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Donna's Poems
Kathy!  Forever Young
by Donna Flood

Like music is her voice,
A bubbling stream of ideas,
Will come easily from her mind's choice,
My friend,  Kathy,  my pride,  she is.

Kathy walked so gracefully through,
So many years ago,
Teaching me about being true,
While her eyes twinkled their glow.

Gifted with tact and  what was right,
All the more,  to strengthen.
We visited sometimes 'til the light,
Not once, but time and again.

Somewhere in the gene pool I wish now,
Believe I, we had the same grandparent.
If not dearest friend, maybe somehow,
This we share,  is a greater gift sent.

Why do strangers of different places,
Come together as if they were meant to be,
With no wondering of what graces,
In agreement but still,  separately free?

Tho'  the miles now act as a barrier,
To kitchen sessions of shared chats long.
For you to pick up the phone as a carrier,
Gave me wind beneath my wings and strong.

If there were lovely waltzes we enjoyed,
Works of Monet, Van Gogh, or Picasso,
Whispered of the gossip of Dallas, that toy,
I miss it. And Kathy, I have missed you so.

If there is sadness it isn't because of this,
Knowledge that our lives are set, so certain.
Although we know,  all is not positive bliss,
Sad is this distance, and routine's curtain.

Now as the days they hurried and fell,
Did we reach for fame or maybe wealth,
Or possibly satisfied with the well,
Of our stability in unity, mind's health?

Whatever remains to be seen,
Pray you Kathy, remain as you are,
Keeper of the dream,
And forever Young, your star.

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