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Canmore Highland Games
Next Games September 2-3, 2000
Western Canada's Premier Highland Games
Centennial Park, Canmore, Alberta

Canmore Highland Games

Canmore Highland Games

Visitors experience the grandeur of the Rocky Mountains
Visitors experience the grandeur of the Rocky Mountains when they attend the Canmore
Highland Games.  At centre field the local Three Sisters Legion Pipe Band and over
100 dancers entertain the crowd.  At centre back of the photo is the Ceilidh tent,
which houses our Beer Garden with free entertainment all afternoon, providing protection
from the elements and a great party spot for the Ceilidh following the Games.

The Olde 78th Fraser Highlanders from Calgary
The Olde 78th Fraser Highlanders from Calgary perform a black powder
demonstration immediately following the opening ceremonies.

Unidentified caber tosser battles it out in the Heavy Sports Competition.
Unidentified caber tosser battles it out in the Heavy Sports Competition.

One of our four-legged visitors provides an opportunity to see a Highland Cattle specimen up close.
One of our four-legged visitors provides an opportunity to see a Highland
Cattle specimen up close.  And she loves the pipes!



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