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Donna's Newest Recipes
Wilted Lettuce

2 cans chicken noodle soup
2 cups water
2 packages Ramon  noodles
1 package organic baby lettuce leaves
2 or 3 springs of mint
1 bunch green onions
1 tomtato
Your favorite low fat salad dressing

Cut with a scissors the mint and green onions into very small pieces. Add this along with cut up tomato to the washed baby lettuce leaves.

Add two cups water to the 2 cans chicken noodle soup and then add the ramon noodles to this. Cook until done with no liquid left in it. Add this hot cooked ramon noodles and chicken soup to the lettuce salad.  Stil this all together and add  salad dressing.  Serve on a large flat plate for an entire meal for lunch.

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