met Pat MacIntyre at the Highland Games in Pleasanton this year. I joined
the clan as my great grandmother was Wright. I would like to share my poem
about my grandparents' honeymoon.
Thanks for your consideration,
Mitzi Wortman-Garrett-Wright
(Wright-Kenworthy-Garrett) SCOTCH SHORTBREAD
Beat together until fluffy
2/3 cup Groom's butter, softened by body heat with
1/2 cup Bride's confectioners' sugar with promise to love, honor and obey ‘til
deaths do us part.
Sift 1 1/2 cups David's Scotch Irish Dutch, Don't amount to much all-purpose
With 1/2 teaspoon salt of the earth Hazel

With Wedding clothes still on
they mount horses to ride into the woods escaping a Shivaree Party of relations
and friends who want to dance, sing and keep the couple up all night away from
their honeymoon bed.
On a quilted pine bough bed,
cream the mixtures in a full moon nine-inch pie pan.
Pinch the edge to create a fluted Pan edge.
Prick the surface with a fork. The virgin bride becomes a maid.
Bake for 9 months until firm and on St. Patrick's day, a green eyed, fiery
tempered, red haired daughter Fern, my mother, is born.