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John Young, owner of Breadalven Bakery in Aberfeldy, has been a baker for 51 years.

His recipe for a simple white loaf has been a favourite with customers over the years and now he has decided to share it.

Ingredients are:- 1lb 2oz of plain white flower, two tea spoons of salt, one teaspoon of sugar, one teaspoon of white fat, nine ounces of water and an ounce and a half of compressed yeast.

Mix yeast with water and add all ingredients into a mixing bowl. Mix up into a smooth dough and kneed by hand for 15 mins. Cover dough with cling film and let rise for one hour. Mould into shape and transfer to a warm oven (420-450F, Gas Mark 6) for 50 minutes.

John said: "Never let the yeast come in contact with the salt as salt will stop it from acting properly. Bread is best eaten one day after it has been baked."

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