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Donna's Newest Recipes
Tortilla Roll Ups

Filled with Vitamin L for love

Two cups of left over beans ( or however much you need to feed your family)
One package guacamole mix prepared
Yogurt, plain
Finely chopped onion
Finely chopped tomato
Grated cheese, your preference
Salt as your like it
Prepared Corn Tortillas

Heat the beans and add as a seasoning a sprinkle of garlic powder, sprinkle of Paprika, and a sprinkle of ground Camino seed.  You know how much of these spices your family likes. Mash the beans until they will spread.

In a heavy skillet heat the small round tortillas until they are just warm and pliable. Spread each one with a layer of the mashed beans, a layer of guacamole, a sprinkle of onions, finely chopped tomato and grated cheese. Drop two or three teaspoons plain yogurt on each one. Roll up tightly in a small roll.

This is a nice quick afternoon snack for children coming in from school. Beans and Corn tortilla combine to make a complete protein. Onions have vitamin C and the green of the guacamole provides vitamin A.

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