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The Ellen Payne Odom Genealogy Library Family Tree
Family Tree Pet Album - Gallery 1

Brendah and DooooDah Narra the Wonder Cat and the Family Tree Proof Reader! Bonnie Lassie
Brendah and DooooDah, Beth Gay's Arabs. Narra the Wonder Cat and the Family Tree Proof Reader!

Bonnie Lassie, belongs to (or we belong to her) John & Barbara Ferguson, Sisters, Oregon

Issac Elliot and Skipper This is a close up of Boo who belongs to Tommy Newton from Alabama This is Max who also belongs to Tommy Newton of Alabama
Issac Elliot and Skipper This is a close up of Boo who belongs to Tommy Newton from Alabama This is Max who also belongs to Tommy Newton of Alabama, he looks a little tired out from all that ball he's been playing.
Maggie's Mae Miranda's Boys Macho
This is Macho of the Clan MacMacho whose family enjoys close ties of loyalty and friendship with the Clan Marr of El Paso, Texas.
Hunley and his big sister, Emmy
Here is a picture of Hunley and his big sister, Emmy.  Although they are brother and sister, Hunley is a Balinese, a recessive longhair version of a Siamese and Emmy is a classic Sealpoint Siamese.
Maggie's Mae, she owns the Jenkins family.  2 1/2 years old. Miranda's Boys. On the left is Toby and on the right is
Bubba.  They are one year old and brothers from the same litter.

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