- HEPBURN is delightfully situated on the river Tyne in the most fertile
champaign of all Scotland—the seaward portion of the county of
Haddington. The remarkable collection of trees, shrubs, and flowering
herbs which adorns the grounds owes it affluence to the enthusiasm of
two generations of amateurs, for to the love of trees which inspired the
late Sir Thomas Buchan-Hepburn, his son and successor Sir Archibald has
added a keen intelligence in the cultivation of herbaceous and alpine
plants. The herbaceous plants occupy borders in the old-fashioned walled
garden; where also is a teeming and interesting nursery of that most
perplexing, yet fascinating race, the Saxifrages. S. Elizabethce and
apiculata are particularly luxuriant, having overflowed in verdant
volume the stone compartments assigned to [Owing to a severe illness in
the spring of 1908, Miss Wilson unfortunately was prevented from
visiting Smeaton-Hepburn in order to make a drawing in the garden there.
Notwithstanding the consequent absence of a plate, I have thought that a
few notes about this fine collection of shrubs and plants may be not
without interest.] them. Two kinds of wind-flower, Anemone alpina and
palinata alba were in great beauty when I saw these borders last; and at
that time, the end of May, the most conspicuous wall shrubs were
Ceanothus rigidus sheeted with deep blue, and Caronilla emerus,
pointille or, as heralds would term it—in plain language sprinkled with
clear canary yellow. Both these last betoken a genial, sunny climate,
albeit we are here a long way north on the east coast.
For the alpines, Sir
Archibald has prepared a home worthy of his treasures; a wide space
sheltered by woods from cutting winds, yet lying fair to the sun, having
been covered with rock-work constructed with far more attention to
cultural requirements than to scenic effect. Here is no tea-gardenish
attempt to mimic the Himalayas or ape the Andes; the plants are grouped
upon raised ledges and mounds for the double purpose of securing rapid
drainage and of bringing them under the eye for closer inspection ;
while rocks are employed, not for mere effect, but to check radiation
and evaporation, which, in excess, are the two chief adversaries to
plant growth, and to provide a cool and natural root run for exacting
mountaineers. To do justice to this fine collection would have taken
more hours than I had to spare. Among the species which their luxuriance
made it impossible to overlook were Gentiana verna, that capricious
beauty so seldom seen taking kindly to imprisonment; Mitella trifida,
more attractive than the rest of the genus; Saxifraga rhei superba,
really justifying its additional epithet, Primula farinosa making a
miniature grove of rosy bloom, Ramondia pyrenaica and i athalice,
flowering profusely, but inclined to gasp for cooler shade. Prostrate
phloxes, Arenaria and encrusted saxifrages peopled the slopes in lavish
abundance. The charming Chatham Islands sorrel, Oxalis enneaphylla, had
just opened one or two of its milky blossoms, and the time of Dianthus
and Campanula was at hand when a fresh chord of colour would be struck.
Near the mansion house a
fine deodar, 70 or 80 years old, stands in sisterly proximity to
Cupressus macroca7pa from the opposite hemisphere. They have been of
mutual benefit to each other by encouraging upward growth, and so
preventing that podgy, lateral spread which is so destructive of the
true character of most conifers. When will landscape gardeners learn
that fine park timber cannot be had without submitting it first to
forest discipline?
A splendid bush of Garrya
ellyptica stands on the lawn before the house. It measures 63 feet in
circumference, and is the growth of 47 years, for it was killed to the
ground in the winter of 1861.
In crossing the park to
the lake, one cannot fail to be charmed by the clouds of poet's
narcissus springing from the turf in all directions. Never have I seen
such a display; they have run abroad in millions. Perhaps there is no
other flower which unites purity of colour so completely with simple
grace of form. Was this, think you, the species whereof Mahomet spoke
when he said—"Let him who hath two loaves sell one, and buy flower of
narcissus; for bread is but food for the body, w:iereas narcissus is
food for the soul."?
The most delectable part
of all this demesne lies round the lake. A precipitous crag screens the
southern shore, planted with many choice trees and shrubs. It is a great
pleasure to be escorted thither by Mr. Brown, who has tended these
grounds for more than fifty years, and can show you conifers 100 feet
high planted by himself under direction of the late Sir Thomas Hepburn.
Specially notable are Picea sit chen sis and A bies nobilis, and by
ascending to the summit of the crag you may have the pleasure, unusual
in this country, of viewing these lofty trees from a level with their
tops. Here and there advantage has been taken of clearings in this fine
wood to plant Himalayan rhododendrons, bamboos and other shelter-loving
Farewell dear flowers: sweetly your time ye spent,
Fit while ye lived for smell or ornament,
And after death for cures.
I follow straight, without complaints or grief,
Since, if my scent be good, I care not if
It be as short as yours.
-- George Herbert. |