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The Ellen Payne Odom Genealogy Library Family Tree
Wedding of Miss Bonnie Hallman and Mr. Brian Walters

The wedding of Miss Bonnie Hallman and Mr. Brian Walters took place in Huntsville, Alabama on August 9th. The Bride is the Historical Librarian at the Huntsville City Library's Heritage Collection.  Both the Bride and the Groom have been War Between The States Reenactors for many years with co. B, 4th Alabama Cavalry.  The picturesque mountain church provided a setting for the wedding and was decorated with many treasures from the Huntsville Library including many original photographs of confederate president Jefferson Davis, General Lee, Jackson, and Forrest.  The Bride also researched and patterned her Wedding dress after the one worn by Mrs. Robert E. Lee at their wedding in Virginia as well as the Wedding cake that was served.  The Bridal Attendants and Matron of Honour wore Ante-Bellum gowns and the Groomsmen wore period military uniforms of the early 1860's and late 1850's.  The Groom wore a Confederate Marine uniform, while brothers, Glenn wore a typical Butternut coloured Confederate Cavalry Officer's uniform, and elder brother Jim wore a Confederate Infantry Officers' uniform.  Best Man, Sgt. Michael Graham, a Marine Corps Veteran, l wore a US Marine Corps uniform circa 1855 while his father, Mr. Jack Graham, also a Marine Veteran gave the bride away in the name of her parents and the 4th Alabama Cavalry wearing the same ante-bellum Marine Corps uniform.  the ante-Bellum ceremony featured the Unreconstructed Band that provided period music as well as period reception foods that included the Chatam Artillery punch, a very potent concoction made by the Chatam Artillery of Savannah, Georgia.  Originally a non-alcoholic recipe with orange juice and strong brewed tea. It was spiked liberally by the Groomsmen as it was spiked in 1860 by the men of the original Chatam Artillery.  A brief moment of drama punctuated the beautiful traditional ceremony when time came for anyone to show reason why this couple should not be united in Holy Matrimony.  All five Groomsmen and the Best Man half drew their swords and glared at the assembled guests. No objections were heard and the swords were returned without further incident.  A period ball featuring ante-bellum dances concluded the wedding.  the Bride and Groom left the church under an arch of 20 swords of the men of the 4th Alabama Cavalry.  the couple will make their home in Pensacola, Florida.


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