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[Flag of New Scotland (Nova Scotia)] Flag of New Scotland (Nova Scotia)

[Marble Blue Line]

The views expressed on this web site are my own, unless otherwise specified, and not those of The Clan MacKay Society of New Scotland, any other individual or individuals connected with Electric Scotland, within our local community, or the Internet at large, or of my haggis.

These views are copyright, and not to be used in any form whatsoever. They can be rented for a small fee. Beaver pelts are acceptable as currency, but please and I insist -- NO live poultry!!

Nothing included or said on this web site is meant to offend anyone in any way. If this ever happens to be the case, I wish to apologize for the incident.

If there is ever any dispute,
you may contact me at [MacKay Mailbox]

Janet MacKay, B.R.E., B.Sc.
Principal, MacKay Research Associates:
Specializing in:
{*} Nova Scotia History
{*} Scottish Heritage in Nova Scotia
{*} Genealogy of Nova Scotia Scots
Located in Halifax, Nova Scotia (Canada)

{*} [MacKay Hall] {*} [Heritage Hall] {*} [Copyright (C) 1996] {*}



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