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Donna's Newest Recipes
Potatoes with Yogurt Sauce

You have cooked potatoes the day before and kept them in the refrigerator

2 Tablespoons olive oil
2 cucumbers
1 small onion
3 small limes or one large one, juiced
1 cup yogurt
2 carrots

Peel potatoes and slice in thick slices.
Brown these in skillet with olive oil.

Combine peeled cucumbers, cleaned onion, cut in chunks, the juice of three  small limes and one cup yogurt in blender.

Arrange browned thick slices of potatoes on a dark plate. Add several sprigs of parsley as a garnish.

Clean carrots and cut them into long sticks. Add these to each plate.

Pour the mixture from the blender over the potatoes on each plate. Sprinkle over the potatoes some pepper and paprika.

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