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Donna's Newest Recipes
Stuffed Baked Potatoes

These I call baked Potatoes but, in fact, they are boiled.

Double the amount of potatoes you need for your family.
Amount of lettuce you need for your family
1 Tomato
4 or 5 small green onions, optional.
Fine grated cheese
Italian Salad Dressing and
Ranch Salad Dressing

Boil potatoes until they are cooked through.
Put half the potatoes into the refrigerator.
Take a knife and slit the skin of the hot potato.  Careful not to burn yourself, press the potato open. Take a fork and lightly mash this.

Chop lettuce in small pieces
Dice tomato
Chop green onions in small pieces.
Sprinkle the above on the potato. Last sprinkle cheese and add salad dressings. One half of the
potatoes with Ranch and one half with Italian for a choice.

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