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Daughters of Scotia

Daughters of Scotia is a fraternal order which celebrated the 125th Anniversary of its Grand Lodge this year. Membership is available to women who were born in Scotland, are of Scottish descent, or are interested in supporting Scottish culture.

Love of Auld Scotia—its history, traditions and ideals, its romance, music and enchanting beauty, inspired a small group to band together and organize the order.

The first regularly constituted lodge, Victoria #1, was instituted on July 2nd, 1895. Twenty three women were present at that first meeting and initiated as members of the Order. From this small beginning we have increased in membership and today there are lodges in our fraternal chain from coast to coast.

Woman Leader of Daughters of Scotia, Edinburgh - July 20, 1934
An article from the Hong Kong Daily Press of August 7, 1934 (jpg file)

History and Purpose
From many preliminary meetings, finally the first regularly constituted lodge, Victoria #1, was instituted on July 2, 1895. Twenty-three women and two men (the latter were members of the Order of Scottish Clans and Past Chiefs of Clan MacLeod, #31) were present at this first meeting and initiated as members of the order. Both men had been instrumental in the preparation of the ritual and constitution. Because they were familiar with the ritualistic work and had rendered such valuable service in the organizing of the Order, they were initiated as full-fledged members. Following permanent organization of the Order, the two men withdrew from active membership.

From this small beginning, we have increased in members and today there are lodges in our fraternal chain from coast to coast and border to border.

The Grand Lodge was organized in 1899. Each lodge sends it elected representative to the Grand Lodge convention each year. At the annual convention, Grand Lodge Officers are elected, the accomplishments of the year are reported and reviewed, new laws enacted, etc.

Conventions are held in different cities. The Grand Lodge has been entertained by subordinate lodges in Los Angeles, Atlantic City, Boston, Sacramento, Clearwater, Pittsburgh, Worcester, Akron, and etc.

The order includes in its membership women tracing Scottish descent from a parent, grandparent or a great grandparent, women born in Scotland; mothers and daughters of member of the order, the wives, mothers, daughters, sisters, and widows of members of the Order of Scottish Clans; and legally adopted daughters of members of the Order; wives of men of Scottish descent.

You may become a member of the Daughters of Scotia if you are of Scottish blood, birth, parentage, descent, etc.

Membership in the Order is classified as follows:

DONATION membership: An applicant between the ages of 16 and 45 in good health.

SOCIAL membership: An applicant of age 45 or over. A social member is entitled to all privileges of the Order excepting participation in the donation fund.

There are no honorary members, or associate members, in the subordinate lodges.

A donation fund is maintained and supported by all donation members of the Order through a minimum assessment of twenty cents per month. On satisfactory proof of death of a donation member, the amount prescribed by our law is paid to the member's designated beneficiary.

An initiation fee is determined by the members of each lodge. The constitution of the Order provides that it be at least $2.00 - in any case, it is within reach of all.

Monthly dues in a small amount are paid by every member for the support and maintenance of her lodge.
Regular scheduled monthly or semi-monthly meetings are held, for the transaction of business of the lodge, and social enjoyment.

When visiting in some locality where there is another subordinate lodge, you can attend a meeting or social function - perhaps renew old ties, make new friends!

If there is no lodge in your area -

Fifteen or more women in a locality without a lodge may start one by applying for a charter from the Grand Lodge.

"Give me the land of the heather
And the kilt,
The mountain and the river.
For the blood leaps in my veins,
When I hear the bagpipe's strains.
Scotland - Dear Old Scotland, Forever!"

Daughters of Scotia Desert Thistle Lodge Newsletter

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