Official Publication of the Old
Edgefield District Genealogical Society
Sharing the History & Family Heritage of Old Edgefield District
Founded in 1985
Carol Hardy Bryan, Editor
PO Box 546, Edgefield SC
29824-0546 (803-637-4010)
News and Notes
Member Appreciation Catfish Stew Was
a Big Success - Members and volunteers were
honored on Saturday, February 8. Scores of members and friends enjoyed a
free catfish stew cooked by 1st vice president, Ralph Scurry.
The weather cooperated with a lovely bright and warm day. The success of
the organization is due in large part to dedicated volunteers. Four of
those were honored with gifts. They are "Noonie" Holtzlander, Vernon
Miller, Marie Mims, and Raymond Timmerman. Ralph does a great job of
planning our bimonthly programs. Now we know he is an excellent stew cook.
Will Be Represented at the Landmark Conference - On April 3-5,
Connie McNeill, Trisha Glenn and Carol Bryan will be attending the
Landmark Conference, the annual meeting of the South Carolina
Confederation of Local Historical Societies. This impressive gathering of
historians presents unique opportunities of networking with our co-workers
in this state. In addition, an invitation will be issued for the
conference to be held in Edgefield County in May of 2004.
Edgefield Roots Seminar Will be Held
3 May 2003 - For those of you who would like
help in finding your Edgefield family roots, a seminar is planned for
Saturday May 3 from 8:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Jerry Scott will be giving
an introduction to family research, Bettis C. Rainsford will be discussing
migratory patterns, Tricia Glenn will be explaining the County records
available, and Tonya Taylor will discuss the research materials available
at the Tompkins Library. The cost is $35 per person, which includes a box
lunch and handouts. You must make reservations. Make your check out to
OEDGS Edgefield Roots Seminar, and mail to OEDGS, PO Box 546, Edgefield,
SC 29824. The seminar is limited to 40 participants, so get your
reservation in ASAP.
OEDGS Web Site Problem
- We understand that there is a problem with the Web
site and it is being addressed. Please be patient with us as we change
Probate Estate Records Index Now in
OEDGS Collection - Thanks to Probate Judge
Bobby Peeler the OEDGS can now provide researchers access to a copy of
this valuable research tool in the Tompkins Library.
South Carolina Death Certificate
Index Now in OEDGS Collection - The South
Carolina Death Certificate Index from 1915-1949, consisting of
eight CD Rom Discs is now available in the Tompkins Library. This valuable
tool will be a great help to researchers seeking documentation on the
death of family members during the early part of this century. Generous
monetary donations by our members and friends have made this possible.
Old Edgefield District
Genealogical Society, SCGS
PO Box 546
Edgefield, SC 29824-0546
Phone: 803-637-4010
A nonprofit organization under
The Internal Revenue Code, Section 501 © (3) allows tax deductions for the
value of material donated to the chapter. Chartered as a member of the
South Carolina Genealogical Society (SCGS) in January of 1985.
Correspondence & membership applications may be mailed to above address.
Correspondence should be directed to:
Old Edgefield District Genealogical
PO Box 546
Edgefield, SC 29824-0546.
Published bimonthly: January, March,
May, July, September, November at Edgefield, SC by the Old Edgefield
District Genealogical Society, SCGS.
Editorial Policy: Submissions by
members are encouraged and will be used as space permits. Items must be
typewritten and generally no more than two pages in length. Editor
reserves the right to edit articles, files, or queries prior to
Neither OEDGS nor the Editor assumes
responsibility for errors on part of the contributor. Material contained
in this publication may be quoted if credit is given for the sources.
Editor’s e-mail:
Web Page: www.OEDGS.COM
2003 Old Edgefield District Genealogical Society
President: Dr. Connie McNeill
1st Vice-President: Ralph Scurry
2nd Vice-President: Carol Hardy Bryan
Recording Secretary: Tricia Glenn
Corresponding Secretary: Daphne Stone Cook
Treasurer: Raymond T. Timmerman
Asst Treasurer/Membership Chmn Tonya Taylor
Archivist: Vernon Miller
SCGS Representative: Dr. Connie McNeill
QUILL Editor: Carol Hardy Bryan
WEB Master Ashley Ann Howell
Patricia Glenn, Recording
The OEDGS met January 12, 2003, at
Buffalo Creek Baptist Church in McCormick County. The meeting was
conducted by Dr. Connie McNeill, President of OEDGS with 16 members and
guests present. A motion was made and seconded to waive the reading of the
minutes as they were available for reading in the latest QUILL.
The following upcoming events were
An OEDGS catfish stew will be given
on Feb. 8, in Edgefield. The cooking will be done by Vice President Ralph
Scurry. On the fourth weekend in April [later changed to May 3 by the
OEDGS board], a Roots Seminar will be held at the Tompkins Library in
Edgefield. The South Carolina 2004 Landmark Conference will be hosted in
Ralph Scurry introduced the minister
of Buffalo Creek Church, the Reverend Ryan Eklund. He then introduced the
speaker, Mr. Charley Willis, Church Historian. Mr. Willis gave us an
interesting and detailed background of the church which began (according
to the Baptist Association Minutes) in 1776 in the early years of the
American Revolution. The name "Buffalo Creek" was adopted by the members
because the location of the church was on Buffalo Creek. It is thought
that the Creek was named thus by Back Country buffalo herders. The
original church was erected approximately two miles southeast of the
present location in a section of McCormick County called the Callison
tract. Edward Callison, a large landowner and distinguished leader of the
area was buried near the original church. His grave is marked by a
tombstone which reads, "Edward Callison, Once Master of These Acres."
The membership decided to move the
church to its present location in the late 1700's or early 1800's. That
building was destroyed by a tornado, and in 1857 the current building,
built out of hand-hewn lumber, was constructed by Captain Henry Jones, a
well known architect in the region. The church has always welcomed all
races of people. African-American membership in the 19th century was
almost always equal to white membership. Numerous additions have been made
to the church over the years. The wrought iron cemetery fence was erected
in 1839 and is still standing. The church has suffered through many trying
times but has always survived through the generosity of its members.
Because of its isolated location in the community, thieves have broken
into it 6 times in the past 20 years. The large brick addition on the west
side was built in 1962 and houses classrooms and a nursery. The current
membership is 110.
After a period of questions and
answers, Vice President Ralph Scurry, on behalf of OEDGS, presented Mr.
Willis with a copy of Chapman’s History of Edgefield. The meeting
was then adjourned for fellowship and refreshments.
OEDGS Treasurer’s Report
Raymond Timmerman, Treasurer
Saluda Old Town
Documenting the
Early Trading Settlements
By Carol Hardy Bryan
Part Two of a Series Begun in the Jan/Feb
2003 Issue
In 1746, pleas from the settlers to
the government authorities for protection in the back country were finally
successful and money was appropriated for two troops of rangers to patrol
the frontier between forts and trails to look for hostile war parties and
runaway slaves. James Francis was one of the ranger captains. ((Maness
One of the most historic events to
occur at Saluda Old Town was the signing of a treaty with the Cherokee
Indians by Royal Governor James Glen. Glen traveled up the Cherokee Path
from Charles Towne with about 500 soldiers and militia to meet with about
500 Cherokee Indians. Old Hop and other chiefs of the Cherokee nation
signed the Saluda Old Town Treaty July 2, 1755. This treaty ceded
territory that embraced the present counties of Spartanburg, Cherokee west
of the Broad River, Union, Newberry, Laurens, Greenwood, Abbeville,
McCormick, Edgefield, Saluda and a part of Aiken.
A letter written by John Elliott to
Governor James Glen provides important insight into Indian relations with
the white man. Chote, Sept. 25th, 1755, May It please your
Excellency, The Indians was all well pleased with the good Care that you
took of them at Saludy and the Present that you made Old Hop. He is often
speaking of it with Pleasure and says you are his Brother indeed for he
was naked and you cloathed him. The Carpenter speaks with great Pleasure
of your Excellency and says he hopes you will not forget what Talk you had
together in Private for he will not forget it but will love all
Englishmen. All the Head Men are pleased with what was done at Saludy but
they seem to be very uneasy and doth not know what to think of the French
for in the first of August the Men of Haheo came in from Warr and brought
in five Men that surrendered themselves to them in the Woods and told them
that they were run away from the French. Likewise, the Warrior Oucanostola
on the fifteenth of this Month brought in five more that told the same
Story that they were run away from the same Port. The Indians used them
kindly but look on them as Slaves and thinks that they are Spies sent by
the French to see how the Rivers lye and are very uneasie on the Account.
I hope your Excellency will take into Consideration for there is now
twelve Frenchmen (in all) in their Towns and I am very apprehensive it
will be of bad Consequence both to the English and the Indians to let them
stay there. I would have brought some of them to send down but the Indians
does not know what to think of it so would not part with them. They are
afraid the French hath a Design against them and would be glad to have a
Fort settled amongst them. The Carpenter desires to hear of the Warriors
to the Northward for there is no In account here and he desires your
Excellency will remember the Presents you promised to the Head Men and to
himself. He did not get the Rum you ordered at Ninety Six so hopes you
will not forget him now. He is the Head Man here for what he says there is
none to gainsay.
There is about twenty Men of the
Savannahs came here about the 15th August with their Women and
Children and is to dwell here; they have two White Children with them
which they say they got from these Indians that did that Murder at Broad
River. I would have had them from them but could not get them so hopes
your Excellency will take some Course not to let White Men’s Children be
kept among Indians. This I thought my Duty to acquaint your Excellency
with as I am in all respects, Your most humble Servant, John Elliott.
(McDowell 79).
Governor James Glen wrote to
Chugnonata, called The Little Carpenter, from Charles-Town, October 14,
1755 addressing the fact that Governor Glen had promised to build a fort
over the Hills, but had not set a definite date for such endeavor. Glen
had planned a trip to England and was going to place the request of the
Indians for a fort before the "great King George." Apparently the Indians
thought the Governor had reneged on a promise to build a fort to help
protect them from enemy Indians. Governor Glen mentions in the letter that
Richard Smith, Chugnonata, and Governor Glen were the only ones present at
the meeting. Glen also mentioned that This Express has not a spare Horse"
and Glen "cannot send what I promised to you and the other Head Man who
took no Part of what I gave at Saluda, but shall the first Opportunity.
Smith was here a few Days ago, and says that Gowdy not having the two
Caggs of Rum that I gave you an Order for, he had given you two at Keeowie,
he says he also gave the Great Warriour the Horse I promised him, for both
which I paid him; I have sent you four fine enambled Boxes, you may give
one to Canacaughte and another to any other you thank fitt. I have also
sent you a silver Box for your Tobacco and I have a very fine Pipe that I
intend for the Townhouse of Chottee [another mention of Chota and a
substantiation that there was an Indian chief by that name], but I cannot
entrust it with this Messenger least it be broke. I have sent a silver
Bracelet for Ouslenaria which I desire you may deliver to him and two
silver wrist bands which you may either keep for yourself or give away. I
have sent a Seal to Canacaughte to seal his Letters with. The Impression
is an Eagle flying and another Seal to seal your Letters with. The
Impression is a Boy with a Bow in his Hand; he has shot his Arrow through
a Heart upon the Top of a Post. I remember when you spoke last for your
Nation you had a Bow in your Hand and what you said gained you the Hearts
of all that heard you.
Some few of our People to the
Northward went to attack a Fort that the French have built on our Lands
but the French expecting them had laid an Ambuscade for them in the Woods
so they were forced to return with the Loss of some of our People but we
have since gained a compleat Victory over them in another Place. Many
Hundreds of their People were killed, in short they were totally routed.
This News you may rely upon for it comes from Your friend and Brother,
James Glen. (McDowell 75-77).
Moses Thomson wrote to Governor Glen
January 16th, 1756 expressing his appreciation. To his
Excellency, I cannot forget my Senceableness of your paternal Care of the
Province of South Carolina since you came amongst us. First, your Journey
to 96 to settle a Peace with the Cherockees, and from that to Savannah, to
settle with the Creek Nation. Second, your long Journey to the Cherockee
Nation to build a Fort. Third, your Journey to Saludy in the Heat of
Summer to settle a second Peace with the said Cherokees in troublesome
Times: which said Journey crowns all the rest for I verily believe there
was never such a firm Peace made with any Indians before and all
advanceing the Manufactory of our Indigo and likewise your great Care of
our back Inhabitants for when I was Major under your Excellency I cannot
forget your Care by your Instructions to me several Times; besides your
private Letters to me to let your Excellency know when any thing happened
that proper Means might be taken for our Safety.
I think your Successor has nothing
to do but follow your Footsteps for your have paved the Plainest Road than
can be taken which I think will keep your Memory in Remembrance when your
are dead and gone. This is but a faint Resemblance of what your Excellenc
really deserves from one of Your most obedient and humble Servants. Moses
Thomson (McDowell, Documents, 115).
At some point in time there must
have been some kind of factory and fort at Saluda Old Town. Captain
Raymond Demere wrote to Governor Lyttleton from Fort Prince George, June
24th 1756 and in his letter mentioned some armament that was
delivered to the fort, Twenty Swivells [small cannon] are come, and two
Cohorns so that four of them may be spared to this Fort, to satisfy the
Indians. They have acquainted me that two Swivels have been, for a long
Time past, at Saludy. Three of those that are now come would have been
left on the Road betwixt 96 and this Place, had it not been for me, for I
made the Waggoner go back for them when I met him (McDowell 126-127).
Some Indian traders kept problems
stirred up among the Indians with dishonest transactions or stealing from
them outright. An incident is related by Captain Raymond Demere in a
letter to Governor Lyttelton written from the English camp one mile and a
half from the town of Tomatley October 13, 1756. Old Hop has desired me to
acquaint your Excellency that when he went last to Saludy to see Governor
Glen that he had one of his Horses taken from him by some body from
Savannah Town which the Man claimed as his Property, which Horse he says
he had from one Lantaniack, former a Trader here, who is a crackbrained
Fellow and has been the Occasion of a great deal of Disturbances by
setting on the Upper Creeks and Savannah against us and this Nation. He is
now a Lieut. At the Halbamer’s Fort. Old Hopp gave him a French Prisoner
for the Horse aforesaid. He expects to be paid by the Province as he was
promised (McDowell 219).
Demere alluded to swivels again in a
P. S. note attached to a letter he wrote to Governor Lyttelton from Fort
Loudoun January 31, 1757. Old Hop says that the late Governor [James Glen]
made him a Present of the two Swivels that are left at Saludy, and he does
expect them for his Town of Chottee of which he desired me to acquaint
your Excellency that they may come up. These same two swivels were
referred to in a letter from John Boggs to Governor Lyttelton from Fort
Prince George, Keowee on February 21, 1757. I observed at Mrs. Burnets in
Old Seluda two small swivell Guns and will be spoiled ere they lye long,
they being thrown in the Road. They would be of infinite Service here.
Would you agree with Henry Gallman for the Carriage; believe they would
come to hand soon. (McDowell 343). Life in the Back County was very
dangerous in the years before and during the Revolutionary War. Although
Royal governmental authorities exerted all kinds of effort to keep the
Indians pacified with gifts, trade, and protection from Indian foes, the
Indians still raided white settlements. John Fairchild wrote to Governor
Lyttelton from the Fork between the Broad and Saludy Rivers on January 1,
1757 that a Neighbourhood of People living on the southerning Branch of
Broad River was drove from oft their several Settlements by the severe
Threats of Indians and are stil obliged to keep from their Lands and
Livings. Also some of the Inhabitants from the northernmost Branches of
that Part of Santee called Great Saludy and after plundering the Houses,
with other Mischiefs, sett some on Fire which gives the whole Inhabitants,
this Way, unspeakable Uneasyness that almost the whole Place threatens to
break up, declaring they cannot possibly stay much longer, for Fear worse
should happen. Fairchild when on to say that I have begun to build (with
my own People and Hands) a strong Fort for the Reception of the
Inhabitants hereabouts in case of Emergency if your Excellency will be
pleased to allow the same, and I shall chearfully do every Thing in my
Power to compleat the said Fort and have it tenable and sufficiently able
to hold 300 fighting Men having the timber Planks and Faseins ready
waiting your Excellency’s Commands.
Trader greed and dishonesty resulted
in continuing trouble with the Indians. Captain Raymond Demere wrote to
Governor Lyttleton from Fort Loudon in February 1757. On the 4th
Instant in the Morning I had a Message from Old Hop desiring me to be the
next Day at Chottee that he was not well, therefore could not wait on me
that the Warriours were ready to answer my Talk. I took all the Officers
with me except one to keep the Fort and first waited on Old Hop at his own
House and then with him we all proceeded to their Town House, where after
their usual Ceremonies were over, Old Hopp said that he had given us Land
to build a Fort on, and to walk upon. That there had been many Promises
made him for the same, but that he had been waiting a long Time without
seeing any Thing for it. That he did not know what to think about it, but
that the Great Man above kew how every Thing would be. He then produced a
Paper signed by James Glen, Esq. When at Saludy. The same was a Regulation
of the Prices of several Articles sold them by the Traders. Old Hopp said
that the Traders had no Regard to that Paper, and that notwithstanding
what Governor Glen had promised them, the Traders continued to sell as
formerly, and had no Manner of Regard to the Treaty made at Saludy. He
added that they had the Promise of another Trader for the Town of Chotee
by the late Governor, and as Nothing was performed they looked upon that
Paper to be Nothing but Lies as they did on all the rest of the Papers
that came from Carolina, and that Charles Town was a Place where Nothing
but Lies came from. I examined Mr. Elliott before the Indians and it
appeared that he had sold them several Things at a most exorbitant Price
particularly Shirts, Linnings &c.
Demere prodded the governor to take
substantial action. I do assure your Excellency if there is not some
Measures taken to regulate the Trade of this Nation and Laws provided to
oblige the Traders to act conformable thereto, there will be always a
Discord amongst those People, and the Consequence will ever be prejudicial
to the common Cause. The Traders are for the most Part a Sett of Villains
who studdy Nothing but their own narrow Views and private Emoluments
without having the least Regard to Justice or the public Weel. Old Hopp
told me that Elliott had mixed the Paint he sold to them with red Lead,
and that he and the other Traders imposed on them with their Stilliards
&c. They produced some Paint they had bought of Elliott who being called
confessed that he formerly used to mix it, but that he left of that
Custom. Demere went on to say they could not go to War without some Thing
to defend themselves, and that if I did expect them to go to War I must
supply them with Guns, Powder and Bullets, Paint, Blankets, Boots,
Hatchets, Cutlasses, Looking Glasses and Awls to mend their Mocasins with.
That when they should see these Things they would think of my Talk, but as
I had given them Nothing but a Belt of Wampum to go to War with, they
should return it, which they accordingly did. (McDowell 333-335).
To be continued in the next issue.
Works Cited:
Maness, Harold S. Forgotten
Outpost, Fort Moore and Savanna Town 1685-1765. Aiken, SC: Howell
Printing, 1986.
McDowell, William L., Jr., Ed. Documents Relating to Indian
Affairs,1754 - 1765. Columbia: South Carolina Department of Archives &
History: 1992.
Distinguished Baptist Leader Had Important Ties to Edgefield
By Carol Hardy Bryan

The Manly family American roots are
found in the state of Maryland. Thomas Manly married Mary Ford, daughter
of John Ford of St. Mary’s County, MD. The couple had eight children. Mary
Ford Manly died about 1756, and Thomas decided to move to North Carolina
with his son Basil and four unmarried daughters. Thomas tragically died
during the voyage, and Basil, a young lad of fourteen, arrived in the port
city of Wilmington, North Carolina with the responsibility for his four
sisters. He took the advice of a friend and moved up into Bladen County to
make a home.
Basil participated actively in the
American Revolution by forming a body of Home Guards called "Manly’s
Band." He was commissioned as a captain in the American Army (Manly 4-5).
In 1793, Captain Basil Manly married Elizabeth Maultsby (1768-1855),
daughter of William Maultsby, II, and Ann Evans.
Captain Manly later moved to Chatham
County where he established a home site known as "Oak Mount" about three
miles north of Pittsboro. He and Elizabeth had six children: Charles
(1795-1871), Basil (1798-1868), Matthias Evans (1801-1881), Maurice Ford
(1804-1828), Louisa Sophia (1807-1888), and Julia Ann (1810-1831). The
Manly boys received instruction from William Bingham at the famous Bingham
School in Orange County. The school was established at Pittsboro in 1793,
moved to Orange County, and finally to Asheville. One of the school’s
scholarships was later named the Manly Scholarship in honor of its early
patron, Captain Basil Manly (Manly 20).
Charles Manly attended the State
University at Chapel Hill and graduated first in his class in 1814 at the
age of nineteen. Basil had to suspend his own studies and take charge of
the family farm after his father was injured by the attack of a mad bull.
During the same time period, Basil’s mother was baptized and joined the
Baptist Church at Rocky Spring. This event had a obvious positive affect
on young Basil, who told about the event in a letter which he wrote to a
friend many years later:
I was a wild boy; but it pleased God
to call me by his grace before I was grown into the fellowship of His Son
and to lay upon me impressions of duty that I must preach the Gospel. My
father was old, very proud of any evidence of talent in his children, and
anxious to set them forward in their worldly prospects. One of his sons
has been governor of the State of North Carolina
[Charles], another has been a Judge of the Supreme
Court of that State [Matthias]; and he
fondly hoped that I too might reach some honorable distinction in the
world. He was himself brought up a Catholic; and had a hearty contempt of
the condition and prospects of most of the preachers that were common in
that day, and especially Baptists and Methodists, who were generally
uneducated. When he saw that I had joined the Baptist Church and was
beginning to pray in public and to speak in the meetings, altho he was so
delicate of my feelings that he never expressed to me his disapprobation,
yet it grieved him sorely. He would come to the meetings were I was to
perform, and sit and weep profusely the whole time of the service. At
length when he would not but see that my mind appeared decided and that I
wished to become a Baptist preacher, he asked me outright one day, what
was my purpose and plan of life. I felt that the time had come for me to
make an explicit avowal of my wishes. So I opened my mind decidedly and
fully, yet most respectfully to him. I expected him to disapprove and
remonstrate. But what was my surprise to see him burst into tears, and
putting both his aged hands on my head, he sobbed out, "God bless you, my
After some conversation on the
subject, he gave his full consent to my wishes, and put money into my
hands to complete my education under Dr. Maxcy at South Carolina College..
Afterwards, when I was fully
embarked in the ministry (1824), hearing he was ill, I hastened to attend
him, and was with him in his last hours. He asked me to pray with him
often, and seemed to be sustained and comforted by the hopes of the
Gospel; and I remained with him until he died
(Manly 22-23).
At the age of sixteen, Basil was
sent away to the Bingham School to resume his education. He was acutely
aware of his "wretched state as a sinner before God." One day while he was
out walking he heard a Negro man praying aloud. Going up to him he
expressed his wish to participate in the prayer. While they knelt
together, Basil found pardon of sin and peace with God. From that time
Basil’s Christian walk took on heartfelt enthusiasm.
Basil united with the Baptist church
at Rocky Spring and was baptized by Elder Robert T. Daniel August 26,
1816. Soon after this he was sent as a delegate to the Sandy Creek Baptist
Association, and was made clerk of that body. It was while returning home
from that meeting that he was pressed to lead his first public exhortation
and prayer at an evening meeting in the house of William Marsh. Basil
Manly was licensed to preach April 26, 1818. His license was inscribed on
a bit of yellow paper, The Baptist Church of
Christ at Rocky Springs, Chatham County, North Carolina.
This is to certify, that Brother
Basil Manly is a member of our Body in good standing - and having for
sometime exercised his gifts among us, we do hereby recommend him to
Sister Churches, and authorize him to exercise his Ministerial Gifts
wherever his lot may be cast.
"Signed by order of the Church
convened in Conference this 26th day of April, 1818. Robert T.
Daniel, Robert Ward, Deacon (Manly 79-81).
It was evident to young Manly soon
after his conversion that he had been called to the ministry, but even at
the opposition of his father Basil adhered to his conviction. Rev. William
Tomlinson Brantley, a native of Chatham county, encouraged his young
friend and school-mate by urging him to go with him to Beaufort, South
Carolina, where he was a pastor and college president Brantley housed
Basil in his own home and provided free use of his books and counsel. In
December of 1819, he was admitted to the junior class in South Carolina
College. He spent the summer of 1819 in the Georgia town of Eatonton with
memorable results. Basil Manly became an active member of the Baptist
church in Columbia during his college days and even filled the pulpit for
a time after the death of Dr. Jonathan Maxcy. That college year he had a
particularly "deranged state at college." He wrote to his father from
college 5 Oct 1821. The following material is a direct quote from that
Dear Father, I once more address
you, and probably for the last time from my room in college. My summer’s
excursion into the country (Edgefield District) restored my health and
activity, and I am brought back to my arduous business in a state both of
body and mind pretty well prepared to encounter it...My summer’s residence
in the village of Edgefield....has paved the way for an engagement to live
during the next year. [It is probably that he met at this time the lovely
girl, Sarah Rudolph, whose father had moved to Edgefield in 1821, and her
bright eyes doubtless had a drawing power on him, for in the course of
time she became his wife.]
Basil graduated first in his class
on December 3, 1821. It seems that some of the "Spirit of Edgefield"
existed in young Manly. As the Manly book puts it A discomfited
competitor for the honor, giving way to vindictive and furious passion,
went to the class meeting armed with a dirk, and endeavored to fix a
quarrel on young Manly. Failing in this, and more exasperated by a
coolness that his violent words could not disturb, he rushed upon him and
endeavored to plunger the deadly weapon into his breast. The blow was
warded off, and before the assailant knew what was going on, he was
disarmed; and then, it is said, a fitting chastisement was inflicted by
the slender, smooth-faced, gentle preacher whose laurels he had contested
and whose heart’s blood he would have shed. "Bodily exercise profiteth
little," but in this instance the young man’s labors in plowing the fields
of old Chatham had given him a vigor and endurance which rendered him
excellent service in self-defense. . .The fellow sneaked off without
desiring to renew the contest, and the boys threw up their hats and swore
it was the best fight they had ever seen a Baptist preacher make
(Manly 97-99).
Extracts from his diary describe his
early residence in Edgefield. I arrived in Edgefield village at the
request of certain citizens of that place, chiefly Matthew Mims and Abner
Blocker, on Jan. 23, 1822, under an engagement to preach there one year. I
joined Little Stevens’ Creek Church by a letter from the Baptist Church of
Columbia, on the Saturday before the first Sabbath in February 1822, and
was ordained to the ministry by the Brethren John Landrum and Enoch
Brazeale, in said church, on March 10, 1822. The Baptist Church in
Edgefield was constituted (I think) on the third Lord’s Day in April, 1822
(Manly 98). [It was actually 1823. - Ed]
Manly’s impact on the village is
highlighted in a letter he wrote November 25, 1822, to Mr. Alexander
McDonald of Beaufort, South Carolina. God has indeed in a most signal
manner blessed the church to which I belong during this year. I have
counted up the number baptized and find it to be 146. Weekly additions are
made, and I hope that there are many more precious souls yet to join
themselves to the Lord within the bound of that church. The work is
spreading. I was called last week to baptize by a neighboring destitute
church. Nine followed their Lord into the watery grave. I have another
appointment to preach and baptize at the same place. To give you an idea
of the spirit of the people even where the revival has not yet appeared; I
was called to marry a couple one night last week some ten or twelve miles
from this place. After the ceremony was over and supper ended, the whole
assembly, which was large, both old and young, insisted I should preach to
them. I remembered the exhortation of the Apostle, "Be instant in season -
out of season." I propounded the question "Wilt thou go with this man?"
and endeavored to persuade them to adopt in reference to Jesus Christ the
answer of the lovely maiden, "I will go." I saw and felt during the
worship that a sense of eternal things had taken hold of their minds. Even
the bride wept profusely. When I had closed and was looking for a hymn to
dismiss with, a number of young persons, all dressed in their finest for
the wedding, rushed up, as if unable longer to restrain themselves, and in
a flood of grief fell down before me and begged me to pray for them. It
was truly a solemn time. "Enoch Bacon is not among the subjects of this
work of grace" (Manly 98-100).
He was married December 23, 1824 to
Sarah Murray Rudolf. She was the daughter of Rev. Zebulon Rudolf who
served Red Bank Baptist Church. They had five children, including Basil
Manly, Jr. (b 29 Dec 1825 Edgefield, SC) and Charles Manly (b 28 May 1839
Charleston, SC (Manly 101).
Immediately after graduation he
taught school in Edgefield, South Carolina as he was mentioned in the
history of Little Stevens Creek Baptist Church in the Edgefield
Chronicle of March 29, 1890. It was at
this place, on the 2nd Sabbath in April of the year 1823 that
the Rev. Basil Manly, Sr., was ordained as a minister. Revs. Jno. Landrum
and Enoch Braziel conducted the ordination service. Dr. Basil Manly, Sr.,
whose name is now familiar in every Baptist organization in our "Sunny
South" was then a young man stationed at Edgefield C. H. [Court House], if
we mistake not, engaged in teaching. He was, after ordination, elected
pastor of our church, and served until 1825. Our oldest people speak of
him as being in every respect the greatest pastor our church has had the
fortune to be supplied by.
He, that is, Dr. Basil Manly, Sr.,
of blessed memory, left upon the church an impress which has lasted long;
he left in the bosom of his congregation a love which has been bequeathed
to succeeding generations. His fame has been written on brighter pages
than ours, and nothing that we could say would add greater lustre to his
name than Baptist annals have already recorded. We speak of him as pastor
of our church. The love which the church had for him was extraordinary,
second only to the love which he excited in its members for the Martyr of
Calvary. During his pastorate, a spiritual inundation swept over the
church. Many were added to its numbers, and the zeal of the whole church
was increased. Tradition speaks of a revival during his pastorage,
probably in the year 1824, the most notable in the early history of our
church and some of our old people are now living who united with the
church then; and many who united afterwards, dated their renewal of life
as beginning with this revival. There was a strong Baptist age in our
community, and we must ever regret that the records of this period and
periods before this have been destroyed.
On October 29, 1825, the church in
Edgefield presented a formal request for Manley to continue his labors
there for three Sundays a month for a salary of $800. The fourth Sunday
Manly was to serve at Little Stevens Creek.
In February of 1826, the Church in
Edgefield received a request for Basil Manly to fill the position of
pastor at the First Baptist Church in Charleston. The previous pastor, Dr.
Richard Furman, had died in 1825. This request was reluctantly granted and
Manly moved to Charleston. The decision, however, was fraught with
distress and tears. On the margin of his sermon notes of his last sermon
in Edgefield are these words, "My last sermon (wept not preached) at
Edgefield, March 19, 1826." He left with a reminder to his church in
Edgefield that the Southern Baptist Convention had already resolved to
place in Edgefield a literary and theological institution (Woodson
213-214)(Manly 103-105, 109-110). It was during his eleven-year tenure at
First Baptist Church in Charleston that he played an instrumental part in
the establishment of Furman University In Edgefield (Manly 112).
In 1837 Manly was unanimously
elected to the presidency of the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa.
Throat trouble from his "incessant preaching" played a part in his anxious
deliberation to accept the position. (Manly 113-114). In 1855 Dr. Manly
accepted a call to the Wentworth Street Baptist Church in Charleston which
had been formed partly from the First Baptist Church. He remained for four
years. It was during this period that one of the dearest wishes of his
heart was accomplished, the founding of the Southern Baptist Theological
Seminary. In 1859, he returned to Alabama as State Evangelist. (Manley
When the inauguration of the
President of the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis, took place, it was Manly
who served as chaplain (Manley 124). Dr. Manly’s death occurred December
21, 1868 at the home of his son, Basil Manly, in Greenville and he was
buried in the family lot in Springwood Cemetery in Greenville. Manly’s
accomplishments are too many to list here, but his achievements and impact
are still felt in the many institutions and organizations he gave so much
of his talents, time, and material means to provide and sustain.
Works Cited
Manly, Louise.
The Manly Family, An Account of the Descendants of
Captain Basil Manly of the Revolution and Related
Families. Greenville, SC [no publisher]:
Taylor, George Braxton. Virginia Baptist Ministers, Fourth
Series. Lynchburg, VA: J. P. Bell Company, Inc., 1913.
Woodson, Hortense. Edgefield
Baptist Association. Edgefield: The Edgefield Advertiser Press [no
A family tree can wither if nobody tends its roots!
Submitted by Billy Ray
Wiseman and Gladys Mary Striegler Wiseman
The first information we have on the
Wiseman family is on a Thomas Wiseman (b abt 1750 England as far as
can be determined). The first record of Thomas Wiseman is found in
the Norfolk Circuit Court in 1767. As a young lad about 17 years of age,
he is convicted of stealing and sentenced to "America" to serve seven
years [white servitude] on a southern plantation. No record has been found
of his arrival in 1767, but there were five ships that left London that
year. Thomas Wiseman was from the small village of Smallburgh about
12 miles northeast of Norwich, England. Thomas’ family must have
been from that area as well since he was so young at the time of his
Thomas Wiseman
must have served his time of servitude in Maryland because he enters the
Revolutionary War there in 1776 and served under a Captain Ewing
and a Colonel Smallwood. He is shown as being discharged in 1780,
and as deserted in 1780. It is not known when he left Maryland or New York
since some of his time in the War was spent in New York. He was wounded in
Camden, SC, and that may be how he arrived in SC. By 1790 he was in
Edgefield District, SC. How he got there, or why, is a mystery.
According to Thomas
Wiseman’s pension application in 1820 submitted from Edgefield, SC, he
was married to Agnes and had a son. He is upwards of 70 years of
age, has an old decrypted [sic] wife, and one son who is in dire straits
with a considerable family. Thomas lived at least until 1835, as he drew
his pension until then. Daniel Wiseman (b abt 1791-1794) is the
only other Wiseman in Edgefield at that time, and he had a considerable
family. He and Thomas are linked together in Edgefield County, SC through
at least one legal document.
Daniel Wiseman
was married to a woman from Virginia (on the 1880 federal census, his sons
state their mother was born in Virginia). As far as we can tell, Daniel
and his wife had five boys.
The first son, William C. Wiseman,
married Lavica Watkins, the daughter of Andrew and
Catherine Adams Watkins. He became an attorney in South Carolina, and
moved to Crockett, Texas, in 1849. He later is found in Lampasas, TX,
where he served as a lawyer, and an Indian commissioner for Sam Houston.
After the War Between the States, Sam Houston recommended W. C. Wiseman
for a territorial judgeship. He and his family ended up in San Bernardino,
CA, where he served as a judge until his death about 1880-1890. He was
extremely active in politics, and published a paper called The Broad
Axe. His oldest son William C. Wiseman bought for himself and
his second wife, Ann Wisdom Mayes (former wife of Gardner Mayes)],
47 acres of land in Abbeville County, SC for use for the rest of their
natural lives. Ann Wiseman was still living in Edgefield County in
1860 and 1870.
The second son of Daniel Wiseman
was John S. Wiseman (b 7 Mar 1817 d 2 June 1902) who married
Louisa Watkins (d 2 Nov 1856), the sister and possible twin of
Lavica Watkins. She and Lavica died in Texas within a year of each
other. John S. and Louisa Watkins were married in Newberry,
SC, where W. C. was practicing law. W. C. was appointed her guardian, as
both her mother and father were dead at the time of the marriage. There is
supposedly a record in the 1837 Newberry County court minutes where
Daniel Wiseman attests to the age of John S. Wiseman at the
time of his marriage as 21 years. John S. Wiseman and Louisa
Watkins Wiseman had several children before they left South Carolina
for Bell County, TX. John S. was a farmer, a wheelwright, and a
blacksmith, and was known for his hunting skills. The children were
Frances Catherine Wiseman, John Thomas Wiseman, William Henry
Wiseman, Louisa Jane (Larana) Wiseman and Louvica Wiseman
(These two girls probably died on the way to Texas). After Louisa died,
John S. married Rachel Cavness (d 1868 Bell County, Texas).
They had two boys: Joseph Decker Wiseman, and Ed Samuel Wiseman.
After Rachel died , John S. m 9 Dec 1873 Eliza A. Hyatt Light. They
had five children after John S. was 56 years of age. The children
were: Nannie B. Wiseman; Charles C. Wiseman; Benjamin
Wiseman, Walter Cox Wiseman and Cleveland Wiseman.
Another son of Daniel Wiseman
was E. Abner Wiseman who married S.A.E. Clay. All their
children were born in South Carolina before moving to TX after the War
Between the States.
The fourth child of Daniel M.
Wiseman was Simeon Wiseman who married Nancy and moved
to TX before the War Between the States. Simeon was killed in the
War Between the States in TX.
The fifth and last son of Daniel
Wiseman was James M. Wiseman who married Caroline.
James died in a War Between the States Prison in Rock Island, IL. He
and Caroline had at least one son, Simeon and possibly a second son
Daniel. Both are buried in Magnolia Cemetery in Augusta, GA.
William Henry Wiseman
(b 28 Nov 1843 d 1 May 1916) was buried in a grave on the State Hospital
grounds at Austin). William Henry Wiseman married Alice Melvina
Townsend on 12 Jul 1865. Alice Melvina was a daughter of James
Madison Townsend and Fannie Bowles Townsend (Fannie was the
daughter of John "Hog-my-Cats" Bowles a famous Texas Ranger and
Indian fighter. He was scalped by Indians and is buried with a monument to
him near Uvalde, TX). Fannie Bowles Townsend was known to have
smoked a corn-cob pipe. William Henry Wiseman was a veteran of the
Confederacy, having served from Texas. He was wounded before he returned
home to marry and start a family. William Henry and Alice
Melvina Townsend Wiseman had eight children before he was admitted to
the State Hospital in 1883. They were Frances Adeline Wiseman (b 13
May 1866); William Samuel Wiseman (b 8 Sep 1867 d 6 Feb 1935,
buried Rest Haven south of Belton); James Townsend Wiseman (b 27
Dec 1868); Louisa Jennifer Wiseman (b 6 Jun 1871); Georgia Pearl
Wiseman (b 21 Jan 1872); John Edward Wiseman (b 26 Nov 1873);
Sarah Julia Wiseman (b 22 Dec 1874); Thomas Christopher Wiseman
(b 19 Dec 1878).
William Samuel Wiseman
first married on 8 Apr 1893 Mary Etta Adams. Mary Etta (b 25
Dec1875 GA d 30 Sep 1911) was buried Rest Haven, south of Belton, Texas.
Both were originally buried at Sparta and removed to Rest Haven when the
dam was built. Mary Etta Adams (father an unknown Indian) was the daughter
of Nancy Emma Adams, who later married James Lafayette Sellers.
William Samuel and Mary Etta had 6 children: Lennie May
Wiseman (b 19 Apr 1895 d 17 Apr 1982) married 27 Dec 1916 Herbert
Monroe Homesley (b 4 May 1906); Annie Lena Wiseman (b 15 Feb
1898 d 6 Feb 1968) married 26 Jul 1919 Milburn L. Boren (b 9 Sep
1899 d 23 Feb 1966); Erba Esta Wiseman (b 18 Jul 1900 d 9 Jan 1989)
married 1 Nov 1923 John Hudson Light (b 8 Sep 1900 d 2 Jun 1980);
William Henry Wiseman (b 9 Feb 1903 d 12 May 1904); Archie
Calvin Wiseman (b 7 Jun 1906 d 24 Jun 1958) married 20 Aug 1929
Beulah Mae Dunlap (b 16 Dec 1908 d 30 Jul 1971); and James [Jakey]
Milton Wiseman (b 2 Dec 1908 d 17 Jul 1917).
William Samuel
Wiseman married second in 1913 Maude Florence Warren (b 2 Oct 1889
d 13 May 1981) and had the following children: Warren Morris Wiseman
(b 24 Jul 1916); Alice Marie Wiseman (b 24 Dec 1919); Mable
Florence Wiseman (b 30 Nov 1922); Billie Edna Wiseman (b 4 Nov
1924); and Gladys Lanell Wiseman (b 14 May 1926).
Archie Calvin
and Beulah Dunlap Wiseman had 5 children: Mary Alice
Wiseman (b 11 Oct 1930 d 19 May 1934); Archie Calvin Wiseman, Jr.,(b
4 Sep 1932); LouRetta Wiseman (b 20 Aug 1935); Billy Ray Wiseman
(b 28 Mar 1937 [Easter Sunday]); Frankie Lee [Pudd] Wiseman (b 20
Jan 1940).
Billy Ray
Wiseman m 2 Nov 1963 Fredericksburg, Texas Gladys Mary Striegler
(b 19 Dec 1936 Hye, Blanco County, TX) daughter of Mary Belle Rountree
(b 20 Aug 1900 d 4 Jul 1978 Johnson City, TX) and Victor Emanuel
Striegler (b 12 Jun 1896 d 12 Oct 1970). Gladys is a descendant of
Captain Richardson Rountree, a Revolutionary War veteran from
Edgefield County, South Carolina. Billy Ray and Gladys met while both were
officers in the U. S. Army at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Bill published
with co-workers over 400 articles on "Plant Resistance to Insects" and
served as an adjunct Professor at the Universities of Florida and Georgia.
He holds the distinction of being both a "Fellow" and "Honorary Member" of
the Entomological Society of America.
Gladys was the 9th child
and 5th girl of ten children of Victor Emmanuel &
Mary Belle Rountree. Her siblings include: George William (b 14
May 1919 d 3 May 1989); Victor Vernon (b 7 Aug 1921); Lillian
Irene Cable (b 25 Feb 1923); Leola Mae (b 8 Mar1925 d 18 Mar
1925); Mildred Maxine Grohman (b 22 Jan 1927); Marion Edward
b 14 Aug 1929); Virginia Belle Prehn Beam (b17 Oct 1931);
Maurice Lee (b 26 Dec 1933); Gladys Mary (b 19 Dec 1936); and
O.J. (b 12 May 1943).
More families associated with the
Wisemans are the Dunlaps of Laurens, South Carolina and Campbell County,
Georgia; Watkins of Newberry County, South Carolina; Bowles of Texas,
Mississippi and Virginia; Townsends of Texas, Mississippi and Georgia;
Adams of Texas, Georgia [Warren & Upson Counties] and Virginia and
Newberry, South Carolina; and McKinley of Mecklenburg, North Carolina, and
Warren, Washington, Crawford & Upson Counties in Georgia. We have more
information on the families associated with the following families:
Rountree [from Richardson Rountree of Edgefield, South Carolina and a
Revolutionary War soldier]; Hopkins family of Virginia, Campbell County,
Georgia and Texas, and Striegler family of Texas and Denmark.
We could not finish this article
without mentioning our offspring. Our son is William Samuel Wiseman II
(b 3 Oct 1966). This was the same day Bill finished his final orals
for his PhD. Our daughter is Amy Lucretia Wiseman Graham (b 27 May
1968 Tifton, GA), and our only grandchild, Samantha Camryn Graham
(b 6 Mar 2000). Sources used to compose this article included
courthouse records, wills, deeds, marriage and death records.
If you have further information on
these families you can contact Billy Ray Wiseman or Gladys Mary Striegler
Wiseman, 217 Fulwood Blvd., Tifton, GA. 31794. E-mail:
As Received by Benjamin Roper, Tax Clerk for
Extracted by Carol Hardy Bryan
Part Eight as begun in the Jan/Feb 2002
issue of QUILL.
Neal, James 14.33
North, John 04.88
Newsom, W. H. 07.54
Nixon, G. W. 07.95
Nicholson, J. L. 18.15
Nicholson, Walter, Dr. 09.10
Nicholson, S. W. 24.99
Neal, Benj. (M. C.) 01.90
Neal, Nancy, Mrs. 04.25
Norris, J. M. 15.48
Norris, Julia A., Mrs. 24.49
Nickerson, Chas 03.54
Nicholson, D. J., Mrs. 09.00
Nicholson, B. E., Maj. 04.25
Nicholson. A. R. 06.67 ½
Nappin, T. D. 01.15
Newhouse, S. W., Mrs. 01.75
Norris, A. J. 02.00
Nicholson, Jas. A. 02.00
Nichols, W. C. 02.00
Newsom, W. A. B. 02.00
Neal, Abner (PC) 02.00
Nappier, J. O. 02.00
Nagle, A. G., Dr. 07.80
Nease, Daniel 02.00
Nelson, Wm 02.00
Nixon, Archa (PC) 02.00
Nixon, Smith ()C) 02.00
Newsom, Agu. (PC) 02.00
Nixon, George (PC) 01.00
Nesbet, P. (PC) 02.00
Napper, Jos. 02.00
Nicholson, Sidney (PC) 03.00
Oconnor, Frances 19.00
Overstreet, Silas 02.15
Ouzts, B. F. 03.45
Ouzts, Henry 02.67
Ouzts, P. D. 02.27
Ouzts, Aaron 01.90
Ouzts, Jacob 06.04
Ouzts, Isaac, Sr. 26.22
Ouzts, Lucinda, Mrs. 45.00
Ouzts, Peter 02.96
Ouzts, Isaac, Jr. 06,85
Ouzts, Benj., Jr. 50.45
Ouzts, J. T. Jr. 13.79
ONeale, Luke 01.68
Oxner, O. L., Dr. 06.46
Oxner, A. J. (Est) 02.44
Owdom, W. L. 02.04 ½
Owdam, W. A. 07.05
Ouzts, C., Mrs. 11.23
Ouzts, Geroge 17.61 ½
Ouzts, Daniel 09.67 ½
Ouzts, J. T., Dr. 14.19 ½
Ouzts, C. P.01.66 ½
Ouzts, G. M. 01.90
Ouzts, Martin 09.25
Orinder, Isaac 24.00
Orinda, Wm 02.15
Ouzts, Franklin (Est) 01.49 ½
Owens, W. H. 00.06
Obrien, M. (Est) 01.09
Ouzts, S. W. (Est) 05.65
Owens, Sam’l 02.00
Ouzts, Jas. W. 02.00
Ouzts, F. M. 03.00
Ouzts, Martin 02.00
Owdam, J. J. 03.00
Ouzts, Marshall 02.00
Oconner, Wm 02.00
Osborne, John H. 02.00
Oliver, J. M. 03.00
Oliver J. B. 02.00
Ouzts, James (PC) 02.00
Pickens, F. W. 140.75
Powell, Charles 03.75
Panton, Jas 10.35
Pardue, Wm 04.21 ½
Pilcher, John 30.00
Pilcher, Dicy, Mrs. 66.00
Powell, James 03.80
Purvis, Jas 05.35
Pollatty, Jacob 04.36
Pollatty, John S. 67.00 ½
Permenter, John 02.07 ½
Powell, David 01.15
Pardue, C. J. 02.45
Pardue, Wiley 01.45
Pardue, Alfred (Est) 60.00
Posey, Elbert 23.40
Posey, Frances 01.50
Plunkett, C. H. 05.61
Posey, M. W. 03.30
Prater, E., Mrs. (Trust) 01.30
Posey, Nelly, Mrs. 01.16 ½
Posey, F. H. 04.35
Powell, Wm 07.98
Padgett, M. 26.03
Parkman, Chas. 12.42
Porter, Jas C. 37.87
Prince, Jos 41.40
Patterson, T. H., Dr. 10.27 ½
Prince, John 04.36
Prince, Thomas 07.89
Prince, P. (Est) 04.36
Paine, Thos 57.30
Partlow, J. A. (Abb. D.) 07.00
Partlow, J. Y. L. 75.00
Pardue, David 03.33 ½
Parkman, Jeff 05.90
Powell, J. W. 03.58 ½
Padgett, T. D. 10.27 ½
Permenter, Evans 90.00
Peterson, C., Mrs. (Est) 05.40
Padgett, M. M. 25.05
Pow, Jas S. 07.02
Pitts, Irena, Mrs. 04.90
Padgett, Josiah 14.80
Purifoy, S. A., Mrs (Trust) 07.20
Pou, P. J. W. 19.65
Paysinger, J. G. 10.12
Perry, Wesley 05.82
Perry, James 05.90
Peterson, Spencer (Est) 72.00
Peterson, J. F., Rev. 07.40
Powell, T. S. (Est) 09.40
Procter, Daniel 27.30
Perry, J. C. 05.40
Padget, Wm 111.25
Padgett, Mary, Miss 90.00
Powell, Ellen, Mrs. 69.00
Pringle, R. A. 45.00
Parkman, Jas 08.61 ½
Parkman, J. M. 04.45
Polatty, J. P. 04.49
Posey, Sam’l, Col. 05.00
Parks, R. T. 04.10
Prescott, W. T. 60.45
Parks, W. L. 08.70
Penn, L. J., Mrs. (Trust) 02.25
Page, D. S. 03.66
Pope, Jacob (Est) 42.83
Pryor, Mary, Mrs. 60.00
Perry, E. W., Capt. 10.92
Prince, Rob’t 13.40
Payne, B. F. 17.35
Payne, David,(Est) 09.55
Payne, T. W. 44.03
Pow. J. R. 17.40
Prescott, E., Mrs. 43.25
Penn, E. (Est) 01.50
Prince, Tompkins & Co. 09.00
Parkman, Thos. 03.11
Padget, D. W.q06.66
Padgett, J. E., Dr. 09.55
Perry, Bennett (Est) 65.26 ½
Parker, H. Dr. 08.30
Powell, Jacob, Mrs. 30.00
Pipe, E., Mrs. 01.75
Prince, T. S. 01.78
Padget, E. 01.98
Philips, John (PC) 02.00
Philips, Ellis (PC) 02.00
Philips, Nat (PC) 02.00
Philips, Butler (PC) 03.00
Powell, J. W. 02.00
Parker, Wm 02.00
Pennington, R. R. 02.00
Prescot, John B. 02.00
Pollard, W. W. 02.00
Peterson, James (PC) 02.00
Page, J. G. 02.00
Pickens, Frank ()C) 02.00
Parker, David 02.00
Plunkett, R. (PC) 02.00
Pass, Samuel (PC) 02.00
Pendleton, Major (PC) 02.00
Padget, Ben (PC) 02.00
Pace, George 02.00
Pilott John 02.00
Paine, John W. 02.00
Perry, Giles (PC) 02.00
Prince, John 02.00
Peterson, Baz. 02.00
Plunkett, Hary (PC) 03.00
Pickens, J. C. (PC) 02.00
Pickens, N. (PC) 02.00
Pickens, Geo. (PC) 02.00
Pickens, Fred (PC) 02.00
Parkman, S. 03.00
Purifoy, D. P. 03.00
Pope, Sampson (PC) 02.00
Protcer, Winn (PC) 02.00
Procter, Larkin (PC) 02.00
Procter, John M. 03.00
Procter, Jack (PC) 02.00
Procter, Tucker ()C) 02.00
Procter, R. (PC) 02.00
Procter, Wm (PC) 02.00
Procter, Ben (PC) 02.00
Padgett, M. D. 03.00
Palmer, Ninian 03.00
Perry, Jack (PC) 02.00
Parrott, John 02.00
Prator, W. C. 02.00
Parkman, Wm. 02.00
Parkman, Tom (PC) 02.00
Powell, Wm 02.00
Pardue, John 02.00
Paul, James 02.00
Penn, Geo. L. 06.00
Peter, Thos. (PC) 02.00
Pitts, M. M. 02.00
Perry, John (PC) 02.00
Perry, George (PC) 02.00
Pope, Wilson (PC) 02.00
Paine, T. (PC) 02.00
Payne, Martin (PC) 02.00
Platt, Geo. 02.00
Powell, Lewis 02.00
Petty, David 02.00
Powell, Abram 02.00
Posey, Sam’l (PC) 02.00
Posey, B. (PC) 02.00
Powell, Del. 02.00
Platte, Able 03.00
Phillips, Rich. (PC) 02.00
Procter, Ansel 03.00
Prescott, Ben (PC) 03.00
Pardue, Geo. 02.00
Prescott, Scott (PC) 03.00
Pitts, Warren (PC) 02.00
Prince, Jess 02.00
Penn, George, Sr. (PC) 02.00
Prescott, Jack (PC) 02.00
Prescott, Martin ()C) 02.00
Presley, Ed 07.30
Quimby, Martha, Mrs. 04.00 ½
Quarles, Wm 02.48
Will be continued in the next issue
Two Johnson Men Given High Masonic Awards
The Augusta Chronicle of
October 15, 1949
Extracted by Carol Hardy Bryan
Finding the following extract
brought back memories of yesteryear. My father, George L. Hardy, looked
forward to his Masonic meetings and the greeting of local friends. They
must have always had a jolly good time. Daddy would always come home
smelling of cigar smoke. His lodge meetings were the only place I knew him
to smoke cigars, but I can vividly remember the tweed wool overcoat he
wore, and the time he took to shine his shoes. He was always careful to
look neat when he left home. That is something to be desired in this day
and time when slouchiness seems to be the norm.
Johnston, S. C., October 14.
O.D. Black Sr. and George Salter of
Johnston received reward buttons for 50 years of membership in the Masonic
order here last week when J.W. Cox made presentations in behalf of Kadosh
Lodge No. 181, A. F. M., of Johnston. Wives of the members were guests at
a dinner served at the Skyland Club in Johnston under the direction of
Charlie E. Simons. Mr. Cox presented 25-year reward buttons also to the
following 19: J.O. Clark, Dr. J.A. Dobey, E.B. Edwards, Dr. J.G. Halford,
George L. Hardy, H.J. Hendrix, the Rev. H.S. Hartzog, Cecil T. Hendrix, J.
E. LaGrone, Jack Lott, the Rev. P.E. Monroe, W.W. Rhoden Sr., Charles E.
Simons, John Wright, B.H. Wright, Spann Toney Sr., Wilbur Yonce Sr.,
George P. Yonce and J.W. Cox.
James Morrow - Japanese Red Spider Lily
Introduced First by Edgefield Native Son
Morrow was born 7 Aug 1820 to David and Sarah Morrow who had emigrated to
Willington, South Carolina from County Down, Ireland in 1818. His father
died when he was two years old and his mother married John Baxter Bull who
owned Pleasant Grove Plantation at Willington. From his early experience
on his stepfather’s plantation, he became interested in botany and in the
introduction of new crops. James Morrow was trained as a medical doctor,
as well as an agriculturalist. He was educated at the University of
Georgia, and obtained his medical degree in 1846 from the University of
Dr. Morrow was a key participant in
the expedition of Commodore Matthew Calbraith Perry to Japan in 1853 which
resulted in a treaty which granted the United States trading rights to two
Japanese ports, Jakodate and Shimoda. The opening of Japan ranks as one of
history’s most significant diplomatic achievements. During this expedition
Morrow kept a journal and gathered and prepared botanical specimens. The
red spider lilies were first planted in the United States in the
Willington-Mt. Carmel area when Dr. James Morrow sent them and other
plants from the Orient while he was on the Perry Expedition.
Works Cited
Cole, Alan B. (Editor). "Dr. James
Morrow 1947 Book A Scientist with Perry in Japan, The Journal of Dr.
James Morrow." Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press,
Edmonds, Bobby F. The Making of McCormick County. Columbia, SC: R.
L. Bryan Company, 1999.
Queries should be typed, generally
no longer than 150 words total per issue per member and will be printed as
space permits. Queries are free to members; $5.00 per query for
non-members. You may mail your query to the attention of: Editor, PO
Box 546, Edgefield, SC 29824-0546 or e-mail to:
hardybryan1@aikenelectric.net AND note in your e-mail if your are a
member.. Don’t forget to enclose a SASE when requesting help from others.
Jack Jennings, 7979 Briaridge Rd., Dallas, TX
75248, (972) 233-6499,
Jack@Jennings.net. Interested in parents of Jeremiah Jennings,
(b abt 1800 SC d aft 1870 AL) m 7 Jul 1825 AL Mary Ann Smith.
Children - Henry B, Isaac, Robert, Rebecca, Margaret Tillie, Jane,
Elizabeth Ann; m 2nd 1846 Jane Bailey (child - Jerry Sam).
He appointed Robert Jennings of Edgefield his attorney in estate of
William Jennings of Suffolk, Eng. in 1850. Any info will be
appreciated by 92 year old uncle.
George Cohen,
3920 Lorado Way, Los Angeles, CA 90043-1628, (323)
292-1650, harlemwest@aol.com would
like help locating the death dates of Henry Cohen (b October 1880
Edgefield, SC) and Rose Rainsford. He is buried at Macedonia
Baptist Church cemetery in an unmarked grave next to the grave of his
sister Lillian Cheatham. He is not listed in the death index. The
funeral home that probably handled the burial no longer exists. Memory has
him dying sometime circa 1945. Any suggestions on where I can find
information would be greatly appreciated.
Dallas L. Phelps,
1002 Queen Street, Camden, SC 29020 wants info on Robert D. (b abt
1800 SC d bef. 1910) and Elizabeth (b abt 1805 SC d bef. 1900)
Jones whose son was William A. Jones (b 1840 d bef 1920
EdgefieldCo., SC) m 5 June 1858 Edgefield Co., SC, Milly Ann Padgett
(b 1842 d 1920 Saluda Co., SC) and had Carrie Jones (b 1870 d 1952)
m Henry L. Padgett (b 1867 d 1946) and had Marcella Padgett
(b 1909 d 2002).Wayne Sartin, 1615 McCormick Hwy, Greenwood, SC
29646, (864) 227-0054,
gswartin@meta-net.net, and Loy Sartin, 125 Pin Oak Drive,
Greenwood, SC 29649, (864) 229-2960,
b52@emaralddis.com, are studying/researching the Phoenix Riot
that occurred in Greenwood County in November 1898. We would like to
locate descendants of the following people who were killed during the riot
between Tuesday, November 8 and Saturday November 12, 1898: Wade
Hampton McKenney, Jesse Williams, Columbus Jackson, Drayton Watts,
George Logan (son of Turner Logan), Essex Harrison, Ben Collins, Jeff
Darling, and Elisa Goode. We know that immediately after the riot many
African-Americans left Greenwood County to live in other states, such as,
Georgia, Mississippi and Alabama. Please contact us if you know of
descendants or have any information that would assist our study and
You Are Invited !
Sunday, April 6, 3 p.m., Dr. Walter B. Edgar will be
speaking at the Greenwood, South Carolina County Library. His topic is the
American Revolution in this area. Copies of his books will be available
for purchase, and he'll be available to autograph them. He's being
sponsored by the Library's reactivated Friends.
We really appreciate hearing your
comments, especially the positive. But when you have suggestions or
criticisms, those are also needed in order to meet your needs and
expectations. We read every word! You hear from us every two months in the
QUILL and on the web site, OEDGS.COM. Unless you visit or write, we don't
hear from you.
Wayne Ridlehoover wrote, "I received
the Jan/Feb issue of the Quill today and am responding to your article on
Mt. Lebanon. Of the eight persons listed as "original settlers" arriving
in 1836, two are my direct ancestors - William Logan and his son Hillary
Logan. At this time, this is a quick note to let you know what I have. The
first attachment is a quick printing of a group sheet on William Logan. It
samples the raw data I have in my database and thus needs editing before
you put anything in the OEDGS files. However it should give you a good
idea of the nature of my data. I can trace this family along several
branches to some twelve cousins I am currently in a forum looking for data
on William Logan (see second attachment). [These attachments are not
included in QUILL. Ed]
I have been unable to locate the
father or birth place of William. I think Elizabeth Logan, a widow in
Edgefieldin 1820 may be his mother. There was also a Wyatt Logan in
Edgefield in the same time frame and we believe he is a brother. In fact
William and Wyatt married sisters - Joanna Cason and Jemima Cason
respectively. Another Cason sister, Sarah Jane Cason, was the mother of
Martin Canfield, a third of eight family leaders listed and original
settlers at Mt. Lebanon. I have data on the Cason family back to
Spotsylvania County Virginia.
I have some data on related families
that I can provide.
I'll start on page 3 - very
interesting. These are the ancestors of Mrs. Rebecca Langford Langley. The
Colliers were the ancestors of Rebecca's late husband Emanuel, not hers.
Some of these people are buried in the Robertson Cemetery near Plum
Branch. This was another branch of the Keys that settled around Big
Stephen's Creek Church. Supposed to be a distant relation to my Turkey
Creek Keys.
Page 4--I often recall the wonderful
visit I had to Mt. Lebanon on the occasion of the 150th
anniversary on July 5, 1987. I have the commemorative funeral home fan,
for the church is not air conditioned!. For this I wrote an article that
appeared in the fall 1987 issue of the Carolina Herald. Jerry Scott wrote
an article in the same issue on historic South Carolina post offices.
Page 6--Catlett G. Thurmond was the
s/o Wm. & Eliz. Key Thurmond (my Keys). He was Edgefield sheriff from
1825- 830 (Ref: equity 470). Relation to Strom's line unknown. He was
supposedly run out of town for misappropriating funds. His widow ended up
at Mt. Lebanon also, where she died in 1875 and where I have seen her
Page 4-Uncle John & Aunt Addiah
Ridlehoover had arrived in Mt. Lebanon by 1838; later moved to the lower
part of Bienville Parish.
Page 9 - Mary Ellen Allen (d 1861
buried possibly in the Nicholson cemetery).
P. 17 - I answered the query about
Will Cartledge. Not that I know, but the coroner's records are in the
Clerk of Court’s office at McCormick. They were written by my great great
grandfather Ridlehoover!
Wow, Wayne! Now that’s the kind of
response I would like from a lot of our readers. You provided important
additional information regarding the folks in that article on Mt. Lebanon.
Thanks. The rest of you, take notice. We like to hear from you!
Vernon Miller, Archivist
The Old Edgefield District
Genealogical Society is very grateful for your gifts which provide an
expanding collection of valuable research materials concerning Old
Edgefield District.
Society Funds
Post Offices of South Carolina
(1865-1890) and Their First Postmasters, 195 page, spiral-bound book;
Just Mud, Kershaw County, S. C. Pottery to 1980, 96-page, soft-bound
book; Partners with the Sun: S. C. Photographers (1840-1940), 415-page,
hard-bound, indexed book; Cleryymen and Chiefs: A Genealogy of the
MacQueen and MacFarlene families, indexed book; Free Blacks and Mulattos
in South Carolina 1850 Census, 254-page, soft-bound, indexed book;
Blacks Found in the Deeds of Laurens & Newberry Counties, SC, 1785-1827,
204-page, soft-bound, indexed; Free African Americans of North Carolina,
Virginia and South Carolina from the Colonial Period to About 1820,
Volume I, 504-page, soft-bound, indexed and Volume II, 537-page,
soft-bound, indexed; State of Rebellion: Reconstruction in South
Carolina; 250-page, hard-bound, indexed; Edgefield County African
American Cemeteries, Volume I, 239-page, soft bound, indexed - includes
the following African-American cemeteries: Simmon Ridge Baptist, Moore’s
AME, Macedonia Baptist, Liberty Springs Baptist, Science Hill Baptist,
Pleasant Grove Baptist, Poplar Spring Baptist, Shady Grove Baptist,
Carey Hill Baptist, Bland Baptist, and Mount Pleasant Baptist; Will Book
F, Edgefield County 1867-1876, (WPA Transcript), 140-page, loose-leaf
notebook; Will Book E, Edgefield County, (WPA Transcript), 335-page,
loose-leaf notebook; Ain’t Gonna Lay My ‘Ligion Down: African American
Religion in the South, 141-page, hard-bound; At Freddom’s Door: African
American Founding Fathers and Lawyers in Reconstruction South Carolina,
269-page, hard-bound; Black Slave Owners: Free Black Slave Masters in
South Carolina, 1790-1860, soft-bound, indexed; South Carolina Magazine
of Ancestral Research Index, Volumes XXI -XXX, 1993-2002, 310-page,
hard-bound; Charleston District, South Carolina Journal of the Court of
Ordinary (1812-1830), 212, hard-bound; The Black Family in Slavery &
Freedom (1750-1925), 664-page, hard bound, indexed; The South Carolina
Dispensary: A Bottle Collector’s Atlas and History of the System, 215
pages, soft-bound; The River Front Potters of North Augusta, 60 pages,
soft-bound; The World of the American Indian, 400 pages, hard-bound,
indexed; The Anderson Intelligencer, Volume I, July 1882-December 1890,
includes births, deaths, and marriages, not only for Anderson County,
but other South Carolina counties and adjoining states; South Carolina
Death Certificate Index 1915-1949, 8 CD Rom Discs.
Helen T. Daeger,
122 Michael Road, Blythewood, SC 29016
Senator Strom Thurmond - Newspaper
pictures and article about Senator Thurmond’s 52nd birthday
Chip Simkins,
1120 East Bay Shore Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23451
Francis Butler Simkins: Historian
of the South, 85 pages, soft-bound.
Dick Whatley,
2119 Second Avenue N, Pell City, AL 35125
Big Stephen’s Creek Baptist Church
Minutes, soft-bound, indexed.
Pam Calhoun,
7406 Highway 25S, Ninety Six, SC 29666
Bohler Family Chart, 2 pages
Judith F. Russell,
1051 Forrest Hills Drive, Bogart, GA 30622-2422
Annotated Research Bibliography of
the Walker and Bell Families of Edgefield, South Carolina 1770-1820,
16-page, spiral-bound; Children and Grandchildren of Samuel and Martha
Jefferson Bell Walker, Edgefield, SC 1770-1820, 28-page, spiral-bound.
Richard Fowler,
601 Wilkins Ford Road, Inman, SC 29349
Laurens County Kinfolks, Volume
II, Book One: Abercrombie-Cunningham, approximately 400-page,
soft-bound, indexed and Volume II: Dalrymple-Williams, approximately
400-page, soft-bound, indexed; Descendants of the Colony of Virginia:
The Formation of Selected Virginia Counties, 8-page binder.
Bettis C. Rainsford,
108 ½ Courthouse Square, Edgefield, SC 29824
Records of Thomas Rainsford of
Edgefield District, SC, 7 loose leaf paper of family records including
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gray,
PO Box 779, Thonotosassa, FL 33592
Eighteenth Century Register of
Emigrants from Southwest Germany, 516-page, hard-bound, book. Edgefield
names included are Miller and Zimmerman.
Sameera U. Thurmond,
PO Box 423537, San Francisco, CA 94142
Extraction from the Register of
Signatures of Depositors in the Augusta, Georgia Branch of the Freeman’s
Savings ans Trust Company, Volume I, November 1870 - June 1872, 44
pages, spiral-bound, indexed; African-American Baptist Church Cemetery
Surveys, several loose-leaf pages. Included are the histories of Spring
Grove, Old Macedonia, Mealing Grove, Simmon Ridge, Poplar Springs, Mt.
Zion, Jerusalem Missionary, Bethany, Young Macedonia, Laura Grove
Missionary, Mt. Lebanon, and Mt Transfiguration. Also included are the
cemetery surveys from Hopewell, Mt. Lebanon, Bethany and Old Cedar
Edith Greisser,
31 Summerset Bay Drive, Cross Hill, SC 29332
Newberry County, South Carolina
Equity Records (1868-1869) and Washington District Equity Records
(1816-1843), soft-bound, indexed.
Bobby Peeler,
Edgefield Probate Court, 124 Courthouse Square, Edgefield, SC 29824
Probate Estate Index 1785-Present,
296 loose leaf pages.
Richard K. Fischer,
19 Hazelwood Circle, Ephrate, PA 17522
Travis and Bonham, copies of
original Texas records of land acquisitions, etc. Includes many pages of
color copies of the documents of the famous duo from Edgefield who were
heroes in the Alamo.
Neil Bussey,
1903 Riley Court, North Augusta, SC 29841
Bussey Family (1622-2002), 95-page
Robert E. Sanders,
568 Patterson Road, Laurenceville, GA 30044
Sanders Family, 5 loose leaf
Bob Johnson,
181 Windjammer Drive, Leesville, SC 29070
A Record of Service in the
Freedmen’s Bureau 1866-1868: Major William Stone, 97-page binder.
Gene Jarrell,
Alligator Creek Publications, 1009 Flintwood Court, High Point, NC 27265
The Guilford Genealogist, Summer
2002 and Fall 2002.
Dr. Billy R. Wiseman,
217 Fulwood Boulevard, Tifton, GA 31794
Wiseman Family History, 5
loose-leaf pages; Descendants of Thomas Wiseman, 21 loose-leaf pages;
Dedication of 1998 Army Worm Symposium to Dr. Billy Ray Wiseman: Plant
Resistance Expert, 12 loose-leaf pages.
Frank Roberson,
956 Herndon Dairy Road, North Augusta, SC 29842
Where a Few Gather in My Name: The
History of the Oldest Black Church in America - The Silver Bluff Baptist
Church, 98 pages, soft-bound, indexed.
Ralph Scurry stirs the stew pot at
the member appreciation dinner on Saturday, February 8. We appreciate
Ralph’s willingness to take on this project. He did it all by himself in
order to guard his special recipe. We DIDN’T mind, either. It was a treat
to be "treated." We also want to recognize the wonderful volunteers who
help to make OEDGE successful. "Noonie" Holtzlander and Vernon Miller
spend no less than one day a week greeting and helping visitors. Raymond
Timmerman dedicates his days on Monday to helping out in the Library. He
goes to the Post Office at least twice a day, in addition to the many
hours he spends in the Tompkins Library processing resource orders and
helping visitors. He spends untold hours keeping the financial records for
our hundreds of members. Marie Mims is in the Tompkins Library on a
continuing basis continuing the work begun by her honored mother, Nancy
Mims, who was the one who initiated the efforts to form the resource
library and was also responsible for the organization of the OEDGS.
By Owen Clark
The Edgefield Advertiser,
founded in 1836, is the oldest newspaper in South Carolina. William Walton
Mims, who has edited the weekly paper since 1937, retired at the end of
2002 and turned the paper over to his daughter Suzanne Mims Derrick. She
has assembled an enthusiastic staff of contributors from throughout
Edgefield County. Her goal is to make the Advertiser a paper rich in local
news and in the culture and history of our area.
The Advertiser office will
remain at 119-120 Courthouse Square in Edgefield. Subscriptions are $10.00
a year, and the mailing address is P. O. Box 628, Edgefield, SC 29824. The
telephone number is 803-637-3540. A staff member will be in the office
during most business hours.
Quill salutes our sister publication
across Courthouse Square and wishes The Advertiser a productive and
successful future. |