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The Ellen Payne Odom Genealogy Library Family Tree
Wedding of Dorothy (Penny) Oden and Ian Ranald MacDonald

Dorothy (Penny) Oden and Ian Ranald MacDonald were united in Holy Matrimony Saturday May 15, 2004 at the Gatlinburg Highland Games, with the Rev. Jeff Ownby officiating.

The couple were the first ever wedding at G H G.

A small receptionwas held after the ceremony courtesy of Mr.& Mrs. Ellison, and the wonderful sponsors of the Games,

In attendance were the parents of the bride Mr.& Mrs. Thomas E. Fabjon.

Also in attendance were Officers of Clan Donald Mr. Al Manning, Mr. John Scarborough, and Carlisle Simon.

The couple would also like to thank the "Mystery Piper" who played for them.

The happy couple will reside in Alabama,

Wedding of Dorothy (Penny) Oden and Ian Ranald MacDonald


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