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The Ellen Payne Odom Genealogy Library Family Tree
Norma McKellar

Norma McKellarNorma Sumner McKellar was born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio on a snowy day December 21, 1950.  She grew up in a very close and loving neighborhood on a street named "Fiddlers Green".  These Yankee/Northerners had covered-dish get-togethers as well as hayrides!  She attended Oak Hills High School where everything was of a Scottish nature.  The school had it's own tartan, band and cheerleadering uniforms included the tartan, the dance line did a sword dance to our fight song, the mascot was a Scottish terrier, and the yearbook was called the "Caledonian".  After graduation she attended Western Carolina University in Cullowhee, North Carolina where she received her Bachelor of Science degree in teaching.  She then returned to Cincy and taught third grade at an elementary school that she had attended.  After a few years she longed for something new, so she moved to Moultrie, Georgia, attended Florida State University where she acheived her Masters of Library Science degree and became a children's librarian at the Moultrie-Colquitt County Library.  During this time she met, fell in love with, and married a native of Sylvester, Georgia, Berry McKellar.  They have two children:  Sara Sumner, age 19 and Joseph Reed, age 18.  Sara is attending Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College (ABAC) for now.  She plans to finish up with a teaching degree at a bigger four-year university.  Reed is a freshman at Georgia Southern University where he is majoring in "undecided" and working on a minor in medical research.
After twenty-five years Norma still enjoys her job.  The actual Children's Library is in the same room, but Norma's office gets moved every once in a while.  Norma says that's her director's way of hinting that she needs to straighten up her "stuff".  Throughout her career, Norma has traveled to New York, Kentucky, Texas, and Florida.  She loves going to storytelling festivals and dreams of growing up to be a storyteller.  A true highlight of her career was teaching at a librarian's workshop alongside world-famous storyteller, Augusta Baker.  Just imagine the collection of lessons, stories, bulletin boards, activities, and just plain fun stuff she has accumulated.  She hopes to share all that she can and looks forward to helping everyone who works with children.
Norma's major interests, in addition to children's books, include puppets, rocks, silly poems and "antics", storytelling, and music.
Here's Norma in action:

Norma McKellar


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