Banchory proper embraced
two different properties— Banchory-Devenick, and the Kirktown of
Banchory— each of which has a separate history up to 1618, when the
proprietor of the former purchased the latter, and merged both lands
into one. At first they were both church lands granted by different
kings, but as the lands of Banchory-Devenick left the hands of the
church earlier than the other, they have a more varied history.
Kirktown of Banchory was
granted to the See of Old Machar in 1163, by Malcolm IV., and
Banchory-Devenick, subject to a yearly annuity of one hundred shillings,
together with certain forensical service, to the Abbot and Convent of
Arbroath by Alexander II., in 1244. Twelve years later the Abbot parted
with the property, disponing it to Lord Alan Hostiarius, justiciary of
Scotland. The justiciary was a powerful noble. His real name was Lundie
or Lundin, but his predecessors having been appointed door ward, or
hostiarius, to the king, an appointment which became hereditary, they
afterwards assumed the name of Durward. Lord Alan, who was the son of
Thomas Durward, had married the natural daughter of Alexander II., by
whom he was created Earl of Athole, and in 1242, made great justiciary
of Scotland. His influence at court was of the most powerful character,
but he fell into disgrace in 1251 through intriguing against the Crown.
Being afterwards restored to favour, however, he became Regent of
Scotland during part of the minority of Alexander III. In 1257 he
renewed the claim, which had been made before 1228 by his father, to the
Earldom of Mar, which even at that time was a matter of dispute. Though
defeated in his claim to the title, he succeeded to the extensive
domains in Mar, extending from Invercanny on the Dee to Alford on the
Don, and from Banchory-Devenick and Skene on the east to Coull on the
west, which had been acquired by his father under the compromise arrived
at of the dispute in his case. As “ the most accomplished knight, and
the best military leader of his time,” he got the lands of
Banchory-Devenick in return for his homage and service, and paying three
merks of silver, together with the annual annuity of 100 shillings, as
stipulated for by the King in the original charter. Under the new
titles, which converted the lands of Banchory into “a free barony,” Lord
Alan and his heirs were prohibited from alienating or feuing any portion
of the ground to third parties, under penalty of forfeiture and escheat.
This prohibition was shortly afterwards contravened, and the whole of
the lands thereupon reverted to the Abbacy.
The next stage in the
history of Banchory-Devenick is its passing into the hands of the
Meldrum family. William of Melgdrum, who had got possession of a
considerable portion from Lord Alan, ultimately succeeded in getting a
charter of the lands in 1333 (see Appendix). Prior to this, however,
Robert the Bruce granted his annuity of ^5, exigible annually from the
lands, to Elizabeth Durward, one of the daughters of Lord Alan. In 1346,
William Melgdrum got another charter of confirmation and infeftment (see
Appendix) under which he and his heirs were prohibited from selling any
of the land. The family of Melgdrum is of great antiquity. Philip de
Fedarg, a distinguished gentleman in the reign of Alexander II., was
ennobled, and subsequently held considerable sway in the north. He
disputed boundaries with the Abbot of Arbroath, and their differences
were finally adjusted in 1236—the Abbot afterwards granting him for his
homage and service the territory of Auchineve. It is uncertain whether
this Philip or his son relinquished the designation of Fedarg, and
assumed that of Melgdrum ; but this happened in the reign of Alexander
III., about the year 1249.
Sir Philip de Melgdrum,
son of Philip de Fedarg, who was the first Meldrum of Meldrum, married
Agnes Cumyn, sister of Alexander, Earl of Buchan. He had powerful
influence in State affairs, and in 1252 was one of the Justiciars of
Scotland. The dispute with the Abbot of Arbroath appears to have been
interminable, for Sir Philip and his Lady contested the right of
presentation to the Church of Bethelny, the tithes of which had been
given to the Abbey by William Cumyn, first Earl of Buchan, the brother
or uncle of Philip’s wife, and had been confirmed by Alexander II. in
1221-2. The Bishop of Aberdeen had to try the case, and he held a court
at Inverurie, on 21st January, 1262, to which all interested were
summoned. Judgment was pronounced in the following month, and the
decreet was witnessed by Richard, the vicar, by William Lamberton,
rector of Turriff, Roger Stainforth, vicar of Banchory-Terny, Thomas de
Bennin, rector of the schools of Aberdeen, and Roger Scharcheburg,
official. Sir Philip died in the reign of Alexander III., and was
succeeded by his eldest son, Sir William de Meldrum, who espoused the
cause of Baliol in his competition with Bruce for the Crown of Scotland.
Sir William was succeeded by his eldest son, John, of whose history
little is preserved. He left two sons, of whom the eldest, Sir Philip,
became his heir. His second son, William, who acquired the lands of
Banchory, as before mentioned, and was ancestor of the Meldrums of Fyvie,
acted as one of the ambassadors nominated to negotiate the liberty of
David II., who had been taken prisoner by the English at the battle of
Neville’s Cross in 1346. In October, 1353, the King confirmed to him,
and to his heirs, the lands and barony of Meldrum.
Nine years later the
King, who frequently visited Aberdeen, granted a charter, in January,
1362, in favour of the Dominican or Black Friars, whose church was
situated in the vicinity of the East Church, of an annual annuity of 100
shillings from the Barony of Banchory-Devenick, for the endowment of a
chaplain to serve in their Church at the altar of the Blessed Virgin, or
of Saint Michael; and the donation bears to be made for the welfare of
the soul of the King, of his beloved Margaret de Logy, and the souls of
his ancestors and successors. James III., by charter dated 30th
September, 1477, confirmed this annuity.
The Meldrums of Fyvie
continued as proprietors of Banchory down till almost the close of the
sixteenth century. In 1544 the proprietor was Sir George Meldrum, whom
Bishop Lesley calls “ane valyeant and wyse gentleman.” In that year he
was sent on an embassy to Henry VIII., who was then besieging Boulogne,
in France. His instructions were “to commoune upon certane abstuonce, to
the effect that Commissioners should meit, quhilk was aggreit qntill his
returning in Ingland in the moneth of August thairafter.” In 1554 he
secured a tack of the fishings, described in the deed as “foure cobillis,”
upon the water of Dee, “payand thairfoir yeirlie fiveteen barrellis
salmond gude and sufficient.” In these times the fishings had been very
productive, for, according to the Scots Magazine, 900 salmon were caught
in one day in April, 1749, at the Raick fishings alone; whilst the other
fishings on the Dee and Don had even greater catches in proportion.
Difficulty of transit, however, kept down the price, and what would now
secure a yearly rental of £60 or £80 could have then been had for as
many shillings. So accustomed were the lower orders of Aberdeen and
district to salmon dinners, that it was no unusual circumstance for farm
servants, on being engaged for the half-year, to stipulate that they
would not get salmon beyond three times a week. The present rents of the
parish salmon fishings are:—Sea: Clashfarquhar, £50; Portlethen, £180;
Findon, £200; Cairnrobin, £90. River: Murtle, £19, Ardoe, £jo\ Inchgarth,
£40; Banchory, £38; Kaimhill, £115.
The estate then passed
into the hands of the Garden family, during whose proprietorship the two
portions of Banchory merged into one. Under charter, dated in 1555,
granted by Sir George Meldrum of Fyvie, with consent of William Meldrum
of Hatton, his son, George Garden, then designed as proprietor of
Dorlaithers, acquired the estate. At the same time, Garden obtained a
charter of the lands of Hatton and Auchterless in warrandice of the
lands of Banchory. The Gardens were a very ancient and highly respected
family, and this George, who was frequently called of that Ilk,# married
Isobell Keyth, daughter to the laird of Troup, “wha wes lawful! sone to
the Erll Mershall.” He was a burgess of Aberdeen, but on 18th September,
1562, he, along with twelve others, “tint the freedom” through remaining
“not actually within the Burgh.” In 1589 he was one of the gentlemen
sent by James I. to Denmark in connection with the marriage treaty of
the Princess Anne. He left a son and a daughter.
Arthur, the son,
succeeded his father in 1590, in which year a Patrick Bissett, “his
Maiesties rebell,” took shelter in Banchory House, which was surrounded
by a mob from Aberdeen, who claimed him as their prisoner. Considerable
mischief had evidently been done, for the Town Council afterwards
ordered fifty merks to be paid out of the town’s funds as compensation.
Beatrix, the daughter, had an eventful history. She was one of Queen
Mary’s maids of honour, and was celebrated for her beauty and her skill
as a harpist. Miss Strickland relates a well-known story of her. Once,
when the Queen “proclaimed a music meeting, offering her own favourite
harp as a prize to the best performer, the fair Beatrice Gardyne of
Banchory was adjudged by her majesty to have surpassed all the courtly
competitors, and even her own musicians, in skill and taste, as well as
in the sweetness of her voice. Neither Michelet, Mary’s newly imported
French musician, nor even her old established favourite, David Rizzio,
was excepted. The Poet-Queen acknowledged the superiority of the native
melodies of Scotland to the most elaborate harmonies which foreign
science could produce ; and when she felt the soul-thrilling power of a
Scottish ballad from the lips of a sweet-voiced Scottish lassie, the
generous Sovereign hailed her young subject as the ‘Queen of Song,’ and
accorded the harp to her with this compliment, "You alone are worthy to
possess the instrument you touch so well! ’ ” Queen Mary’s harp is now
deposited in the museum, in Edinburgh, of the Society of Antiquaries of
Scotland. It was originally graced with a portrait of the royal donor,
and the arms of Scotland in solid gold, enriched with several gems—two
of which were considered of great value—but these were stolen during the
Civil Wars. By her marriage Beatrix again figures prominently. She
became the second wife of the redoubtable Findla Mhor, and thus ancestor
of the Farquharsons of Invercauld and Finzean, and they had issue five
sons and five daughters. Of the sons, Donald, the eldest, got Castleton
of Braemar ; Robert, the second, Invercauld; Lachlan, the third, through
marriage with Grizel Campbell, the lands of Broughdearg; George, the
fourth, through marriage, the lands of Deskry and Glenconry ; and
Finlay, the youngest, Achreachan, in Glenlivat. In 1547, Findla was
royal standard-bearer at Pinkie. “Surrounded by the men of Strathdee,”
says an interesting writer, “he cleared the way with his huge claymore,
before which man and horse went down. The English cavalry, under Lord
Gray, were in a moment overthrown, and the General himself wounded. But
then the main body of the invaders advanced, pouring in volleys of
musketry, and Findla Mhor fell on the field, shrouded in the royal
banner he had borne with such honour. He lies interred at Musselburgh—Burke
says at Invercauld—happy no doubt in that he did not live to see the
triumph of England.” It is not clear when Arthur Garden died. He had
married Elizabeth, or Elspet Gordon, daughter of the laird of Gight, and
left a son, Alexander. It was with this laird that the lands of
Banchory-Devenick and Kirktown of Banchory merged into one.
Kept in the hands of the
church for four centuries, Kirktown of Banchory at last, in 1571,
reached a distinctive point in its history. In that year the Bishop of
Aberdeen, with consent of the Dean and Chapter, granted a feu charter of
the lands, which was confirmed by the King, in favour of William
Blinshell, one of a family that had taken a leading part in the history
of Aberdeen for two centuries. As they had long been under one
proprietorship, they now, for the next few years, rapidly changed hands.
Blinshell, in the same month that he got his feu charter of them,
granted a charter of alienation in favour of Robert Menzies, elder,
burgess of Aberdeen. He was succeeded in 1586 by his son, David, who
married Marjory Gray, by whom he had an only daughter, Marjory. She
became the wife of the Rev. Andrew Milne, minister of Maryculter, and
inherited her father’s property. The Milnes, however, parted with it in
1618, when they sold it to Alexander Garden for 3000 merks, but subject
to a wadsett of 2000 merks upon the Mains of Banchory, held by Gilbert
Club, burgess of Aberdeen.
Henceforward the history
of the two properties becomes one. Garden was married to Janet Straquhan,
by whom he had two sons, both of whom went abroad. One of these,
Alexander, who had entered the army, in which he held the rank of Major,
proceeded with the troops sent by Charles I. to assist Gustavus Adolphus,
and was present at the battle of Lutzen, in 1632, when the gallant king
lost his life. Major Garden remained many years at the Swedish Court,
where he attained to great distinction. On the abdication, however, of
Queen Christina, in 1654, he returned to Scotland, and purchased the
estate of Troup, from Troup of that Ilk. He married Betty, daughter of
Alexander Strachan, of Glenkindy, and had issue—Alexander Garden, of
Troup, who married Bathia, daughter of Sir Alexander Forbes, of
Craigievar, and whose grandson, Peter Garden of Delgaty, heir to his
brother Francis, Lord Gardenstone of the Court of Session, married the
heiress of Campbell of Glenlyon, and thereafter assumed the additional
name and arms of that family.
It is strange that the
laird who united the two parts of Banchory into one should have also had
to let both go out of his family. H is financial affairs became
embarrassed, and five years after his purchase of Kirktown of Banchory,
the property passed into the Forbes Family, who held it for the next
half century.
It was in 1623 that
Garden “disponed to William Forbes of Monymusk, and Elizabeth Wishart of
Pitarrow, his spouse, the haill lands of Banchory with the pertinents.”
Forbes was created a knight baronet, of Scotland and Nova Scotia, by
Charles I., in 1626, and in 1629 he was formally infefted in the lands
of Banchory, and also part of Torry. He had issue, three sons and three
daughters. The eldest son, William, succeeded ; the second son, Robert,
became proprietor of Barns ; and the third, Alexander, was subsequently
designed of * Aberswithark. The eldest daughter, Jean, married Alexander
Lunan, minister of Monymusk, and afterwards of Kintore. Isobell married
John Forbes of Asloun ; and the third, Anna, died young.
In 1630 Sir William
granted a deed of wadsett over Banchory for 13,840 merks, paid to him by
his brother, John Forbes of Leslie, and William and Alexander, his sons.
The deed contained a special clause, which provided that in the event of
the latter family paying the further sum of 6000 merks within seven
years from the date thereof, they should get infeftment of Banchory, the
same as if they had purchased it outright. Litigation subsequently
followed as to the legal rights of parties, but, ultimately, John Forbes
of Leslie secured the proprietorship of Banchory, and had his title
ratified by Parliament. He was the second son of William Forbes of
Monymusk, and Lady Margaret Douglas, daughter of Sir William Douglas of
Kemnay, who in 1588 became ninth Earl of Angus. He obtained the lands of
Leslie about 1620, from George, the last Leslie of that Ilk, through
paying the debts lying upon them. He married
Jean Leslie, sister of
Patrick, second Lord Lindores, from whom it is believed he got for a
trifling amount a large portion of the estates of that lordship. He
bought Edingarroch and Licklyhead from Patrick Leith in 1625. Along with
John Leslie, younger of Pitcaple, he made a representation to the
Covenanting Lords against the blockade of the Harbour of Aberdeen, 31st
May, 1639. In 1645 he was engaged in the burning of Pitcaple Castle,
where Jaffray and Cant were prisoners. Spalding, who calls him “ane
gryte covenanter,” records that in April of the previous year his
girnillis in Banchorie wes plunderit for the upkeep of the Marquis of
Huntly’s army, quartered in Aberdeen.
He was succeeded in his
large estates by his son, William. This laird had, in 1644, rendered
himself notorious through murdering his neighbour, Alexander Irvine, of
Kingcausie. Spalding relates the story with his usual minuteness:—“Vpone
Setterday, 17 August, 1644, about 11 houris at evin, Alexander Irving,
of Kincousie, cuming quyetlie to Abirdein (becaus he durst not ryd vpone
day licht for being at the rode of Montroiss). Williame Forbes, sone
naturall to Johne Forbes of Leslie, hapnit to be cuming out of Abirdene
going to Banchorie, quhair his father wes duelling, and met with him
about the Crabstane, who wold haue takin him and had him perforss to
Abirdene, luiking to get for him 5000 merkis conforme to ane ordinans of
the Estaitis, that who suld tak him and bring him in sould get the same
Kincovsie being ane fyne
gentilman stormit to be tane with the lyk of him, and wnder speiking
this Williame Forbes schootis the gentilman with ane pistoll deid, and
thairwith cruellie strikis him two straikis in the heid. Thus is this
brave gentilman mischantlie mvrdreist, wnder scilens of nicht, (never
wining to his armes to defend him self), for greid of this gane set out
be the Estaitis, without ground of godliness. Many wes sorrowfull at his
death, being mervalouslie weill belovit both in brughe and land. He left
behind him his dolorous wyf and fyve father-les children. Vpone the
morne he is takin up and bureit within the Laird Drumis Iyll in Sanct
Nicholas’ kirk of New Abirdene with gryt mvrning and lamentatioun. This
innocent blood is noways pvnishit according to the law of God and man,
bot is esteimit and publictlie ap-provin as good and loyall seruice, in
manifest contempt of oure dreidfull God and the kingis lawis. For vpone
the 21 st of the said moneth of August, four dayis immediatlie efter
this bloodie mvrther, the said Williame Forbes is avowitlie brocht in
befoir the committe of Abirdein, and found to be ane volunteir in Schir
Williame Forbes of Craigiewaris company of trovperis, and declairit him
to haue done good seruice to the publict for mvrthering of this
gentilman, for no vther ressone bot becauss he wes at Montrose with his
young cheif the Laird Drum, drawin thair also aganist his will, as sum
said ; for this fault the taking of his lyf is approvin good seruice,
and absoluit thairfra. Likeas the said committe sent ane trumpettour to
the cross of Abirdene, and be oppin prodamatioun ab-soluit him fra this
mvrther frielie, and ordanit 5000 merkis to be liftit af of his estait,
being about 12 chalderis victuall, quhairof 2000 merkis sould be givin
to the malefactour, and 3000 merkis to Craigiwar, ritmaister, conforme
to ane ordinans set out be the generall committe of Estaitis. Likeas
thairefter he wes of new agane declairit to haue done good seruice, and
to get his rewaird, strictlie charging and commanding that no maner of
man sould speik or say aganis the samen bot lavdablie. Bot the Lord
luikit to their presumptuous sinis and bloodsched, for in August, 1645,
the said Williame Forbes, being keiping his fatheris hous of Likliheid,
schuiting ane mvscat, schot his richt hand fra him self; a token that
the Lord thocht not this innocent blood good seruice. And that same hand
who schot this gentilman wes schot fra him be him self; but it wes his
left hand quhilk fyrit, and wes cuttit at the elbo.” Gordon, in his
history of the family of Gordon, says that after the Restoration the
eldest son of the murdered laird of Kingcausie, “having obtained an
order from the Council to apprehend Forbes, went to Caithness, where the
assassin then lurked (as he thought in safety), took him prisoner, and
carried him to Edinburgh, where by the Council he was remitted to a
Justiciary Court to be holden at Aberdeen for that effect, and was by
that Court condemned to be hanged at the Crabstane, a place as near as
could be guessed to that where the murder was committed ; and which
sentence was accordingly executed.”
This, however, was not
the case. The loss of his hand had evidently satisfied his enemy for the
loss of his head, for he succeeded his father, and married Janet, sister
of Lord Duffus, and by her had several children, among whom were John,
his successor, and Jean, who became Lady Hatton Meldrum. According to
his tombstone in the churchyard of Leslie, he “lyved fifty-fyve yeirs,
and depairted this lyfe, November 12, 1670 yeirs.” He is believed to
have been the continuator of Matthew Lums-den’s Genealogy of the family
of Forbes, from Lumsden’s death in 1580, to 1665. Leslie Castle, now a
picturesque ruin, which might have been preserved at little cost in a
habitable condition, was rebuilt by him, as appears by an inscription on
the wall, dated 17th June, 1661.
John Forbes, his son and
successor, married in 1662 Helen Scot, daughter of the laird of Ardross,
in Fife, by whom he had several daughters. One of these, Christian, was
married, first, to John Skene of Dyce, and, secondly, in 1734, to John
Paton of Grandholm.
With this laird the
estate of Banchory left the Forbes family. In 1682 he disposed of the
whole estate to Robert Cruickshank, merchant in Aberdeen, and Sarah
Leslie, his spouse. Cruickshank was the son of John Cruickshank, burgess
of Aberdeen, and he was elected Provost for four successive years,
beginning in 1693, besides being Member of Parliament for the city from
1694 to 1702. In 1694 he returned the following information for the poll
taken in that year :—“Hath one wyfe, and five children in familie, two
servant lasses and one man servant.” Of the family, three sons appear in
the burgess register of Aberdeen as having been made Guild Brethren,
viz. : George, Robert, and James. The first named passed as an advocate
in Aberdeen, and married Elizabeth Geddie. The second became a merchant
in London. The third qualified as a doctor, and was afterwards designed
as “Chirurgeon in Kent, County in Maryland.” One of the daughters,
Helen, married the Reverend John Whyte, minister of Coylton, in Ayrshire;
the other, Elspet, became the wife of John Johnston, merchant in, and
one of the baillies of, Aberdeen. At Michaelmas, 1697, Johnston had
exception taken to his election as provost by several members of the
Council. These dissentients raised an action of reduction before the
Lords of the Privy Council, and, among other grave charges, declared
that Johnston, and his father-in-law, disregardful of the laws of God
and the sett of the Burgh, have arranged for the future to get
themselves alternately returned as Provost. The laird of Banchory has
already had himself re-elected four several running years.” The
objections were sustained, and, accordingly, in December following, “the
haill Council ” elected as provost, Alexander Walker, who was the
grandfather of Principal Campbell.
This dispute led to a
very curious episode in connection with the Bridge of Ruthrieston. The
council register of date, 23rd Feby., 1698, contains the following entry
which shows that the spirit of Town Councils has been pretty much the
same for a considerable length of time. “The Councill, finding that,
when the Bridge of Ruthreston was perfyted, Robert Cruickshank, of
Banchorie, being then [1693-4] provost, he did clandistinly cause put up
his armes on the sd. bridge without any act of councill, albeit he
contrabute nothing for building thereof, and yet the same was begune and
near ended in provost Cochran’s time, And was buildcd on the money of
the Bridge of Dee, Doe therefore appoint the sd. Robert Cruickshank’s
armes to be taken down, and to be given to him, he paying the pryce
thereof, And appoints the Mr. of Kirk Work to cause put up in the place
where the sd. arms, stood ane handsome cut stone with the following
inscription thereon, viz. :—“Senatus-Abredonensis hunc pontem, impensis
ex /Ere ad pontem Dee spectante extruendum Curavit, 1693.”
Notwithstanding this order, Cruickshank’s arms are still to be seen on
the bridge. The reason is this—the grandiloquent inscription of the
Council is on the reverse of the stone on which Cruickshank’s arms are
cut. Under date, 13th Sept., 1705, the Council “ appointed the Mr. of
Kirk work to cause turn the stone whereon the Inscription is that Robert
Cruickshank, of Banchorie, his Arms qch are on the back thereof may be
seen, and to add Provost of Abd. to his designation when this Bridge was
built, and to put on vpon another stone of the sd.
Johnston, his son-in-law,
died within the next year or two, being survived by his wife who had no
issue, and Cruickshank died about ist May, 1717, and was buried in Saint
Nicholas Churchyard, Aberdeen. Two years previously he bequeathed 1000
merks to form a fund for “relieving decayed Burgesses, their wives and
children.” His grandson, Robert Cruickshank, son of the before designed
George Cruickshank, succeeded, and with him the estate again changed
In 1724, Cruickshank, who
was then resident with his widowed mother in Saint Andrews, sold the
estate to James Gordon, merchant in Aberdeen, who was then proprietor of
Ardmellie, in the parish of Marnoch, Banffshire. Gordon was a keen
Episcopalian, and took an active interest in the raising of funds for
the erection of a “meeting house in Aberdeen, for that body.” In 1736 he
secured an obligation from the Governors of Robert Gordon’s Hospital,
Aberdeen, agreeing to grant 30 “spidarrock” of peats—a spidarrock being
what would be dug in one day by a spade—to be cast annually out of the
moss of Findon and Cookston by the tenants of Banchory, for sale in
Aberdeen for the space of 29 years after Candlemas 1737, each
“spidarrock” to pay 48 shillings Scots yearly. He married Mary Buchan,
and his eldest daughter, Anne, married in 1757 John Gordon of Craig, by
whom she had three sons—John, who died in infancy; James, the successor;
and Francis. Another daughter, Mary, married in 1768 Sir Alexander
Bannerman of Elsick.
The next change of
proprietor brought the estate into the hands of the Thomsons, with whose
name it is best known. Gordon sold the property, in 1743, to Alexander
Thomson, advocate in Aberdeen, who also acquired, in 1765, part of the
fourth lot of the lands of Portlethen, called Balquharn. He married
Katherine Skene, daughter of George Skene of Rubislaw, who survived him,
and died 4th March, 1776, aged 73. One stirring incident in his life was
undoubtedly due to his connection with the Skene family. He lived in the
fine old mansion in the Guestrow, now known as the Victoria Lodging
House. It had belonged to his wife’s family, and he had either bought or
leased it. At all events, when the Duke of Cumberland came to Aberdeen
in February, 1746, in pursuit of the Jacobite rebels, he pronounced
Marischal College, which had been prepared for him, as too small, and
took up his abode in Thomson’s mansion, which was roomy enough for him.
For six weeks he occupied his unwilling host’s house, and during that
time “made use of every kind of provisions found in the house, coals,
candles, ales, or other liquors in the cellars, and the milk of his
[host’s] cow : bed and table linen, which were very much spoiled and
abused ; he broke up a press in which Mrs. Thomson had lodged a
considerable quantity of sugar, and whereof he took every grain weight.
When about to march from Aberdeen, he left six guineas to the three
servants of the house, but did not make the least compliment or requital
to Mr. Thomson for the so long and free use of his house, furniture, and
provisions, nor so much as call for his landlord or landlady to reward
them thanks.”
In 1768 Thomson mortified
to the minister and Kirk-session of Banchory-Devenick, for behoof of the
poor of the parish, the sum of £5, payable yearly after his demise, from
the lands of Kirktown of Banchory. The Session’s right to the annuity
was constituted “ by gift and delivery to their Treasurer of earth and
stone of the ground of the foresaid lands of Kirktown of Banchory, an
hand full of corn, stubble, straw, and grass, together with a penny and
other symbols used in the like cases.” The deed of mortification, which
was registered in the Baillie Court books of Aberdeen, declares “ that
the foresaid annuity shall never be redeemed upon any consideration, but
shall remain as a perpetual burden in all time coming on the said lands
of Banchory.” He also mortified £20 to be paid annually out of the lands
of Balquharn to the master of mortification of Aberdeen, for payment of
annuities to certain relatives, at whose decease the fund was directed
to be applied in all time coming “ towards the support and maintenance
of old infirm Burgesses of Guild of Aberdeen ; and their wives ; or to
their widows; or to their sons or grandsons; daughters or
grand-daughters of Burgesses of Guild— the persons receiving the benefit
being old, infirm, and not able to gain a livelihood, and being of pious
At the same date he
executed a deed of entail (see Appendix) of the whole of his extensive
estates. He left a most curious array of reasons for doing so, for the
special guidance of his trustees and factor. “ It may be proper to let
my friends know some of my reasons for executing the Deed of Entail of
my lands of Banchory, Rainieshill, &c. I many times considered the
circumstances of my ancient friends and relations now dead, that those
who made any figure in the world, and acquired a competency of means,
their eldest sons and successors squandered away their Estates, and
spent the same in a foolish profuse idle way. First—To give some
A-died, leaving his
estate to his eldest son, B-, who sold it. He lived and died in great
want, being a sluggard. Second—C-, who was an eminent lawyer, died
leaving a plentiful estate to his only son, D-, who became an Edinburgh
lawyer. He afterwards squandered away his substance, neglected his
business, though he was one of the best writers of his time, and at last
died in low circumstances, and his sons after him turned debauchees.
Third—E-, who was a man of great knowledge and activity, acquired a
considerable estate in money, which he divided amongst his five sons,
who went abroad, made no figure, but spent their patrimonies without
doing any good. Fourth—F-, acquired the estate of. . . with several feus,
houses, and fishings. He left all his children competently provided for.
His eldest son, G-,
succeeded to all his means and estate, with the burden of his mother’s
liferent and the younger children’s provision. He would have had a very
good reversion if he had managed well and applied to business. Other
instances could be given, but I shall not mention them on account of
their surviving friends. Fifth—None of these friends executed any Deed
of Entail of their estates. When I considered how those before me were
represented, I thought a Deed of Entail might be tried to see if that
would preserve my small estate from being squandered away . . .
Mr. Thomson died in 1773,
at the advanced age of 81 years.
He was succeeded, under
the deed of entail, by his nephew, Andrew, the eldest son of his
brother, Andrew, an advocate in Aberdeen, and proprietor of Cammachmore,
in the Mearns. Andrew Thomson, senior, who died in
1766, was married to
Margaret Muir, by whom he had issue, Andrew, James, Margaret, Anne, and
Helen. Andrew, the eldest son, who was born on 28th October, 1747,
married in 1769 Mary Skene, daughter of Dr. Andrew Skene, a lineal
descendant of the great Scottish reformer, John Knox. “Knox left three
daughters, one of whom was married to a Mr. Baillie of Jerviswood, and
by him had a daughter, who was married to a Mr. Kirkton, of Edinburgh.”
By this marriage there was a daughter,
Margaret, who married Dr.
Andrew Skene, of Aberdeen, the grandfather of Thomson’s wife. He had
issue, Margaret, Andrew, and Alexander. During his proprietorship the
third lot of the lands and Barony of Portlethen, called Glashfarquhar,
was acquired from James Thomson of Portlethen, and “added, annexed, and
conjoined to the tailzied lands and estate of Banchory, Rainieshill,
&c., from which it was never to be disjoined.” Thomson died in 1781, at
the age of 34.
Andrew Thomson, his
eldest son, succeeded. He was born on 27th December, 1774, and educated
at the University of Aberdeen, at which he studied medicine. He married
Helen Hamilton, second daughter of Dr. Robert Hamilton, professor of
natural philosophy in Marischal College, Aberdeen. He died on 13th
April, 1806, in the 32nd year of his age. Smeaton says, “ He is
remembered as a man devoted to literary and scientific pursuits, with a
considerable genius for music, and an enthusiastic love of chemistry. He
erected a building out of doors where he could carry on his chemical
He was succeeded by the
last and most venerable of the Thomsons, his son, Alexander, who became
laird at the age of eight. His early training devolved entirely upon his
mother, who was known as a very superior and most pious woman. He
studied at the Grammar School, and thereafter at Marischal College,
where he graduated in 1816. Proceeding to Edinburgh, he studied for the
bar, and passed as an advocate in 1820. He never practised—preferring
the life of a country gentleman to the worry and bustle of a lawyer. On
14th February, 1825, he married Jessy, daughter of Alexander Fraser, ex
Lord Provost of Aberdeen, who survived him.
Securing disentail and
devoting great attention to the improvement of his estates, as also to
county business, Mr. Thomson speedily became one of the most popular
proprietors in the north. The old house of Banchory, which was erected
in middle of the seventeenth century, having become ruinous, he had a
massive new mansion erected on same site. The foundation-stone was laid
with much ceremony on 21st January, 1840. He was ordained an elder of
the Parish Church at Banchory ; but subsequently becoming more of the
evangelical turn of mind, he resigned office. In the Disruption
controversy, he took a very prominent part, sparing neither time nor
money in advancing the cause of the Free Church. On 1 st June, 1843, he
laid the foundation-stone of a Free Church at New Machar, on his estate
of Rainieshill, and he was the means of forming a congregation and
procuring a minister for the Free Church of Banchory-Devenick, which was
built almost entirely at his own expense. In September Dr. Chalmers paid
a week’s visit to Mr. Thomson at Banchory House, and, on the 10th of
that month, preached on the lawn to an immense congregation, drawn from
many miles around, including Aberdeen. At the Free Church General
Assembly of 1844 Mr. Thomson suggested a scheme for providing manses for
the clergy, and the establishment of the Theological Hall at the Free
Church College, Aberdeen, was mainly due to his exertions.

Between the years 1847
an^ 1857 Mr. Thomson’s time was greatly taken up by antiquarian and
geological studies ; as also with enquiries into the social condition of
the people. In 1859, when the Prince Consort visited Aberdeen to take
part in the business of the British Association, of which he was
president, Mr. Thomson had the honour of entertaining him at Banchory
House. About this time symptoms of failing health began to manifest
themselves, and he was thereafter compelled to forego several of the
investigations in which he had hitherto taken such an active interest.
With diminished strength, however, he pursued his studies, issuing many
pamphlets on scientific and antiquarian subjects. He died on 20th May,
1868, aged 70. Under his trust disposition and settlement he bequeathed
to the Free Church College in Aberdeen about ,£16,000 in cash, and the
valuable library and interesting museum he had collected at Banchory
House. The collection included a watch said to have been given by Queen
Mary to John Knox at the time when she was anxious to conciliate him.
The watch came into the Thomson family through Mr. Thomson’s
The arms of the Thomsons
are—Argent, a stag’s head, cabossed, gules ; attired or ; on a chief
wavy of the second, a lozenge between two spur-rowels of the field.
Crest—A crane holding a palm-branch in the beak, all ppr. Mottoes—Over
the crest — Cura cedit fatum Under the Arms—Secum cinque3
In 1872 the estate was
sold by Mr. Thomson’s Trustees to Mr. John Stewart, comb manufacturer,
Aberdeen, for £76,000. The career ot the late Mr. Stewart was a
remarkable one, and might be cited among the many examples of what a
determined, persevering, and sound-headed Scotchman can accomplish. Born
in Perth in 1810, he started the business of combmaking in Edinburgh
about 1828, in partnership with a friend of the name of Whitehead. The
venture did not succeed ; but, nothing daunted, Stewart removed to
Aberdeen, where he started a similar business in Mealmarket Lane, this
time in partnership with his brother-in-law, Mr. Joseph Rowell. Combs
were then made by hand, but gradually, as the concern increased, it
became imperative to introduce machinery. In 1835 the manufactory was
removed to larger premises in
Hutcheon Street, where
the business grew and flourished till it became the largest combmaking
centre in the world. Such handsome annual profits were realized that in
1848 Mr. Rowell retired with an ample fortune. Mr. Stewart, on the other
hand, embarked the larger share of his savings in the Great North of
Scotland Railway Company. This interest induced him to become also a
shareholder and director of the Aberdeen and London Steam Navigation
Company, with the avowed object of making Aberdeen the great competitive
point for the traffic of the north-east of Scotland, and compelling the
southern railways to compete with the Steam Company for such traffic,
and thus to modify their rates. To do this effectually he laid down the
policy that the fine old paddle passenger boats should be ultimately
superseded by screw steamers capable of working at a saving of coal,
that the sailings should be bi-weekly instead of weekly, and that the
tariff rates and fares should be substantially reduced. The older
directors and shareholders, however, dreaded the effect of such drastic
changes, and, a bitter opposition springing up against him, Mr. Stewart
started three rival screw steamers—the Stanley, Kangaroo, and Gambia—
under the title of “The Northern Steam Company.” After a tough contest
an amalgamation of both companies took place, under which Mr. Stewart
became chairman, and his policy may be fairly called the foundation of
the present active and prosperous state of the concern. The fight had,
however, cost him upwards of ,£46,000, and as the Highland Railway from
Perth to Inverness, which was opened shortly afterwards, got a contract
for the carrying of the greater portion of the mails to the north, which
had previously been carried by the Great North Railway, a panic set in
amongst the shareholders of the latter, and its stock was depreciated to
such an extent that Mr. Stewart was obliged to relinquish everything,
including his estate of Craigiebuckler. His firm of S. R. Stewart & Co.,
however, weathered this crisis, and after a few years of successful
trading, he was enabled in 1872 to purchase the estate of Banchory, as
before mentioned. He died on 25th January, 1887, and was interred in the
Free Church burying-ground, Banchory-Devenick. His wife, Mary Irvine,
died at Craigiebuckler 24 years previously.
He was succeeded by his
eldest son, David, who was educated at the University of Aberdeen, of
which he is a graduate. He has for several years been at the head of the
combworks in Aberdeen. He is a very active business man, and has filled
many public offices. After acting as president of the Aberdeen Chamber
of Commerce, he was elected Dean of Guild. A few years ago he was
appointed Judge at the Horners’Exhibition held at the Mansion House,
London, and at the same time he was elected a Liveryman of the City of
London. He married Margaret Dyce, eldest daughter of Principal Brown,
and has issue four sons—David Brown Douglas, William Dyce, George
Irvine, and Charles—and five daughters—
Mary, Alexandra Catherine
Dyce, Julia Charlotte, Jessie, and Margaret Isabel. Mary is married to
Mr. Charles Niven, professor of natural philosophy in the University of
Aberdeen, who was senior wrangler of his year, and has since been
elected a Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. |