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Donna's Newest Recipes
Carrots, Rice and Bar-B-Q Chicken

l chicken
1 onion
8 carrots
1 cup rice
Sea salt
1 bottle Bar-B-Q sauce
1 teaspoon sage

Wash whole chicken or cut up pieces which ever you have. Cover with plenty water to make broth in a heavy stew pan. Add the whole washed uncut onion. Add 1 teaspoon sage. Salt to taste as you like it. Cook chicken until it is falling off the bone done. Remove from the broth and place on a platter. Remove whole onion. Put chicken in the refrigerator to cool.

To ½ of the  chicken broth add the eight carrots you have peeled and cut at an angle in about two inch pieces. Allow this to cook until the carrots are done and the broth is cooked away.

With the other half of the broth add 1 cup rice. Salt to taste. Turn flame up, bring to a boil and then turn flame  down to cook with a tightly covered lid.

Take the skin off a chicken you have already cooked. Debone the chicken. When you do this try to leave the chicken in as large pieces as possible.  Place this is a heavy deep skillet. Pour the entire bottle of Bar-B-Q sauce over the chicken. If the chicken is not totally covered add enough water to cover the chicken.  Use a high flame to heat this and then immediately turn the flame down.  Allow this to cook for fifteen minutes uncovered.

Serve this in the middle of a large platter of cooked rice. Arrange cooked carrots on the white rice at the edges of the Bar-B-Q chicken.

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