Lachlan McIntosh eventually decided to enter
business life and he moved to Charleston, South Carolina. There he
was fortunate to find a position in the counting-house of Henry
Laurens, who eventually became a very good friend. Laurens wielded
an unusual influence upon the maturing life of Lachlan McIntosh.
Through Laurens, he had a real knowledge of British policies and
came to realize the policies were definitely restrictive and
coercive. His military heritage led him to study military science,
so when the Revolutionary War broke out, McIntosh was ready to do
his part for the colonial cause.
Sometime before the revolution began, McIntosh
returned to Georgia, where he secured land and became a surveyor.
McIntosh was selected as a delegate from the parish of St. Andrew
for the Provincial Congress in 1775, held in Savannah. On January 7,
1776, he was appointed Colonel of Georgia troops and in September
1776, he was elected Brigadier General of the Continental troops of
Another leader in Georgia in the meantime, Button
Gwinnett, was sent to the Continental Congress at the time of the
adoption of the Declaration of Independence. Button Gwinnett was one
of the signers of the document. In the fall of 1776, Georgia drew up
a constitution and it was adopted early in 1777. Gwinnett was later
made Chairman of the Council, giving him unusual power and executive
prestige. As a Brigadier General of the Continental Army, McIntosh
had military powers which Gwinnett could not overrule.
Unfortunately, Gwinnett tried to restrict and delay plans of
McIntosh, irritating him whenever possible. McIntosh finally lost
all patience, denounced him and challenged him to a duel. In the
duel that followed, each man was wounded. McIntosh recovered, but
Gwinnett died. Gwinnett's friends charged McIntosh with murder and
he was brought to trial. In the trial that followed, McIntosh was
acquitted. However, the unfortunate situation divided the ranks of
patriots in Georgia...and under these circumstances, influential
friends secured the transfer of General McIntosh to General
Washington's headquarters, accepted by McIntosh to keep the ranks of
patriots united in Georgia.
At Valley Forge, Washington appointed General
McIntosh the command of the North Carolina Brigade. According to
General Weedon's Valley Forge Orderly Book, beginning on December
27, McIntosh is appointed a Brigadier for the day and is so
appointed a successive fourteen times during the encampment. On
January 30, 1778, General Washington gave a report on the result of
a General Court martial held on January 23, when a soldier of the
artillery was tried for desertion and stealing a horse from General
McIntosh. The soldier was acquitted of the desertion charges, but
found guilty of theft and was sentenced to receive 100 lashes on his
back and have "half his pay stopped monthly until General McIntosh
is fully satisfied".
May 26, 1778, Washington wrote a letter to
McIntosh which ended his service at Valley Forge: "The Congress
having been pleased to direct me to appoint an officer to command at
Fort Pitt, and on the western frontiers in the room, of
Brigadier-General Hand, I am indeed, but not without reluctance,
from the sense I entertain of your merit, to nominate you, as an
officer well qualified from a variety of considerations to answer
the object they have in view, I do not know particularly what the
objects are, which Congress have in contemplation in the command;
and I therefore request that you will, as soon as you conveniently
repair to Yorktown and receive their instructions respecting them. I
have only to add, that I shall be happy to hear from you as often as
opportunity will permit and my warmest wishes, that your service may
be favourable to yourself and approved by your country, I am, Sir,
with great esteem and regards, your most obedient servant."
After conferring with Congress, McIntosh
proceeded to Fort Pitt. Congress sent three commissioners from York
(Pennsylvania) to confer with McIntosh concerning the advisability
of organizing an expedition against Detroit to destroy the British
power in that area as well as break Indian raids between Detroit and
Fort Pitt. McIntosh lacked the men to carry on such an expedition,
but felt confident that he could raise forces from the frontier
area. He needed money and equipment and Congress decided they just
could not afford the expense.
A fort was built at the mouth of Beaver Creek at
Beavertown. It was named Fort McIntosh by its French engineer,
Chevalier DeCambray, who was in charge of the artillery at Fort
Pitt. McIntosh marched into the Sandusky area and built another
fort, Fort Laurens, named in honor of the President of the
Continental Congress. He established a garrison of about one-hundred
and fifty men under the command of Colonel John Gibson. McIntosh
returned to Fort Pitt and remained in command until May 18, 1779
when he was ordered south to participate in a campaign to recapture
Late in 1778, the British sent an expedition from
New York to the south in order to capture Savannah and destroy the
American cause in Georgia. Two days before Christmas, the British
appeared before Savannah. The American forces were composed of
Continental soldiers and untrained militia under General Robert
Howe. When the British attacked, the militia fled and the
Continentals were forced to retreat. Savannah was captured.
The citizens of Georgia resolved to recapture
Savannah. Congress promised such assistance as it was possible to
give. In the early fall of 1779, General McIntosh was to have an
important part. The French also offered assistance. In September,
Count D'Estaing appeared off the coast with a fleet of twenty ships
of the line and eleven frigates...and six thousand French soldiers.
D'Estaing had defeated the British in the West Indies, freeing them
to aid the Americans. General Lincoln was in command of the American
forces, and the he and D'Estaing arranged for immediate attack on
Savannah. General McIntosh and Count Casimir Pulaski were sent in
with their forces in advance of the main army under Lincoln. On
September 16, D'Estaing demanded an unconditional surrender of the
British forces. The British commander demanded a truce until the
following day and D'Estaing agreed. Lincoln protested when he heard
of his actions, but by then, it was too late. During the truce, the
British fortified and prepared for attack. Also, the British were
aided by the arrival of reinforcements who eluded detection under
cover of heavy fog. The British sent out a note to D'Estaing in
which was stated they would not surrender.
The French and Americans prepared for attack. On
October 4, a terrific bombardment began, and they were well on the
way to a victory. D'Estaing became impatient when he heard it would
take at least ten days more to capture the city without too much
loss of life. He also feared the possibility of the British fleet
attack on sea, placing them in a serious situation. He resolved to
destroy the British by attack and renewed the bombardment. Lincoln
could do nothing but agree. After an unusually heavy bombardment and
under cover of fog, the French forces led by D'Estaing in person,
aided by Lincoln went in for the attack. Additional forces were led
by McIntosh, Hughes and Pulaski. In the foray, both D'Estaing and
Pulaski were wounded. Pulaski was taken aboard the United States
ship, Wasp. He died and was buried on St. Helena Island, about fifty
miles from Savannah.
As a result of the fighting, D'Estaing asked for
a truce to bury the dead. The British gave four hours. D'Estaing and
Lincoln held a conference where D'Estaing resolved to abandon the
seige and sail away. Lincoln protested, but D'Estaing carried out
his plans. Lincoln ordered his troops to his men to march to
Charleston, South Carolina and McIntosh was ordered to follow.
Realizing that the capture of Savannah would lead
to British attack upon Charleston, the Americans headed there.
Lincoln's army had been reduced to a small force, as the term of
enlistments had expired and the militia felt the service was in
vain. McIntosh, however, endeavored to keep the spark of liberty
alive. He was able to build up a sizable force through the
inspiration of his own example. Lincoln and McIntosh were determined
to protect the city. On April 9, 1780, the British fleet moved
forward, pass the fire from Fort Moultrie and anchored cannon within
range of Charleston. Supplies were low and the financial situation
in Charleston was very poor. A forty day struggle ensued, and
finally, due to the shortage of provisions and no additional troops
aiding them, Lincoln agreed to a surrender. The British took
possession of the city on May 12, 1780. McIntosh was taken prisoner
and was not exchanged until February 9, 1782. His confinement
undermined his health and he was not in robust condition for the
rest of his life.
When the British withdrew from Savannah in 1782,
Governor Martin of Georgia called a meeting of the state legislature
which met in the house of General McIntosh, August 1782, for the
reorganization of the civil authority of the state. Eventually,
McIntosh returned to his Georgia estate. In 1783 he was made a
Major-general. He became a member of the Society of the Cincinnati
in 1784. He was elected to Congress in 1784, also, by his
constituents at home. He was also appointed to help organize a
treaty with the Indians that occupied the western part of Georgia.
McIntosh was a member of the committee that
welcomed George Washington to Savannah in 1791. He continued to aid
the state of Georgia in many ways throughout the rest of his
lifetime, until his death February 20, 1806. He is buried in the
Colonial Cemetery in Savannah.