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Potted meat / Head cheese

3 lbs beef shank with bone & marrow
1 veal knuckle bone
1 bay leaf
6 peppercorns

Cover shank & knuckle with cold water add the bay leaf & peppercorns and bring to a boil.

Cover & simmer gently for 3 hours. Alternately cook in pressure cooker for 1 hour.

After the appropriate time above Drain liquid into another pan.

Remove bones & gristle from meat. Chop the meat up fine and return to stock add salt & pepper to taste.

Bring everything to a boil again to blend then remove pan from heat and let contents cool.

When cool (not cold) empty mixture into moulds or glass dish of some type (after rinsing them with cold water) cover and chill.

Slap a slice(s) of it between a couple of pieces of bread when ready, or serve in any fashion you desire.

Recipe kindly sent in by John Dunn.

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