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Tablet (2)

1 c. butter or margarine
2 c. water
5 lb. extra fine sugar *
1 lb. tin sweet condensed milk

* For a fuller texture, use 2 1/2 lb. extra fine, 2 1/2 lb. granulated.

1.Melt butter on low heat in water in a deep saucepan.
2.Add sugar and bring to boil, stirring slowly all the time.
3.When boiling, add condensed milk and simmer, stirring to prevent sticking.
4.Stop stirring when all bubbles vanish (excess moisture has now gone).
5.Take off the heat and add the flavouring of your choice.
6.Beat well for at least 5 minutes.
7.Pour into a greased pan.
8.When cold, knife out and cut into bite-size cubes.
9.Wrap in waxed paper to store.

Makes 5 lb.

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