpit is hung with green cloth.

The fronts of the galleries are now painted white, but appear to have been formerly numbered, the figures being yet visible. In front of the Laird’s loft, or in more intelligible language, Thomson of Banchory’s Gallery, is painted his coat of arms.”

Arms of Alex. Thomson of Banchory.

The following is the State of the Pariochin of Ba?tchory-Davenick with reference to the Church, and the concernes thereof, at 1st January, 1708.

The viccarage, or smal Tiends, are valued at 500 merks yearly, but they are not better than 400 merks.

There Belongs to the Church four silver cups made out of the publick Money to serve at the Holy Communion, all of ym weighting fourty seven unces and thirteen drops at 3 lbs 4 shgs. per unce is jQ 153 00 00 For workmanship at 12 shillings per unce - - - 28 16 00 In all  181 16 00

The cups are thus inscribed:—“This cup with its three fellowes BELONGS TO THE CHURCH OF BANCHORY-DaVENICK, MADE UNDER THE MINISTRY OF Mr. IaMES GORDON. ANNO 1704.

It: Yr belongs to the Church, two peuter Basons for serving at the Holy Communion, weighting 7 lbs. and 12 oz. It: a Litle Bason for holding the water when children are baptized. It: a Table Cloath of fine cotton, gifted by the Ministers wife for covering the Table at the Holy Communion : It: a Kirk Bible in 4to. upon wch the Reader officiats.

It: yr is a Mortcloath made upon the publick moe at the beginning of January, 1705 of Black Plush velvet, consisting of seven and a half ells of velvet, at 4 lbs. 10 shillings per ell, wch wt. 18 lbs for 20 unces of black silk for a fringe and lining, andoyr necessaries amounted to seventy punds scots, ffor payment qrof it was ordained yt every person for whose ffunerals it should be employed having lived in the parish, shal pay two merks and if they wer not pariochiners three merks, so long as it could be useful.”

What follows has been subsequently added.

Tokens still in use for admission to the communion tables, made of lead, square shaped, and stamped K. N. B. 1739, 1794, and 1835 respectively.

Baptismal Basin and Bracket of brass, presented by Mr. John Blaikie, plumber in Aberdeen, in July, 1838. The Session caused the former to be thus inscribed—

Presented to the Church of Banchory-Devenick by John Blaikie, Esqr., who, during four years residence


Two magnificent silver salvers, presented in the autumn of 1845, by the trustees of the deceased Rev. Dr. Morison, in terms of his last Will and Testament, “for the purpose of holding the Sacrament Bread at the Communions.”

Large silver wine jug presented by Mrs. Dr. Paul.

The detailed cost of the new Church built in 1822 was as follows :—

Tablets in Church.

On south wall there are two handsome marble tablets which are thus inscribed :—


Erected by the Representatives and in compliance with the wish of the late Andrew Watson Fordyce of Ardoe, advocate in Aberdeen, who died on the 4th April, 1837, in the 26th year of his age.

(2.) Sacred to the memory of Margaret Forbes, wife of Michie Forbes Anderson, Esqr. of Deebank, who died of Cholera, at Madura in the East Indies, on the 10th December, 1843, in the 21 st year of her age.

Letter by James Calder, Merchant, Aberdeen, intimating Bequest °f j€S°o to the Poor of the Parish—Sec page 238.


5th November, 1801.

Dear Sir,

In a late Interview I had with you I mentioned the outlines of a matter which has long lain near my heart, and which from my earliest years I have had it in view to put in execution whenever Providence should enable me to do so, to wit a Desire to make some effectual and permanent provision for the Poor of the Parish of Banchory-Devenick ; a Parish to which I have long felt myself warmly attached. It was there I received the Rudiments of my Education, and there I spent a large portion of innocent and happy days.

With Reverence I adore, and with Thankfulness acknowledge the kindness of that Supreme Being who has hitherto not only amply provided for me and my numerous Family, but has so uniformly favoured with success the Mercantile Transactions in which I have been engaged as to enable me at this period of my Life, without ingpnvenience to my Business, or Injury to those of whom he has committed to me the Charge, to realize what has so long been my ardent wish, to evince my Gratitude to my Creator for his constant Goodness to me, and to discharge one of the most important Duties I owe to that Society of which I am a Member, by setting apart a portion of the Property which he has been pleased to bestow on me, for the Support and Relief of the indigent and distressed of my Fellow Creatures.

With this view, and impressed with these Sentiments, it is my intention to establish a Fund for the benefit of the Poor of the Parish of Banchory-Devenick to the extent of Five Hundred Pounds Sterling, to be settled for them in the name and under the management of its Kirk-Session, as sole and Perpetual Trustees for the Administration thereof. The Money will be ready against next Term, the 20th December, therefore I think it proper to give them this early Intimation that they may be looking out for good and sufficient Security on which to place it. If the Town of Aberdeen would take it I think the Money could not be in better hands, the security is unexceptionable, and being allotted for a charitable purpose its magistrates might be induced to keep it, and allow the legal Interest of the Country, even in times when Money may not be so scarce as at present; but I do not mean to dictate to the Kirk-Session, they will, I doubt not, settle this Donation in a safe and judicious manner, and when so done it will serve as a permanent Fund in all time coming, applicable to the following purpose, and unalienable to any other, that is to say •—The Interest or annual Produce of it to be divided among the Poor belonging to and residing in the Parish of Banchory-Devenick. Under this description I include all such as the Minister and other Members of Session from their knowledge of them consider as deserving or entitled to aid from the Parish Funds, without regard to Age, to Sex, or to Religious Persuasions.

Permit me here to observe, without recommending any one description of Poor in preference to another, that, in Parishes where there is such an extent of Sea Coast, melancholy opportunities for the exercise of Sympathy and Bencvolence frequently occur. When such occasions present themselves, I venture to hope that those whom I have appointed administrators of this Charity will not overlook the Widows and young Children of that useful Class of Men. I mean the Fishers, who daily hazard and sometimes lose their lives in the prosecution of their lawful Employment, which, although it procures the Necessaries and also the Luxuries of Life to Society in general, seldom renders its Followers independent or even easy.

The payment of the Interest of this Fund will probably be annual, and in order to give the least possible trouble to all concerned, the division of the produce of it may be so also. About the end of the year and during the inclemency of Winter, the necessities of the Poor press hardest upon them and their Wants are then most severely felt. I should think Christmas, or as early a Period as convenient immediately after, a very seasonable time for the Distribution ; and as Charity when divided and sub-divided too much, does not answer the purpose of effectually relieving those who are objects of it, I could wish in the Distribution of this sum, which I have been enabled to hestow in aid of the Poor, that not less than Twenty Shillings per Annum should be given to any Individual; and where there is a Family of young Children, not less than Forty Shillings per Annum.

What I have said regarding the time of Distribution, and the Sums to be given to each, is not to be considered as binding upon the Members of the Kirk-Session, being only hinted as matter of opinion, or rather expressive of a Wish. It is by no means my Intention to confine them to any particular period or mode of division, their own Judgment will direct them according to the situation of times, and existing circumstances. Having appointed them sole and perpetual

Trustees of this my Donation, I have the fullest confidence in them that they will manage it with Fidelity and Discretion, so as to render it as generally useful in the Parish as the nature and extent of it will admit. If so the Will and the Intention of the Donor will be most completely answered.

That the Almighty may be pleased to favour you, the Members of your Session, and the people of whom you have the charge, with abundance of temporal Prosperity, and afterwards with Eternal Felicity, is the fervent Wish of,

Dear Sir,

Your affectionate Friend,
(Signed) JAMES CALDER. The Reverend George Morison,
Minister of Banchory-Devenick.

Disposition of Saint Devenick’s Bridge, Cults, in favour of the Kirk-Session of Banchory-Devenick for behoof of the Parish (184.6)—See pp. 56-7.

“We the Reverend Doctor Duncan Mearns, Professor of Divinity in the University and King’s College of Aberdeen, and Francis Edmond, Esquire, Advocate in Aberdeen, the only Trustees and Executors of the deceased Reverend George Morison, D.D., late Minister of the Gospel at Banchory-Devenick, under his Trust Disposition and Deed of Settlement, dated the fifth day of July, Eighteen hundred and thirty seven, and recorded in the Books of Council and Session, the twenty-fourth day of July, Eighteen hundred and forty-five, Considering that the said Doctor George Morison, by his said Trust Disposition, Gave, Granted, Alienated, Assigned and Disponed from him, his heirs, executors and Successors, to, and in favour of us, or to such of us as should accept, and to the Survivor of us and to such other person or persons, as we or the acceptor or survivor should assume, and to the heirs of the last survivor of the said Trustees, named or to be assumed, but in Trust only, for the uses, ends and purposes specified and contained, or to be specified and contained in any writing or writings under his hand, the whole heritable and moveable property, subjects, estate and effects, which then belonged to him, the said Doctor George Morison, or which should happen to pertain, and belong, or be due and owing to him at the time of his death. Farther considering that the said Doctor George Morison, by his Deed of Settlement dated the nineteenth day of November, Eighteen hundred and forty, and recorded in the Books of Council and Session the twenty-fourth day of July, Eighteen hundred and forty-five, ordained and appointed that his Trustees should as soon as convenient after his death, make over to the Kirk-Session of the Parish of Banchory-Devenick, the Bridge erected by him for the accommodation of the Parish called Saint Devenick’s Bridge, requesting them, as he thereby requested them the said Kirk-Session, that they would as far as in them lay preserve it from injury and keep it in repair. And seeing that the said Doctor George Morison died on the thirteenth day of July last, and that we are now fully vested in his whole heritable and moveable estate, Therefore we do hereby Dispone, Assign, and Make over to and in favour of the Reverend William Paul, Minister of the said Parish of Banchory-Devenick, George Shepherd, Farmer at Caimrobin, James Keith, Fanner at Causie Port, George Barclay, Builder at Cults, Charles Alexander Ewen, Schoolmaster at Portlethen, James Duncan, Farmer at Tilly-hows, Alexander Hatt, Farmer at Haughton of Bield-side, John Baird, Farmer at Aquhorthies, and James Shepherd, Farmer at Barclay-hill, being the whole present members of the Kirk-Session of the said Parish, and to their successors in office, the foresaid Bridge erected by the said Doctor George Morison over the River Dee in the said Parish, with the whole privileges and pertinents thereto belonging; and with all right, title and interest which the said Doctor George Morison, or which we as his Trustees had, have or can pretend to the same. With Power to the said Kirk-Session to enter to the possession thereof, and to use and dispose of the same in conformity with the destination thereof by the said Reverend Doctor George Morison. Which Disposition we bind and oblige ourselves, to warrant from our own facts and deeds only. And we consent to the registration hereof, in the Books of Council and Session or others competent for preservation and execution, as effeirs and thereto Constitute,......

our Procurators, &c., In witness whereof.

Subscribed at Old Aberdeen the nineteenth day of June, Eighteen hundred and forty-six.

Arms of the Rev. Dr. Morison.

BRIDGE OF DEE. See page 130.


See page 140.

“Beginning at the east, from a great craig stone on the sea bank, now called the Eastmost March of the said Lands of Torry and Findon, and from the said stone westward to an cairn, now called Elsick’s Cairn, lying midway betwixt the Burn of Dynie and the Burn of Coldseas. And from the said cairn westward by an straight line to a pot at the side of the great moss, lying betwixt the Barony of Torry and Barony of Findon, commonly called the Moss of Groundlessmyres, which pot is now called Cairnrobins Pot; and from the said pot in a straight line westward through the said Moss of Groundlessmyres to a cairn on the south-east corner of the Hill of Drumforskie, now and in all time coming to be designed Knockquharney’s Cairn. Betwixt the said Knock-quharney’s Cairn and Cairnrobins Pot there are three lesser pots within the said great moss, which run in an straight line from the said Cairnrobins Pot to Knockquharney’s Cairn; and from the said Knockquharney’s Cairn westward to a pot within the moss at the foot of the Hill of Drumforskie, now designed Kinaldie’s Pot; and from the said designed Kinaldie’s Pot to an Cairn on an hard hillock side, within the said moss, now designed Scotstoun Cairn ; and from the said cairn westward to a Cairn on a knowhead, now designed Dyce’s Cairn; and from the said Dyce Cairn westward to an Cairn, now designed the Cow Cairn; and from the said Cow Cairn to an great Stone at the northmost end of the long caussway, commonly called the Stone of Ardo, or James Mowat’s Stone. Which haill meiths and marches, from the said Knockquharney’s Cairn to the said Stone of Ardo, run in a straight line. And from the foresaid great stone on the sea bank, the eastmost march of the said haill lands, to the said Stone of Ardo, keeping the marches lying betwixt them above specified. The lands, mosses, muirs, and others, lying south of the said marches, with universal consent and assent of the partys foresaids, and their friends, are hereby declared to be, and in all time coming to remain the property of the foresaid Barony of Findon, lands of Cookston and Badentoy; and that the Laird of Pitfoddles, present Heritor of the said Barony, nor his successors, neither has nor shall crave any property or commonty benorth any of the said nieiths or marches, in relation to the said lands of Findon, Cookston, and Badentoy; And Siclike, with consent foresaid, it is hereby declared that the mosses, muirs, and others, lying north of the foresaid marches, Are and Do belong in property to the respective Heritors of the lands of Torry and Banchory ; and that, besouth any of the saids marches, none of the foresaid Heritors or their successors, vizt.:—Lairds of Pitfoddles, Monymusk, nor Leslie, neither has nor can crave either commonty or property, in relation to the lands of Torrie and Banchory; and for farther clearing the marches of these parts of the Barony of Torrie, belonging to the Lairds of Pitfoddles and Monymusk, from the lands of Banchory, belonging to the Laird of Leslie, they are as follows :— Beginning at the Burn mouth of Brandsmyres, which fall in the Burn of Hildountree, and so westward, keeping the water draught of the said burn, to an Cairn foment the eastmost house door of Brandsmyres, now possessed by Henry Herd. The north side of the said Brandsmyres bum belongs in property to the lands of Banchory; and the lands on the south side thereof, to the said cairn, belongs to the lands of Torrie. And from the said Cairn, foment the said eastmost house door of Brandsmyres, the marches goes southward to a cairn on the north side of the Hill of Drumforskie, now designed Udny’s Cairn ; and from the said Udny's Cairn southward to a cairn, now called Corsinday’s Cairn ; and from the said Corsinday’s Cairn to an Cairn at the foot of tiie Hill of Drumforskie and side of the moss, now designed Echt’s Cairn. From the Cairn foment Henry Herd’s house door to Echt’s Cairn the marches run in a straight line, and the lands, mosses, and others, lying west the said marches, are hereby, with consent foresaid, declared to belong in property to the lands of Banchory, . . . and the lands, mosses, muirs, and others, east of the saids marches, are hereby, with the like consent, declared to belong in property to that part of the Barony of Torrie which pertains to the lands of Pitfoddles and Monymusk.” .


Versified Legend of the Baron of Petfoddils quha was Wirtiet by his awin cat.

The braif aid Baron is layd in graif,
Jesu be praisit that his saul beis saif!
Na haly priest leint our his hede,
To schrive his sinnis on ane dying bed,
Na beids were tauld, na bell was rung,
Na haly messe was our him sung,
Bot Sanct Devenick heard the piercing prayir
That he raisit to hevin in his bitter despayr,
And gained it ane blissit welcum thair.
The Baron was ane stalwart Knicht
As was evir in armour schene bedicht;
In mony ane battail he had bene,
And mony ane bluidy deth had sene,
In civill strife, and on forraign strand,
Quhen striving to free the Haly land,
And to plant the banner of the Haly Ruid
Quhair the Cross of Christ on Calvary stuid.
In youthe he was of temper myld,
Thoch that he was ane favorite chyld ;
Bot in manhuidis prime his heart was seired,
By the grieffs that he felt and the dome that he feired.
His ladye was tome frae his syde,
Quhen fuirding the river quhair it was deep and wide;
And evir thairafter her drouning cry
Stuid the Baron instead of ane lullaby,
As he cursit himselff, on his sleiples bedde,
For refusing to listen to the Laydis redde.
Few yeirs had gone by quhen his onlie sone,
The ymage of hir quha was deid and gone,
Fell deidlie seik and witherit away,
Quhill he passit to the realm of etemall day.—
As the worthlesse weid is evir fund
To cling maist clossely to the grand,
Sa the flouir of fayrest hue and forme,
Is the first upruited by the storme.
For mony ane lang day the Baron did seem
Like ane man that strugglis with ane feirful dreim;
To few he spak, and on fewer he lukit,
And frae nane ane word of denyall he bruikit.
The sone shone bricht, but he culd nocht see
The joy that it lichtit in the puir man’s ee ;
The flouris put furth thair levis gay,
But thair bewtie for him hed passit away ;
The birdis carollit their sweetist sang,
As they sailit the hevin’s blue arch alang.—
Na sicht could he see, nor sound could he hear,
Bot was lost on his deidenit ee and ear.
O, quha is this that with sic speid
Is rydand on ane fierie steid?
Down, down he comes to the river’s syde,
And now he plonges in its tide.
“Arouse ye, Petfoddils, arouse and see
Ane royall herauld quha cums to thee.
To all that it is our kingis command
To tell that it is nobill and guid in the land,
To muster against the reiving Dane,
And drive him back to his schippis again.”
The Baron sits in his Castill ha’,
And his hair is als quhyte as the virgin snaw,
His ene erst sa bright are glasst and dim,
And the strength has fled fra ilk manly limb;
Borne down by age, and toyll, and care,
With na leif heart his greiffs to share,
He livit alane amang living men,
Nor socht their favour nor feud to gain.
The countrie round had cause to bless
The hand that relievit the puir in distress,
And his castell yett stuid wide and free
To all that thair socht herberye ;
But frae nane of all that his bountie fed,
Or that under his ruif was sheltered,
Wald the Baron tak heid to ane blessing sincere,
Or to words of thanks or of prayse give ear.
Thoch his deids were guid his words were stern—
Bot for ane living thing ye micht discern
That kindness still sum place of rest
Did hald within his lanely breast;
For frae morning till even on the tabill their satt
Besides him ane grim bot ane favorite catt.
It happenit ance on ane winteris nicht,
Quhen na mone nor starre shed any ray of licht,
That ane ancient man of stalwart forme
Socht shelter frae the cuming storme.
The Pilgrim’s scrip and staff he bore,
And the hat decorit with schellis he w’ore
In eastern land he had travelled far,
And tydings he brocht of the Haly war.
He tauld quhat ladyis of hie degree
Thair livit with the knichts in lemanrie;
He tauld quhat seis of heathen bluid
War shed by the soldiours of the Haly Ruid,
And quhat sangis of joy war raisit quhen
The sepulchre was rescuit frae the Saracen.
Bot quhen that blessit name he spak,
That savit the warld fra sin and wrak,
The Baronis catt raisit ane awsum yell,
That soundit als loud as ane sacring bell;
And the fyir flew fast frae her feirfull ene
Als fierce and als bricht as the levin schene.
The Palmer raisit his staff on hie,
And he strak at the cat with that trustie tree;
Bot scho fled fra the ha’ with ane cry of despayr,
And shelter scho socht but na man could tell quhair.
The Palmer exultandlie turnit to the licht,
Bot the brow of the Baron grew black as the nicht.
“Quhat ho ! thair my vassals how stand ye aluif?
Is it sa that regaird for your master ye pruif?
Ga, see that vile stroller ance mair on his way—
He will speid on his road ere the dawning of day!
The sky was sa black that the eird seemit all
Wrappit round in ane dismall funerall pall,
The wind blew loud, and the choking drift
Drave fiercely alang throcht the troublit lift.
Quhen the agit man with tryalls besett
Was turnit away fra the castill yett.
He lookit around, but na meith culd he see,
To guide quhair he wald have lykit to be,
Till he fand the path fra the Carlin den,
And hope for ane breiff space upliftit him then,
For ane lemand licht schone befoir him sa cleir,
That he thocht he wald sune enjoy the cheir,
Quhilk belated wicht, quhither laird or loun,
Ay receaves fra the foulk at the Westertoun.
Bot the licht that he saw was fra na mortal flame
To guide him alang to ane earthly hame,
Sune it dancit before him with flickering ray,
And then in the darkness it meltit away.
The Palmer still strugglit against the gale,
But quhen at the last his strength did fail,
He offerit up ane fervent prayir
To Him quha can othir stryke or spair,
Till he swunit away in the sleep of dethe—
And beneath ane snaw wreath closit his brethe.
But befoir he sunk to his peacefull rest
He crossit his arms upon his breist,
Sa that they quha fand him micht eithlie see
That ane faythfull Christian man was he.
The morning dawned als clear and fayr
As gif storme had nevir vexit the air.
The Baron’s vassals, then socht to trace
The Palmer to his resting-place.
And they fand him there als pale and chill
As the winding-seheit he was swaithit intill.
Quhen the Baron was tauld that the Palmer was dead,
Quhatevir he thocht, na word he said,
Bot, “ Hie ye hence with your picks and shuils,
Ane burj’ him deip at Sanct Devenick’s muils,”
They diggit ane graif, and laid him thair,
Without haly psalme or voice of prayir;
And his resting-place may still be seen,
For thair the grass growis rank and green.
Twice seven days had cum ane gane,
And the Baron walkit furth alane,
And he passed the furd of Auchinzell
As he heard the jow of the vesper bell,
Quhen his favorite catt gaed fleeing by,
Nor heidit the Baronis kindlie cry.
He marvellit sair how this culd be,
For the lyik befoir he did never see.
At nicht as the Baron lanesum satt,
Hame cam his grim and gruesome catt,
Scho jumpit up to hir customed place.
And grimly glowerit in the Baronis face.
He frownit on her with upliftit hand,
And bade hir to tell at his command
How it was that he saw her skirring the moss
That lyis at the fute of the Twa-mile-Cross,
Then out spak the catt with ane feirfull rair,
“Quhair ye saw me ance ye sail see me na mair!”
Syne she fixed on his craig like ane
Fure fra hell, And doun the agit Baron fell.
His servants heard his despayring cry,
And speedily to his help did hie,
Bot befoir they enterit the Baron was dead,
And furth his crucll catt had fled.
But how scho escapit, or quhair scho had flawin,
Was nevir to mortal creature knawin.
Ye quha this dulsome tale shall heir,
Be warnit by it what ye haif to feir,
Gif on earthly thingis ye fix your luve,
And nocht on the blessit thingis abuve ;
For our pleasures here are bot sendyll true,
And aften they leave us cause to rue,
And aft, when men think they are sure of a friend,
They bot nurse in their breastis ane disguisit feynd—
Had Petfoddils but duly thocht on that,
He had never been wirrit be ane catt.


“The foregoing story has no other foundation than a tradition which sets forth that an old Laird of Pitfodels had a favourite cat that on one occasion he saw his cat scampering through the Clash, a piece of boggie ground behind the north-cast shoulder of the Two-milc cross—that when the cat afterwards jumped up on his table, as was her custom, he asked what she had been about where he had seen her—and that the cat answered ‘ Whare ye saw me ancc ye sail sec me na mair,’ and forthwith worried him to death.—Tradition points out a s litary grave beside Daveny’s Meels, not far from the site of the old Castle of Pilfoddels. Its tenant, however, was no holy Palmer, but a fellow who used to endeavour to make a lie pass current by praying that he might be buried out of sight of kirk or kirkyard if his tale was untrue. When his funeral arrived at the place alluded to, his corpse became so heavy that the mourners were forced to bury it there, and thus was his oft-repeated prayer complied with. At the present day his grave is bcyon 1 the reach of church superintendence, although it made a narrow escape from the t wer of the recJnlly crecte 1 Kirk of Nigg.”—Deeside Guide.

Contract between the Lord Forbes Johne Leslie of Balquhane and Thomas Metizes of Pittfoddclis.'—(A.D. 1552.)—See page 174.

At Grantulie the xxvii. day of Februar the yeir of God ane thousand five hundred and fifty ane yeris in presens of ane potent and nobel lord George erll of Huntlie luftennent of the north it is . . . contractit and faithfullie oblegit betwixt Williame lord Forbes and Johne Leslie of Balquhane for thameselffis kyn frendis seruandis assisstiris pairttakkeris on that ane pairt and James Gordoun of Methlyk in name and behalf of Thomas Menzes of Pittfoddilis he oblesand for him himselff his kyn

1'reindis seruandis assisstiris and pairttakkeris on that vther pairt eueschuing all eilestis offends displesure . . . standand betwixt thame and in special of the slauchteris happenit betwixt Maister Thomas Dauedson Maister Walter Leslie and otheris ther complices and pairttakkeris baitht of the slauchteris mutilatioun gif ony be hurting blude drauing and woundis and otheris whatsomeuer ... to the effect following that is to say for till euischew griter inconvenience and commond weill of the haill cuntreth the saydis Lord Forbes for his kyn freindis seruandis and all personis per-teining to him that it is offended to hes oblesit him for thame and in likwayiss the sayd Johnn Leslie of Balquhane oblesand him for himself his kyn friendis seruandis and all personis perteining to him that it is offended to and als the sayd James Gordoun of Methlyk in name of the sayd Thomas Menzes for his kyn freindis seruandis and all other personis perteining to him that it is offended to hes submittit the decisioun of all the premises to my sayd Lord Luftennent Williame Lord Forbes and Johnn Leslie of Balquhane all three coniunctly in anc voce as gugis arbitrated and amicable componituris quha sal convein God willing in the cathedrall kirk of Aberdcne on Monunday the ellevint day of April . . . followand the date of ther presentis at nyne hours befor nowne and sal deliuer thair finall sentence and amicable compositioun within xxiiii. houris thairefter and as thai deleuer the saydis partiis sal fulfill and for securitie and guid rewile to be had in the mydtyme and that Thomas Menzeis of Pitfoddellis Gilbert Menzeis Mr. Thomas Mcnzeis Alexander Menzeis Robert Menzeis and William Menzeis sonis to the sayd Thomas Menzeis Dauid Menzeis and Gilbert Menzeis brether to the sayd Thomas Thomas Menzeis his brothers sone Patrik Menzeis Gilbert Menzeis and Gilbert Menzies seruandis to the said Patrik / Maister George Johnstoun Alexander Waus younger lard of Mane Thomas Nicholsoun Dauid Mar bailyie Alexander Knowis Maister Andro Herwy Williame Herwy his brother James Litster Patrik Malisoun Jhone Crawfurd son to Andro Crawfurd / James spens Robert Middiltoun Patrik Middiltoun seruandis to the sayd Thomas Menzeis / Jaspart Bard Alexander Kempt Thomas Burrol Jhone Boyd Andro Beney Henrie Laying William Jamesoun masoun Thomas Shand and Coling Pertaweill sal be harmless and skaith-L2 less of all bodelie harme to Sonday callit Dominica in Albis inclusiue the said William lord Forbes and Johnn Leslie of Balquhane obleiss thame for thameselffis kyn freindis seruandis assisteris or pairttakkeris respectiue ilk ane for thair awn sae mony as the sayd Thomas betwix this and Twysday nixt cummes deleueris in bill subscriuit with his hand to Mr. Robert Lumisden and otheris quhom thai ma lat that the foresaydis Thomas Menzeis of Pitfoddellis and personis forsaydis sal be harmless and skaithless to the said Sonday under the pane of periure infame and inhabilite and refound to our Souerane Lady hir tutor and thesaurar the soume of ane thousand lib. Scottis money tanquam interesse habentium in case the sayd Thomas or ony of the forsaydis personis get or incur ony bodelie harme or skaitht in thair personis be ony way as sayd is and to euischew all sic eilestis my Lord Luftennent forsayd ordainis quhat tyme my Lord Forbes the Lard of Balquhane his sone the Lard of Wardderis or his sone Arthure Forbes or Maister Duncan Forbes happynis to be in Aberdene the Prouest beyng adwertesit he sal cause his sone and seruandis that was present at the forsayd displesure as is allegit that is to say Robert Menzeis Mr. George Johnstoun young Lard Mane Mr. Andro Herwy John Crauford Robert Middiltoun Patre Middil-toun Jaspert Bard Alexander Kempt youngar Tom Burrol Jhone Boyd Gilbert Menzeis Hewbrand Menzeis Alexander Gibbert to euischow frae all oppin conventioun or passing upoun the get induring the tyme forsayd and als the sayd Thomas Menzeis sal gif to Mr. Duncan Forbes his brether freindis seruandis assisteris and pairttakkeris ane sufficient assurance for sae mony personis as he vill gif in bill to the sayd Sonday in Albis ilk person under the panis forsaydis quhilk assurance shall be de-liuerit to Mr. Duncan Forbes betwix this and Twysday nixt he re-quirand the same and the saydis Prouest to assure for the Middiltounis as well as for his awn seruandis induring the forsayd tyme In witness of the quhilks my saydis Lord Luftennent Lord Forbes and Johne Leslie of Balquhane hes subscriuit thir presentis with thair handis day and place forsayd and sic like quhen the Middiltounis happenys to be in the toune or thair special freindis the said Maister Duncan beyng advertesit he sal cause Johne Tullidaf Williame Jak to euischow frae all oppin conven-tioun or passing upoun the get induring the tyme forsayd.

(Signed) George erll off Huntlie. (Signed) Jon Leslie of Balquhane. ( „ ) William lord Forbes. ( „ ) James Gordoune.

Band of protectioune Huntlie to Pitfoddellis.'1—{A.D. 1588.)— See page 177.

Be it kend till all men be thir present lettiris we George erll Huntlie lord Gordoun and Baidzenochtt to be bound and oblist ... to our louittis Gilbert Menzeis of Pitfoddellis prouest of Abirdene Maister Thomas Menzeis of Durne his brothir thair sonis kyn and freindis Forsameekill as the said Gilbert and Maister Thomas for themselffis and takand the burding on thame for thair kyn and freindis are bound in manrent and seruice to ws during . . . the lyf tyme of the langest lewar of thame twa as thairlettar of manrent thairupoun beiris heirfore we sal mantein supplie and defend the sayd Gilbert Mengzeis Mr. Thomas Mengzeis thair sonis kyn and freindis and tak afauld and [trew pairt with thame]. . . and sal do to thame and for thame in all thair adois honest and leifull as we sal do for ony of our awn kyn and that for all the dayis of our lyf ... In witness of the quhilk thing to thir our letteris of manteinance subscriueit with our hand our sell is hungin at Pertht the nynt day of June the year of God m vc fourscoir and aucht yearis befor thir witness Prouiding that the said Gilbert and Mr. Thomas with thair kyn and freindis remitt to my desicioun all eilestis past or that may fall furtht betwix thaeme and ony of myne and this to be extendit in sae mony as will not submitt thair causis unto me and nae other befor thir vitness Mr. Franzeis Cheyne Johnne Gordoun of Petlurge Thomas Gordoun of Sedyden and Capiten Thomas Ker.

(Signed) George erlle of Huntlye.


Charter by Malcolm IV. in favour of the Bishop of Aberdeen, (1163)—See page 204.

“Malcolm, by the Grace of God, King of Scots, to all the honourable men in his haill dominions, Clergy and Laity, sendeth greeting; Know all men, both present and to come, Me to have given, and, by this Charter, confirmed to God and the Blessed Mary, St. Machar, and Matthew, Bishop of Aberdeen, my haill Barony of Murchill [Murtle] with the pertinents; and pasture in my I-'orest of Aberdeen, as he pleases, any one forest of the four, lying as above mentioned, to chuse, or have for a perpetual Barony, he always serving me, and making oath of fidelity, as other Barons of my kingdom do; excepting to himself the dignity of a Bishop, and the liberty belonging to the clergy; but beyond these bounds, neither he nor his successors must by any means pass; As witness my hand at Banff, the 15th day of November, and nth year of my reign.


Banchory-Devenick.—In the end of last century, with a view to encourage habits of thrift, and well-doing amongst the parishioners, Dr. Morison organized a parish Savings Bank, under the rules of which a fixed rate of interest was to be allowed on all deposits. The schoolmaster of the parish acted as Treasurer, and, to give additional stability to the scheme, the heritors along with the minister agreed to act as trustees.

Success attended the venture, there being at one time over .£3,000 in the bank at credit of depositors. This enabled the capital funds to be laid out to advantage, and, as the expenses of management were practically nil, a considerable profit gradually accrued. On the opening of the “ National Security Savings Bank of Aberdeen,” however, it was resolved to wind up the parish Savings Bank, and transfer the depositors accounts there. This was done in legal form, and when all claims were settled and accounts adjusted, it was found that a surplus of over £,200 of profit remained. Dr. Paul, who had succeeded Dr. Morison as chief trustee, arranged “ for the annual interest of this sum, being applied in the shape of an annual Bursary of seven pounds, to assist in the education of a deserving youth a native of the parish.” Unfortunately the profit fund had been allowed to lie in the Bank of Scotland, Aberdeen, at a low rate of interest, which necessitated slight annual inroads being made into the capital to make up the Bursary. After Dr. Paul’s demise, however, the Kirk-Session approached the heritors, who readily in February, 1887, sanctioned the full control of the fund, then reduced to ^184 18s. 6d. being handed over to them, the Session undertaking “to invest the amount on good heritable security, the annual interest to be applied towards assisting the University education of a deserving youth a native of the parish, it being understood that when there is a vacancy, the vacant interest shall be added to the principal sum, and that the nomination by the Session shall be from year to year, but not to be held by any individual Bursar for a longer period than four consecutive years.” It must be matter of satisfaction to those interested, to know that the sum placed under charge of the Kirk-Session as above, is now invested on a Bond and Disposition in security over valuable house property in Aberdeen, at such a rate of interest as will warrant the original Bursary of Seven Pounds being paid annually.

Cults.—About twelve years ago through the influence and exertions of Mr. T. A. W. A. Youngson, Southfield House, “a Penny Bank” was started for this rapidly rising district. Its primary object was the fostering of habits of economy amongst scholars and other young people. Mr. Youngson acts as chief trustee, and there is a duly qualified treasurer. The bank is open for the transaction of business each alternate Saturday afternoon in Cults school. The rate of interest allowed on deposits is fixed at three per cent, per annum. There are now over seventy depositors, with an aggregate sum at credit exceeding ^95.

Portlethen.—Quite recently a public meeting, largely representative of the fishing population, was held in the public school, at which it was unanimously resolved “that a Penny Savings Bank” should be instituted for the district. Arrangements were made for the constitution of the bank, of which Mr. George J. Walker, Hillside House, and the Rev. A. R. Grant were elected trustees.


Dr. Morison, writing in 1792, says “ a spirit for agriculture has begun within these few years to make its appearance in some parts of this parish. Still, however, it is with a few exceptions, confined to those farms which lie near the river, particularly on the north side. On that side the soil and exposure are good, and the heritor, Mr. Menzies of Pitfodels, has wisely granted leases of 19 years and a life, with an obligation to take off houses and fences to a certain extent, at the expiry of the lease. The change which this has effected on that part of his estate, within these five years is astonishing. On this side there is not the same encouragement, and less, consequently, is done. Besides, in all the parish south of the river, there is a vast quantity of moss, and being in the vicinity of Aberdeen, the tenants who pay upwards of a £, 1 an acre for small bits of land, depend for a livelihood upon driving peats to town, where they find a ready market for them. This is one cause, why the cultivation of the land is very much neglected. Another bar to agriculture is the high price of labour. A day labourer, if a good hand, earns a r - a day for nine months of the year, and 9d. the other three; and the wages of a capable farm servant, who has his victuals found, are seldom under £6, and sometimes as high as £9 sterling a year. And a third cause of the uncultivated state of our fields, is the poverty of the people, which renders many of them unable either to stock or manage their farms to advantage. I must, however, for the honour of spirit and exertion relate one instance of the increased value of land, which is remarkable. I allude to Mr. Fordyce who purchased the estate of Ardoe in 1744. When he took possession he found the mansion house, such as it was, with the garden, and about 40 acres of land adjoining, in the hands of a tenant, who paid about £3 6s. 8d. sterling of rent annually. Having it in contemplation at that time to go abroad again, he asked the man if he would renew his lease, which was expired, at the annual rent of^5 sterling. His answer was ‘na by my faith, God hasgein me mair wit.’ Mr. Fordyce settled and employed himself in improving the land, which is now in a good state of cultivation, and would rent at jCi 5 s. an acre.”

The Agricultural Survey gives the following statistics in reference to the soil on the south side of the parish in 1807.

Leases are invariably granted for a period of 19 years, and the rotation of cropping is generally that of the fifth course, viz :—1st oats, or barley, sown with grass seed, after turnips or other green crop; 2nd, 1st grass; 3rd, 2nd year’s grass; 4th oats, and 5th turnips. In some instances the sixth course is followed, which means the taking of a third year’s grass crop. Little attention is now paid to the rearing of cattle, as the farmers find it more profitable to sell the milk and other dairy produce in Aberdeen, where good prices are readily obtained. The average rental may be estimated at £2 10s. per acre, although as much as £$ an acre is sometimes paid.

Very little of the parish is now lying waste, every acre which could possibly be expected to yield a crop having been carefully reclaimed.




Respecting the Churchyard, James Logan, in his MS. Notes on Churches, 181Q, now in the Advocates' Library, Aberdeen, states :—“ The oldest inscribed gravestone is of the date 1712. There is another of 1733- 0° one we see tw0 hearts, with the memento that ‘ death parts the dearest hearts.’ Upon a slabstone, in memory of Alexander Murray, who died in 1765, at the age of 81, is inscribed—

Farewell vain world, I had eneugh of thee,
And now I’m careless what you say to me,
Thy smiles I court not, nor thy frowns I fear,
My days are past; my head lies quiet here.
What ill you’ve seen in me, take care to shun,
And look at home, eneugh there’s to be done.”

The first stone referred to is doubtless the one initialed:— “ 1712 . R G. : IM.”

And the second :—

“1733 . W My MS? Her lyes MA : Mark . . .

(1) In memory of Elizabeth Sivewright, wife of William Hunter, Salmon Fisher, Aberdeen, who died 15th May, 1842, aged 29 years.

God my Redeemer lives,
And ever from the skies
Looks down and watches all my dust
Till he shall bid it rise.

(3) Here lies y° Body of John And Margaret Murray, his Spouse, Allen, late Tenant in Mill of who died y° 13th day of March, Elsick, who died y° 29th of May, 1771, aged 69 years.

1744, aged 49.

(3) Here lys the body of George Ross, also his spowes, Isobel Mideltoun, also theer dawghter, Agnes Ross.

(4) Here lies George Brown, who died 19th November, 1793, aged 26 mns-

(5) This stone is erected to the memory of John Westland, who officiated as an Elder of this Parish upwards of 40 years, and who died on the 1 ith day of January, 1826. He possessed great strength of mind and independence of character, and till the day of his death, although in his 88th year, he supplied his daily wants by his daily labour. He survived his wife, Isobel Leich, and a family of four sons and one daughter.

(6) This stone is erected by John Martin, Flesher in Middletoun of Pitfodels, in memory of his beloved wife, Elspet Martin, who departed this life 1st May, 1812, aged 63 years; also the foresaid John Martin, who departed this life on the 30th December, 1819, aged 85 years. Also Helen Martin, spouse to John Frost, Feuar, Hardgate, Abdn., who died 25th Jan, 1828, aged 79 years. And I heard a voice from Heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, from henceforth ; Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours ; and their works do follow them.

(7) To the memory of Margaret Innes, spouse to James Ross, Shipmaster, Aberdeen, who died on the 4th Jany., 1801, aged 19 years. Immediately 011 the North side of this stone lie the remains of the said James Ross, who died on 6th September, 1803, aged 58 years. From a sense of filial duty, not more the dictate of nature than the tribute of willing gratitude, this stone is erected by their only son, James Ross, Merchant, Aberdeen.

(8) In memory of James Reid, Mason in Aberdeen, who died the 16th of March, 1800, aged 52. Also his wife, Elizabeth Rhind, who died the 1st of November, 1 791, aged 39. Likewise their two children, James and Helen, who died in infancy.

They rest in Hope, exempt from Pain,
They liv’d to Christ, their Deaths are Gain,
And now those Friends together meet,
In Christ their Joys are full compleat.

(9) Jan 17

Here lies in hope of a blessed Resurrection James Rhind, late Mason in Aberdeen, who died Feby., 28th, 1808, aged 80 years.

Here lys in hopes of a glorious Resurrection yc Bodies of these children of James Rhind, Mason in Abdn" and his spouse, Margaret Reid.

Alexander Rhind, who died June 6th, 1813, aged 26 years.

As I die in my Youth Like a forest choked Tree,
Like it, may my relics No vulgar eyes spy.
The bloom on yon heath Is an emblem of me,
For its fame and its fragrance Together will die.
The Angels they do sing the praise Of their eternal King;
These children, I hope has Joint their Chorus,
Eternaly there to sing, liveth, and, though after my skin flesh shall I see God.

one, including an angel blowing a trumpet.

(10) Erected by Alexander Aiken, Townhead of Ardoe, in memory of his daughter, Euphemia, who died 9th January, 1860, aged 18 years. Also his wife, Euphemia Lyall, who died 26th November, 1869, aged 63 years. And the said Alexander Aiken died 23rd May, 1881, aged 87 years.

Reader, look on as you pass by,
As you are now so once was I—
In youthful bloom and vigour strong,
But now I’m laid in silent tomb.

(11) In remembrance of William Smith, lax Fisher at Bridge of Don who, when living, behaved himself as an honest man ; he died the 18th of November, 1781, aged 53 years; also of Henrietta Duncan, his spouse, aged 40 years, who died in child-bed . . .

(12) In memory of Alexander Beverley, Shoemaker, Aberdeen, who died on the 4th April, 1829, aged 72. Erected by his sister, Jean. Also interred here, Jean Beverley, who died 10th March, 1852, aged 85 years. Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord. For I know that my Redeemer liveth. Them, also, which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.

On Table Stones.

(1) Erected to the memory of the late William Milne, Farmer in Balquharn, who departed this life December 5th, 1837, aged 71 years. And of his son, James, who died in infancy, August, 1827. Likewise his daughter, Margaret Milne, who died 26th December, 1849, aged

33 years. Also his spouse, Helen Fiddes, who died iSth September, 1862, aged 74. Also their son, William, who died 26th August, 1872. aged 58 years.

(2) In memory of John Ferns, sometime Merchant in the Parish of Alford, who departed this life on the 18th February, 1816, aged 80 years. This stone was erected by George Duncan, Laxfisher in Coults. Also his son, Alexander Duncan, Gardener, who died, nth September, IS3S, aged 21 years. Also Margaret Ferris, wife of the said George Duncan, who died 10th June, 1839, aged 66 years.

(3) Erected by Wm. Spring, in Mains of Ardoe, in memory of his sister, Isabel, who died the 1st May, 1S27, aged 12 years. Also of his Father, Wm. Spring, who died the 12th of December, 1845, aged 78 years. Christian Mennie, his Mother, who died 29th October, 1858, aged 69 years. Also his Cousin, Agnes Leslie, who died 26th November, 1878, aged 74 years. The said William Spring, Farmer, Lochend, Ardoe, died the 2nd August, 1879, aged 61 years.

(4) In memory of Margaret Greig, Spouse to John Webster, Merchant, Aberdeen, who died February 20th, 1833, aged 55. Also the said John Webster, who died 18th March, 1849, age^ 81.

(5) In memory of Elspet Mennie, who died 24th September, 1834, aged 42 years. This stone was erected by her husband, John Masson, Farmer, Brandsmyres, Banchory . . . The said John Masson died 17th January, 1876, aged 81 years.

(6) This stone is erected by Mary Will in memory of her late husband, Alexander Crocket, once in Easter Ardoe, who departed this life on the 27th October, 1819, aged 68 years. Also interred here the said Mary Will, who died 29th March, 1825, aged 74 years.

(7) In memory of Alexander Philip, Flaxdresser in Aberdeen, who died 18th April, 1820, aged 68 years.

(8) Erected by John Dunn, Tailor, Burgess in Aberdeen, in memory, of his sons, Alexander, who died 23rd January, 1813, aged 7 years. And William, who died 7th January, 1815, in his 7th year. Also of his daughter, Elizabeth, who died 14th February, 1821, aged 7 months. Here also is buried the said John Dunn, Merchant Tailor in Aberdeen, who died on the 15th of November, 1845, aged 64 years. Also John Dunn, Advocate in Aberdeen, son of the said John Dunn, Merchant Tailor, who died on the 19th day of August, 1853, aged 38 years. Also Ann Dunn or Birse, who died on the 27th February, 1841, aged 28 years. Also Ann Farquharson Carr or Dunn, wife of the said John Dunn, Merchant Tailor, who died on the 21st December, 1870, aged 83 years.

(9) Erected by George Morison, D.D., the Minister of this Parish, as a tribute to the many Christian Virtues of his deceased wife, Margaret Jaffray, who died 11th June, 1837, in her 80th year. In the same grave are deposited the remains of her husband, Dr. Morison of Elsick and Disblair, the revered pastor and munificent benefactor of this parish during 60 years, who, on the 13th July, 1845, died Father of the Church of Scotland, in the 88th year of his age, and 63rd of his ministry.

(10) In memory of David Hutcheon, Farmer, Old Bourtrie Bush, who died 25th August, 1S43, aged 72> ar,d his daughter, Margaret, who died 14th March, 1844, aged 29. Also Jane Calder, spouse of David Hutcheon, who died 12th January, 1862, aged 90. Also their son, David Hutcheon, Farmer, Old Bourtrie Bush, who died 26th October, 1868, aged 58 years.

(11) Here lies George Hogg of Shannaburn, Merchant in Aberdeen, who died on the 28th day of November, 1826, aged 78.

(12) Erected by Joseph Walker, Baker in Aberdeen, in memory of William Walker, Weaver in Hillside of Findon, who died the 4th of January, 1831, aged 84 years. And Elspet Collie, his spouse, who died in the year 1802, aged 55 years. Also of their children, George and James, Andrew and Margaret, buried here. And Isabel Collie, his second spouse, who died in the year 1829, aged 72 years. Also of the said Joseph Walker, Baker, Burgess in Aberdeen, who departed this life on the 25th day of December, 18 . ., aged 56 years.

(13) Here lies the remains of Jannet Gerrard, Spouse to William Knowles, Farmer in Robslaw, who departed this life the 5th of March, 1765, aged 63 years. Here lyes William Knowles, Farm'- in Robslaw, he died October 29th, 1777, aged 73 years, and Alex. Knowles, his grandchild. Also George Gordon, some time Blacksmith in the Hardgate, Aberdeen, who died 27th December, 1799, aged 65 years; and four of his sons. Also Christian Knowles, Spouse of George Gordon, who died 18th August, 1809, aged 69 years. Also Agnes Moir, Spouse of Thomas Knowles, Robislaw, who died 29th June, 1816, aged 75 years. Also Thomas Knowles, some time Farmer in Robslaw, who died 6th October, 1818, aged 79 years.

(14) In memory of Adam Low, eighteen years Baker in Aberdeen, who died 11th July, 1823, aged 47; and his son, Adam, Student of Medicine, a young man of promising abilities, who died 9th July, 1823, aged 17. Also Ann Gordon, his spouse, who died 21st Feby., 1824, aged 45. Likewise Alexander Gordon, Flaxdresser in Aberdeen, who died on the 18th day of June, 1831.

(15) Erected by John Middleton in memory of Isabella Middleton, his]daughter, who was born 24th December 1784 and died 4th December, 1806, aged 22 years. And of Alexander Middleton, some time Cooper in Aberdeen, his son, who was born 21st April, 1787, and died at Aberdeen the 17th May, 1822, aged 35 years. Also Isabella Duncan, Spouse of John Middleton, who died the 12th August, 1828, aged 83 years. And John Middleton, her husband, who died 26th June, 1834, aged 84 years.

(16) In memery of Peter Donald, who departed this life the 10th of April, 1814, aged 19 years. John Donald, Dams of Banehory, died 27th July, 1841, aged 93 years. Margaret Reid, wife of William Donald, Glazier, Aberdeen, died 3rd January, 1840, aged 38. John, their son, died 18th September, 1840, aged 3 years and 6 months. And the said William Donald, who died 9th January, 1850, aged 49 years.

(17) Erected by Joseph Walker, East Cookstoun, in memory of his wife, Elizabeth Mollison, who died 12th April, 1833, aged 47, and their children, Margaret died 10th May, 1829, aged 14 years, George died 10th Mareh, 1830, aged 14 months, also their daughter, Jean, who died the 8th November, 1836, aged 13 years. And their son, the Rev'1- James Walker, Late Assistant Minister at Arbuthnot, who died the 16th December, 1848, aged 21 years. The said Joseph Walker, who died the 21st March, 1868, aged 81 years.

(18) Erected by James Strachan, late Blacksmith at Lowersbanks in memory of his wives, Christian Still, died 5th May, 1791, aged 30. Violete Walker, died 26th February, 1822, aged 54 . . .

(19) In memory of Jean Collie, Spouse to Wm. Troup, Lax-fisher in Temple of Pitfodels, who died the 6th of January, 1780, aged 65 years, and the said Wm. Troup, who died the 6th of February, 1808, aged 92 years. . . .

(20) Here are interred the remains of the following persons:— William Martin, some time in Braeside of Pitfodels, who died the 16th September, 1766, aged 88 years. Also Margaret Donald, his spouse, who died the 16th November, 1750, aged 52 years. Likewise their children, William, who died the 8th May, 1738, aged 27 years. Alexander, some time in Fulmuir in the Parish of Old Machar, who died the 2nd November, 1754, aged 51 years. Also Marjory Harrow, his spouse, who died the 1st August, 1780, aged 63 years. And George Martin, Shipmaster in Aberdeen, who died the 21st April, 1782, aged 75 years . . .

(21) To the memory of James Gibb, late at the Fords of Dee, who died 13th May, 1811, in the 75th year of his age. And Margaret Troup, his wife, who departed this life on January 7th, 1821, aged 84 ; also six of their children.

(22) Erected by Charles Mathison, Burgess in Aberdeen, to the memory of his Father, Charles Mathison, late Shore Porter in Aberdeen, who died the 13th day of August, 1809, aged 65 years; and also his Spouse, Elizabeth Garden, who departed this life on the 21st day of May, 1825, aged 86 years. And also to the memory of Margaret, daughter of the said Charles Mathison, Burgess, who died in infancy. Also of the said Charles Mathison, who died 2nd February, 1844, aged 64 years. And his spouse, Elspet Anderson, who died 30th April, 1844, aged 67 years . . .

(23) Erected by David Keith, late in Tollohill, in memory of his family—James died 4th December, 1824, aged 31. Margaret, spouse of George Sharp, died 23rd January, 1825, aged 29. And of his spouse, Janet Freeman, died 10th November, 1829, aged 74. The said David Keith died 6th July, 1832, aged 66. David Sharp died 28th January, 1835, aged 12 years. . . .

(24) In memory of John Fraser, late in Hilldountree, who died in January, 1772, and Elizabeth Mair, his spouse, who died in March, 1776. Also their children—two sons, John and Charles, and four daughters, two Elizabeths, Barbara, and Mary. Likewise Janet Fraser, his sister. Below lies Alexander Walker and his wife. Also of Ann King, aged 64, wife of William King, Wright, Huntly Street, Aberdeen.

(25) Here lies, in hopes of a blessed resurrection, the remains of Rebeca Leiper, spouse to Alexander Knowles in Findon, who departed this life the 9th April, 1781, in the 46th year of her age ; and the foresaid Alexander Knowles, Whitefisher, who departed this life 16th October, 1814, aged 81 years.

(26) Here are interred the body of Alexander Leiper, Whitefisher at Findon, who died 1st June, 1804, aged 72 years, and John his son. This stone is erected to his memory by his affectionate spouse, Agnes Knowles, and Alexander, George, James, Ann, and Jean, their children.

(27) Erected by John Watt, Farmer, Ardoe, in memory of his Wife, Isobell Keith, who died 27th January, 1828, aged 64 years. Also his daughter, Helen, who died April, 1812, aged 12 years. And his Daughter, Margaret, wife of James Adamson, Wright, Aherdeen, who died 29th October, 1831, aged 22 years. Also of his son, James, who died 3rd August, 1832, aged 25 years.

(28) To the memory of David Robertson, late Lax-fisher in Braehead, Bridge of Dee, who departed this life the 7th January, 1816, aged 45 years. This stone is erected by Jane Ross, his spouse, as a grateful tribute of her regard and affection for his departed worth.

(29) In memory of William Duthie, Brewer, Aberdeen, who died 10th August, 1849, aged 68 years. Also his children—John, who died 2nd May, 1809, aged 1 year. John, who died 7th May, 1811, aged 3 weeks. William, who died 22nd September, 1815, aged 9 years. James, who died 24th April, 1827, aged 9 years. Ann, who died nth July, 1827, aged 18 years. Mary, who died 15th April, 1833, aged 19 years. Helen, who died 28th May, 1838, aged 18 years. Charles, who died 31st July, 1845, aged 22 years- And his son, Alexander Still Duthie, Brewer, Aberdeen, who died 7th January, 1851, aged 36 years, also Ann Millar, his Spouse, who died 19th August, 1852, aged 34 years.

(30) In memory of James Sim, late of Gilcomston in the Parish of St. Machar, Feuar, who departed this life the ninth day of February, MDCCXCIV, in the eighty-sixth year of his age. And of Isabel Milne, his wife, who died the fourth day of October, MDCCLXXX, in the seventy-first of her age. Likewise Ann, their eldest daughter, who died MDCCLVIII, aged XIX years. And Thomas, their youngest son, who died MDCCLVII, aged V years. “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord, for they rest from their labours and their works do follow them.”— Rev. XIV, 13.

(31) In memory of George Scott, Farmer in Middletown of Pitfodels, who died 16th January, 1766, aged 76 years. Also of Isabel Patterson, his spouse, who died 29th September, 1737, aged 35 years. Also is interred here, their son, Alexander Scott, Shipmaster in London, who died 9th April, 1778, aged 54 years. Also of Alexander Duncan, Farmer in Middletown of Pitfodels, who died 27th October, 1800, aged 73 years. Also of Isabel Scott, his spouse, who died 15th February, 1805, aged 78 years. Also of George Duncan, their son, Ship Master in Aberdeen, who died at sea, 18th November, 1795, aged 29 years, and he is interred at North Berwick. Also to the memory of Alexander Duncan, Shipmaster in Aberdeen, who died 3oth March, 1819, aged 62 years. And of his son, Alexander Duncan, likewise Shipmaster in Aberdeen, who died at sea in December, 1817, aged 29 years, and is interred in the Churchyard of Stronsa. They both lived respected, and died lamented by all who knew them. In memory also of Jean Troup, spouse to Alexander Duncan, Senr., who died 21st November, 1822, aged 65 years.

(32) Erected by Alexander Gildawie, Builder in Aberdeen, in memory of his Mother, Christina Ogilvy, who died 9th December, 1774, aged 60 years. Also his Father, James Gildawie, Builder in Aberdeen, who died October, 1788, aged 78 years. Also his spouse, Ann Logan, who died 3rd November, 1828, aged 77 years. The above Alexander Gildawie, Esqr. of Gateside, died 4th May, 1832, aged 86 years. Also Isabella Seller, wife of Alexander Gildawie, Junr., died 25th December, 1857, aged 72 years. This said Alexander Gildawie, Junr., died 19th April, 1867, aged 88 years.

(33) Erected by William Pirie, Farmer in South Loirston, in memory of his family. Alexander died 9th July, 1824, aged 23. Catherine died in infancy.

(34) Erected by William Emslie in memory of his Father, Charles Emslie, late Farmer in Cove, who died 26th November, 1819, aged 76 years. Also of his mother, Margaret Bruce, who died 12th April, 1821, aged 70 years. Also Francis their son, died in London the 15th April, 1824, aged 31 years. The said William Emslie, Farmer, South Loirston, Parish of Nigg, died the 5th March, 1834, aged 60 years; and his spouse, Elspet Pyper, who died 18th March, 1817, aged 30 years. John their son, Merchant in Aberdeen, who died 16th Jan., 1845, age<3

34 years. Also the children of William Emslie, Farmer, Keir, Belhelvie— John died 19th April, 1848, aged 13 years. Margaret died 29th Jan., 1849, aged 3 years and 6 months. The said William Emslie of Keir died 19th April, 1850, aged 42 years.

(35) This stone is placed here to the memory of Alexander Walker, son of William Walker, Baker, Burgess in Aberdeen, who died 9th September, 1819, aged 12 years. And of his daughter, Margaret, who died 18th May, 1820, aged 6 years. Also of the said Wm. Walker, who died iSth July, 1839, aged 65 years, and of his third son, John Simpson Walker, Medical Practitioner in Kincardine O’ Neil and surrounding district, who died 26th July, 1844, in consequence of a fall from his horse at Knowes of Birse the 16th of that month, aged 30 years. And Jean Reid, spouse of William Walker, who died 18th December, 1849, aged 69 years. Also Alexander R-H 0- Walker, youngest son of the said William Walker, who died 15th March, 1877, aged 56 years.

(36) In memory of David Spring, late Farmer, in Mid Ardoe, who died the 27th of July, 1814, aged 85 years. Also his wife, Margaret Williamson, who died the 27th February, 1821, aged 83 years. Also their daughter, Christian Spring, who died on the ist day of March, 1829, aged 50 years. Also their son, William Spring, died 7th January,

1835, aged 64. Likewise of Ann Nicol, spouse to their son, John Spring, Farmer in Mid Ardoe. She died the 13th October, 1883, aged 38 years. Also Janet, daughter of the said John Spring ; she died 16th November, 1837, aged 7 years. The said John Spring died nth September, 1839, aged 62 years.

(37) Erected by James Spring, Farmer in Mid Ardoe, in memory of his daughter, Agnes, who died 5th September, 1807, aged 2 years. Also of his wife, Mary Ferries, who died 24th September, 1832, aged 57 years. Also the above James Spring, who died 23rd December, 1854, aged 88 years. In the same grave are interred the remains of their son, James Spring, Farmer, Easter Ardoe, who died on the 15th October, 1873, aged 71 years. Also in memory of his son, Janies, late Farmer, Sunhoney, Midmar, who was accidentally drowned in the Aberdeen Bay, on the 3rd June, 1881, aged 39 years. Likewise Mary Martin, Widow of the above James Spring, Farmer, Easter Ardoe, who died 6th December, 1883, aged 69 years.

(38) Erected by James Martin, Farmer in Mains of Banchory, in memory of his daughter, Jean, who died the 7th September, 1828, aged 5 years and two months. The above named James Martin died the 14th April, 1850, aged 38 years. Jessie Martin, who died the 27th February, *837. aged 8 years. Mary Martin, who died the 2nd March, 1837, aged 10 years.

(39) Here are deposited the remains of Matthew Martin, who died 27th July, 1835, aged 55 years. Likewise his daughter, Isabel, who died 19th May, 1833, aged 14 years. Also his son, Robert, who died 7th October, 1841, aged 30 years; and his spouse, Isabel Donald, who died 1 ith July, 1854, aged 71 years. Also their son, Alexander Martin, who died 13th March, 1879, aged 70 years.

(40) Erected by John Martin, Flesher in Aberdeen, in memory of his wife, Mary Spring, who died 2nd July, 1839, aged 31 years. Also the said John Martin, who died 15th May, 1870, aged 63 years.

(41) Here rests in the Lord, the body of Robert Craig, Laxfisher in the Fourds, who departed this life the 17th of July, 1733. And of Age 39 years. And Jean Craig, His Daughter, of Age 3 years . . .1763............Also Jane Wilson, spouse of William Craig, Master of Dredge Maschine, Aberdeen Harbour. She died 24th June, 1869, aged 58 years. At the foot of this stone, which is dated 1736, and initialed R.C. I.S., are several ornaments, including a man’s hand holding a salmon by the tail.

(42) R. R. I. M. Here lies ye Body of Robert Reid, late Tenant in Kinkorth. He died y' 13 of Nov., 1750, aged 67 years. John Caie, who died the 17th December, 1818, aged 74 years. Margaret Hogg, His spouse, who died the 16th May, 1830, aged 77 years. Isobel Martin, his spouse, she died the 19th of Nov., 1750, aged 57 years. George Reid, their son, he died the 19th of Novr., 1750, aged 16 years.

(43) The burying Place of William Michic, sometime in Easter Ardoe, who died August 29th, 1807, aged 58 years. And of Ann Michie, his wife, who died April 5th, 1809, aged 42 years. Also of their son George, who died December 12th, 1812, aged 21 years. Alexander, who died March 8th, 1818, aged 18 years. And William, who died December 14th, 1818, aged 22 years.

(44) In memory of George Fiddes, Late Farmer Fiddestown, who died 25th July, 1832, aged 35. Also his spouse, Jean Knowles, who died 23rd May, 1832, aged 39 years, and their daughter, Elizabeth, who died in infancy. Also their son John, who died April nth, 1847, aged 19 years.

(45) Here Lyes Magnus Martin, son to William Martin, Greenlau-burn, who departed this lyfe dec'- 23rd, 1739, aged 40 years. This stone has several rude carvings upon it, including a skull and cross bones.

(46) This stone is erected by Isabella Milne, relict of Peter Kelman, late Marinar in Aberdeen, in memory of her parents and family, Alexander Milne and Jean Harrow, Spouse, and their infant children; likewise Alexander Kelman, aged 16 years, Jean Kelman, aged 25 years, who are all interred here. Underneath lies Jean Milne, her sister, who died 12th August, 1826, aged 50 years. The said Isabella Milne died 26th June, 1828, aged 56 years. Also her son, John, who died in Van Diemans Land, 31st December, 1841, aged 44 years. Also William Flett, Baker in Aberdeen, son-in-law of the foresaid Isabella Kelman, who died 16th May, 1853, aged 46, and 3 of his children:— Robert, who died 22nd August, 1848, aged 7 ; Martha, who died 28th September, 1848, aged 8; William, who died 5th October, 1848, aged 13.

On Headstones.

(1) Erected by Joseph Wattie, Gardener, in memory of his Father, George Wattie, who died at Aberdeen, 14th November, 1824, aged 79. And of his wife, Isabella Maconochie, who died 18th December, 1836, aged 74. And of their son, John, Shipmaster, Aberdeen, who died 14th December, 1845, aged 56 years. Also James, who died 12th December, 1856, aged 67 years. Also Elizabeth, who died 2nd July, 1868, aged 68 years. Also of James, son of Joseph Wattie, who died 9th February, 1875, aSed 33 years, Also Isabella Taylor, wife of Joseph Wattie, who died 6th May, 1878, aged 64 years. Also Joseph Wattie, who died 22nd February, 1886, aged 82 years.

(2) In memory of Isabel Mitchell, wife of George Glegg, Confectioner, Aberdeen, who died 12th July, 1849, aged 46. And of the said George Glegg, who died 3rd May, 1863, aged 86. Erected by their sons, William and James. Also of their son, William Dovertie Glegg, who died at sea, near Singapore, June 23rd, 1876, aged 39 years.

(3) In memory of Robert Collie, late Carter in Aberdeen, who died 6th September, 1832, aged 68. Also his son, Adam Collie, Seaman, who died 5th September, 1854, aged 64 years. And his daughter-in-law, Euphemia Finnie, who died 10th September, 1854, aged 30 years.

(4) In memory of Margaret Nairn, Spouse of William Dunn, in Mains of Banchory, who died August, MDCCCXXIII, aged 76. And of the said William Dunn, who died July, MDCCCXXIV, aged 82. Here also is buried their son, Alexander, Shore Porter in Aberdeen, who died 29th September, MDCCCXXXIV, aged 48.

(5) Erected by William Paterson, Turniemiddle, Portlethen, in memory of his son John, who died 12th September, 1878, aged 28 years.

(6) Erected by John Shepherd in memory of his Father, George Shepherd, Farmer, Cairn Robin, who died 3rd of March, 1857, aged 73 years. Also his mother, Catherine Davidson, who died 7th January, 1859, aged 68 years. Also Ann Shepherd, his sister, who died 31st October, 1863, aged 45 years. Margaret Shepherd died 24th January, 1875, aged 55 years.

(7) Erected by M. F. Anderson, M.A. and M.R.C.S.L, late H.E.I.C.S., formerly of Deebank, in memory of his infant daughter, born March 22 nd, died March 24th, A.D. 1871.

“Thy will be done.”

(8) In loving memory of The Reverend William Paul, D.D., for 57 years the revered Minister of this Parish. Born 27th September, 1804, Died 27th April, 1884. And of Jessy Stewart, his Wife, who died on the 2nd of February, 1866, aged 58 years. Also in memory of their children—George Morison, who died 3rd August, 1838, aged 13 days. James Stewart, who died 2nd September, 1845, aged 5 days. Alexander, who died 24th November, 1846, aged 9 years. John Thurburn, who died 26th November, 1867, aged 25 years, and is buried at Ventnor. Alexander, who died 2nd April, 1871, aged 23 years, and is buried at Moka, Mauritius.

(9) In memory of Anne Margaret Grant, who died at the School-house of Nether Banchory, on the 12th of October, 1839, in her 37th year.

(10) In affectionate remembrance of Richard, Fourth son of James William Parris, Esqr., born at Glendale, in the Island of Barbadoes, West Indies, the 1st November, 1845, died at Cults, in this Parish, the 18th April, 1871.

“I shall go to him but he shall not return to me.”—ii Sam., xii. 23.

(11) In memory of George Jamieson, Jeweller in Aberdeen, and of Drumgarth, in this Parish, born 18th January, 1819, died 25th November, 1874, and of his youngest son Robert Thomas, born 21st July, i860, Died 29th October, 1869.

(12) Erected by Elspet Donald, in memory of her husband, John Knowles, Farmer, Blackhill of Findon, who died June 4th, 1853, aged 67 years. And of their daughter, Margaret, who died in infancy—The said Margaret Donald, died 19th July, 1873, aged 73 years.

(13) In memory of James Alexander, late tenant in Mill of Findon, who died 26th October, 1849, aged 79 years. Also Mary Duncan, his wife, who died 23rd March, i860, aged 90.

(14) Erected by Wm. Findlay, Farmer, Bishopstone, Portlethen, in memory of his children, David and Charles, who died in infancy.

(15) In loving remembrance of Margaret King, who died 2nd December, 1887, aged 57 years. This stone is raised by her sons. Also to the memory of their sisters, Margaret, who died 3rd October, 1879, aged 22 years, and Annie, who died 5th January, 1884, aged 16 years.

(16) In memory of Isabella Webster, wife of John Thomson, in Mill of Cults, who died 10th December, 1878, aged 59 years. And their son Andrew, who died 11th May, i860, aged 1 year and 2 months. “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.” This stone is erected by their son James, E. I. C. S. Madras, in grateful remembrance of a loving and careful mother.

(17) Here lies the remains of William Morice, once Miller in Mill of Cults, who died 1st March, 1802, aged 60 years. Also his children, George, aged 16 years, Margaret, aged 5 years, John, aged 1 year, Alexander, aged 17 years, and Jane, aged 17 years.

(18) In memory of George Seller, who died on the 2nd March, 1821, aged 57 years, also six of his children who died in infancy, also Elizabeth Seller, who died 16th October, 1829, aged 13 years.

Likewise of Elspet Mitchell, spouse to the above George Seller, she died 21 st December, 1833, aged 82 years. Also Elizabeth Urquhart, grand daughter of the above, who died 5th February, 1882, aged 75 years. On small granite heart on same grave. In loving memory of those we love.

(19) Here lyes Andrew Smith, who departed the 23rd November, 1732. . . .

(20) Erected to the memory of Ogilvie Duthie, Mason, late in Stonegable, who died 15th June, 1874, aged 8iyears. Helen Henderson, his spouse, who died 4th April, 1875, aged 75 years. Also their sons, Ogilvie, who died 9th November, 1858, aged 23 years, and David, who died 9th Jany., 1866, aged 34 years.

(21) In memory of Robert Duthie, Crofter in Hillhead of Blairs, Parish of Maryculter, who died 2nd Sept, 1823, aged 67 years. Also of Mary Robertson, his first spouse, who died 23rd April, 1798, aged 32 years, and John Duthie their son, who died 28th Jany., 1815, aged 17 years. Allerdyce Duthie, who died 9th March, i860, aged 67 years, also Jane Gibson his spouse, who died 30th August, 1875, aged 75 years.

(22) To the memory of Robert Mavor, Farmer, in Hillhead of Skate-row, who died the 8th March 1811, aged 55 years. Also his daughter, Jean, who died the 8th December, 1811, aged 10 years. Also Jane Craig, his spouse, who died the 17th January, 1826, aged 59 years. And of their children, Christian Mavor, who died 16th August, 1794, aged 6 months. Betty died 20th December, 1799, aged one year. Robert died 10th March, 1807, aged 10 years. Elizabeth died 20th November, 1845, aget^ 37 years. Susan died 28th November, 1871, aged 64 years. [On back of same stone]—To the memory of Alexander Mavor, once tenant in Cobleboards, who died 7th March, 1807, aged 92 years. And his spouse, Agnes Duthie, who died 8th February, 1794. aged 82 years.

(23) Here lies John Thomson, and Margaret Donald, his wife, who died 24 October, 1803.

(24) Sacred to the memory of John Knowles, who died in 1776, and his spouse, Margaret Collie, who died in 1799, also their daughter, Elspet, who died 12th July, 1826, aged 68 years.

(25) This stone was erected by Robert Youle, John Youle, and John Bridgefoord, to the memory of their father, Robert Youle, late in Cove, who died 1798, aged 74 years. Also Elspet Milne, his spouse, died in 1769, aged 36 years. Likewise James Youle, son to John Youle, who died in 1796, aged 2 years. Also Mary Youle, spouse to John Bridgefoord, who died in 1790, aged 38 years. Likewise George Bridgefoord, died in 1797, aged 2 years, also Thomas Bridgefoord, who died in 1808, aged 18 years.

(26) W. W. 1798. J. M. In memory of William Williamson, Farmer in Burn of Pheppie, who died 25th March, 1814, aged 73 years. Jean Milne, spouse to William Williamson, in Burn of Pheppy, she died 9th Feby., 1778, aged 37 years. And of their children, James, aged 12 Christian, aged 20, and William Williamson, who died 19th June, 1849, aged 76 years.

(27) Erected by James Webster, Middleton, Pitfodels, in memory of his daughter, Agnes. She died 8th December, 1826, aged 3 years ; and two who died in infancy. Also his brother Andrew. He died 16th Deer.,1836, aged 66 years. The said James Webster, died 31st July, 1843, aged 76 years. Agnes Lyon, wife of the above James Webster, who died at Milton, Murtle, 28th September, 1876, aged 87 years.

(28)—This stone is erected by Andrew Paterson, Farmer in Coukstown, in memory of his family. Ann, who died in infancy, in the year 1824. Also Margaret, who died the 2nd July, 1832, aged 22 years. And James, who died the 15th of the same month, aged 18 years. The said Andrew Paterson died 13th April, 1856, aged 73 years; and his wife, Annie Angus, died 27th November, 1875, age^ 87 years.

(29)—Erected by his widow. Sacred to the memory of John Reith, once Blacksmith at Hilldowntree, he died 7th Marcb, 1838, aged 41 years. Also his children—William died Sth February, j 836, aged 4 years. Andrew died the same day aged 8 months. Ann died 28th Aug., 1836, aged 6 years. Peter Hutchison, Blacksmith, Aberdeen, who died 13th November, 1869, aged 70 years. In memory of Jane, daughter of the above John Reith and deeply lamented wife of Captain John Twaits, who died 27th June, 1875, aged 37 years.

(30) Sacred to the memory of Robert Mennie, who died at Cults, 19th July, 1848, aged 45. Isobella, his daughter, died 1839, aged 3 months: and Margaret died 1861, aged 15 years. Also Ann Kiloh, wife of the above, died Jan. 25, 1887, aged 82.

(31) Erected by William Anderson, Quarrier, in memory of his father, James Anderson, Farmer, Quarry Lodge, who died October 18, 1873, aged 71 years. Also his mother, Isabella Pirrie, who died August, 1837, aged 32 years. And of his sister, Isabella, who died March 6, 1857, aged 27 years. Also the said William Anderson, who died at Cairnvilla, Buxburn, 6th of December, 1878, aged 44 years, is interred here.

(32) The burial place of Alexander Cromar, Esq., who died 2nd March, 1840, aged 43 years. He was House-Surgeon in the Royal Infirmary, Aberdeen, for 20 years. This stone is erected by a few of his friends as a tribute of respect to his memory.

(33) Alexander Duthie, Jr., erected this stone to the memory of his mother, Christian Jameson, and his brother, William Duthie, who are both interred here. Also his father, Alexander Duthie, who died 8th October, 1828, aged 60 years.

(34) This stone is erected by Jean Carnie in memory of her sister, Elizabeth Carnie, who died 26th May, 1818, aged 20 years.

(35) Here lyes William Harrow, son of Janies Harrow, Salmon Fisher. Agnes Craig, his spouse, who departed the 1st of March, 17 . . [On small enamelled plate inside glass shade placed on the grave]— In affectionate remembrance of Elizabeth Harrow, who died 28th July, 1888, aged 48 years. A token of respect from her fellow workers at the Aberdeen Jute Co. (Ltd.).

(36) Erected in memory of William Reid, Flesher, Aberdeen, who died in October, 1819, aged 22; and of his wife, Margaret Addison, who died 28th July, 1856, aged 56. They are both interred in the second grave left of this.

(37) 1792, M-S. To the memory of Margaret Shepherd, the wife of George Weir, in berryhill. She died the 29th September, 1790, aged 26 years. Also their daughter Jean, who died in infancy. [On back of same stone]—In memory of Ann Fife, spouse to George Weir, who died 10th October, 1808, aged 40 years. Also their son, John, who died in infancy.

(38) Erected to the memory of Helen Milne, Wife of Thomas Smith, who died at Alma Cottage, Cults, 15th March, 1878, aged 56 years. Also of the said Thomas Smith, who died 26th December, 1886, aged 78. And of their son Robert, who died 20th April, 1888, aged 33.

(39) Erected by Charles Souter in memory of his beloved Brother, James H. Souter, School-master, who died at Bankhead of Portlethen, 27th October, 1877, aged 25 years. Deeply regretted.

(40) Erected by George Freeman, Drumduan, in memory of his son, James, who died 21st June, 1849, aged 31 years. Mary Ann, who died 10th March, 1877, aged 27 years.

Rosan Allan, died 1844, aged 53 years. Also of Helen Milne, grandchild of Andrew Milne, who died 16th July, 1875, aged 18 months. Also Jane Paton, grand-child of Andrew Milne, who died 27th August, 1876, aged 2 years.

(43) This stone is erected by George, James, and William Keith, to the memory of their Father, George Keith, late in Cookston, who died on the 3rd February, 1825, aged 92 years. Also of his grand-children— Elizabeth Keith, who died on the 22nd March, 1815, aged 11 years, and Christina Keith, who died on the 18th July, 1818, aged 16 years. James, son of William Keith, Farmer in Banchory, who died on the 6th Jan., 1831, aged 21 years. Also the said William Keith, who died on the 7th December, 1840, aged 69 years. And also George Keith, Crofter, Blairs, who died on the 5th of June, 1871, aged 70 years. And also his Wife, Isabella Elrick, who died on the 14th March, 1873, aged 67 years.

(44) In memory of John Watt, Leather Merchant, Aberdeen, who died 1st July, 1859, aged 57 years. Erected by his sons, John and Thomas.

(45) In memory of George Barclay, Builder, Cults, who died 29th May, 1858, aged 73 years. Margaret Massie, his wife, who died 25th June, 1866, aged 73 years. John Barclay, their son, who died 10th February, 1836, aged 10 years. Jane Barclay, their daughter, who died 3rd July, 1885, aged 61 years.

On the South side of same stone—

In memory of Jane Smith, spouse of James W. Barclay, Aberdeen. She was born at Strathdon, and died at Aberdeen on 3rd November, 1865, aged 35 years. Of James Smith Barclay, their only son, bom 23rd October, 1865, died 9th June, 1875.

On the North side of the same stone—

In memory of Isabella Hepburn, who died 13th September, 1847, aged 3 years, and Williamina Hepburn, who died 8th August, i860, aged 9 years, daughters of Alexander Hepburn, Cults, and of his Wife, Isabella Barclay. Also the said Isabella Barclay, who died 23rd August, 1889, aged 69 years, and Alexander Hepburn, who died 7th October, 1889, aged 72 years.

(46) Here lies George Wilson, late of Bottomfauld, who died 25th December, 1759, aged 55 years. Also his children, William and Helen, who died in 1746. Also George Wilson, Mariner, who died 9th September, 1827, aged 77.

(47) 1791. Here lies Alexander Reid, Alexander Walker, and Elizabeth Walker.

(48) James Rhind, Junr., died the sixth of February, 1797, aged 16 years.

(49) Erected by Charles Lawson, Farmer, Deebank, in loving remembrance of his daughter, Elspet Lawson, who died on the 15th of Feby., 1883, aged 21 years.

(50) In memory of James Duncan, Farmer, Tillyhowes, who died 16th December, 1878, aged 80 years. He was during 40 years a member of the Kirk-Session of the Parish. In all the duties of public and private life he was most exemplar)’, and was universally respected and beloved by his many friends. His sorrowing widow erected this stone as a tribute of her loving remembrance.

“Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.”

Also his wife, Ann Webster, who died at Cockley, Maryculter, 27th May, 1884, aged 84 years.

(51) In memory of Maria Sinclair, daughter of the late John Sinclair, Esq. of Barrock, who died at the Manse of this Parish on the 9th March, 1876, aged 87 years. “Blessed are they that die in the Lord, they rest from their labours and their works do follow them.”

(52) Erected by Robert Walker, Farmer, Mains of Portlethen, in memory of his father, William Walker, Farmer, England, Portlethen, who died 23rd October, 1826, aged 80 years. Isobella Williamson, his mother, who died 15th February, 1851, aged 88 years. Elspet Bartlet, his wife, who died, 8th April, 1849, aged 31 years. Annabella Walker, his daughter, who died 21st Sept., 1851, aged 8 years. Here also are interred the remains of the above named Robert Walker, who died 28th October, 1873, in the 7'st year of his age. Also of Anne Walker, his sister, who died 16th January, 1885, aged 89 years.

(53) In memory of David Maver, late Blacksmith, Hardgate of Aberdeen, who died 13th December, 1820, aged 79 years. Also his Grandson, Joseph Maver, who died in infancy.

(54) Erected by their daughters to the memory of their Father, William Eddie, Seaman in Aberdeen, who died at Hull, 31st August,

1836, aged 36 years. Also of their Mother, Hannah Stephen, who died at Aberdeen, 10th March, 1855, aged 53 years.

(55) Erected by Robert Grant in memory of his family, viz.:— William, died 5th Sept., 1833, aged 4 months. James S., died at Singapore, 27 th December, 1846, aged 15 years. Robert, died 23rd March, 1847, aged 8 months. Elspet, died 8th Sept., 1848, aged 6 years. Also his sister-in-law, Mary Reid, who died 23rd November, 1858, aged 32 years. The said Robert Grant, who died 1st May, 1864, aged 72 years. Also Isabella Reid, Relict of the said Robert Grant, who died 27th December, 1877, aged 67 years. Also John Grant, Book-keeper, son of the said Robert Grant, who died 17th April, 1885, aged 38 years and 9 months.

(56) To the memory of Alexander Ogston of Ardoe—died 11 December, 1869, aged 70 years. And of his wife, Elliot Lawrance, died 1 August, 1886, aged 72 years.

(57) Erected by Peter Robertson in memory of his son, Peter, who died 23rd January, 1872, aged 7 years; also of his daughter, Catherine, who died 7th February, 1885, aged 22 years.

(58) In loving memory of Margaret Walker, beloved wife of Andrew Anderson, Farmer, Jockston, Ardoe, who died 28th August, 1886, aged S3 years.

(59) In loving memory of Mary Anderson, daughter of James Anderson, Farmer, Mid Ardoe, who died 9th June, 1882, aged 20 years.

(60) In memory of John Henderson, who died at Heathpark, Heathcot, on 8th May, 1887, aged 70 years; and of his son, James, who died 21st November, 1888, aged 23 years.

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