1281, this estate was owned by “Philip de Fyndon,” and on 13th April of
that year, he appeared before a Justiciary Court, held on the moor of
Nigg, for the settlement of a dispute as to the marches of Nigg and
Findon, which had arisen between him and the Monks of Arbroath,
superiors of the lands of Nigg, and Thomas, the son of the Thane of
Cowie. Alexander Cumyn, Earl of Buchan, acted as president, and there
were also present Hugo, Bishop of Aberdeen, Sir Reginald le Chen, the
Father, besides several other knights and landed proprietors. The
boundaries were defined, and the dispute amicably arranged. Philip, who
seems to have favoured the English party during the struggle which took
place under Wallace, did homage to Edward I. at Berwick in 1296.
the accession of Robert the Bruce to the throne, the estate had
doubtless been confiscated, for, in 1319, the crown conferred an annual
annuity arising from its rents, upon John Crab, a Flemish engineer, who
had distinguished himself through his skill and prowess at the siege of
Berwick during that year. Tytler says “Crab seems to have been a
mercenary, who engaged in the service of any one who cared to employ
him.” In 1313, Edward II. “complained of depredations which had been
committed by him on some English merchants,” but, in 1333
after the loss of Berwick to Scotland, he obtained a pardon from the
English, and thereupon entered their service. His descendants owned
extensive property around Aberdeen. The large stone still standing in
Hardgate at the back of West Craibstone Street, and known as the Crab
Stone, formed one of the boundary marks of the estate of Rubislaw, which
was at one time in his possession.
Findon was converted into a Barony at an early period, and in 1359
William of Keith, Sheriff of Kincardineshire took credit for the payment
of £$
out of the lands. In 1390 they belonged to William de Camera or
Chalmers, who was a burgess of Aberdeen, and several times provost
between 1392 and 1404. Various theories have been propounded as to the
origin of this name, but possibly that of Smibert carries most weight.
He says “the name of ‘Chambers’ appears to be derived from ‘de la
Chambre ’ which some prominent attendant on a prince, or peer might have
left to his posterity—a John ‘of the Chambers’ for instance—the French
‘Chambres’ being merely in the Scottish form of ‘ Chalmers.’ ‘ De
Camera’ or ‘ Camerarius ’ is a word with the same meaning, and arising
from an office of ‘ Chamberlain.’ Chalmers was of the family of
Balnacraig in Aboyne, and by a charter dated at Perth on 2nd March,
1392, he secured the annuity which had been held by Paul Crab, burgess
of Aberdeen, a descendant of John Crab. Kennedy states that he was the
founder of the Chantry of Saint Katharine, “ to which he presented a
silver gilt chalice, and vestments for the chaplains, with the image of
the saint placed over the altar.” He was witness to a charter by Hugh
Fraser of Lovet and Kynnel, dated at Kynnel on 30th of March, 1407.
Chalmers was succeeded in the proprietorship of Findon by his son
William, who in 1420, sold to Sir Alexander of Forbes, lord of that Ilk,
his right to the ward of the heir of the deceased Adam of Balkarne.
1441 Richard Vaus, a grandson of Chalmers, is designed as proprietor ;
and in 1459 he granted from the lands of Balquharn an annual annuity of
forty shillings to Lawrence Pyot, archdeacon of Aberdeen. He owned
extensive property in and about Aberdeen, including the lands of Menie
in Belhelvie. In 1469 he granted to the Franciscan, or Grey Friars, the
property belonging to him situated on the east side of Gallowgate, as a
site for the erection of their Monastery. Keith says that the building
was “ a fabrick of a great length, having a little steeple the bell in
which was constantly rung for conveening the scholars to all publick
lessons in the college.” At the Reformation it came into the possession
of the burgh, and by virtue of the deed of gift it was set in heritable
feu, except as much as was necessary for the use and sustenance of the
Shortly afterwards Findon was acquired by the Menzies of Pitfodels, and
remained the property of that family for many generations. It would
appear that in these times a species of falcon—probably the peregrine
falcon, a pair of which still haunt the rocks—built their nests upon the
rocks or craigs on the coast, and in 1580 Alexander Menzies, son of the
Provost of Aberdeen, was charged with the preservation of a nest for the
service of James VI., who, as is well known, was passionately fond of
hawking. Advantage was taken of Menzies’ visits to the falconry to lay
an ambush for his life. On the morning of 9th May of that year, William
Forbes of Monymusk and Portlethen, whose cause of animosity is now
unknown, concealed himself with some followers behind the Cairn of
Loirston, in the parish of Nigg, and on the path leading from Aberdeen.
After waiting several hours they perceived their victim approaching
unattended. By placing their culverins on rests, they were able to take
a steady and sure aim, and at the first discharge he fell, pierced
through the heart by two bullets. The assassins instantly rushed
forward, and inflicting no fewer than nine stabs on the body, robbed it
of sword hanger, and cloak. Thirty years elapsed before the perpetrators
of this barbarous deed were brought to trial and sentenced, which was
rendered nugatory, however, by a royal pardon. From Spalding we learn
that the feud was unstaunched at the distance of more than
half-a-century from the date of this atrocity, and that in 1640 it led
to a combat between the grand-nephew of Menzies, and the son of his
murderer, in which the blood of the latter was drawn.
the Autumn of 1654, “Sir Gilbert Menzies of Pitfodels, Knight, Heritable
Proprietor of the half Barony Lands of Torrie, Barony of Findon, Lands
of Cookston, and Badentoy, on the first part, Sir John Forbes of
Monymusk, Heritable Proprietor of the other half of the Barony of Torry,
with consent of Robert Forbes of Barns his Tutor, of the second part,
and John Forbes, Elder, and William Forbes, Younger of Leslie, Heritors
of the Lands of Banchory, considering that there had been controversy
and debate anent their meiths and marches, which had occasioned ‘many
unnecessary jarrs, discontents and troubles to their great hurt and
prejudice,’ and to settle all former unhappy differences, by advice and
pains of their worthy friends chosen and taken to that effect,” entered
into a formal deed defining the meiths and marches of said lands for all
time coming.
Findon proper, which included Wester Cookston, Badentoy, Redmyre, etc.,
and extended to about 1,500 acres, belonged in the end of last century
to Dr. William Nicol of Stonehaven, who gave great encouragement to the
tenants to reclaim and cultivate the waste land. Full particulars of the
method of working followed, and the results of the transformation
effected are given in the
Agrictiltural Survey of
Kincardineshire. The lands were afterwards
divided into separate lots, and sold to the highest offerers.
village of Seaton of Findon stands in a bleak, exposed position, on the
ridge of cliffs that are very precipitous at this part of the coast. In
striking contrast to this exposed situation, is the sheltered little
harbour, some way from the village, which is reached by a long winding
footpath. The village has made its name known all over the world, by the
excellence of its cured haddocks. Since the time of Dr. Johnson, the “
Finnan ” haddock has been celebrated in history. Its excellence seems to
have arisen from the mode of curing adopted. Whether the special process
was instituted in this village or not, is a moot point; but certain it
is, that a smoked yellow haddock will always be known as a “Finnan
haddie ”. “A Finnan haddock,” wrote Sir Walter Scott, whose knowledge of
the geography of the village, like most people’s, was not quite exact, “
has a relish of a very peculiar and delicate flavour, inimitable on any
other coast than that of Aberdeenshire. Some of our Edinburgh
philosophers tried to produce their equal in vain.
I was
one of a party at dinner where the philosophical haddocks were placed in
competition with the genuine Finnan fish. These were served round
without distinction whence they came; but only one gentleman, out of
twelve present, espoused the cause of philosophy.” Philosophy has hardly
been more successful to-day; for, though “Finnan” no longer holds a
monopoly of the article, the process originally adopted there has proved
the best, and the modern method of smoking the fish is as unsatisfactory
as the “philosophical haddocks” turned out to be at the Edinburgh dinner
party. To the great mass of people this minor industry is the most
remarkable thing about Findon.
It is
a singular coincidence that precisely the same number of hands is now
engaged at the fishing as was in 1792. There were then two fishing
boats, requiring six hands each, and three yawls, wrought by four men
each. There are now four boats, employing twenty-four hands, fishing
from the village.
the end of last century, when less attention was paid to the subject of
agriculture than now, it was no unusual circumstance for the crofters
around the village to secure a yield of eighty bushels of bere off the
English acre in one season. And what may appear more incredible, is the
fact that the same land, in some cases, yielded the same crop, without
intermission, for several generations.3
Of course this arose from the plentiful supply, and specially favourable
quality of manure the crofters were able to give the ground.
Earn or Eagles-heugh, on the coast, is remarkable as having been the
landing place of seven students from Saint Andrews, who had been drifted
about the sea in an open boat for the space of six days. The sad story
was commemorated by the father of one of the survivors in a painting and
engraving. A copy of the latter (24" by 17") is preserved in the library
room of Marischal College, Aberdeen. It represents the landing of the
boys; and a portrait of one of them seated, and pointing to the scene,
exhibits much ingenuity in its conception. At the foot is a description
in Latin of the melancholy occurrence, accompanied by the following
translation :—
the 19th of August, 1710, this young gentleman, David Bruce, aged 15
years, with six others about the same age, in company (David Rankilour,
John Wilson, James Martin, Alexander Mitchell, James Thomson, and James
Watson,) went out from the harbour of St. Andrews in a little boat, with
a design to recreate themselves. But it happened in their attempt to
return they lost one of their oars, and were driven into the ocean.
’Twas late before their parents missed them, and therefore not in their
power to afford them any relief till morning, that they despatched some
boats in quest of them, but all in vain. Whereupon every body gave them
up for lost. Meantime the boys were tossed up and down, without being
able by all their endeavours to make any shore, though every day within
sight of it. At length by the good providence of God, the wind turning
easterly, after six days and six nights continued fasting and labour,
they got to shore alive under a steep rock commonly called Hern-heugh
(Earn-heugh) four miles south of Aberdeen, and fifty north of Saint
Andrews, which two of them climbed up by the direction of an old
fisherman who chanced to be near the place. And making known their
distress to an honest countryman, John Shepherd, he kindly received them
into his house hard by, notifying at the same time so extraordinary and
moving an accident to the Magistrates of Aberdeen, who forthwith
despatched their Dean of Guild, with Dr. Gregory a physician, and
William Gordon a surgeon to attend them, by whose means, under God, all
of them were preserved excepting only the two youngest John Wilson, and
James Martin, who died some time after they came ashore, and were
honourably interred in Aberdeen by the care of the Magistrates. In
thankful commemoration of this wonderful event Robert Bruce, goldsmith
in Edinburgh, father to the above David, caused this copper plate to be
engraved. Soli
Deo Gloria."
Kennedy states that a copy of the engraving was presented to the
Magistrates of Aberdeen, and that it hung in the council room until
“removed by order of one of the baillies, to give place to a catchpenny
engraving of one of the heroes in the late war.” The engraving in
Marischal College is doubtless the one here referred to.
Bruce presented John Shepherd, with a piece of silver plate in the shape
of a boat, now in the possession of his grandson, also named John
Shepherd, farmer in Cairnrobin. It is oval-shaped, about four inches
long, and thus inscribed :—
silver boat is gifted to John Shepherd by Robert Bruce, goldsmith, for
the kindness he showed to his son David Bruce and others, after they
were six days and six nights at sea without meat or drink, and by
Providence, thrown in at Earn-heugh, near his house, on the 25 th
August, 1710.”
Seal of William de
Camera of Findon. (Mar