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William and Louisa Anderson
Part III - Old Calabar Period, 1849-1889, & Closing Years, 1889-1895
Chapter 27

Visit as a Deputy to Jamaica, 1876-77, including Visits to Sister in America

As early as 1870 the idea of a visit to Jamaica by Messrs. Anderson and Goldie was mooted. In introducing the Annual Report for 1869 of the Old Calabar Mission, Dr. H. M. MacGill wrote in the Record for June 1870:—

The relation of our West Indian to our West African Mission is peculiarly intimate, for our churches in Calabar are in some sense the offspring of our churches in Jamaica. It is an indication of healthful life when one Christian enterprise thus gives being to another; and one of the debts which we owe to the Jamaica Mission is, that it gave birth, by irresistible suggestion, to our undertaking in West Africa, and sent forth such labourers as Waddell, and Jameson, and Anderson, and Goldie, and Robb. We are not without hope that two of these brethren—Messrs. Anderson and Goldie—may, ere long, be the means of giving new strength and closeness to the tie between our two missions to the warm-hearted negro race, by carrying the salutation of the younger churches on the shores of Africa to the thousands of their brethren in our numerous churches in Jamaica. A part of the joy, and even the strength of our negro congregations, is to be derived from the sympathy and fellowship which such a visit might diffuse.

In the Record for Sept. 1876 the following reference is made to Mr. Anderson's departure on his mission:—

About the time when this Record comes into the reader's hands, our friend the Rev. William Anderson, after his very brief visit to his native land, will have left our shores with the view of doing evangelistic work in Jamaica for a season, before returning to his loved labour in Old Calabar. Jamaica was the first scene of his ministry ; and his present object is to go through our churches in that island to evangelise the people, and, under God, to revive among them a sense of the need of a more earnest Christian life. He will tell them, of course, of their daughter mission in Old Calabar; but first and last will tell them anew the "old story" of redeeming love. Let prayer abound for a blessing on his visit. [In The Story of our Jamaica Mission (1894) there is no reference, save in the Appendix, to Mr. Anderson's visit to Jamaica.]

Mr. Anderson went and returned by way of America to visit his now widowed sister, Mrs. Clohan, and her family, at Wheeling, W. Virginia, U.S.A. The following letter to Mr. Chisholm gives a brief account of his visit to America and of his arrival in Jamaica. It is dated Kingston, Oct. 23, 1876:—

Our voyage across the Atlantic was very shaky. Captain, officers, fellow - passengers, all agreeable — but weather too Bay-of-Biscayish for the comfort of some stomachs, though I kept up as well as most of my neighbours.

New York—Oh, such a whirl!

Philadelphia—grand—magnificent—beautiful. I wish I had had a month to spend there. Mr. Wannamaker's Sabbath school is quite a wonder—worth going a hundred miles to see. I missed my niece Agnes, however, though, on comparing notes afterwards, we found that we had spent the whole of Saturday, Sept. 23rd, under one roof, at the Centennial—and that both had been at Mr. Wannamaker's Sabbath school on the 24th.

My sister and I met on Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 26th. How changed, both of us! Could not have known each other. Her two sons . . . one of whom I had never seen—have wives and children. Mary is the only daughter married. Four daughters at home, all far bigger than their mother. ... I had seen Agnes and Maggie before, Lizzie and Dora were both new to me, . , . Sad to part.

A weary journey of 540 miles from Wheeling to New York — twenty-three hours on the way. Cars better than your carriages. Water-filter accessible to all passengers, and they may walk about as much as they like, and even visit friends in neighbouring cars when flying forty miles an hour, which they do at many places.

Wheeling ministers very kind—I preached in three pulpits the two Sabbaths I was there (I mean, one sermon on one Sabbath, and two on the next). A number of the people did not understand me. I am "too Scotch" for even my own nephews and nieces, and they are too Yankee for me. I had to ask them again and again to repeat what they had been saying, and to make it more plain.

We left New York in the Claribel, Oct. 11th, and arrived here Oct. 18th—exactly a week and five hours on the way. Gulf Stream, which helped us so finely homewards in the Copse in 1848, opposed our progress towards Jamaica. This rendered some of us a little squeamish two days. When we reached Kingston, we found Rev. W. Smith, Grand Cayman, awaiting us. He is here for health, and had supplied the pulpit for three Sabbaths. 1 preached at preparatory meeting on Friday evening. Mr. Stoddart preached yesterday A.M. I dispensed Communion (the whole service) p.m., and preached in the evening. Complimentary newspaper paragraphs rather disturb me, bring some people out expecting to hear some great orator! Quai! (so we say in Calabar). I am to lecture on Calabar affairs this evening.

I am longing to get away to the hills—wearying to see Rose Hill and Carron Hall. The mosquitoes here eat one up sadly. I have to supply next Sabbath, then I hope to get to the mountains. . . . Mr. Roxburgh took four of us to his house, and we have been his guests since. . . . When I arrived here, found six kind letters awaiting me from brethren from all parts of the island. Felt thankful.

A full account of Mr. Anderson's visit to the churches in Jamaica would occupy too much space. "The Report of Tour among United Presbyterian Churches, Jamaica, from October 1876 to March 1877," was published in the Missionary Record for June 1877. It contains references to thirty-five stations, including one or two belonging to the Moravian brethren, visited by him. He mentions that he set out from Kingston on November 2nd, and returned on March 2nd, having travelled 778 miles, only 200 of these being over good roads. He delivered one hundred and five sermons and addresses, the addresses never occupying less than an hour and a half—in many cases exceeding two hours, not a few of them extending to three hours, and in two or three cases to a still greater length. The Secretary of the Foreign Mission Board mentioned "that the communications he received from the island were unanimous in stating that Mr. Anderson had succeeded in holding the attention of his audiences unbroken till the close of his lengthened addresses, and had not only commanded attention, but kindled enthusiasm wherever he went."

Room must, however, be found for an account of his visit to Rose Hill, first by an eye-witness and then by himself. The following is a communication to the Jamaica Witness relating to Mr. Anderson's visit to Rose Hill. His own deep pathos and enthusiasm in his reference to that lovely locality were finely reciprocated by the people:—

From the time that the people of Rose Hill first heard that Mr. Anderson was about to visit Jamaica, they were continually inquiring, "When will Minister Anderson come? when will Minister Anderson come?" But when it was announced on Sabbath, 29th October, that Mr. Anderson would preach at Rose Hill on the following Sabbath, the people were wild with joy. On Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, according as they variously conjectured or were misinformed as to what day he would come, numbers of people walked distances of from two to five miles to meet him. One very old man, said to be nearly a hundred years of age, who moves about slowly with the help of a staff, which he holds with both hands, tottered out at six o'clock on Thursday morning to a junction of the road which Mr. Anderson must pass on his way to Rose Hill. From early morning till four o'clock in the afternoon sat this aged disciple of Christ, with longing, loving heart, yearning to behold once again the face of him from whose lips thirty years ago he had drunk of the water of life, ft was with somewhat of an aching heart that I told him, "Minister Anderson will not come today." "Me no see him, den? Minister Anderson com a Rose Hill an' Peter Robinson no' see him!" I could not send him away without the assurance that Mr. Anderson would call to see him. "Ah, well, me see him, den; me satisfy fe wait,"—so he moved slowly homewards.

On Friday afternoon, when Mr. Anderson did come, it was something which might have instructed and subdued the heart of an atheist or a misanthrope, to witness the meeting of these humble and kind-hearted people with him who had been their guide from darkness to light, their first pastor, their friend, the instructor of their youth, after an absence of eight-and-twenty years. The veteran Christian soldier, who has stood fearlessly between contending foes while bullets were hissing their death-whistle around him, was not proof against the mute gaze of tear-glistened eyes and the suppressed sobs of hearts too full for utterance. Once and again he would hastily brush from his eyes something that dimmed their sight. One present, too, felt the joy of sympathy, the happiness of the tears.

On Sabbath the Lord's Supper was administered. Nearly all the members of the Church partook thereof, and some from neighbouring congregations. The church was crowded to overflowing, and I have no doubt everyone that was present felt himself happy in being there. To not a few it will be a bright day in their memories for many a year.

This communication is already longer than I intended, and therefore I cannot occupy so much more of your space as would be required to give a description of Mr. Anderson's levees all day long at the mission-house on Monday, Tuesday, and part of Wednesday; of the number, kind, and quality of presents brought him by the people; of the Tuesday afternoon meeting, which was scarcely less enjoyable than that of Sabbath, and perhaps much more interesting to some.—G. E. M. J.

Mr. Anderson himself wrote in his Report:—

It was with mingled feelings that I approached this station. . . . Our leaving it at the call of duty—we would have been deaf to any other call—was the sorest trial in the way of parting that I have ever known. Both place and people had been very dear from the clay I first saw them, and our mutual first love had never declined. . . . As I approached the (to me) sacred locality—indeed, long before I came near it—I was met by numbers of my old friends, some crying, some laughing, but all in a wondrous state of excitement. The first one who met me—wonderfully little changed—was the first bride whose marriage I solemnised. ... On Sabbath, Nov. 5th, I preached, dispensed both baptism and the Lord's Supper, and addressed a considerable length on missions. ... I think I was fully four hours on my feet during the service, . . . and at the end of the service I felt much more refreshed than exhausted. On the Tuesday afternoon we had a missionary meeting, at which I gave an account of Old Calabar and our work there. ... I missed many of the old familiar faces, but was glad to see in children and in children's children a renewal of the countenances of departed friends. . . .

With reference to Cedar Valley, Mr. Anderson wrote:—

This is another locality associated with interesting memories. We had some sweetly solemn Sabbaths here in days of old under the widespreading branches of a majestic tree. The huge trunk of that tree lies prostrate now. We had a fine missionary meeting here on the afternoon of Wednesday, Nov. 8th. I felt quite at home under the hospitable roof of brother Mitchell and Mrs. Mitchell, both of them having been my pupils in the olden time. I believe that both of them received their earliest lessons from my better half.

The reference to Carron Hall is both pathetic and amusing:—

Many a happy hour . . . have I enjoyed under that lowly roof in the domestic circle of Mr. and Mrs. Cowan —names very dear to all here. I cannot forget that it was here I first saw one in bloom of early womanhood. A close companionship of thirty-six years has not lowered her in my estimation. But it occurs to me that should any crusty old bachelor honour these lines with a perusal, he will be indignantly asking, "What business has a statement like this in an official report?" I meekly reply, "None at all, sir," and pass on. But other Old Calabar associations besides those hinted at are connected with this station. My bright and lovely and gentle pupil of 1840, known then as Mary Cowan, sleeps sweetly beneath yonder waving bamboos in the little cemetery at Ikorofiong. When I last saw Mary—(but I had better not digress further now). On Thursday evening, Nov. 9th, I addressed Mr. Martin's usual weekly prayer meeting, attended by about 200, I think. I preached on the Sabbath, and delivered a missionary address on the Monday evening. But the audiences on both Sabbath and Monday were very small, on account of heavy and continuous rain.

The following extract from Report from Goshen by Rev. John Aird, refers to Mr. Anderson's visit to Mr. Jameson and Mr. Robb's old station:—

You will notice with pleasure that our contributions for the Calabar Mission are double those of 1875. That is owing to a special collection, taken when our old and honoured brother and friend, Mr. Anderson, was here. Twenty-seven years and a half had wrought many changes in the congregation; but there were a few remaining who well remembered the name, but could not recognise the youthful minister of Rose Hill in the venerable patriarch from Old Calabar, until they beheld the genial smile light up the countenance and heard the ringing tones of his voice. Then they whispered, "That's just him!" And with what interest, pleasure, and astonishment, too, did they hang upon his lips ! Communications both old and recent in the Record, from time to time had kept them well posted up. Still, to listen to his verbal descriptions aroused the attention and created an interest which neither written nor printed communications could. Me was both a living witness and actor, and his testimony in both characters carried with it the greater power and force. On Sabbath forenoon Mr. Anderson chose as his text, Ex. xxxii. 26: " Who is on the Lord's side?" And at the second service he selected Isa. xxi. 11: "Watchman, what of the night?" On both occasions his sermons, of course, had a missionary bearing, and, although lengthy, the deep interest of the people was sustained to the end. The anecdotes and descriptions could not fail, and did not fail, to have this effect. A farewell meeting was held on Monday morning, which was numerously attended. The address of Mr. Anderson was both touching and appropriate. Such a season is well calculated to have a good effect both upon our people and ourselves, as well as the agent who visits. The question occurs to me, Would it not be well—dutiful and beneficial to the missions—to have such visits occasionally? The reciprocal effect, I am persuaded, would far more than compensate the trouble and expense.

Mr. Anderson's own reference to Goshen is as follows:—

. . . Glad to find my old fellow-student and fellow-soldier, John Aird, still in harness. Both he and I feel that we are not now what we were when we used to meet thirty-seven years ago. We had a capital missionary meeting here on Thursday, Nov. 23rd. Rejoiced to see our venerable friend John Simpson able to conduct the preliminary devotional services. Glad to find that an address of two and three-quarter hours does not necessarily weary an audience. I preached twice on the Sabbath to a well-filled church, and addressed a second missionary meeting on Monday, the 27th. This latter was a peculiarly solemn and tender season. The most of our hearts were quite full. Mr. Aird and I felt that this was our last joint service in the Church below.

Mr. Anderson had hoped to leave Kingston for America on April 18th, 1877. On March 7th he wrote from Roxburgh House, Kingston, to Mr. Chisholm, informing him that his plans had been changed by the receipt of a letter from Dr. MacGill, calling upon him, in the name of the Mission Board, to consider himself minister of Kingston for two or three months to come:—

I feel—and have felt ever since I arrived here in October—for the Kingston congregation. Had either Episcopalian or Wesleyan or Baptist congregations in this important city been left pastorless, one of the ablest men of their respective bodies would have been sent out to supply the vacancy.

I feel it to be a high honour to be called on to assume the pastorate of such a congregation in such a locality ; but I feel the responsibility also. However, the path of duty seems plain. You would see from a hint in my last to Mrs. Anderson, that Calabar authorities have not been giving their promised protection to the native agents and converts. I mean to take advantage of my detention here to get from them a promise that no such occurrences as these reported to me shall again take place. . . .

Most of my written-out sermons are, I believe, in your house. I must make the most of the materials I have with me.

Very soon Mr. Anderson received overtures from the Kingston congregation, inviting him to remain permanently with them, as the following letters will show.

To his niece, Miss Agnes Clohan, Mr. Anderson wrote on March 29:—

I see that it will be somewhat of a trial to leave Kingston. All parties are very anxious for me to remain here. Were it not that I am somewhat master of the Efik language, I should certainly consider the question; but as matters stand, I can go no further than promise to remain here till Dr. Robb comes out.

When he wrote Mr. Chisholm on April 7, he saw more clearly the difficulties in the way of his remaining permanently in Kingston:—

I shall now, as formerly, take you into confidence, and request you to read what I have written Mrs. Anderson, and to forward when you have read. ... I do trust that Dr. Robb—or some other brother—will come soon, authorised to relieve me from my present charge. Were an able brother here to take my place, as it were, I could afford to answer all the entreaties given to me to remain here— with sternness. I might repulse them ; but at present I have no heart to do so. In so far as I personally am concerned, I have little anxiety or perplexity about futurity. I might say with all sincerity to the Mission Board, Send me anywhere you like except to the Frigid Zones. At my time of life it is a matter of little importance where my very few remaining years are spent—the great thing is how. My predilections for a resting-place in Africa are what they have been for years; but were the Master to appoint otherwise, I should not grow rebellious. I have also to consider my partner. To bring her here would be worse than putting an elderly squirrel in a cage. It would be confining a wild deer in a trap. She was a mountain roamer and tree climber in girlhood. Since 1848 she has had acres of ground in which she has toiled and pleasured daily—as the only thing to keep her in tolerable health. A city life would, I suspect, soon end her days. . . .

I have little perplexity as to path of duty; for that I consider to be plain, as laid down in my paragraph [in letter to Mrs. Anderson] about resembling a subaltern. My perplexities are simply those connected with the replies that I must give to those who treat me with such tender affection and respect. ... I can stand bullets better than tears. . . .

I have explained to Mr. James Tod that my sermons and speeches here are very different from those at home. There I always feel tongue-tackit (is that the word ?) before so many superiors in learning and Christian experience. Here, as in Old Calabar, my heart is enlarged—my tongue is unloosed. I look on all as my ain bairns. . . .

I wish I had Mr. Lambert here for a few weeks. I think I could slip away into one of U.S. steamers under his shadow without being missed. Is Mrs. Lambert not yet tired of that cold, cheerless, orangeless, mangoless, breadfruitless country of yours? . . .

... I feel that I must see my sister once more. . . .

On April 24 Mr. Anderson wrote further to Mr. Chisholm:—

... I am looking forward with some anxiety for Dr. Robb's arrival on the 5th prox. If he comes with instructions to supply Kingston even for a short time, that will be an immense relief to me. ... I have just written to Dr. MacGill, and also to Mrs. Anderson, that I do not see it to be my duty to remain here without a threefold " sign from heaven ":—

1. That Duke Town Church and people are indifferent as to whether I return to them or not.

2. That Mrs. A. certify me that she would prefer Kingston to Duke Town, Jamaica to Old Calabar. And

3. That the Mission Board are unanimously of opinion that I should remain here.

Failing these three signs—or any one of them—I shall continue to feel that the sooner I get away from this the better.

I confess to be getting a little home-sick (home meaning O. C). During my tour round the island the hope of an early return to Scotland and O. C. helped to cheer me on, and besides, new scenes and new faces greeted me every week. Here, matters are now assuming a sameness ; . . . and then these constant and earnest requests to remain form a serious tax on the emotional part of my nature, which I feel it hard to sustain.

The kindly notices in the Witness might have damaged me thirty or even twenty years ago; but, as I wrote Dr. Murray (editor) a few days ago, they do not at all elate me—they rather depress me; but perhaps prove beneficial in setting a high standard before me, and in showing me what I ought to be.

My own personal feelings are decidedly in favour of my return to O. C, but I am almost afraid to trust to my own judgment in such a case. I believe it to be as simple to trifle with the affections of a congregation as with those of a young lady. I see that I have the affections of the congregation here,—every Sabbath, every prayer meeting, every day shows that,—and of course I like them that like me ; but I try to speak kindly without coming under any engagement, and this is difficult. I have mentioned to several of the leading members my threefold sign.

The Rev. Dr. Robb, in a letter of reminiscences, says :— When I went to Jamaica in 1877, Mr. Anderson had ended his tour among the churches. He had been requested by the Mission Board to remain at Kingston, which was then vacant by the resignation of the Rev. James Ballantyne. When I arrived, he at once put the charge on me. I was taken by surprise, not expecting anything but my academical work. He remained only a week or two, and I had to take up the pastoral work, and had it for twenty-two months. He was very much liked by the people. Gladly would they have had him to stay with or return to them and be their pastor. His ministrations were blessed to foster and deepen impressions due to the labours in Kingston of an evangelist (Mr. Tayloe) from Mr. Guinness's College in London. I moderated in a call to Mr. Anderson—a unanimous and hearty call. It was sent to him, but it was considered better that he should go to his former service.

In the Record for September 1877 it is stated that, with reference to the call from Kingston, the Committee did not feel at liberty, in the circumstances of Kingston congregation and of Duke Town, to interfere. The result is that Mr. Anderson, with a high estimate of the claims of Kingston, has decided in favour of Calabar. The following letters are given as bearing on two of Mr. Anderson's "signs," viz., the attitude of Duke Town and the wishes of Mrs. Anderson:—

Imperial Palace, Old Calabar, West Coast of Africa, 15th June 1877. King Archibong's Letter.' From His Imperial Majesty Eyamba VIII. To the Rev. William Anderson. DEAR Sir,—Your order (message [He refers to a message from Mr. Anderson, that, as things were going on so well in his absence, it might not do harm if he would remain away altogether.]) from your wife I have received. But as you heard then that all things are quite right here, it is not quite so.

Regarding your journey, I did not understand that you was entirely going. My thought was that you are but to go and visit families and then return. I hereby expecting your arrival.

Otherwise, as you heard that things are disorderly here [He refers to a portion of Mr. Anderson's message, that the teachers and converts must be protected from persecution if he was to be expected to return to Old Calabar.] respecting chaining teachers and stopping people from joining Church, also the reporter was not explained well to you as it was.

Therefore I wish you to come, then you will hear and observe better. I will not oppose anyone from joining the Church. — Best compliment, I remain, yours truly, ARCHlBONG III., KING.

Mrs. Anderson's letter to the Secretary:—

Duke Town, 28th June 1877. My dear Dr. MacGill— Yours of 11th May I received. After giving the matter the most serious attention, I feel shut up to the conclusion that it would not be our duty to leave Old Calabar.

In regard to merely personal matters, I may be permitted to say that it would be a heavy trial for us to break up and leave the home of twenty-nine years,—for home it has been to us, with many solemn and touching associations. It has been the scene to us of many conflicts and of some victories, of many toilsome days and nights, and of many seasons both of sadness and gladness.

Mr. Anderson seems, I am thankful to say, to have a frame adapted to any clime and to any work; such is not the case with me. I have been accustomed to country life since my birth, and I feel that the confinement of a town life would not suit me. Let me remain where I am during the very few years which may be still before me.

And then in regard to the great work of the Mission. Every argument used in favour of Mr. Anderson's settlement at Kingston applies with tenfold force here. His age, his experience, his long acquaintance with the people, his familiarity with their language, their ardent wish for his return, the painful effects which will be produced on their minds if he do not return,—all these things, and others that might be mentioned, are reasons for his speedy return, and in view of them I cannot agree to our abandoning Old Calabar.

Although I am very anxious for Mr. Anderson's return, yet I would not object to his being detained a few months longer than the time originally intended for his coming, for the sake of such important work as that in which he is engaged. I only request you to let him return to us as speedily as possible.

I know his love for Jamaica, but I also know that it is, and has long been, his ardent wish and mine that "our rest together in the dust" be in Old Calabar. The king and chiefs, the natives not connected with us, as well as the members of the Church, are all anxious for Mr. Anderson's return.—I remain, my dear Dr. MacGill, very truly yours, L. ANDERSON.

A letter to Mr. Chisholm from Wheeling, dated June 14, gives in brief a record of his movements, and shows the effect his labours in Jamaica had on his health:—

I left Jamaica on 30th May, 4 P.M., reached New York June 6, 6 A.M. Arrived at this place 6 P.M., June 9. Purpose leaving for New York on the 19th, 6 p.m., and have taken my passage in the Devonia (new ship), to leave New York on Saturday 23rd, at 2 p.m. We may expect to reach Greenock on Wednesday A.M., July 4, if all go well. I mean to go right through to Edinburgh. May be there Wednesday evening. Before leaving Scotland, I half purposed to go to our friend Darling's [Hotel], but I suppose his establishment will be crowded with Americans and others. I do not know whether Mr. Morton or the Misses Lamb can ferret out a lodging for a few days. If they can't, then I shall have to throw myself on your hospitality, leave my luggage at station, and go to Eskbank last coach or train. But you too will doubtless have a houseful, as I suppose our Rigg [of Gretna] friends will be with you for the festive season.

I am not feeling nearly so vigorous as in former days. I rather overdid the thing in Jamaica—meetings rather too many and speeches too long—during my four months' tour. I felt sufficiently exhausted at its termination to require a voyage and repose. Then came unexpectedly the call to remain at Kingston, which involved equally hard work with that of the "provinces," though of a somewhat different kind. And while at Kingston the emotional part of my nature was a good deal overtaxed. The result is that I now feel—I may say for the first time—that I have got a liver and spleen, or some apparatus of that sort, and that said apparatus is out of order. I almost feel as if I should spend a month at that liver-restoring place, Crieff; but first of all I must confer with Dr. Peddie (M.D., not D.D.).

Mr. Anderson's niece—Miss Elizabeth Clohan—gives in a letter the following reminiscences of his visit to Wheeling in 1876-77:—

My mother was living when uncle visited America in '76 and 'yy on his journey to and from Jamaica. Mother and uncle took much comfort in each other during that visit. Their happiness was marred by my father's death, which had occurred in May 1874. You can readily imagine how the brother and sister so long separated enjoyed their reunion, how they talked of Ford and Dalkeith, laughed over childish memories.

Uncle having no children of his own, took the deepest interest in mother's children. You know how full of jokes and fun he was! We children had been a little afraid of a minister in the family; but how quickly we all loved him, with what deep regret we parted from him!

Uncle was much amused over our American ideas of things. We used to have animated arguments with him upon the subjects of monarchies and republics. When uncle saw anything in our city of which he did not approve, he would jokingly say, "And do you have such things in a republic?" greatly to our discomfiture. Pie was very loyal to his beloved Queen. His admiration for Gladstone was unbounded. He said, "We have faith in the man. He is good, and he will do right." He often said in a laughing way, "Gladstone and I are the Queen's representatives—he in England, I in Africa."

Uncle at once took the hearts of our Wheeling friends by his preaching. His beautiful resonant voice pleased everyone. Many of our friends took a renewed interest in foreign missions after hearing uncle. He was so full of music and poetry, that during his visit in '92 we used to beg him to repeat to us "Abel entering Heaven" and "The old man singing Psalms." The music of his voice brought tears to our eyes.

One thing about him that was a source of amazement to us was his utter indifference to money. He was so generous, and yet he never seemed to miss it. His own wants were so simple, and he loved to give. Every appeal to him met with a generous response. His utter trust in the God of Providence was simply a daily lesson to us. His prayers were so touching. Every little event that we never thought he noticed was remembered in his prayers. He always made us feel so near to God. I remember a friend of mine being so struck with the beauty of the blessing that he asked at the table, that she desired me to write it for her. I told her that it was a different blessing every day, and each seemed more beautiful than the one before.


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