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Clan Smith
Takes 3rd place on the "Best and Most Creative Clan Tent Award"
Gatlinburg Scottish Games & Festival 2004

Hard luck to the Clan Smith but as 3rd place runners up they do win a free years subscription to the Burke's Peerage & Gentry online database and electronic magazine, Avatus.

Here is what the judges had to say...

The Clan Smith tent drew the attention of the judges mostly because of the wonderful vignettes on the tables...complete with anvils - both a real, working anvil and many models of the symbol of a "smith."  Tent workers were all - all - attired in the Smith tartan, which abounded in the decoration of the area.  There were books and history and registration books...refreshments...and friendly folk, too.  This tent showed the hard work and attention to detail that made it a spectacular home for their clan.

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