One of the other uses to which Heather was put is
described by the translator of Ossian: "The ancient manner of preparing
feasts after hunting is handed down by tradition. A pit lined with
smooth stones was made; and near it stood a heap of stones of the flint
kind. The stones as well as the pit were properly heated with heath.
Then they laid some venison in the bottom, and a stratum of the stones
above it; and this they did alternately till the pit was full. The whole
was covered over with heath to confine the steam. Whether this is
probable, I cannot say, but some pits are shown which the vulgar say
were used in that manner.
In Fingal occurs the following passage: "It was on
Cromla's shaggy side that Dorglas placed the deer; the early fortune of
the chase before the herdes left the hill. A hundred youths collect the
heath; then the heroes blow the fires; three hundred chuse the polished
stone. The feast is smoking wide."
In the Hebrides the fisherman strips the Heather
of its leaves and flowers and ties the stems into large bundles which he
lays across the stream and holds down by stones, the tops of the Heather
being always turned toward the current.